July/August IUIs

Hey ladies! I need advice/help!

Ok, today was cd 12 u/s day. I am technically cd 13 today. My lining looked great, 10 (mm?). anyways, my right had NO follicles and my left has a BABY follie, like barely 10mm. They are putting me on a second round of femara in the same cycle to boost follie production. What? I asked the nurse if it would throw my body off, and she said no. I said, so your body doesn't know CD it just knows hormones?

Anyways, i go back in a week after 5 days of femara again to see how the follies look. I can't help but think this cycle is a bust! They say they have done this before often, that sometimes your cycle just needs a boost. I googled like crazy and have found a few threads that showed their RE's doing the same thing. I trust my RE, and I know he's way qualified for his job, but I can't help but scratch my head over this!

I did call a little bit after I left and asked for more explanation but until then, any ideas?

I know this is a stressful process fraught with doubts and second guessing. Your RE has probably seen it all, or very close to all. I think the biggest thing is to trust him/her and have confidence in them. Remember, your success is counted in their stats...they have every reason to do their best. Take a deep breath and relax, let your body do what they are manipulating it to do. Fingers crossed for you.

I had my 2nd u/s today. Not a single thing brewing on the right, and only 1 follie measuring 17mm on the left. I know it onlt takes one, but I responded so much better last time. He thinks it's due to age. Can 15mos really make that much difference? I think the acupuncture helped me stim better. He thinks I will trigger tomorrow night and do the iui Friday morning. I find out for sure later when the nurse calls with my blood results. He said my lining looked good, but I didn't see a triple lining like last time. I hope this 1 follie works, go baby go!
So I had some cramping yesterday & this morning & kept forgetting to do an opk…ugh! So now I am at work without my car & really wishing I could get to the dollar tree to buy one. Anyways…I am nervous I will ovulate today or tomorrow. So I had my u/s. The reason for my cramping…follie measuring 22.8! I have never had one that big. So she told me none on the right side & 2 maybe 3 on the left. Well she left the screen up when I was getting dressed so I took a picture. My follie measurements are: Right side 10.3, 7.6, 12.3, 8.6, 9.5, & 7.3…Left side 22.8, 17.8, 17.5, & 13.7. So I do not know why she said the 3rd one was so much smaller. To me, it seems I def have 3 on the left & depending on the growth between now & IUI…maybe 1 more on each side…long shot, but could happen. So my IUI is set for Thursday. We bd last night but now I wish we had used the conceive plus. I was really only trying to refresh the boys. But we put in an effort. I still have cramping so I REALLY do not want to ovulate too soon! I am trying to stay positive about the larger follicle…hope it is healthy & ready to be fertilized! I plan to do an opk when I get home before doing my ovidrel if I can remember! Now here’s wishing for a good sperm count.

Woohoo beagle those are GREAT follies! Praying for good spermies too!
Thanks for the support y'all! Babywhisperer you put it really well "fraught with doubts and second guessing"! I needed to hear all of what y'all said today! I'm bummed to miss out on being IUI buddies with you this month beagle! I will be about 5-7 days behind you now! Good luck this week to you and Babywhisperer.

SAKS and Mischeif, how cool that Houston has support groups that meet! That's great.
@Ltruns33: Yes! My first meeting is set for next week! I'm excited! Best wishes with your growth, ovulation, fertilization, BFP, and healthy pregnancy!
Hello! I've been following you guys and reading through your experiences since Friday, trying to understand the IUI process better and what it'll be like. But, never sure if I should join in or say anything yet since my IUI won't be until late August or so. My 3 girls were all conceived naturally, no probs except with #2 and 3 I had to take progesterone because of my LPD. I had two chemicals between #1 and 2 b/c of the LPD. Last time I got pg was January 2007. Since then, things aren't the same. We've been trying for almost a year now, with a couple months off, and nothing. Since it's been a while, we had an HSG done on me and an SA in June. All fine with the HSG, but the SA reveled male factor infertility. It's pretty bad, everything was lower than they wanted to see. Had a 2nd SA in July, and some things improved this time (longer hold), but morph and motility were still bad.

