July/August IUIs

If I'm negative at my beta on the 23rd I stop these god awful things and get my period. We will be cycle buddies! I'm going crazy over here. I just read like 30 pages of these two women back and forth about their tww and they didn't even say if they ended up being pregnant or not! I'm so mad. Lol
Miki, I think I need to be committed. Haha lock me up with no google! My RE comes in on the weekends. Always open Saturdays but if I get a positive surge on a Sunday I'm supposed to call. I hope that never happens, I will feel too bad!
If I'm negative at my beta on the 23rd I stop these god awful things and get my period. We will be cycle buddies! I'm going crazy over here. I just read like 30 pages of these two women back and forth about their tww and they didn't even say if they ended up being pregnant or not! I'm so mad. Lol
Miki, I think I need to be committed. Haha lock me up with no google! My RE comes in on the weekends. Always open Saturdays but if I get a positive surge on a Sunday I'm supposed to call. I hope that never happens, I will feel too bad!

I hate when old threads don't show if they were positive or not! Sometimes I read their signatures & look at the date & try to do the math...lol!
On my way home I got a massive headache. It has dulled now...I think I am grasping now...but I don't get many headaches especially when not taking meds. Before O I might because of all the meds. Also keep getting pinching feeling that alternates from the left & right.

Probably another test tomorrow...
JCM I HATE when I read old posts and all these women go back and forth and then never say what happened. I can spend an hour reading "that crap" :winkwink: and then they don't even say what happened. UGH! :dohh: I would feel bad to call my doc in on a Sunday. Plus, the nurse and all that. I understand the need but I wish male doctors didn't always have to have a nurse. I bet that is why they aren't open. No one wants to come in all the time.

beaglemom I also read the signatures and see if they line up. The worst is when they don't have a signature. :wacko:
sorry for the BFN beagle!
you guys really made me chuckle when mentioning reading through entire forums without anyone mentioning outcomes...and reading the signatures to see if the dates match up. glad i'm not the only one!! i guess ill have to make sure to remember to come back and post updates periodically.

i also took another hpt today and BFN on 12dpiui. I was so mad I just stopped my progesterone in hopes we can get this cycle over with asap. ill probably drop by the clinic for a beta tomorrow morning just to be certain.

I also am going on vacation (out of the country) this month which is terrible timing as i will be around cd 13-23 or so depending on when af comes. last cycle i didn't O until cd32!!! So i can either take the same 2.5mg letrozole and hope nothing happens until i get back OR bump up the dose and see if i can O by cd14. Im very nervous to take meds and be unmonitored although i know some REs/GYNs do that. A friend of mine is an RE doc and said whatever i do, i should always be monitored with bloodwork and US. Thoughts? I'll prob call my RE and discuss with her once i get my beta results...

ltruns - praying for a smooth and cyst free cycle!
kjg - I'm with your friend. Especially when you are on meds, it is better to be monitored. You never know if it is doing crazy stuff and you could end up with a bunch of follicles all at once or ovulate at a different time. Plus, I feel much better when I'm monitored because it lets me know what exactly is going on too rather than just guessing. You could also always stay on the progesterone longer to delay your cycle if that helps in timing since it will hold of AF.
Hahaha we are all admitting our google addiction and forum stalking obsessions. I do all the same things! Lol

