July/August IUIs

My trigger made me sleepy...or just everything going on...I did it around 7:45 & was sleeping on the couch before 8! So ready for tomorrow. My left side is really achy today...those huge eggs in there! It feels like I went for a jog or something.

I am super crampy too, might do a warm water bottle when I get home. Feeling bloated and dreading the trigger. I get a huge headache and feel exhausted.
I am crampy today too! I do my trigger tomorrow morning and know it will get worse. I guess part of me is worried I will O tonight or something and throw off my IUI. I got a negative OPK about 3 hours ago and plan to do another one in about 3 hours, but still. I don't remember if I had a reaction to the trigger- other than the welt and pain. :haha:

beaglemom and babywhisperer I hope that you two can rest and feel better. :hugs:
Ugh I wish everyone in the world would understand how annoying infertility is. Just a couple months of it and they would be going nuts. I always worry my little sister will get knocked up before I do. She can't keep relationships with men OR friends. Watch. She will get oops pregnant. She is so irresponsible. So when that happens, be ready for me ladies! Lol
I had my cycle day 3 scan (ew) today. I have 4 giant cysts that I have to shrink again. Ugh. So frustrating. So I will do birth control pills for 3 weeks or so and have a scan then to see if they are below 9mm. Right now they are 27mm! I hate these things! Then I can start injections and egg retrieval plans. So fun right? Yuck! So I'll be drunk for 3 weeks and will drink allllll of the alcohol for everyone! ; ) even still, I really hates cysts. I don't understand why they have to ruin my exciting ivf cycle. It's just mean.

Oh, and Miki, if a friend told me to "hurry up" or she will have 2 before my 1? I'd punch her square in the face. Hahaha

OMG somehow I missed this convo about Miki's friend saying that rude horrible comment and about your cycle getting messed up bc of cysts! I am so sorry JCM! I hate cysts beyond belief! Are you doing ok? :(
I am crampy today too! I do my trigger tomorrow morning and know it will get worse. I guess part of me is worried I will O tonight or something and throw off my IUI. I got a negative OPK about 3 hours ago and plan to do another one in about 3 hours, but still. I don't remember if I had a reaction to the trigger- other than the welt and pain. :haha:

beaglemom and babywhisperer I hope that you two can rest and feel better. :hugs:

Are you doing the Ovidrel trigger? Where are you injecting?
Good luck to everyone and everything going on this week! There's a lot!! I love it!! We should get some sort of tracker on us all! Anyone know how to do that?

Nothing to report here except gratitude to y'all bc I seriously would've been a mess if I hadn't heard from so many of you how the whole repeat femara dosing mid-cycle thing actually is common and many have had their RE's have success with it! This is a great group, and I agree infertility is such a private battle like y'all were saying earlier. I hate that there's not any understanding on it in our world as a whole. I hate that I feel "ashamed" somehow of it! I don't mind family and lose friends knowing but not co workers and random people. I enjoy venting and discussing things here though. Thanks y'all!
I always try to figure out a tracker below my signature but I'm too stupid and not patient enough. Haha!
I was reading that castor oil packs help with cyst issues. I might order them through amazon..anyone ever use one of those? I guess you just put it on your abdomen for 30 mins.

There is a lot happening here! This thread is always moving! It helps with the waiting. I like reading about what everyone is doing.
My period is pretty much gone now so I'm just over here taking my birth control pills vaginally...haha my RE is so weird. I'm doing my fertility acupuncture on Friday!!! Looking forward to that at least! Plus I rented this giant inflatable water slide for my stepkids and their friends this weekend so I will be keeping busy. We are gonna put baby shampoo on it and make it super slippery. Then, the kids will camp out in it with the water off of course! What kind of stepmom would I be if I left it on? Hahaha
I always try to figure out a tracker below my signature but I'm too stupid and not patient enough. Haha!
I was reading that castor oil packs help with cyst issues. I might order them through amazon..anyone ever use one of those? I guess you just put it on your abdomen for 30 mins.

There is a lot happening here! This thread is always moving! It helps with the waiting. I like reading about what everyone is doing.
My period is pretty much gone now so I'm just over here taking my birth control pills vaginally...haha my RE is so weird. I'm doing my fertility acupuncture on Friday!!! Looking forward to that at least! Plus I rented this giant inflatable water slide for my stepkids and their friends this weekend so I will be keeping busy. We are gonna put baby shampoo on it and make it super slippery. Then, the kids will camp out in it with the water off of course! What kind of stepmom would I be if I left it on? Hahaha

JCM that sounds like a blast!! Can i come? haha! Good luck with acupuncture! I looove it beyond belief. I told my acu dr once that i was having a paticularly stressful month at work plus fertility stuff so he put more needles in my head/ears (i know that sounds weird but they were by my hairline on my forehead and one was actually near my temple) in addition to the ones he usually puts in my abdomen, and whoa I felt like a euphoric high. So, if your stressed or anxious or down about anything I'd ask about that! Good luck with that!
Hi everyone and welcome to the newcomers! I've been quietly following the thread and glad to see so many IUIs coming up. Good luck everyone!

Buttrfly - good luck at tomorrow's ultrasound! I have mine on Saturday morning so maybe we'll be cycle buddies.

JCM - Your stepkids must adore you! I haven't tried acupuncture but am getting a massage on Saturday so hoping that helps calm the crazy! Looking forward to hearing your thoughts after your appointment.

Almost the weekend!
Babywhisperer I am doing Pregnyl in my bum. The box said intramuscular only and my doc never said to do it in my tummy so I went with the bum. It worked great last time. Did you do your in the tummy?

