July/August IUIs

I wanted to update everyone on our first IUI cycle. Took the beta test today and it was a BFN :-( I was at work when I got the call and it was hard to keep it together until 5 PM. I cried the whole car ride home. Anyway, I spoke with our nurse and asked about going straight to IVF vs doing the threes cycles of IUI first. Our treatment facility is very sensitive and accommodating so they agreed to start out first IVF cycle.

I wanted to wish everyone good luck and sprinkle baby dust on everyone who is going through this long and arduous process. Thank you for your well wishes throughout these past few weeks!!!

Sorry about the bfn rocki. Those hurt, even more after an IUI. :(
Can I ask if your doctor had any recommendations about skipping the IUIs and going for ivf? I have wondered that too, for us. I just can't seem to wrap my head around it for us. On the one hand, more likely to succeed. Of course that almost trumps all. On the other, I think do we really need that with simply UE IF? Just needing some input on your decision bc it's definitely an idea I've had too.

I asked doc if we could skip the next two IUIs and go straight to IVF. She did say that IVF is a more exhausting process with the injections, and a lot more monitoring, and she knows that Hubby and I have to drive about an hour to get to the facility, and then hour half for me to get to work from the facility so she wanted to ensure we knew all of the time we had to invest. But she also said that because of our diagnosis, unexplained infertility, and because the IUI we tried was optimal conditions and STILL didn't take, she agreed with us in that why keep trying something that only has an 8% chance of success. Im 37 years old with unexplained infertility. Both my hubby and I are in good physical condition and there is absolutely no physical reason we cannot conceive (except for my thyroid issue). She said IVF had a 50% chance of success and with the UE IF she said "If you guys are ready for it then I will help you". It doesn't hurt that my insurance covers up to $50,000 for IVF which I was told is really good. Its just said that it always come down to the almighty dollar. Anyway, my eyes are puffy from all the crying I did yesterday and I don't know if I could take years of trying with assisted conception. We've been trying naturally for two year prior to this first IUI and Im already emotionally spent. I hope all of us get to experience the happiness of knowing that the love you want to share with your own little one comes true sooner than later. Lotsa love and baby dust to us all!!!

I understand. With my insurance, IUI is really cheap. IVF, i think it'd still be like 10,000 (I need to check) for one cycle, up front, no payments. But it is so tempting. Especially like you said, two years prior with no luck (actually one MC for me, which was like salt in the IF wound) is so emotionally exhausting. I'm a runner, and have run marathons and half marathons which are strenuous but at least mentally you know when to pace and when to get geared up to finish. So I told my husband at some point it's like running a race and not knowing the finish line. Very tough.
Rocki - Your insurance coverage sounds amazing. That is great that you'll get that much help. IVF definitely has better chances since you know if you have a viable embryo before it is implanted. Hopefully that will be the trick for you! Glad your clinic is also so supportive of your wants and needs.

Ltruns - Your insurance sounds similar to mine. Our IVF attempt was around $10,000 plus we also had to pay for hubby's TESE and the ICSI procedure. Unfortunately, money had a big role in why we switched to donor IUI. We also wanted to limit our chances of another miscarriage so I completely feel for you there. That heartbreak in the midst of infertility is a terribly hard blow. We eventually found what worked for us though so I'm sure you will too!

Unfortunately, infertility is an ongoing struggle. We already had our first baby but we've been trying for number 2 since then (13 months) and it is still just as hard and frustrating. I'm wishing us all a ton of baby dust and hoping our BFPs are just around the corner!
Hi everyone! I tested this morning and I get a super faint line. So frustrating. I'm hoping for a good turnout. I'm going to test Monday morning. In one of my other groups, a couple of girls didn't get a real line until 12dpo or 13dpo! So I will wait.

I think I want to do one more iui (#2) and then move to ivf. The injections alone this month cost me 3600 bucks and the iui 395. Plus a couple of ultra sounds at 280 each and clomid and trigger. That's like 5k right there. Maybe even next cycle ivf. It's 10k for ivf plus cost of meds. Then I have the possibility of having extra frozen embryos for down the road. It's a tough decision. Spend another 5k next month? Or put that towards a higher chance of pregnancy with ivf? I'm too impatient for this crap. Yesterday I was buying a pregnancy test and a 15 year old boy was trying to figure out which one he was going to buy. I really hope it was for his mother.
If Wednesdays blood test is no good, I'm going to make an appt Thursday to see what my RE thinks the best thing to do would be for our situation. No more waiting for me! I'm getting cranky. Lol can you all tell?
Yay for another faint line Jen! It's still early so much time for line progression. Seems like you may not even have to look at IVF or another IUI as an option. Fingers crossed for you! Completely understand all of your thoughts about what if this doesn't work and all the money spent. It's emotionally and physically exhausting. It will all be worth it in the end for us all <3
rocki I am so, so sorry you got a BFN. Keep in touch with this thread. We want to know how your IVF cycle goes. Good luck. I am glad that you have such an accommodating doctor. Great that your insurance covers so much for IVF. My insurance doesn&#8217;t cover IUI, ultrasounds or IVF. They don&#8217;t even cover my Clomid. Everything is out of pocket. More insurance companies need to include ART in covered procedures.