I found one when I was googling progesterone stuff, and someone commented on it, which I guess sent a note to the OP, who commented: "this post is over a year old,but I got pregnant on my third iui with twins! I'm about three weeks from my due date. Don't give up ladies" I don't know why I was so touched by that. It gave me hope. Maybe one day we'll all look back on outposts and be like,wow. We made it to the other side. It is like, this whole process we hurt and hope and hurt and obsess gets documented in our forums. Then, one day, there's that bfp. Hopefully soon for us all!
Hahahahaa!!! EXACTLY how I feel!
I just had a talk with my banker (male) & my manager (female) separately about my new timeline. Basically letting them know about the next IUI & possible IVF & what that means for my schedule. I think I have enough time built up to do IVF this year if I need it. The problem is if my IVF cycle fails, I may not be able to do another transfer until January. But we will cross that bridge when we get to it. It is easier to talk to my manager because she is a woman & understands our bodies. So I told her how I now have to have the day of IUI off because of how my body felt when I was ovulating. She has basically told me in order to keep my PTO use down, I can feel free to work extended hours or skipping lunches. It is good to know I have that support. I was starting to cry talking about it. I think it is mainly the hormones getting to me. I was okay with her. But I had the talk with my banker first & I had to try real hard to not cry. I hate crying…I hate feeling/looking vulnerable in front of people…my husband the exception. I am a strong person & do not like showing anything else. Anyways luckily his phone rang because he started getting in to the joys of parenting & how much he wants me to succeed in my journey. He greatly sympathized with my situation. He actually said on his drive down to his vacation last week he was thinking about my life falling in to place with my husband’s promotion & my 4 eggs & by the end of the month I would be pregnant, with a promoted husband, celebrating in our favorite place…the Baseball Hall of Fame…honoring my 2nd favorite Yankee Joe Torre. Well now no promotion & no pregnancy. But my husband has been told to sign up again…he was just beat last time by someone with more experience. He basically has been told nothing was wrong with his interview & more stores are coming & he is going to get one. And on the pregnancy front, well, we all know my plan there…& we all know it is going to work! So I think by New Year’s Eve, me & my husband will definitely be able to look back on this year & see our struggles & know they are over & know that my Spring/Summer baby is on its (hopefully her) way.

Anyways…sorry this is so long…just needed to get it out.
Beaglemom - I know how you feel with the getting emotional in front of others. I tend to cry very easily when I'm emotional and I hate it. I love your outlook though. Hopefully by the end of the year we'll all be looking back at our struggles and just enjoying how far we've come.
Sorry I was MIA yesterday!

Beaglemom & raelynn I'm right there with you. After my first miscarriage I waited two months to tell my boss because I didn't want to cry. Well, I sat down in her office and burst into tears immediately. I was so worked up because I had to tell her that we were trying and that I didn't want to travel internationally while going through this because working out all the timings with ovulation when you're gone every two weeks is really tough. Luckily she was also understanding but I was still upset with myself that I couldn't keep it together for 30 seconds, for goodness sake! Kind of funny - I was so upset that I actually started my period two weeks before it was due. That had never happened to me by my OBGYN said stress can do that.

The good thing is that I totally agree with what your banker said. Soon, you and your family will be in such a great place with a little girl on the way!!!

So many of your ladies DH's sound great. We are so lucky to have supportive partners. My aunt told me that 'the stars shine brightest in the darkest night.' I always think of my husband as my brightest star and strongest supporter through this.
Beagle- I'm glad your boss is being supportive and letting you do lunches and everything to keep PTO down. This process is so hard and to have support coming at home (DH) and at work is great.

KJG- I totally agree with being monitored. I didn't at first, and with my GYN I wasn't monitored on clomid and had a cyst grow really big that couldve been prevented probably, and had to have my first planned IUI cancelled in May. Anyways, We've learned a lot about my cycles being monitored just in the one cycle that failed. I ovulate out of both ovaries and today at the baseline the dr said she wouldn't be surprised if i did that again because both ovaries were producing good looking mini follies already. Also, they found the progesterone issue through blood work, which they paid more attention to my P level for pregnancy support (10+ is what my dr looks for) not just to conform O which is what my GYN was only looking at. Also, they *think* I have a legitimate LPD, which I hear is rare, but I have actually alwasy "google" diagnosed myself with. They are putting me on P suppositories (yay...) and monitoring my P levels more often, not just at CD 21/22. They said that besides a endometrial biopsy they may not be able to diagnose me with it officially yet but that they would treat my concerns of my progesterone and chronic spotting. (the only month I haven't spotted 5-7 days before AF was the cycle I got pregnant, but miscarried early). All that to say, I love being monitored, it puts my mind at ease, I like getting to see the ovaries and follicles and lining.

