July/August IUIs

Miki - sorry if I lost track...are you planning IVF next or what would the next step be? Have you been on any other drugs besides clomid? I am on femara & follistim to increase the number of eggs. That may be another option to consider. If this cycle is a bust, I will do one more which puts me at 6 IUIs all together. 3 with my gyno, no monitoring & 3 with my RE full meds & monitoring. After that I would do IVF.
Having some stomach issues today as well. Could be anything. I told my husband about the headache & he said Awesome! (not awesome you have a headache, but you know what I mean)...too funny. Every time I tell him anything he says Could be a sign! I am lucky to have someone there with me helping to keep things positives...besides you guys, of course :)
beaglemom our next step is IUI in July and then a break while we get the money for IVF. I can only take one more month of Clomid before needing a break so I might as well give it one more go. We are still trying to figure out the money situation so we can decide if we have the money for another one or not. I have to call my doctor and talk to him and see what he says.

Thanks for the advice ladies. DH and I had previously said that we would do 4 before taking a break but after this I was too emotionally upset to consider another one. Today is still a rough day. I have been laying on the couch watching Star Trek Next Generation. It keeps my mind busy.

One more. I hope this is the one. It should be between Aug1 and Aug5.
beaglemom our next step is IUI in July and then a break while we get the money for IVF. I can only take one more month of Clomid before needing a break so I might as well give it one more go. We are still trying to figure out the money situation so we can decide if we have the money for another one or not. I have to call my doctor and talk to him and see what he says.

Thanks for the advice ladies. DH and I had previously said that we would do 4 before taking a break but after this I was too emotionally upset to consider another one. Today is still a rough day. I have been laying on the couch watching Star Trek Next Generation. It keeps my mind busy.

One more. I hope this is the one. It should be between Aug1 and Aug5.

That is when my next IUI will be roughly...hopefully I won't need it.
Has anyone taken progesterone? If so, how long from your last pill until you start AF? I had lots of spotting and cramping (like JCM was describing, light in consistent and not like AF) Saturday and Sunday and Monday was my last day of the Progesterone pills. Yet, 36 hours since not taking them, I'm having zero spotting and cramping and no sign of AF. I'm REALLY wanting her to come so i can get another baseline going and get on the way with the second IUI.
raelynn I am not sure. DH wants to do one more IUI before taking a break. We have this big family vacation with his side of the family and I was trying to not interfere with that, but it would require a long break. I am trying to decide whether to do one more.

JCM I spotted yesterday 12dpo and then full flow today. I have never had an entire day of spotting before flow before, but this was my first month with an HCG trigger.

Ltruns I am sorry you got a BFN. I love your optimism. I usually am as well, but it’s getting harder and harder. I hope this next month is your BFP! Great bible verse. Fits perfectly.

kjg welcome! I hope your cycle was successful.

beaglemom I hope that the headache is a good sign along with your needle pinch feeling.

rocki, kjg, beaglemom, Buttrfly, babylala I hope your tests come back with a BFP this week.

This month with be month 6 on Clomid so I must take a break after this month anyway, why waste it?? What do you ladies think? One more so not to waste the Clomid?

Miki, I understand having those months where it's hard to be optimistic. We have our good times and bad times, and it does get harder to be positive after disappointment. I was explaining to a friend why I didn't pee on a stick Monday, and I was like "bc after you see 26-28 of them being negative, you kinda get tired of it." Anyways, hang in there.
I think it took me 2-3 days for AF to come after stopping P.
So sorry beaglemom. I can't remember, are you going in for a beta too? Hopefully the levels are just too low to show up at this point.
No beta for me...my husband is still saying it will show up on Friday. I am having pretty intense cramping. Also a pinching feeling. So who knows. If negative Friday, I will stop the progesterone & wait for AF.
beaglemom I am so sorry you got a BFN. I hope that that the levels are too low and you can get your BFP on Friday. :hugs:
Oh no!!! This makes me so annoyed! You aren't stopping P until Friday anyway to time out your next cycle. Maybe test tomorrow? I started googling late BFNs and it's possible. Raelynn, her doc waits for a positive hpt first.
It is definitely possible. Which is why it is weird my office does not do beta & waits for a test. Because they say test in 2 weeks & stop P if negative. I think they probably do betas for the IVF folks. I have some cheap tests, so may test tomorrow too.

I am just annoyed & moody right now...my banker at work is pissing me off & I just don't want to be at work. I am ready for Friday already. And just like my last failed IUI, I am now thinking why do another one? Just go to IVF. But I know it is the smartest thing to do right now...another IUI. I think overall I am just TIRED...you know? And tomorrow I have a monthly meeting with my manager...and I know she is going to ask about things & I just don't want to talk about it...not with her...not with anyone really...not today.

The pinching feeling has stopped but still off & on cramps. Also a lot of lotiony discharge earlier. It has to be the P...but I don't think it has ever been like that before. I just hate going through all this.

