July & August 2021 Due Date Babies!

The tiredness has hit home today 10am and and ready for a nap.. So happy to have a week off work x
Has anyone had full-on vertigo with previous pregnancies? Sudden onset last night (5+1 today), and it's still there today... I'm going to go see my chiropractor in a bit to see if she can adjust things, and I'm calling my OB, but it's just so bizarre. I've had dizziness and lightheadedness before, but not this. It feels like the world is spinning or I'm on a boat or something, and laying down makes it worse. I had to prop myself up last night to sleep.
Just had my scan am 5+5 according to size of the baby am happy with that seen a tiny flicker of a heartbeat

@Danizzychar that's so exciting. Hello baba!
@Impatient27 oh no that sounds awful. I hope they can help you.
@Emsabub sorry the nausea is so bad. Don't feel guilty. The midwives will not think that at all. And you planned it all out for you and your family. What a better way to welcome a baby!

I'm a bit nervous at the moment as I don't really have any symptoms. Just alot of cramping and leg cramping. I had a miscarriage in July at 9 weeks so can't help but feel anxious! But in good news I managed to change my 1st apt and scan for just before Xmas so will be able to announce at Xmas we don't get scans until 12 weeks. I'll probably get a private early one done too at 8/9 weeks to put my mind at ease!
Thank you @Snackqueen <3
I've gotten over my silly worry now, if our wedding wasn't to happen next July we thought might as well do something productive and get the last baby out the way :rofl: Just didn't expect it to happen so quickly seeing as I'm so overweight and my periods are super long!

Also are you in the UK too? Cos of the 12 week scan thing? I'm wondering how the booking is going to go. I'm expecting it all over the phone which is quite sad cos I love to see my midwife face to face :(
@Emsabub You were very productive :rofl: I'm in Ireland. As far as I know it will be face to face. But just me, no Oh. What do they do there?
Vertigo finally went away after my adjustment at the chiropractor. OB thinks it was because I drank a total of 3 glasses of water yesterday :shock: ooops. Gotta remember I'm caring for a babe now too, not just me...

Love the scan, @Danizzychar!

@Snackqueen that'll be nice to get an early scan! I have my 12 week appointment scheduled for right before Christmas too - not early enough to make it into my Christmas cards though... might have to be New Year's cards this year. I'm in the US and they just started letting significant others in the room for ultrasounds a couple of weeks ago!

@Emsabub That would be unfortunate to have most appointments over the phone. I figured they'd want to hear baby's heartbeat or measure the bump or something at least!

@BABTTC123 did you get your numbers back? anxiously FX for you!
Welcome @BABTTC123 and @Snackqueen! I’ll add you to the front page - it’s crazy how the due dates are lining up!

@BABTTC123 I haven’t ever had levels tested, but you should post on the other boards, hopefully you can get some reassurance there!

@Chiochick I’ve been super tired too... I feel like I’m walking around in a haze all day.

@Snackqueen how are you feeling?

Do you know of any other groups of POS addicts? lol
For some reason every search I make brings up the same exact threads which most aren't geared towards my obsession #-o
@BABTTC123 I'm not sure how it all works with HCG levels, but as long as it's doubling?
@Snackqueen hi! I love your username :haha: And you're right we all seem to match on dates haha!
@Impatient27 how have you been? It looks like July is going to be a two day month at this rate!
@Chiochick ugh that exhausted feeling is horrible. Hopefully you can get hold of your person today!

I'm feeling a bit guilty about everything girls. I feel guilty that we purposely tried for this baby because we put our wedding back a year so decided we'd get the last baby done. As well as it being in the middle of a pandemic, I feel like the midwives will think I'm stupid, like why did she decide to get pregnant now? Probably way overthinking it here.

Also the nausea is still rumbling on. I'm not going to work today because of it but I cant tell my employer yet so I said my partner & daughter have a stomach bug. Ah well, might dig out the outdoor Christmas lights later if I feel a bit better.

Yes they are doubling, just are on the low end of the spectrum. It's giving horrible anxiety! I'm going to convince my doctor to do a US next week to rule out ectopic and to see what is there.
Vertigo finally went away after my adjustment at the chiropractor. OB thinks it was because I drank a total of 3 glasses of water yesterday :shock: ooops. Gotta remember I'm caring for a babe now too, not just me...

Love the scan, @Danizzychar!

@Snackqueen that'll be nice to get an early scan! I have my 12 week appointment scheduled for right before Christmas too - not early enough to make it into my Christmas cards though... might have to be New Year's cards this year. I'm in the US and they just started letting significant others in the room for ultrasounds a couple of weeks ago!

@Emsabub That would be unfortunate to have most appointments over the phone. I figured they'd want to hear baby's heartbeat or measure the bump or something at least!

@BABTTC123 did you get your numbers back? anxiously FX for you!

Results are:

HCG- 280.4miu
Prog- 16.7ng

My doctor taught us how to do progesterone injections so now I get poke in the butt once per day :brat:
It's safe to say that I am feeling a little butthurt :haha:
@BABTTC123 ouch injections don't sound fun. Hope you're doing ok and the doc does a ultrasound for you

How is everyone doing?

