July/August IUIs

I'm 9dpiui today! It was about 20-25 mins I guess. How do I upload a picture so you guys can see?? I'm on an iPad!
I'm 9dpiui today! It was about 20-25 mins I guess. How do I upload a picture so you guys can see?? I'm on an iPad!

Not sure how iPad works. On my cell, I email it to myself & save the pic from my email to upload on here. When you post down below you will see something that says manage attachements.
This is my test. What do you think?


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I see it! Congrats!!!

I'm glad I'm not going nuts. I'm just really nervous about it being an evap! I've never seen one but my line is so super thin that I'm kind of holding onto so e hope that it's not an evap. I think you and beagle are right, I should do first morning urine as much as I want to pee on other sticks right now. Lol it would probably be better. And if it's negative tomorrow, we can say remember that one time Jen was nuts? Haha
Hi ladies sorry haven't been on,
Thinking of you all!
Ooohhhhhh jcm I see a line and I rarely do on my phone! I would also test again in the a.m. If I were you. Fingers crossed!!! Why does your friend swear your are pregnant? Would love to symptom spot!
At work gonna update later! :)
I definitely see the line and it looks pink to me! Evaps are usually not pink. Hopefully you'll see a darker line tomorrow!
babylala I am ok. :hugs: Finally getting past being so down. It still comes and goes, but I will be ok. DH and I are looking forward to this IUI (if we can do it). I am trying to stay positive for that.

JCM I would wait until tomorrow. The concentration of HCG will be higher and if you get a positive, than it’s a BFP. If you test this afternoon, your urine could still be too diluted. Especially, if your resting and taking in fluids. The time I had an evap line was in May while on vacation. I took a test while at DH’s parent’s and didn’t want them to see it in the trash, so I saved it to toss elsewhere. When I pulled it out, there was a dark evap line (it had been a few days). I have read of loads of women who get a positive at 9dpo. I hope it’s a BFP!!
I think I see a line...but I am so bad at faint lines online. I hope it is darker tomorrow.
I'm super cranky. More pms than usual. My boobs got big on the night of 6dpiui. Huge and swollen. Then they went normal again the next morning. Today they are giant again but on the sides mostly. Awful af cramps 6 and 7dpiui. So much pressure in my back and also my right side kind of like it's my hip? Weird. Then on 7dpiui and I had this weird pull in my belly button. Like a string was attached and pulled straight back. DH and I laughed because I always read stuff and I'm like "what's a twinge? What's a tugging feeling verses twinge?" He's like I don't know Jen, my patients come in with the weirdest descriptions of pain. A lot of help he is! Lol then, my cramps just went away the night of 7dpiui and stayed gone yesterday so that's why I got sad and tested yesterday and nothin. I have also been eating everything in sight. I also get a little "sea sick" feeling in the shower but I just figured that was due to pulling that gross progesterone build up outta me! Gross and painful. Now, I've been blaming this all on the progesterone since this is the first month I've been on it...usually af would have come Tuesday-yesterday this week but my cycles are manipulated. So I also thought maybe it was af coming. Right now my cramps are here and there but not really bad at all. Can it be tomorrow morning yet!?
JCM I think that the pulling feeling should be a good sign. I have heard of women say they have sensations behind there belly button. I had some weird pains and cramping during my TWW but nothing near my belly button, it was always lower, at the top of the pelvis. I really, REALLY hope it's your BFP! Go to sleep now, it'll be tomorrow before you know it. :winkwink:
I wanted to update everyone on our first IUI cycle. Took the beta test today and it was a BFN :-( I was at work when I got the call and it was hard to keep it together until 5 PM. I cried the whole car ride home. Anyway, I spoke with our nurse and asked about going straight to IVF vs doing the threes cycles of IUI first. Our treatment facility is very sensitive and accommodating so they agreed to start out first IVF cycle.

I wanted to wish everyone good luck and sprinkle baby dust on everyone who is going through this long and arduous process. Thank you for your well wishes throughout these past few weeks!!!
I wanted to update everyone on our first IUI cycle. Took the beta test today and it was a BFN :-( I was at work when I got the call and it was hard to keep it together until 5 PM. I cried the whole car ride home. Anyway, I spoke with our nurse and asked about going straight to IVF vs doing the threes cycles of IUI first. Our treatment facility is very sensitive and accommodating so they agreed to start out first IVF cycle.

I wanted to wish everyone good luck and sprinkle baby dust on everyone who is going through this long and arduous process. Thank you for your well wishes throughout these past few weeks!!!

Sorry about your negative...good luck with IVF!
Miki hope you are doing well..good luck this cycle!

Ltruns when is your baseline ultrasound?

Raelynn I hope AF comes soon for you so you can move on to the next cycle!

Kjg sorry about bfn did AF come yet?

Beagle what makes you think you're out ( I'm feeling that too though and not even quite there!) I know you forgot to test..been there done that! :D understand about getting emotional. Think we have all been there. So great great your bosses are supportive!

Babylala how are you feeling...any symptoms? Can't believe you, Jen ( jcm) and I get betas on the same day! Will you be testing before?

Jen I really hope that's a BFP and will get darker tomorrow! You must be going nuts because I would be! Thanks for the symptoms they sound promising!

Sorry rocki...good luck with IVF! There is such great success with it.

I'm starting to have AF symptoms myself and getting annoyed although I know it's still early. Been so bloated, getting zits, dropping things ( I tend to lose muscle coordination around that time!) , wanting to eat everything in sight, some cramping but not much. I know these can be pregnancy symptoms too but I don't want to get hopes up. Anyone have a remedy for bloating? It was so bad last night it was painful!