As for my cycle, it's a green light until the 28th for follicle monitoring, if all is goo I will trigger that night and IUI 7/30/14. Prayers for you all!
Totally forgot to test today :wacko: But I am counting myself out. I hope AF waits until at least Sunday to show up. Not feeling much today. Just ready to move on to the next IUI.
Ltruns I am glad your able to move forward with your IUI and with such great monitoring. My doc also only checks progesterone to confirm O. What is LPD? I hope that your scans look good and you can do your IUI! :happydance:

beaglemom have you had spotting or anything? Cramping? I hate when I wake up, pee and realize that I was supposed POAS. I get very irriated at myself. Is AF due today?? :hugs:
Ltruns I am glad your able to move forward with your IUI and with such great monitoring. My doc also only checks progesterone to confirm O. What is LPD? I hope that your scans look good and you can do your IUI! :happydance:

beaglemom have you had spotting or anything? Cramping? I hate when I wake up, pee and realize that I was supposed POAS. I get very irriated at myself. Is AF due today?? :hugs:

LPD is Luteal Phase defect. It's where the second half of your cycle after ovulation isn't long enough to support pregnancy. I think bc the endometrium starts to shed to early and progesterone drops to early.

Beagle- good luck with the next few days. I hate that limbo right before AF shows. Those are the worst few days of the cycle for me.
@ Ltruns - So glad your scan went well and you can move forward! I also have suspected LPD. My last cycle (completely unmedicated) my LP was only 8 days! Just supplementing progesterone wasn't enough for me to sustain a pregnancy so my RE thinks clomid + prog will help with the entire cycle. Hopefully with the right meds it can be corrected!

@beaglemom - It's not over till it's over!

@Mikihob - How are you feeling?

@JCM - have you tested out your trigger? I didn't and I'm afraid I won't be able to resist testing this weekend -ahhh!
Hi guys!
Beagle, sorry you are having a rough battle with this! I hope AF stays away for your weekend!
Ltruns, great news! My LP is always short too. I had really short cycles so it was impossible for it not to be short. Hopefully this P is doing so,etching cause it's really annoying. Everything feels so tight in there! Like I got smaller! Lol
Soooooo, to answer your question Babylala and a little update from me...
I tested 7dpiui and it was negative. So no trigger left! I tested yesterday because I'm crazy, negative on a digital so I thought maybe a first response it better and nope! Negative. I even tore those things apart before I threw them out just to be sure. Crazy, I know. So I peed on a first response this morning and it looks negative so I got mad and walked out of the bathroom and left it. Well, my friend wanted me to send her a picture of it. (She's ttc#3 and swears I'm pregnant) and I walk in to take a pic and there's a super faint line! I don't know what this means as I've never seen an evap line before in my life! (In the last 20 months I've peed on ALOT of sticks) geez, now that I think of it if you figure 6-8 tests a cycle that's a ton of money! Those first response *******s. Anyway, I sent the pic to my friend and then my husband. They both see a line but we don't know what to think. DH says "well, just wait til tomorrow or Sunday and it will be darker if you are." WHAT!? Is he crazy? I need to pee on 3 more sticks! Why is he the voice of reason? I will answer my own question, because he is trying to protect me. So, I am laying flat after inserting my P for the day and sipping on some fluids. I think when I have to pee again I'll test? Or do you guys think I should wait til tomorrow first thing?
JCM you may be our first BFP!!! Can you share the photo of the test? How long after the test did you take the photo? OMG, I'm really excited! Darn, now I'm going to definitely be buying FRER after work today.

I always only test first thing in the morning but to each their own. If you feel like testing again, get to it!
Thanks guys for keeping the hope alive. I expect AF Sun or Mon...no way to know. I have to wait for the P to leave my system. I will continue to test if I don't forget :)

JCM - I know it is driving you crazy, but wait until the AM...if you do it now, you will most likely get a neg because the urine is not concentrated enough. I do not want you to see a neg...rather you see a pos in the AM!!! And do not leave the stick lying around...because then you start second guessing if it is accurate.

GOOD LUCK in the AM!!!! Glad you tested out your trigger.
JCM - How many dpiui are you? Sometimes it is easier to see the lines after the test is dry so it is totally possible. If it were me, I'd test again just to see if it happens on the next test but that's just me and I'm poas crazy. Keeping my fingers crossed for you! (Post the pic so we can all weigh in :) )

Ltruns - Glad you are getting all the monitoring you need! Hopefully they'll figure it all out and this will be your cycle!

beaglemom - Sorry you're feeling out. There is always hope until AF shows though. If this cycle wasn't the one, hope AF shows when you want it to.

As for me, I'm still playing the ever frustrating waiting game until AF. A week to go probably. Hopefully it goes by quickly.

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