July/August IUIs

Well, the blood test came back negative, which didn't surprise me. I was having brown spotting (JCM I was a google addict the past 48 hours, I re-read the same things too!) and just kind of felt "out". Anyways, since I'm not surprised, I have a lot of hope for the next cycle. That is, after I get over my fear of them finding cysts in the baseline ultrasound this week. So, please say a prayer we can go forward with this cycle, since we are both coaches (him- varsity football, me- head cross country coach) and our schedules get crazy in August. September-December IUI is impossible pretty much).

I'm emotionally ok, no breakdowns, not feeling hopeless. I have a lot of faith that hubby and I are getting closer to that bfp with these monitored and medicated IUIs. I really do. I know "feelings" aren't a science, but I also know that I'm tired of being OWNED by my emotions and this process. I just keep thinking WHENEVER we get our bfp, it will ALL be worth it. The bfp I got, even though it ended in MC, when I got it, it erased the past year and a half of trying. Just like that it was all worth it. If you aren't in a good place right now because of dissapointments and heartbreak, hang in there. I hate this as much as you all do. I don't see how a procedure where i produced two possibly three follicles and my husband had almost 200million motile sperm didn't work. It's beyond me.
But I do feel like if there are no major fertility issues maybe 2nd and 3rd time IUIs have a higher success rate than 1st IUIs. We'll see. Someone asked about progesterone/triggers and cycle length. Based on my spotting mine seems to be about the same. I just went off progesterone after getting the negative results so I'll let y'all know how long it takes for full flow to start. I didn't have any trouble on progesterone (i think it was keeping me from starting AF on Sunday though) and had NO side effects from femara like I did on clomid. However, my lower abdomen was really tender ( i kept thinking it was my uterus stretching for an embryo :() the entire past week. I'm not sure why. Ovulation wasn't painful, but after ovulation I was definitely tender in my lower abdomen and lower back. Any ideas?

@raelynn I'm so sorry about you missing your chance. That would infuriate me and break me all at once. I hope you can have hope in the next cycle. :) thanks for starting this thread, you brought us all together!

@beagle hang in there! You're almost to test day! Hope you're our first bfp

@Miki I'm sorry for your bfn and AF. :( I wish I didn't have to say I understand, but I understand! Hang in there.

@JCM and @babylala Hope you're tww in going ok! you're kind of in purgatory, not too close to IUI but not close enough to test. Positive vibes and prayers for yall!

@sally and @luvsgreen and I think @butterfly Good luck and congrats on your iuis! hang in there for the tww, i swear it's longer after iui. :)

I don't know if you all are bible people, but i liked this verse and even if your not a bible person it's a good thought.

"Therefore, we do not lose heart. Though outwardly we are wasting away, our inner self is being renewed day by day." 2 Cor 4:16

Here's to a future cycle (or 9 months!) of being renewed and not losing heart. :
Ltruns, just remember IUI gives an infertile couple chances like a normal couple trying based on the situation...so even in the perfect scenario, it could fail. That is why 3 IUIs is ideal. Good luck & glad you are feeling okay about it.
Ltruns - so sorry for your bfn. I'm so glad you're in good spirits though. That verse is great, thanks for sharing.

I think I'm going to update the title of our thread to include August too if there are enough of us still left trying for the next round. Hearing from you all is helping me get through my own frustrating situation.
Oh Ltruns I was looking forward to hearing from you all day. I loved everything you said. Especially about not letting this own you. I know how you feel about cysts. I'm already fearing them and I'm not done with my 2ww!
Good idea, Raelynn! I like this little group!
Yes, beagle that is true! "levels the playing field" with other normal couples!

Raelynn great idea!

JCM I'm hoping we both don't have to worry about cysts in the future!
Hope you guys don't mind me jumping in.
Im 10 dpiui today. I was good for so long and then finally caved this morning: BFN with FRER. Trying to be hopeful but not feeling very lucky this cycle.