Had a follow up with my RE on Friday. He said that we'll try 2-3 cycles of IUI, unless at the first IUI there aren't enough sperm after the spinning, then it'll probably be just the one IUI. If none of that works, he said IVF with ICSI. I figured he'd bring up IUI, but was shocked that he also brought up IVF. How do you go from no probs getting pg before - 5 times - to possibly needing IVF? I was on CD 10 at the appt on Friday, so he said too late to do it this cycle, but we'll go for next one. We'll try naturally this cycle again and hope for a miracle, but I'm guessing I'll be seeing af mid August and we'll be starting our IUI cycle #1. He gave me 2.5 mg of Femara for next cycle to be taken CD 3-7, bd on CD 9, start opk's on cd 11, u/s on cd 12, then at that u/s he'll explain the shot and all and give me that, and give further instructions.

So, that's my history and what's new with me. I just wanted to say hi and let you all know that reading your experiences has been helpful to me since this is all new to me. I've never even taken fertility drugs before, so even that is new too. Won't have much to contribute for now since I'm not in an IUI cycle yet, and hopefully all you ladies will be pg before I get there next cycle. But, may have questions as it gets closer, that I hope you all won't mind me asking. :winkwink:
Mom of 3...make sure your husband is on supplements like fertility blend or look up a list of things he can take. The sperm can change from month to month. My husband had great success in count increase from fertility blend. I am in the same boat as you with count...no issues with me but I have also never gotten a positive test. Good luck!
JCM I really thought about punching her. :haha: I am sorry that your cycle got delayed stupid cysts. Isn’t that how it works, as soon as you have a plan, something interrupts it. Our bodies are SO mean. I totally hear you on the sister thing. A friend of mine did IVF last year after trying for 2 years and her sister gets married and starts trying right away and BOOM pregnant in two months. She got pregnant after her IVF, but her sister announced hers a month after. She was kinda upset because after all that time she had to share the spotlight. If it happens. We are here for you!

Ltruns I have never heard of that before. I would say if you trust your doc than have faith and confidence in him. BUT, I would also be worried about the cycle getting thrown off. I hope that the doc can give you more information and make you feel more at ease. Your uterine lining is great!

beaglemom I have been forgetting to do my OPK’s too! I always remember AFTER I pee. So annoying. I hope you remember on the way home and snag some to test. Hold on follies!! Those look great, by the looks you will def have 3 ready and possibly 1 more. Come on babies grow! Woop woop for IUI Thursday. Last month you were a day behind me, this month I am a day behind you. :hugs:

Babywhisperer we have our IUI same day!! Yay! I hope your blood results come back good. Grow follie grow.

Momof3Girls welcome! I hope that you respond well to the Femara and can have a successful IUI! Keep us posted after every appt and every feeling you have. We are great supporters! :hugs:

Saks how exciting for your first meeting! Let us know how the group is.

Update ladies!

Today is cd15 and I have a 2.5cm follie and my uterine lining is 6mm. Last month at cd15 I had 1 follie at 1.3cm so I am progressing much faster. Doc wants me to do the trigger Thursday and then IUI Friday at 2:30pm. He even made a joke. Since he’s out of town this weekend his nurse/midwife will do my IUI. He said since she is doing the IUI instead of him I will get pregnant. :rofl:
Hi everyone!
I'm right on schedule with a lot of you guys. I had cd11 u/s today. Had one 17.5mm follicle on left and another around 14.5 then a bunch of smaller ones around 10mm. Problem though. My lining was around 4mm (didn't get exact measurement). My estradiol was also low (in the 50s i think). The nurse said that letrozole can cause the estradiol number to be low so not to worry but I'm def worried about the lining. Last cycle my lining didn't go above 5.5 either (BFN). My RE says they want at least 6mm. Pregnancy can happen with lower but less likely. But then I got no suggestions for what to do to help increase it. They want to see me back in 2 days for repeat U/s. Nurse said that sometimes letrozole can thin the lining too (in addition to clomid) and that I may have to move on to injectables at some point... Such a bummer.
We weren't planning on IUI this month anyway as we are leaving to go out of town on friday but i can't help but be disappointed. i'm keeping my fingers crossed for a miracle and a lining >6 by thursday!

