July/August IUIs

Sally - I'm pretty sure that I read you don't actually ovulate until 24-36 hours after your surge and the egg hangs around for 24 hours I believe. You should still be ok even if you did just surge.
sally, raelynn is right. You don't actually ovulate until 24-36 hours after the surge is detected. If that surge was detected last night or this morning, you won't actually ovulate until Sunday morning/afternoon. The egg will still be viable. I believe you should be ok for this IUI. Some women even ovulate later than 36 hours, some eggs stay longer..etc. Did you get a full negative OPK after that darker one you posted a pic of?
I got a negative opk this morning and that positive one late afternoon. Had some mild ovulation cramps this evening xx
sally when you have ovulation cramps, do you always ovulate right away? Or do you cramp for a couple of days prior to actual O? If you actually ovulate this evening, you might still be good with your IUI timing. The egg hangs around for 24 hours and my doc says sometimes longer. I am sorry that your O timing wasn't as accurate as planned. My OB/GYN is closed on the weekends and I have had a previous IUI that I think was too late because of the office hours. If you aren't confident in the timing would you cancel this IUI and do it next month? Would the doc give you a trigger shot? I know you have the ovidrel already. :hugs:
Sally - Are you with your gyno or a specialist? I did 3 IUIs with my gyno using opks. I seemed to always O on the weekend. I think mine were all poorly timed. I would still do the IUI if I were you. With low count, regular intercourse may not work and at least you have a shot with IUI. I would suggest moving to an RE for IUI...I wish I had sooner. Mine gave me follistim to create more eggs. This is something you may want to consider as well.

Having said all that, I hope the egg sticks around long enough for the boys to meet up :)
Just an update.... I had my follicle check yesterday and my RE says that I have 3 nice looking follicles. I triggered last night and will have my IUI tomorrow at 4:30. Not exactly sure how I feel about having 3 follicles, but am very excited and hoping for the best. @ raelynn is your IUI still scheduled for Monday as well? I hope all your ladies are doing well.
Just an update.... I had my follicle check yesterday and my RE says that I have 3 nice looking follicles. I triggered last night and will have my IUI tomorrow at 4:30. Not exactly sure how I feel about having 3 follicles, but am very excited and hoping for the best. @ raelynn is your IUI still scheduled for Monday as well? I hope all your ladies are doing well.

Good luck...I had 3 follicles too this cycle. O was very uncomfortable. I had taken the day off to relax but ended up needing it & spent it on the couch.
Thank you! I was planning on taking the day off too, but now that it is scheduled at 4:30 I don't see the point. I will come straight home after and rest. How are you holding up? It is getting close to the end of your TWW.
Yes coming to an end...not much happening...neg test yesterday...may test tomorrow. I am just ready for this TWW to be over already!
Yes coming to an end...not much happening...neg test yesterday...may test tomorrow. I am just ready for this TWW to be over already!
Don't give up hope just yet! You never know what will happen. I read people that don't feel symptoms have a BFP and the ones that have symptoms have BFN's you can never tell. The 2WW is pretty awful and I am not looking forward to it.
Yes coming to an end...not much happening...neg test yesterday...may test tomorrow. I am just ready for this TWW to be over already!
Don't give up hope just yet! You never know what will happen. I read people that don't feel symptoms have a BFP and the ones that have symptoms have BFN's you can never tell. The 2WW is pretty awful and I am not looking forward to it.

Def not giving up yet...just rough waiting.
Definitely true! I had pretty much no symptoms this early on when I got pregnant.

Luvsgreen - My IUI isn't scheduled yet. I go back in on Monday to check my follicles and estradiol level again. Hopefully they'll tell me to trigger or see that I already surged. Last time I didn't have to trigger because I surged naturally. I'm hoping IUI will be soon! Good luck with yours!
Raelynn good luck with your appointment today...hope you are on your way to your IUI this week!

Ltruns beta today!! Good luck. Hope you are our first BFP!

Miki thanks for the metformin advice! I am starting at 500 with dinner for a week and next week going to 500 two times a day then I think eventually to three times a day. So far ok. My stomach was upset last night but I think it was poor food choices. I am taking extended release which us supposed to be better for stomach.Are you testing soon again?

Beagle when are you testing again?

Jcm hope you enjoyed your time away! I started taking a fishoil I like as recommended by nutritionist. It is mainly dha and it's a strawberry flavor! So much better taste wise!

Babylala how are you doing in the TWW?

Luvsgreen so sorry for your losses and what you have been through. Best of luck with your first IUI!

Sally good luck with your IUI. I'm interested as well in what one of the ladies ask if you see an RE? I have heard that can make a difference. I think you are good timing wise with this one.

I agree about TWW taking forever!! I'm curious if AF comes when she was be due based on trigger and IUI. What is everyone's experience who have done this already? Hopefully it won't matter. Blood work for progesterone and estrogen today for me!
Tested again today with a neg :( But I still have a couple of days left.

I think if I were not on Progesterone, AF would show 14-16 days after IUI which is typical for me. But the P prolongs my cycle. After I stop taking it, it usually takes 2-3 days to start.
Sorry, beagle... You are right though you are still in! Are you having a beta or just testing out then stopping progesterone?
Sorry, beagle... You are right though you are still in! Are you having a beta or just testing out then stopping progesterone?

Just testing at home. I am supposed to test on Wednesday & stop P if negative then wait for AF. But this cycle I will use the P to extend it out. I have a trip later in the month that could screw up my IUI...so I have calculated it out so I am good to go. I do not want to miss another cycle. So I will continue to take it...if neg on Friday morning, I will stop & wait for AF. Hoping it doesn't come any earlier than Sunday. Last time I was on it, it delayed me I think 2 days.
Oh Leslie, where are these pills? I have cherry b12 pills because I have to take them sublingual (RE is so weird!) I tested yesterday to see if the trigger is gone and it's still faintly there. I triggered one week ago today. Maybe it will be gone this Wednesday? I'm also curious about AF. Usually my cycle is 23 days sometimes 25. Iui was cd18 for me. All of these meds have me screwed up. I was worried if this one doesn't work will I have to wait? DH says probably not because my RE basically controls my cycle now all of the time. It's so annoying because I would like that control myself! At least we are on he same team! Lol I have caved and started googling 5dpiui symptoms. God help me. I get up to pee 3 times a night the last two nights. This HCG is still in me though so it didn't really get me excited.
Just hot home from iui... 9mil sperm 100% motile so a good outcome.
If this does not work we will move on to ivf but I'm feeling hopeful at the min!! Had ovulation pains lastght too.

What is an RE?? All I see is my gynecologist who monitors me and then I got to care for my iui xx

Really hoping you all get bfp!!! It's such a long two week wait isn't it xx
JCM - your cycle should be over about 14 days after IUI...I can't remember if you are doing beta??? Anyways, if like me, if you get a neg on 14 dpo, you stop P & AF will arrive within a couple of days. And you are not alone with the googling. Just FYI, my trigger was out by 6 days after...but everyone is different.

Sally - The RE is a Reproductive Endocrinologist...or Fertility Specialist (FS). You are in the UK? Things may be different over there. Over here most gynos do not do fertility treatment. Mine did IUIs but timed with opks & no monitoring. I am with a specialist now who does injectables & monitoring.

So this is for the girls who are not TTC #1 (have been pregnant before). Yesterday I had a weird pin needle feeling a couple inches to the left & down from my belly button. It was weird...it almost felt the way it feels after an injection...but nowhere near the injection spot. Off & on cramping today as well. I heard this pin needle thing could be the egg implanting...not sure...I hope it is a good thing. Anyone experience this before???

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