This was my 1st IUI. I had one mature follicle 20.5mm. It was a VERY slow grower - CD30 for my ovidrel CD32 for IUI - despite taking 2.5mg letrozole earlier this cycle.
I have never been pregnant before and have long irregular cycles (usually 50some days).

My 6 dpiui progesterone was also only 4.5 (which is strange bc my last non-medicated cycle was >10). My RE says I ovulated bc of the ovidrel but still very low numbers. I've been on progesterone gel since.

For all those reasons (late ovulation, low progesterone etc etc) I feel as though this cycle was a bust...but i'll hang hopeful for a few more days. Maybe next poas wednesday?!

My RE said i can come in for a beta on thursday or friday (13 or 14 dpiui).

FXd for those of you still in it! For those of you got caught by AF, I hope for a quick start to a smooth new cycle!!
Hope you guys don't mind me jumping in.
Im 10 dpiui today. I was good for so long and then finally caved this morning: BFN with FRER. Trying to be hopeful but not feeling very lucky this cycle.

This was my 1st IUI. I had one mature follicle 20.5mm. It was a VERY slow grower - CD30 for my ovidrel CD32 for IUI - despite taking 2.5mg letrozole earlier this cycle.
I have never been pregnant before and have long irregular cycles (usually 50some days).

My 6 dpiui progesterone was also only 4.5 (which is strange bc my last non-medicated cycle was >10). My RE says I ovulated bc of the ovidrel but still very low numbers. I've been on progesterone gel

For all those reasons (late ovulation, low progesterone etc etc) I feel as though this cycle was a bust...but i'll hang hopeful for a few more days. Maybe next poas wednesday?!

My RE said i can come in for a beta on thursday or friday (13 or 14 dpiui).

FXd for those of you still in it! For those of you got caught by AF, I hope for a quick start to a smooth new cycle!!

KJG123 I too am 10diui and I TOO caved and did HPT...first response early detection...BFN TOO!!! Im bummed but it helps to know that many women also have BFN's at this stage of the cycle. Trust me, Ive been googling this since I took the test and got the BFN. Im scheduled for the beta on Friday. Ive been sooooo hypersensitive to every little twinge/ache/pain, etc in my body since the IUI. Hubby had to take me to the Adirondack mountains this past weekend to get me away from googling every single thing (no cell service or wifi in the mountains). Only a few more days...sprinkling lotsa baby dust to you and everyone on this post!!! Keep your spirits up and have faith :)
Hope you guys don't mind me jumping in.
Im 10 dpiui today. I was good for so long and then finally caved this morning: BFN with FRER. Trying to be hopeful but not feeling very lucky this cycle.

This was my 1st IUI. I had one mature follicle 20.5mm. It was a VERY slow grower - CD30 for my ovidrel CD32 for IUI - despite taking 2.5mg letrozole earlier this cycle.
I have never been pregnant before and have long irregular cycles (usually 50some days).

My 6 dpiui progesterone was also only 4.5 (which is strange bc my last non-medicated cycle was >10). My RE says I ovulated bc of the ovidrel but still very low numbers. I've been on progesterone gel since.

For all those reasons (late ovulation, low progesterone etc etc) I feel as though this cycle was a bust...but i'll hang hopeful for a few more days. Maybe next poas wednesday?!

My RE said i can come in for a beta on thursday or friday (13 or 14 dpiui).

FXd for those of you still in it! For those of you got caught by AF, I hope for a quick start to a smooth new cycle!!

I am 12 days past so you are right behind me...good luck! I am getting negatives, too. Next test probably Wed.
Hope you guys don't mind me jumping in.
Im 10 dpiui today. I was good for so long and then finally caved this morning: BFN with FRER. Trying to be hopeful but not feeling very lucky this cycle.

This was my 1st IUI. I had one mature follicle 20.5mm. It was a VERY slow grower - CD30 for my ovidrel CD32 for IUI - despite taking 2.5mg letrozole earlier this cycle.
I have never been pregnant before and have long irregular cycles (usually 50some days).