Hope everyone else is doing well and good luck to all! Come on BFPs!
Hi guys!
Beagle, sorry you are having a rough battle with this! I hope AF stays away for your weekend!
Ltruns, great news! My LP is always short too. I had really short cycles so it was impossible for it not to be short. Hopefully this P is doing so,etching cause it's really annoying. Everything feels so tight in there! Like I got smaller! Lol
Soooooo, to answer your question Babylala and a little update from me...
I tested 7dpiui and it was negative. So no trigger left! I tested yesterday because I'm crazy, negative on a digital so I thought maybe a first response it better and nope! Negative. I even tore those things apart before I threw them out just to be sure. Crazy, I know. So I peed on a first response this morning and it looks negative so I got mad and walked out of the bathroom and left it. Well, my friend wanted me to send her a picture of it. (She's ttc#3 and swears I'm pregnant) and I walk in to take a pic and there's a super faint line! I don't know what this means as I've never seen an evap line before in my life! (In the last 20 months I've peed on ALOT of sticks) geez, now that I think of it if you figure 6-8 tests a cycle that's a ton of money! Those first response *******s. Anyway, I sent the pic to my friend and then my husband. They both see a line but we don't know what to think. DH says "well, just wait til tomorrow or Sunday and it will be darker if you are." WHAT!? Is he crazy? I need to pee on 3 more sticks! Why is he the voice of reason? I will answer my own question, because he is trying to protect me. So, I am laying flat after inserting my P for the day and sipping on some fluids. I think when I have to pee again I'll test? Or do you guys think I should wait til tomorrow first thing?

Ooohhhhh I hope it gets darker! I have a good feeling for you! I've never seen a evap line either! Wait till tmrw and let us know!
This is my test. What do you think?

I see it too! The cycle I got pregnant mine was lighter than the test line, the main thing is that it continues to get darker!! And then bloodwork of course! Yaay!
I wanted to update everyone on our first IUI cycle. Took the beta test today and it was a BFN :-( I was at work when I got the call and it was hard to keep it together until 5 PM. I cried the whole car ride home. Anyway, I spoke with our nurse and asked about going straight to IVF vs doing the threes cycles of IUI first. Our treatment facility is very sensitive and accommodating so they agreed to start out first IVF cycle.

I wanted to wish everyone good luck and sprinkle baby dust on everyone who is going through this long and arduous process. Thank you for your well wishes throughout these past few weeks!!!

Sorry about the bfn rocki. Those hurt, even more after an IUI. :(
Can I ask if your doctor had any recommendations about skipping the IUIs and going for ivf? I have wondered that too, for us. I just can't seem to wrap my head around it for us. On the one hand, more likely to succeed. Of course that almost trumps all. On the other, I think do we really need that with simply UE IF? Just needing some input on your decision bc it's definitely an idea I've had too.
IVF is also a lot more expensive than IUI. They do pretty much all the work since they implant the eggs and make embryos so the chances are probably better but all the monitoring, the meds, and the procedure cost a lot more. It is definitely worth it if it comes to that (we did IVF first when we had a few sperm to work with) but the procedure itself is also a lot more draining. The constant injections through the whole cycle and then the egg retrieval had me emotionally just spent. It can do amazing things though!
I wanted to update everyone on our first IUI cycle. Took the beta test today and it was a BFN :-( I was at work when I got the call and it was hard to keep it together until 5 PM. I cried the whole car ride home. Anyway, I spoke with our nurse and asked about going straight to IVF vs doing the threes cycles of IUI first. Our treatment facility is very sensitive and accommodating so they agreed to start out first IVF cycle.

I wanted to wish everyone good luck and sprinkle baby dust on everyone who is going through this long and arduous process. Thank you for your well wishes throughout these past few weeks!!!

Sorry about the bfn rocki. Those hurt, even more after an IUI. :(
Can I ask if your doctor had any recommendations about skipping the IUIs and going for ivf? I have wondered that too, for us. I just can't seem to wrap my head around it for us. On the one hand, more likely to succeed. Of course that almost trumps all. On the other, I think do we really need that with simply UE IF? Just needing some input on your decision bc it's definitely an idea I've had too.

I asked doc if we could skip the next two IUIs and go straight to IVF. She did say that IVF is a more exhausting process with the injections, and a lot more monitoring, and she knows that Hubby and I have to drive about an hour to get to the facility, and then hour half for me to get to work from the facility so she wanted to ensure we knew all of the time we had to invest. But she also said that because of our diagnosis, unexplained infertility, and because the IUI we tried was optimal conditions and STILL didn't take, she agreed with us in that why keep trying something that only has an 8% chance of success. Im 37 years old with unexplained infertility. Both my hubby and I are in good physical condition and there is absolutely no physical reason we cannot conceive (except for my thyroid issue). She said IVF had a 50% chance of success and with the UE IF she said "If you guys are ready for it then I will help you". It doesn't hurt that my insurance covers up to $50,000 for IVF which I was told is really good. Its just said that it always come down to the almighty dollar. Anyway, my eyes are puffy from all the crying I did yesterday and I don't know if I could take years of trying with assisted conception. We've been trying naturally for two year prior to this first IUI and Im already emotionally spent. I hope all of us get to experience the happiness of knowing that the love you want to share with your own little one comes true sooner than later. Lotsa love and baby dust to us all!!!
Wow rocki insurance covering $50,000 is amazing!! Sounds like the perfect situation for you guys. I know my insurance covers 9 IUI ( with copay) but absolutely no IVF. More insurance companies should be like the one you have.

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