Thanks everyone for holding out hope for me...we will see by Friday...& if it is negative, I will be fine after a couple of days & move on to the next.
Yes I agree, come ON Friday! Even if you weren't trying to manipulate your next cycle I'd still wait anyway. I will not lose hope! Are your cramps like period cramps? Mine are still off and on. I woke up today and felt ok but then the cramps started. I really wish Advil was allowed. If AF comes I will be upset, but I will be furious because that means I could have taken Advil and felt better!
I know what you mean about feeling tired of this. But you're right, you will be ok and move on. Maybe hubby's count will be like it was on that unmedicated cycle! (Hopefully it won't matter because you'll get your bfp on Friday.
Some of the progesterone came out all clumpy (gross I know) last night so I had to dig out the rest. This is so gross. It's like wax. When I just did my morning dose of it, I cried. I don't want this stuff stuck up in there. It makes me queasy. Last night in the shower I almost passed out so I had DH do the rest of it. That nurse wasn't joking about clearing the area out every couple of days. Can't I just take a shot? Did I actually just welcome a shot in my ass? Yep. I did. Ew. 7dpiui today. Another week to go. Blah
I'm sorry beagle :( I hope you're just developing more hcg today-tomorrow! I started AF. Woohoo, first time I've ever been happy for that. It was exactly 48 hours after progesterone. Anyways, I'll go I for my baseline Thursday, starting over 7/17. Prayers for no cysts and a healthy new cycle would be appreciated.

JCM, 7dpiui is tough. I hope you have a fast week!

Come on, spermies and eggies, for all of us!
Ugh JCM I feel for you. That sucks! Why don't they just use the pill instead of gel? It was much easier.

Beaglemom, I agree - bring on Friday! I'm so tired of this waiting game. Everything about this whole process is just hurry up and wait. Hopefully your waiting game will be up soon.

Ltruns - Glad things are getting started for you again!

I'm just so frustrated knowing I have nothing to look forward to in this wait. There is absolutely no chance for a BFP so I just wish AF would just hurry up and get here already so that we can at least try again.
Ltruns, you are definitely in my prayers for cyst issues. Glad AF graced you with her presence. Lol
Raelynn, you are right. It's always hurry up and wait. Are you due in 2 weeks then? If I have to do this over I'll probably be on your schedule of events!
I really don't know why I have to do gel in the morning but it also makes me feel like I have a UTI. For years and years I'd get "bladder infections" and just take antibiotics (had a lifetime supply) and wait for them to go away. Then, when I started dating my husband he said there's no way I'm getting 3 utis a month. Especially after he called me in the strongest antibiotic and I got no relief plus a yeast infection. How fun was that week?! So I started seeing this urologist, had 100 tests done and it turns out I had pelvic floor dysfunction (REAL THING!) so I had physical therapy, retrained my bladder by literally potty training myself. I used to only pee twice a day. Maybe three times. I think because it hurt so bad to go over the years, I had trained myself to hold it. So awful. So I had to set a timer 7 times a day, monitor my liquid intake and cut everything out of my diet. Nothing other than water, no spicy food, bla bla bla...it totally gave me relief. After that, I discovered getting urethral dilation took any discomfort away. Yeah it hurt a lot when I did it but I have had zero problems since! So, yesterday when I started feeling a small burn and frequent bathroom trips I freaked out. I think my words were "noooo no no no this can't happen again." I'm going to tough it out because I've read this P gives these faulty symptoms. I have 7 more days and if I end up pregnant I'll demand that he switch me to pills. 11 weeks of this just won't happen. No way. I think the cramps take my mind of the UTI symptoms and the UTI symptoms take my mind off of the cramps. I just get mostly worried about UTI stuff. I was miserable for a really long time. Like, I used to not leave my house in case I would have to pee in public and get stuck on the toilet thinking I had to go more. Yeah, THAT bad.
JCM I know how you feel. Once AF started, I was like, I could have taken Advil for my day long headaches and the cramps. :wacko: :nope: I also kept thinking I had a UTI. I don't know if it's the meds or what. How are you doing in the TWW??

beaglemom I really hope that you have low HCG levels. As long as AF isn't here, you are still in the game.

Ltruns I am glad that your period started right away like it was supposed now onto IUI #2! Woohoo!! :thumbup:

I just found out DH has contractors here during the first week of August so he might have to miss my IUI. And based on my period lengths, I am due to O on a Sat or Sun. Grr. Why can't they be open?? We are starting the Clomid and we will see if the timing is right, especially since I am using a trigger it might still work. If not, break time. :wacko: :dohh:
JCM - What a nightmare! Yes, I should be seeing AF in about a week and a half now. Not sure on the exact timing since I don't know when I actually ovulate. I'm guessing day one will be somewhere around the 26.

Miki - My next IUI attempt will probably end me on the weekend too. My clinic is open but very limited hours and low staff. Hopefully it'll work out ok.

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