July/August IUIs

Babywhisperer it sounds like the beginning of O or a very mild case of OHSS. It could be the cyst has some fluid in it, that would explain the bloating. But, since you triggered last I am betting it's the start of O which makes for great timing in the morning. You have a lucky left side, it seems to do all the work. My right ovary does all the work. :haha: I hope that you can catch that eggie and get a BFP. I hope your cramps settle down too.
Hello All, this is my first time posting although not my first time viewing this sight. I was diagnosed through laparoscopy with Endo when I was 17. But then found out I wasn't getting pregnant because of PCOS about a year ago.

I am currently in my 3rd (technically 4th with the initial cycle being cancelled) cycle of Clomid + Gonal F+ Ovidrel + IUI +progesterone. This cycle I did not have to use the Gonal F because my follicle actually responded to Clomid (22.5). Hubby (30) and I (25) have been TTC for about 2 years. I had 7 days of Clomid, then Ovidrel trigger the night of 7/18, then 5 days of estrace because the Clomid took a bit away from my uterus. Then IUI the morning of 7/20. 7/21 started 400 mg Prometrium (prog). On 7/25 I had a progesterone check which was good. Tomorrow 8/1 is my beta pregnancy test.

What has really got me in a conundrum is this: I have never remotely even had a bfp EVER not an evap line in sight (and I am notorious for pulling the test out of the garbage and looking again later on --nothing, stark white). I have had cramping since my IUI which is very unusual for it to persist every single day for me. It usually happens after IUI for a day or so, and then starts up again right around when I should be going off prometrium and starting af. This cycle on the night of 6dpiui and then on 7 dpiui I had a tense, tight feeling below my belly button that felt like I had just got done with a bunch of sit ups. I've had other typical preg. symptoms but usually that's just the progesterone supplements. Over the past couple of days I have felt this hunger pain even though I just ate a huge meal. I have taken some hpts ($tree, frer, and Walmart brand) since 9dpiui (I'm currently 11dpiui). I have really faint positives on all of them (six tests...). Some brands are more like squinters but my $tree tests have definitely been faint positive with the line not going away after the "allotted time". I'm really nervous and don't want to get my hopes up because I already have a hard time dealing with the prog. making me feel pregnant every month. I'm trying to stay positive that this is a real bfp but my lines are not getting darker (I know it's still early). By the way, my lines have had a pink tint to them even though they are faint. Has anyone else ever had 6 evap lines on different tests over different days, or maybe the Ovidrel trigger was still in my system and it will wear off, or maybe early bfps?? SO very confused! I would so appreciate anyone sharing experiences and hearing about how your cycles go!

This is our last IUI cycle also before we move onto IVF which hubby and I would prefer not to do if at all possible.

It could be the trigger, but at 12dpiui I got my bfp. I think trigger is gone by 10dpiui. I didn't test until 10dpiui and got zero, 11dpiui, nothing too. The all of a sudden a bfp on 12dpiui. They got darker and eventually much darker than the control line. I was a freak and tested for weeks. All that 1st trimester cramping freaked me out. Then on the days I didn't have it, it REALLY freaked me out. Take a deep breath, get a FRER and test 12dpiui. Good luck! I hope this is your bfp!
Babywhisperer it sounds like the beginning of O or a very mild case of OHSS. It could be the cyst has some fluid in it, that would explain the bloating. But, since you triggered last I am betting it's the start of O which makes for great timing in the morning. You have a lucky left side, it seems to do all the work. My right ovary does all the work. :haha: I hope that you can catch that eggie and get a BFP. I hope your cramps settle down too.

Thanks lady. I hope we get it this time too. I'm done feeling like my ovaries are punching bags. It would be such a miracle for it to happen on our 1st cycle again. The Dr keeps stressing my age and it is upsetting, but I can only hope and pray. Come on lefty!!!!
IUI went well. Count was 5 million. I have a much longer story but on my phone and pretty uncomfortable and tired. Better update later. :)

Rest up and take it easy.

I'm feeling pinching on my left...could I be ovulating already? My iui is tomorrow morning! Or is the beginning of it? Or is it the cyst I have on my left. My LH was a 4 on Tues. Thoughts?