JCM- Another faint line? It looks like you could have a BFP! I sure hope so. I understand your frustration. I have zero patience left. My poor future children. lol

beaglemom- Any news yet? How are you doing??
Miki, I had DH pee on one of these first responses. Lol no line for him so far but I'm going to check it for evap lines a little later because I'm nuts!
Spotting today so I expect AF tomorrow...I hope...I prefer to start on the weekend so I can be at home on the miserable days. I am anxious for the next cycle.

Jen - I do not think that kid was buying for his mom...sad that we try so hard & that 15 yr old is probably going to be a dad now. Also, really hope the line is a BFP & not the trigger...what day are you on now? And if this is not your positive, I would personally move to IVF in your shoes. My IUI cycles are not as intense as yours or as costly. The 1st medicated was $1500 with meds. My next will run about $1000 because I have leftover meds. So all in all I have spent around the same as you for 6 IUIs. 3 were way cheaper because with the gyno...but if I was facing another cycle like yours for that money, I would just bring on the IVF.

But you may not even have to worry about it ;)
So spotting today & it has some red...also feeling really crappy...so really hoping AF starts tomorrow...ready to get this show on the road!

So a few good things coming this cycle.

1 - Husband off all week during my IUI...so he can come to the IUI & the follicle count u/s without worrying about work.
2 - My test date will be Aug 14...my husband's birthday
3 - My due date will be Apr 23...week before my birthday
4 - The weekend before IUI will be spent in baseball country honoring Joe Torre & doing the thing we love most...road tripping it!!! So we should be feeling great when we come home to a follicle count.
5 - We have my meds figured out & hopefully the count issue figured out...everything will be on our side!

I am going to also try to work out some this month. Our garage & treadmill is set up...just need a tv hook up. Also going to try to count out bottles of water so I am drinking as much fluids as I should...also getting back on to religiously taking my vitamins.
JCM that is hilarious! It's awesome DH actually peed on it. Mine would have looked at me like I had gone totally bonkers!! :haha: I hope, hope, hope it's a BFP!!

beaglemom I am sorry that AF is starting. I think the working out and vitamins is a great idea. I need to too. :hugs:
Hi Beautiful Ladies,

I wanted to jump in and gain support...and give support. I am in my TWW after our 2nd IUI.

July 7-11: Clomid 150
July 12-15: Gonal F Injectibles (150)
July 16: Ovidrel Trigger
July 17: IUI
July 18: BD (really bad cramping afterwards); Progesterone inserts

I will keep you updated on my journey. Feel free to chime in with questions, suggestions, and comments!

Thank you.
Well ladies spotting has started so I'm out :/ I guess it's good my body tells me before I test so it's a clue if I don't start spotting. Day one should be Tuesday or Wednesday.
Sorry Beaglemom

Good luck SAKS!
Well ladies spotting has started so I'm out :/ I guess it's good my body tells me before I test so it's a clue if I don't start spotting. Day one should be Tuesday or Wednesday.
Sorry Beaglemom

Good luck SAKS!

Sorry...but you may not be out...some women spot before a positive as well.

So today is CD 1 for me...IUI should be July 31.
Thanks beagle, but this is usually my cycle. I spot 3 or so days then full blown AF so I, not really thinking it's so,going else especially with my symptoms. I've tried to hope for positives during that time but unfortunately hasn't happened. Trying to set my mind to the thought that at least I have more time to regulate my insulin and lose weight before getting pregnant. Hopefully only a month :)
Thank you, Buttrflyl553! May God regulate your body and bless you with a beautiful gift (baby/babies) soon.

God bless your upcoming IUI, Beaglemom!
Oh Leslie I'm sorry! I'm getting a little discouraged at this point. I feel line my line is lighter now. I can barely see a shadow this morning.

Beagle, I love that you always have a plan. So organized! Awesome.