My 6 dpiui progesterone was also only 4.5 (which is strange bc my last non-medicated cycle was >10). My RE says I ovulated bc of the ovidrel but still very low numbers. I've been on progesterone gel since.

For all those reasons (late ovulation, low progesterone etc etc) I feel as though this cycle was a bust...but i'll hang hopeful for a few more days. Maybe next poas wednesday?!

My RE said i can come in for a beta on thursday or friday (13 or 14 dpiui).

FXd for those of you still in it! For those of you got caught by AF, I hope for a quick start to a smooth new cycle!!

Hope you guys don't mind me jumping in.
Im 10 dpiui today. I was good for so long and then finally caved this morning: BFN with FRER. Trying to be hopeful but not feeling very lucky this cycle.

This was my 1st IUI. I had one mature follicle 20.5mm. It was a VERY slow grower - CD30 for my ovidrel CD32 for IUI - despite taking 2.5mg letrozole earlier this cycle.
I have never been pregnant before and have long irregular cycles (usually 50some days).

My 6 dpiui progesterone was also only 4.5 (which is strange bc my last non-medicated cycle was >10). My RE says I ovulated bc of the ovidrel but still very low numbers. I've been on progesterone gel

For all those reasons (late ovulation, low progesterone etc etc) I feel as though this cycle was a bust...but i'll hang hopeful for a few more days. Maybe next poas wednesday?!

My RE said i can come in for a beta on thursday or friday (13 or 14 dpiui).

FXd for those of you still in it! For those of you got caught by AF, I hope for a quick start to a smooth new cycle!!

KJG123 I too am 10diui and I TOO caved and did HPT...first response early detection...BFN TOO!!! Im bummed but it helps to know that many women also have BFN's at this stage of the cycle. Trust me, Ive been googling this since I took the test and got the BFN. Im scheduled for the beta on Friday. Ive been sooooo hypersensitive to every little twinge/ache/pain, etc in my body since the IUI. Hubby had to take me to the Adirondack mountains this past weekend to get me away from googling every single thing (no cell service or wifi in the mountains). Only a few more days...sprinkling lotsa baby dust to you and everyone on this post!!! Keep your spirits up and have faith :)

Welcome! Good luck with your testing and everything!
Sorry raelynn that is terribly frustrating :( so glad they will be monitoring closely next time around. Glad you turned the group into an August group as well!

Babylala what did you find out about symptoms 5dpiui? Lol implantation happens from 6dp and on right? TWW is even more annoying because AF symptoms always mimic pregnancy symptoms. When I was pregnant I was waiting for AF all depressed because of the cramps I was getting.

Miki so very sorry :( maybe a break will be therapeutic? How long will you guys take a break?

Ltruns sorry about your negative. You have such a great attitude about it all! I know it's not very common to get positive on first IUI so I'm trying to keep that in mind also. Good luck this time around!

Good luck for your next test beagle!

Jcm hope you are hanging in there...little over a week for us and babylala ahhhhh!!

My progesterone/ estrogen results came back good so they said nothing else was needed I just wait! Started exercise again. When they called about results I asked that nurse about exercise. At least at my RE's office they don't think it's an issue. No horseback riding though lol
@Ltruns - I'm so sorry! You have a such a wonderful, uplifting outlook on this so thank you for sharing and being so positive.

@kjg - Welcome and FX that you get your BFP this week!

@beagle and rocki - I'm looking forward to your BFPs this week!!!

@buttrfly - Congrats on the Progesterone results! haha, I know I'm crazy. The times I was pregnant before I think I started feeling some stuff 8-9 dpo so I should really just kick my feet up and relax until then and stop symptom spotting! Is your beta a week from today?!
Sorry I missed you kjg. Best of luck to you! Do they know why your cycles are so irregular? Wonder if they will increase your medication so you ovulate earlier? My cycles were so irregular and I was on 5 mg which seemed to do the trick.

Good luck rocki! Do you live in NY? I went to college close to the Adirondacks .

