July/Aug 2022 babies ❤️

Hayleigh, hope tannyn can be discharged again soon, sorry to hear you haven't had the best treatment you should have done, definitely not what you need after having the surgery and a new baby

Lucy, thank you, I will update when I can, just hope I can actually go in the morning and they're not too busy! Have to call at 8am and check first
Glad you're well and hope your body is preparing too with the period type pains
Exciting about the pram too, prams are never boring!

Think I'm as ready as I'll ever be, spent this morning changing all the bedding in the house, done 3 loads of washing, put the next to me crib up, cleaned the newborn car seat, done a small shop and filled up the kids fridge and snacks upstairs in their playroom so they have access to lots when my mum and sister is babysitting, not that they won't get them anything haha, they just like to be able to get things themselves sometimes when they're in the loft room and can't be bothered to walk downstairs lol
I've cleaned all the toilets, emptied bins and dishwasher
Got school clothes out for the next 2 days in piles

I can do no more!

Finally now going to have a bath and prepare myself for tomorrow before leaving at 2 for the school run

MrsT the k you for the well wishes, Cian is sooo handsome! Thank you for sharing another pic, making me even more excited for tomorrow!

Babymoma, how are you today? Anymore contractions?

Redrose, great news you have a date, certainly sounds you will be ready by 36 weeks If little one is head down and you have lost some mucus plug, I'm interested to know what my cervix is like tomorrow when they try and break my waters first, had so many pains the last few evenings surely something must have been happening
Oh he is absolutely adorable. I am so so broody for a newborn now seeing him.
Hopefully will fall with my rainbow soon.

So sorry ure stuck in hospital.
I had pre eclampsia real bad with my dd. She’s 9 now but they had to induce me at 35+4 weeks and she spent 18 days in scbu.
I hope they can get you to 36 weeks and the hope that comes around quickly for you.

Good luck love

Sorry little one is back in love
@MrsT116 his jaundice levels come back this morning 4.4 below the treatment line. So he went back on the phototherapy bed because he has to be below 5. But yet they didn't admit him when he was only 1.2 below the treatment line.
He has another lot of bloods due in about and hour then hopefully by 14.30 we will find out if he can come off the phototherapy. We then have to wait another 12 hours for a rebound blood test to make sure.

Sorry forgot to press post on the above haha.

So his bloods come back 8.2 below the treatment line and they took more blood work this morning at 5am so that they can see what the rebound test says. Fingers crossed for going home today.

Good luck star! Xx
Thank you hayleigh, hope results are good today and you can get little one home!

Sugger, thank you, I really hope you get your rainbow too, please keep us posted
Thinking of you today Star!

Hayleigh how frustrating for you. You must be so keen to get him home now.
Thank you Lucy!

Just waiting for maternity to ring back as they said they're quite busy so need to talk to Dr after their rounds and ask about a time
I haven't felt much movement though this morning so I'm trying to sit still until they ring back

Hope everyone is OK today
Let us know what they say, have my fingers crossed they get you in this morning especially with reduced movements.
She started moving more so that's good, didn't really want to need to go in if they're busy
Going in at 7pm, they will see if can break waters, if they're not too busy on labour ward and can break waters they will and then I'll stay in.
If I'm not favourable for waters to be broken they will put balloon in and I cna go home and wait for contractions to start, waters to break or for the balloon to fall out
Not sure what option I prefer but least I can get the kids in bed and everything ready for school the next day of Dh is here to take them
Also means I can watch their sports day today, Dd is 6 and they're doing it with the pre school so dd2 who is 2 and DS who is 4 will also be doing it so I'm glad not to miss it, although the waiting all day is going to kill me haha just want to get a move on, feeling so uncomfortable today when I walk etc
Thank you so much @star25 will keep u all posted hopefully u guys will keep this group going because it mite be another 6+ months of trying for me. yay for a time to go in. I hope they can just break your waters for you. Good luck love
Hello ladies how is everyone ? I can't believe how close we all are now! Star I hope they aren't too busy and keep you in. I mean they are always going to be busy lol they can push you off.

Hayleigh sorry that you been messed about by the hospital. They should if just kept him the first time.

As for me I'm still here.. bp has behaved itself but protein in urine is building up . I was in alot of pain last night like intense period cramps that wrapped around to my back. It was like early labour pains. But with no tightening. Now baby has recently gone head down and I just think it's that. That my body isn't used to him being so long. After some paracetamol it stopped.. gone so tired now. Less than 2 weeks until induction
Ahh Redrose, glad you can rest though as much as you don't want to be there at least you're being regularly monitored
We are definitely all so close now!

Sports day was fun so I'm glad I didn't go in this morning, out of 3 races Dd came 1st off 2nd then 1st again, she was so fast!

DS only done 1 race as it was pre school but they made it longer than the others and he came 2nd

Annabelle who is 2 came last but it was the cutest thing ever, she ran with a teacher by her side, kept running in a straight line the whole time smiling away, second half of the race she was the only 1 running as everyone had already finished lol

Now to make dinner and get ready to go, my nerves are kicking in again!
I was team yellow! I had boy vibes most of the way through the pregnancy but was still shocked at the end when he arrived! My girls were extatic to have a brother.

Yes, going home 24 hours post section is a bit early I think, bur the hospital policy is that as long as baby is ok 24 hours post delivery and you're happy to go, no complications etc then you can go. The pain is getting a bit better each day thankfully.

@hayleight87 sounds like you've had a bit of a crap time in terms of your care, that's not good! I must say the care has been pretty good postnatally here. How is baby doing now?

@RedRose19 I'm sorry you've been admitted. Must be very frustrating for you. What's the visiting like? Are you able to see much of your partner/kids?