As for me, I kind of want to stop taking my progesterone after Tuesday in hopes AF will show right after my blood test Wednesday morning and get moving for my next cycle. This is my first time on a Progesterone and I'm hoping AF doesn't take weeks to get here. I still don't understand my faint lines. There's no way it was still my trigger right? Maybe I disregarded the test on 8dpiui (10dpt) too soon? I'm 11dpiui today. That would mean it took 13 days for it to leave? It doesn't seem right. Anyway, there's still a slight chance I guess but I'm really leaning towards IVF this cycle. I think it makes more sense financially. I kind of have a feeling RE will agree. DH agrees with me but says ask Dr C what he recommends. Ugh. I wish my blood test was tomorrow so I can get this over with!
Oh Leslie I'm sorry! I'm getting a little discouraged at this point. I feel line my line is lighter now. I can barely see a shadow this morning.

Beagle, I love that you always have a plan. So organized! Awesome.

As for me, I kind of want to stop taking my progesterone after Tuesday in hopes AF will show right after my blood test Wednesday morning and get moving for my next cycle. This is my first time on a Progesterone and I'm hoping AF doesn't take weeks to get here. I still don't understand my faint lines. There's no way it was still my trigger right? Maybe I disregarded the test on 8dpiui (10dpt) too soon? I'm 11dpiui today. That would mean it took 13 days for it to leave? It doesn't seem right. Anyway, there's still a slight chance I guess but I'm really leaning towards IVF this cycle. I think it makes more sense financially. I kind of have a feeling RE will agree. DH agrees with me but says ask Dr C what he recommends. Ugh. I wish my blood test was tomorrow so I can get this over with!

I have seen women whose trigger took forever to leave their system...it happens...which is why dr recommends not testing early...doesn't mean you are not pregnant. Good luck on the blood test.

But if it is a neg, I agree financially IVF makes more sense for you.
So spotting today & it has some red...also feeling really crappy...so really hoping AF starts tomorrow...ready to get this show on the road!

So a few good things coming this cycle.

1 - Husband off all week during my IUI...so he can come to the IUI & the follicle count u/s without worrying about work.
2 - My test date will be Aug 14...my husband's birthday
3 - My due date will be Apr 23...week before my birthday
4 - The weekend before IUI will be spent in baseball country honoring Joe Torre & doing the thing we love most...road tripping it!!! So we should be feeling great when we come home to a follicle count.
5 - We have my meds figured out & hopefully the count issue figured out...everything will be on our side!

I am going to also try to work out some this month. Our garage & treadmill is set up...just need a tv hook up. Also going to try to count out bottles of water so I am drinking as much fluids as I should...also getting back on to religiously taking my vitamins.

I love this post, so positive! I'm absolutely starting to count every "good appointment" as a huge victory and blessing. I like your idea of a list of positives. This whole process is incredibly exhausting, and I just wanted you all to know that I think the WORLD of you and your fight for fertility. I am amazed at how strong women can be, and can't wait to see all of us have success in this area, one way or another, no matter how many downs we fave before an "up".

I saw this website, I really liked the statistical breakdown for various IUI cycles. Not sure where they got it from. But here you go:

This song really helps me! I too hope it will inspire you...

God Is Doing Something Wonderful In Me - YouTube
&#9658; 5:45&#9658; 5:45
Sep 19, 2010 - Uploaded by James Ross
David Frazier (Songwriter, Producer, Artist) finished up a week long music workshop.
I also just realized the 13th starts a huge consignment sale in my area...really hope I can go shop there knowing I just got a positive test!
Good Morning ladies, may I join you? I did IUI last March and it worked the 1st time. I had been doing acupuncture for a few months and I think it helped. We are on a different insurance plan now that doesn't cover acupuncture ($150 session) or IUI, so we are starting our cycle tomorrow without any of the lead in prep I did last time of acupuncture, herbs....Last Monday was CD1 and they put me on BC. I go in tomorrow for more blood and u/s. What's concerning me is that on my blood results last week my TSH was elevated and they sent me to an Endocrinologist and she put my on Synthroid as it appears I am hypothyroid. I know it can affect my chances of getting prego so I asked my Dr if I should wait until my TSH levels come down and he said no and that I should be fine. I'm wondering if I am wasting a cycle since I am paying 100% out of pocket.

It's been a while since I've done this, how did everyone do their cycles? BC for a week, u/s & blood then start meds? How long did everyone do meds for? Anyone do acupuncture? Thanks for your help and support!

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