Babylala same day beta as you...7/23 :)
Sorry I missed you kjg. Best of luck to you! Do they know why your cycles are so irregular? Wonder if they will increase your medication so you ovulate earlier? My cycles were so irregular and I was on 5 mg which seemed to do the trick.

Good luck rocki! Do you live in NY? I went to college close to the Adirondacks .

Babylala same day beta as you...7/23 :)

Yesss!!! 7/23's going to be a good day for us!:happydance:
Hi ladies...woke up at 3 am & did not get back to sleep until 5. Woke up late & with a headache...I haven't had one in a while & the last few times they were related to my meds. Maybe this is a good sign ??? Getting nervous about testing tomorrow & almost want to just wait until Friday. I think I still have a decent shot even with the low count...plus the 3-4 eggs...but who knows. Just ready for the wait to be over. And I know if it is negative, I will have a rough few days...I always get upset after a negative. I think it has more to do with AF & hormones than the disappointment.
Our page is getting so popular! Welcome!!! : )
Beagle you are so close! I wouldn't be able to wait for Friday. I tested my trigger yesterday and there's still a faint line. It's been a week! I'm going to test it again tomorrow.
Leslie and Babylala, are you guys feeling like AF is coming at all? I had pretty bad cramps last night, all mostly in my back. The kind I get right before she comes. Also I'm super itchy. I know it's not because of injections (heparin) because I'm getting a week break from those. Maybe it's the progesterone? My boobs grew a size bigger last night too. Plus they hurt on the sides. This morning they are normal size. Bummer ; ) I took a Benadryl last night so I'd actually get some sleep. Doc says it's ok. But I woke up a couple times to pee. I read progesterone will do that to you but I was peeing lots before I started these fun little cream applications. : / more cramping this morning. If AF comes early I will freak out! I don't even think my body knows what's happening next! I swear my schedule has been maneuvered so much...23 day cycles, 16, 32, 24. What a mess! Plus I'm cranky. Plus I want those little tiny donuts from dunkin donuts. Maybe hubby will bring me some on his way home from the hospital. (Mike if you are reading this to laugh at me today bring home those things. No powdered ones though.)
Well, I guess I'll google 6dpiui now
JCM you crack me up! Your symptoms sound promising. I've been having cramps since the IUI though they're sporadic. They woke me up last night. Have you been having wild dreams? I had a dream that wolves were chasing my husband, wth? It's so weird and he was making fun of me this am. I've been on progesterone since 1 dpiui so I'm attributing everything that I feel to that. Good to know that the trigger is out of your system!

@beagle - Hang in there! I get so nervous before testing too but not too long before you get your BFP!!!
raelynn I am not sure. DH wants to do one more IUI before taking a break. We have this big family vacation with his side of the family and I was trying to not interfere with that, but it would require a long break. I am trying to decide whether to do one more.

JCM I spotted yesterday 12dpo and then full flow today. I have never had an entire day of spotting before flow before, but this was my first month with an HCG trigger.

Ltruns I am sorry you got a BFN. I love your optimism. I usually am as well, but it’s getting harder and harder. I hope this next month is your BFP! Great bible verse. Fits perfectly.

kjg welcome! I hope your cycle was successful.

beaglemom I hope that the headache is a good sign along with your needle pinch feeling.

rocki, kjg, beaglemom, Buttrfly, babylala I hope your tests come back with a BFP this week.

This month with be month 6 on Clomid so I must take a break after this month anyway, why waste it?? What do you ladies think? One more so not to waste the Clomid?
Mikihob, I say one more like DH says and then go to the family function and have fun!
Babylala, I did have a crazy dream last night! I was a school teacher and all of my step kids were in my class plus a murderer was there too. I woke up my husband at 4am to tell him and he said that's nice and started snoring. Mean! I had simple small cramping a couple of days but this is stronger. I miss Advil liquid gels!!!
miki - It is absolutely a personal decision but for me I'd go one more and not waste the clomid. Who knows, it may be your lucky cycle. But of course, it is completely up to you and how you're feeling.

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