I was feeling this way too after my trigger...in my case a really big follie...or 3...I wouldn't worry :)
Thank you, Mikihob. I am not doing well. My faith is decreasing and I am beginning to question a lot of things... It's just not fair...

You are not alone in your feelings. I can't recall if you mentioned how long you have been TTC. All the advice I can give you is if you need a break, take one. Keep the communication open with your partner. Know your limits & how far you want to go. Post as much & as long as you need...sometimes getting your thoughts out is helpful. And lastly, please don't give up...try to stay positive. Sometimes you need a day to be sad & negative...but try to get back out of that funk as soon as possible.

Good luck.
Ok so today was my last IUI & hopefully my last step in tis TTC journey (until#2 ;)) So we got there & my husband did his thing. I asked him how it went. We always joke about his part. He said he waited a minute to make sure every last drop got in the cup! So we were waiting for my turn. Just a back story...my last IUI was done by a dr because the count was so low thy wanted him to talk to us. Anyways while I waited I saw that dr go to the room where they wash the sperm. He came out with a sample & saw me & waved. I was like oh shit that better not be my sample! I was nervous of another low count. So a few minutes passed & I said it can't be us...he wouldn't have gotten the sample before we were even in the room. So we get called back & we wait. Then the tech says do you prefer a dr or it doesn't matter. I said it didn't matter. So she leaves & we are like wtf! Why ask about a dr? Never asked before. So we are nervous. So then my nurse pops in & says I am going to get the goods be right back. Again, what the hell! Just get in here & do it...we were freaking out. So she comes back & I say what's the verdict? She said 5 million & we were so happy. So she starts & can't find my cervix...took forever...but she was joking around. She sad she inserts the sample in spurts...no science behind it but she just figured it is easier for my body to accept it a little at a time. Then she holds the catheter in for a bit to bock the only exit. I really liked her.

So then after we went around shopping & looking at baby things. We love doing that. I went to Target...the devil! Because I always find something to buy! Well I found a breast pump for $54 originally $180! I looked around & hand pumps not on sale are $40, so I figured worth buying. By lunch I was walking so slow & ready to get home. So I slept on the hour & half drive back. It was a really good day. I am feeling good about everything.

Now I am home on the couch relaxing while my husbands gets some much needed chores done. I may have to nag him, but he does get things done...I love him so much!

Oh & on the way home I accidentally said do you think we made some babies? (Instead of baby...singular!)
Beagle - So glad IUI went well and you had a good count too! Hopefully this is the one for you! On the topic of breastpumps, you should check with you insurance too because some will cover the breastpump for you. Mine was free through the insurance.

Miki - No chance that I'm pregnant (I did take a test just because) but hubby hurt his back so there was no BDing and with no IUI not a chance I'm pregnant. Probably just the stupid PCOS wreaking havoc on my body again.

Swadley - Sounds like a BFP to me! On my last pregnancy I got my BFP at 10dpo so sounds good for you.
I don't think my insurance pays...but my health savings account would have if it wasn't already maxed out.

But that is a good thing to keep in mind.
Ok so today was my last IUI & hopefully my last step in tis TTC journey (until#2 ;)) So we got there & my husband did his thing. I asked him how it went. We always joke about his part. He said he waited a minute to make sure every last drop got in the cup! So we were waiting for my turn. Just a back story...my last IUI was done by a dr because the count was so low thy wanted him to talk to us. Anyways while I waited I saw that dr go to the room where they wash the sperm. He came out with a sample & saw me & waved. I was like oh shit that better not be my sample! I was nervous of another low count. So a few minutes passed & I said it can't be us...he wouldn't have gotten the sample before we were even in the room. So we get called back & we wait. Then the tech says do you prefer a dr or it doesn't matter. I said it didn't matter. So she leaves & we are like wtf! Why ask about a dr? Never asked before. So we are nervous. So then my nurse pops in & says I am going to get the goods be right back. Again, what the hell! Just get in here & do it...we were freaking out. So she comes back & I say what's the verdict? She said 5 million & we were so happy. So she starts & can't find my cervix...took forever...but she was joking around. She sad she inserts the sample in spurts...no science behind it but she just figured it is easier for my body to accept it a little at a time. Then she holds the catheter in for a bit to bock the only exit. I really liked her.