Ltruns- my RE said that she has done letrozole twice in the same cycle many times so I would hang in there and go for it! last cycle i didn't have a dominant follicle until around cd24 (triggered cd30 at 20mm). Such a slow grower, wish i would've done a second round of fermara to speed things up. i def think you're still in it and your doc is trying to do everything possible to help things along :)

Beaglemom-your u/s sounds so promising!! any word on your lining? will keep my fingers crossed for you!!!
miki- great news!! your numbers sound great!!! fingers crossed for you!!
Negative opk! Not even dark! So I feel much better...trigger in an hour :)
kjg123 Welcome! You should ask about progesterone supplements/suppositories when you go for your next u/s. A lot of girls, even some on this thread, use those to increase and sustain uterine lining. It helps those with thinner lining get pregnant and stay pregnant. I hope that the doc can help you and get that lining up. Are you doing an IUI this month? Good luck. Keep us posted. :hugs:
Welcome to the newcomers. I'm cheering you all on from the sidelines. AF is still a no-show. It has been 16 days since we missed ovulation. I'll give it another week and then I'm calling my nurse to see if they can put me on prometrium or bcp again to get things going. Oh how I hate my body sometimes.
Ugh Raelynn I was thinking of you today hoping you started. Bummer!
Welcome Momof3 and kjg! Always good to have new buddies! Momof3, I did my first cycle of iui last cycle. They ended up increasing doses and adding injectables making it supper expensive so I am doing ivf this next cycle and I hang out. : ) please check in and ask away! Lol I will be on bcps for the next couple of weeks so I plan on following the girls and adding my 2 cents where it's wanted!

Wow lots of iuis coming up already! It feels like we all just had them last week! Of course while we were living it, it felt like FOREVER and time was moving the slowest it ever has!!! Lots happening! Beagle, great news about your opk!

AFM, I'm doing infertility acupuncture this Friday. I'd love for it to help relax me. The guy is awesome and came highly recommended from a friend that got pregnant with her first ivf. He actually told me his goal is to make me less of a bitch this month on these bcps! I laughed and said please try!! My husband is super excited too! Haha I must be so mean...
Hi ladies!
Hope everyone is doing well. Sounds like we are all moving forward.

Sorry ltruns that things have to develop more. Sounds like they know what they are talking about and are making sure everything is as developed as possible!

Raelynn I hope AF comes very soon for you. That's so frustrating . Also sorry about the insensitive person joking about infertility. Such a terrible thing...would have been hard for me not to give them a piece of my mind!

Welcome momof3!

Good luck to anyone whose iuis/ ultrasounds are coming up. I'm having a hard time keeping track!
My next ultrasound is 8/1. Hopefully IUI with be this weekend if all looks good! Thinking the metformin is starting to work as I'm feeling a bit better too :)
Welcome to the newcomers. I'm cheering you all on from the sidelines. AF is still a no-show. It has been 16 days since we missed ovulation. I'll give it another week and then I'm calling my nurse to see if they can put me on prometrium or bcp again to get things going. Oh how I hate my body sometimes.

Sorry you're in limbo waiting for the :witch: Waiting is so frustrating!

So got my results, Estradiol was 326, LH 4, triggering tonight and IUI Fri morning. Good luck ladies!
beaglemom that is awesome! How did your trigger go? I hope this is it. Your IUI is Thursday right? Good luck! It’s going to be a BFP this time!

raelynn I am so sorry. In 2012 while I was on Clomid and not responding, I was super frustrated every time my period never started and I had to get Provera. It’s so annoying and frustrating. I hope that it starts today and you can move forward.

JCM I was thinking the same thing, didn’t we all just do this? :winkwink: The 2WW is…so….slow….and then BOOM, another IUI. It should be the other way. :wacko: :haha: The doc said he would make you less of a bitch. :rofl: I told DH last night that you said you were “Crazy Infertility Jen” and before I said, hey I am “Crazy Infertility Sarah” he said it. I was like, “I will kill you” Hahahaha

Buttrfly how exciting for your upcoming u/s. I hope that it shows great follies and lining and you can do the IUI right away.

Babywhisperer that is awesome! Yay for IUI! My IUI is at 2:30m Friday so I will trigger at 4:30am when I wake up tomorrow. Yikes! :haha:

luvsgreen how are you? Have you tested? I hope you are well. :hugs:

I hope we all get our BFP’s this month!! :dust:
My trigger made me sleepy...or just everything going on...I did it around 7:45 & was sleeping on the couch before 8! So ready for tomorrow. My left side is really achy today...those huge eggs in there! It feels like I went for a jog or something.

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