Hi all
Little Evelyn arrived yesterday 4:20pm weighing 6lb 6oz
After breaking waters at 11 had a few contractions but not enough, already had the drip up for antibiotics so they started the hormone drip at 2pm and turned the dose up every half an hr
I was using the gas, dh went to pick kids up from school and take them back to my mum, he got back at 4pm by which point Contractions were very strong, I had to then lay on left as her heart rate was dipping, suddenly felt the urge to push but still had underwear on haha
Midwife said you're not secretlt pushing are you, I said no I've still got my knickers on lol, 2 seconds later I was saying I'm pushing! Cue rush about for Dh to pull off knickers and I turned on all fours, few pushes and she was out, think everyone was very surprised and not expecting it thst quick lol, I definitely wasn't
Dh had only been back 20 mins and when he left I was barely having contractions!..
We've had a good sleep and she's fed a lot, I'm more tired now than last night and that's after 6 hours sleep lol
The other 3 came up to visit last night and all so in love with her
Should be home today
Lucy, hope scan goes well
Babymoma, good luck with your appointment