@star25 yay fir induction date, is it tomorrow? How are you feeling about it? Fingers crossed all goes well.

@Lucy3 how are things with you?

@babymoma89 not long for you now!! How ru feeling?

Here's a little pic of my cutie Cian just because :cloud9:

View attachment 1109656
Awwww so precious.
I'm hanging in there apparently suffering from prodromal labor :| I've been up every night since Friday from 1:30 am on with painful contractions that go for hours and then stall . I see the doctor Thursday hope to have made some progress or get my induction date. This is absolutely miserable and I'm exhausted.
Star, hanging out for your update. Hope they could break your waters. Sports day sounded so lovely, glad you got to see your little ones participate. Love those school events!

red rose how are you feeling about being in hospital? Are you keeping yourself busy with activities? Must be so difficult.

babymoma you must be exhausted! Hopefully the contractions are doing something and when labour starts it will be quick
Well this isnt great so far
Came in at 8, wnet on ctg, all ok
Went to labour ward for Dr to put in balloon, sounded more complicated than what I was imagining, thought a midwife would just do it and off I go!
They gave me gas and air in case was needed which I wasn't expecting but I didn't use it
It hurt at first, had Dr doing it and a midwife and another midwife next to me, they couldn't do it, basically I think my vag isn't as tight as it used to be she was saying in a polite way due to having 3 kids haha, which meant she couldn't actually see my cervix to do it
She done an Internal to try and feel it, I was actually 2cm dilated
She then tried again, then the midwife tried feeling it, honestly amount going In there I've never had anything like it!
Then they got it in, well 1 side of it by the cervix, the other end should have been in the vagina I think they were saying, they were trying to fill it with saline but it wouldn't work, then I started bleeding
It basically fell out straight away, my body was having none of it.

Got given the option to be monitored for couple of hrs then go home, they could either call me in the night if there was a free midwife to break waters as Labour suite busy or I could call in the morning to see how busy they are, by which point 2 more people were on the list to be Induced and I would basically be at the back of the queue again
I decided to stay in as would be midnight by the time monitored
Baby's fine, contractions started every 7 mins, then every 5 mins, pretty psi fuk but managed to breathe through them
At 1 point blood was dripping out so went back on monitor a few times
Managed to fall asleep about 4am and it's now 6am and Contractions seemed to have fizzled out as I wouldn't have been able to sleep otherwise
Started bleeding again so they're telling Dr and that's where we've got up to at the moment!

Sorry that was long, think the plan would be to break my waters soon as someone on labour suite had their baby, but I'm glad I stayed in as would have been coming back with how strong the pain was and bleeding so jsut seeing what happens next

Babymoma, hope this stages moves on for you a or you get a date soon! I feel for you with the tiredness right now
@star25 Thanks hun sorry you are going through all that. Hope you get your water broken soon and that sweet baby arrives nice and easy for you.

@Lucy3 yes I'm shattered as again got no sleep last night. Luckily I see the doctor tomorrow and hoping for some good news.
Star the balloon catheters don’t sound fun at all! I’ve been with a woman who got one as a support person (when I was a student midwife) and it was quite a lot and the doctor had to stop. I do wonder why they’re using them, I understand they’re not using medication which some prefer, but just looks a bit much to get in! Looking forward to your next update!

babymoma yep your belly looks done! Hope your appointment goes well and you get a plan in place.

I’m getting a growth scan today, yay! But also nervous. Wish I could just enjoy it!
Hi all

Little Evelyn arrived yesterday 4:20pm weighing 6lb 6oz
After breaking waters at 11 had a few contractions but not enough, already had the drip up for antibiotics so they started the hormone drip at 2pm and turned the dose up every half an hr
I was using the gas, dh went to pick kids up from school and take them back to my mum, he got back at 4pm by which point Contractions were very strong, I had to then lay on left as her heart rate was dipping, suddenly felt the urge to push but still had underwear on haha
Midwife said you're not secretlt pushing are you, I said no I've still got my knickers on lol, 2 seconds later I was saying I'm pushing! Cue rush about for Dh to pull off knickers and I turned on all fours, few pushes and she was out, think everyone was very surprised and not expecting it thst quick lol, I definitely wasn't
Dh had only been back 20 mins and when he left I was barely having contractions!..

We've had a good sleep and she's fed a lot, I'm more tired now than last night and that's after 6 hours sleep lol

The other 3 came up to visit last night and all so in love with her

Should be home today

Lucy, hope scan goes well

Babymoma, good luck with your appointment
Aww star what a beautiful day! I’m so glad baby Evelyn is here safely and well done you for getting her out so quickly! Enjoy those newborn cuddles and i hope you catch up on some sleep. So happy for you!
Hi all

Little Evelyn arrived yesterday 4:20pm weighing 6lb 6oz
After breaking waters at 11 had a few contractions but not enough, already had the drip up for antibiotics so they started the hormone drip at 2pm and turned the dose up every half an hr
I was using the gas, dh went to pick kids up from school and take them back to my mum, he got back at 4pm by which point Contractions were very strong, I had to then lay on left as her heart rate was dipping, suddenly felt the urge to push but still had underwear on haha
Midwife said you're not secretlt pushing are you, I said no I've still got my knickers on lol, 2 seconds later I was saying I'm pushing! Cue rush about for Dh to pull off knickers and I turned on all fours, few pushes and she was out, think everyone was very surprised and not expecting it thst quick lol, I definitely wasn't
Dh had only been back 20 mins and when he left I was barely having contractions!..

We've had a good sleep and she's fed a lot, I'm more tired now than last night and that's after 6 hours sleep lol

The other 3 came up to visit last night and all so in love with her

Should be home today

Lucy, hope scan goes well

Babymoma, good luck with your appointment

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