I'm feeling exhausted! But that could be to do with work and a wild toddler :sleep:

Very random.. but does anyone wear a fit it? I noticed my rhr went up and stayed up over last few weeks which is normal for pregnancy. But it dropped slightly today.. Starting to get a bit anxious again!! Has anyone ever noticed this happening before?
Hi ladies. Thought I'd pop in. I had my first appointment today. It was pretty boring. They didn't do an ultrasound because they said we wouldn't see much this early. I mostly just chatted with the dr and scheduled my next appointments. They confirmed my pregnancy with a urine test but didn't do any blood work this time. I'll have an ultrasound in 2 weeks and my first OB appt December 14th.
I'm starting to feel nauseous this week and I'm definitely feeling food aversions. Baby decides what we eat now lol.
@Chiochick - Lucky you get an ultrasound at 8 weeks! Where are you located again? My OB is now skipping the 8 week and just doing a 12 week because of COVID.

@Snackqueen - I don't wear a fitbit, but I'd be interested to know what you find!

My initial nausea completely went away after switching to a gummy prenatal instead of a pill, but I'm exhausted all the time, super bloated, and am dealing with on and off vertigo / dizziness / unsteadiness. My chiro took my blood pressure last week and it was SUPER low. OB isn't concerned right now, but it makes me feel very unstable.

I've also been really anxious and emotional... work has been insane, and turns out my son's daycare had a COVID incident last week. The person with COVID had contact with one of my son's teachers on Wednesday, and then that teacher was with my son on Friday. So possible exposure, plus my son's teacher won't have her test results until Thursday or Friday this week. It's really stressing me out. I hate COVID and wish it would just go away :-(
How is everyone doing? I know it's a little slow at the moment since most of us don't get to see/confirm babies until 12 weeks.....
@Impatient27 hi, how are you doing? did it turn our ok with sons teachers test results? How's the vertigo doing? What do they do for low blood pressure? No wonder you've been so dizzy.

I'm feeling quite overwhelmed at the moment. Feel like I don't have the energy or brain power to do all I've to do! And still not sure I can believe that everything is OK with this pregnancy. Until I see a scan I think I'll just keep feeling like this. I wasn't expecting to so it's kind of surprised me! I know that sounds so stupid!! Sorry about the rant 8-[
Hi girls, sorry, jn between horrible nausea & exhaustion and a stroppy 4 year old I haven't been on much.
I can't believe im almost 7 weeks, first midwife appointment is Friday 27th for booking in eek!

@BABTTC123 how have the injections been going? If you've started them yet.
@Chiochick I've got you with the aversions and baby decides what to eat.. today was salt and vinegar crisps :lol: that ultrasound will soon come around!
@Impatient27 try not to worry. This will all come to an end someday, we will probably have to live with it forever but it'll become another seasonal flu in time :hugs:
@Snackqueen don't worry about the rant, I didn't read it that way! Have you got anything you can throw yourself into to distract from the nagging doubt? I'm sure all is fine inside :hugs:
@Snackqueen Teacher test came back negative last night! So that's a relief. It's reassuring to know that masks + physical distancing actually works. The vertigo is gone, but I'm still dealing with the dizziness, especially if I move too fast. This pregnancy so far has been SO different from my first. I know how you feel about the scan - it doesn't feel real yet! Did your RHR go back up?

@Emsabub Sorry about the nausea and crabby preschooler! Bad combo.... thanks for the reassurance - I know COVID will eventually relax its hold, it's just a pain in the a**! Especially around the holidays :( Also, what is it with vinegar and salt in early pregnancy - I'm having the same cravings! Yesterday I wanted banana peppers on manchego cheese...?!?
@Emsabub sorry about the nausea and the exhaustion! Hope it starts to ease off soon! Exciting your apt is soon! Nearly 7 weeks, so exciting. Do you use a PG app? I use ovia, wondering what ones people use.

@Impatient27 I hear you with the salt and vinegar cravings but that's always been my everyday craving. Any excuse :) your banana pepper and cheese one doesn't quite do it for me though :rofl: my RHR actually went down again which isn't helping me, that and when I wiped after using the bathroom it was light brown! But then I did almost faint last night and have been so exhausted today so I don't know anymore!
My doc was meant to ring me last week but never did so I'll have to get on again and see if she can ring me Monday just to help put my mind at ease!

Has anyone got any plans in how they're going to announce their pregnancy? Or how to tell other children? So many cute ideas on pinterest for Christmas time!
@Impatient27 thank you <3 I know! I guess S&V is a common thing! When you said banana peppers I instantly thought banana and melted cheese on top :rofl:
You just need to go turtle pace now to stop the dizziness, it's bad enough when you've had too much to drink but it's almost the same cos early pregnancy is basically a hangover!

@Snackqueen thank you also lovely! How many weeks are you now? You should add a little date ticker, I love looking at mine when I hit a new week. Even though I've done this twice before I still check it when it changes at midnight . I used to use Ovia, my partner uses Daddy Up! He loves it. In terms of announcements, my two are too young to know what it means. But we aren't telling anyone until after my partner's sister has her baby in late January, so assuming I don't show before then, we'll be saying it out loud around 24 weeks in. It's out of respect for her but a part of me is a teeny bit annoyed about it.

Well girls I got my anti sickness meds and they work but I'm only allowed 3 a day, which isn't enough since the effect wears off after an hour :sad2: I guess I'll have to ring my GP and ask if I can have more. Apart from that, I've got 9 days off work now yay!

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