So then after we went around shopping & looking at baby things. We love doing that. I went to Target...the devil! Because I always find something to buy! Well I found a breast pump for $54 originally $180! I looked around & hand pumps not on sale are $40, so I figured worth buying. By lunch I was walking so slow & ready to get home. So I slept on the hour & half drive back. It was a really good day. I am feeling good about everything.

Now I am home on the couch relaxing while my husbands gets some much needed chores done. I may have to nag him, but he does get things done...I love him so much!

Oh & on the way home I accidentally said do you think we made some babies? (Instead of baby...singular!)

Sounds great! Try to positively visualize implantation. Will it to happen! As far as multiples, better now than after your second!!

I wish I could share all the stories I have heard over the years. The one that really struck me was an acquaintance who had 7 rounds of IVF and finally got twin girls who are 3mos old. She was trying for almost 10yrs. She went to my Dr and they finally figured out what was wrong. Stay the course ladies and if you feel a second opinion or a tweaking of your protocol is worth it, do it. I am so glad I got a second opinion.

As for my pains, it feels like gas bubbles trapped in my abdomen. Not fun. All this eating healthy, brown rice, veggies...:blush:
I agree babywhisperer! I was ok with the idea of twins before but now that I have a little one running around I would much rather have a singleton. Multiples would sure be a handful at this point.
As a first pregnancy, twins would be fun & exciting...def would be more nervous with pregnancy #2
beaglemom I am so glad that your IUI went so well and you are so positive. I like to look at baby stuff too. Especially during the periods when I really feel like it could happen. I am hoping that this is it, and you get your BFP! Now the dreaded TWW. :wacko: Great deal on the breast pump. I love when things are on sale for such good deals.

raelynn I totally forgot about DH’s back being out stopping you from BDing. Now that you reminded me, how he is doing?

Babywhisperer tomorrow is the day!

I always tell DH that we will have two sets of twins. Boy/Girl each or two boys and two girls. DH and the donor are really quite good at making girls, boys are a rarity, so I said we would probably end up with 3 girls and 1 boy. Exact opposite of our neighbors. :rofl:

Feeling excited about this month!! My bro’s birthday is on August 26 it would be so cool to tell him that he will be an Uncle. He has been supporting me through this TTC (no one knows we are using donor, but he follows the rest) and he would be so thrilled. Best present ever! :thumbup:

I hope everyone is well.
Thanks for asking Miki. Hubby is doing ok. He's on strong pain meds now so he can move around. He has 2 herniated discs pushing against his sciatic nerve so his leg is in constant pain without the meds. He's seeing a neurosurgeon in 2 weeks to see what treatment options are.

That is funny that you say your donor is good at making girls. Our donor had 3 boys and we ended up with a girl so you never know!
raelynn I am glad that DH is doing better. Sounds mighty painful. My hubby wants girls. Our nephews and neighbors boys are crazy- as boys are. A friend told us that we would end up having triplet boys. :rofl:
HALLELUJAH!!! I have never been so happy to see the wicked witch before! AF has finally shown her ugly face. At last I can move on.

For those of you that would like to be recorded on the front page, could you please let me know what step you're at and what the next date is? ex. IUI on this date or triggered on this date
Yay Raelynn!!!! I'm so excited for you! Ugh! Finally!!!

I'm on birth control pills to shrink cysts until August 25th. Then I can start injections for ivf #1!
JCM - Are you on bcp just for cysts or was it part of your IVF protocol too? I had to do a round of bcp for my IVF too and didn't have any cysts. I guess it is a regular part of IVF at my clinic.
Ok pick up time is 9:55am. Wish me luck. Have to come back to work and deal with the savages here. Cross your fingers ladies. Come on lefty, let's do this again!
Good luck Babywhisperer! Hope everything goes well.
I'm back, thanks for the well wishes. 48 million post wash and 89% motility. They were very happy with those numbers as am I. I cramped a bit, but now am fine. Testing date for blood is the 15th, but I will know before then. I start the progesterone supps (gross) Sunday night. I have to say the cramping reminded me of early labor, kind of freaked me out like "oh yeah, I remember that feeling, yikes).

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