Ltruns it would be cool to have a tracker on page 1 or something that outlines what everyone is doing on what day. I was thinking that too. Sometimes I have to go back and read a few pages so I can make sure I cover all my bases. I also feel “ashamed” because of it. Now that we are using donor sperm and I am still not pregnant, it’s “my fault” and it makes me feel bad. It is great having people to talk to about it. I LOVE this thread. It makes wish I had this one when I first started trying- maybe I wouldn’t have went nuts. :wacko: :rofl:

JCM that sounds like so much fun. They are going to fly down the slide. Can I come over? :happydance: Ltruns I just saw that you posted that too. :thumbup:

babylala I hope that your IUI goes great! I love that we are all so close in our cycles that we can monitor each other AND share in the TWW. It seems to go much faster when we can talk ALL DAY LONG.

beaglemom I hope your IUI went/goes great today!

I had my trigger this morning at 5:15ish am. I was told by a lady in another thread to heat pad the area first for a bit and then massage the area after to reduce the swelling and all that. I did that. I pulled my shorts down and DH starts cracking up. I am thinking, why are you laughing at my bum- rude? He says (between giggles) that it looks I got a sunburn on my right cheek! :rofl: He puts the needle in and I barely felt it, then all of a sudden it felt like he was digging it in. I kept asking him what he was doing back there. I got a bandaid ready and he was all, “You won’t need a bandaid.” Then he held paper towel on the area and said, “Hand me a bandaid.” I was gushing!!! :dohh: See, I told you I needed a bandaid. :haha:

Oh the things we do for our babies. :flower:
Babywhisperer I am doing Pregnyl in my bum. The box said intramuscular only and my doc never said to do it in my tummy so I went with the bum. It worked great last time. Did you do your in the tummy?

Ltruns it would be cool to have a tracker on page 1 or something that outlines what everyone is doing on what day. I was thinking that too. Sometimes I have to go back and read a few pages so I can make sure I cover all my bases. I also feel “ashamed” because of it. Now that we are using donor sperm and I am still not pregnant, it’s “my fault” and it makes me feel bad. It is great having people to talk to about it. I LOVE this thread. It makes wish I had this one when I first started trying- maybe I wouldn’t have went nuts. :wacko: :rofl:

JCM that sounds like so much fun. They are going to fly down the slide. Can I come over? :happydance: Ltruns I just saw that you posted that too. :thumbup:

babylala I hope that your IUI goes great! I love that we are all so close in our cycles that we can monitor each other AND share in the TWW. It seems to go much faster when we can talk ALL DAY LONG.

beaglemom I hope your IUI went/goes great today!

I had my trigger this morning at 5:15ish am. I was told by a lady in another thread to heat pad the area first for a bit and then massage the area after to reduce the swelling and all that. I did that. I pulled my shorts down and DH starts cracking up. I am thinking, why are you laughing at my bum- rude? He says (between giggles) that it looks I got a sunburn on my right cheek! :rofl: He puts the needle in and I barely felt it, then all of a sudden it felt like he was digging it in. I kept asking him what he was doing back there. I got a bandaid ready and he was all, “You won’t need a bandaid.” Then he held paper towel on the area and said, “Hand me a bandaid.” I was gushing!!! :dohh: See, I told you I needed a bandaid. :haha:

Oh the things we do for our babies. :flower:[/QUOTE

Everything I read said Ovidrel is a subQ shot, so I did it in my tummy. Thicker needle than the Gonal F, but I finally feel some relief from the pressure in my abdomen. It's strange, I did this March last yr and can't really remember details. The getting up to use the bathroom in the middle of the night 3 times is giving me flashbacks to my last trimester...I was seriously considering making a Craftmatic adjustable bed that sits over the toilet so I could sleep there. I was getting up 4 times sometimes 5 a night, brutal. Oddly though, I did sleep better last night. I was able to go back to sleep easily.

DH is all ready for this, he goes in tomorrow at 8:15 then I go 90min later. I really am not holding out much hope with 1 follie, last time I had 2-3 mature ones. I have done none of the prep I did last time, no supplements besides prenatals, no herbs, no acupuncture, and it bothers me. My response this time is disappointing and I don't think it's all due to age. While doing acupuncture for 3 mos, my AMH number doubled and my RE said what he saw on the u/s looked even better than the #. But maybe 1 follie is all it takes and no risk of multiples might be a blessing.

If this cycle is a bust, the Dr said he might increase my dose. I think the side effects are more tolerable to Clomid from what I've heard. I just get really tired and crampy.

How is everyone feeling?
Hey all, I can put something on the first page to try and keep track of where everyone is at. I'll just need some time for it so probably not until tomorrow or Saturday.

For me - I'm giving up and calling my nurse tomorrow and asking for something to start AF. I am beyond annoyed at this point. It has been 19 days since we found out I missed ovulation and nothing. Seems like nothing can go right this month. Thank goodness it is almost over!
IUI went well. Count was 5 million. I have a much longer story but on my phone and pretty uncomfortable and tired. Better update later. :)
IUI went well. Count was 5 million. I have a much longer story but on my phone and pretty uncomfortable and tired. Better update later. :)

Rest up and take it easy.

I'm feeling pinching on my left...could I be ovulating already? My iui is tomorrow morning! Or is the beginning of it? Or is it the cyst I have on my left. My LH was a 4 on Tues. Thoughts?
Babywhisperer I have TERRIBLE side effects with Clomid. If this month doesn't take we will save up for IVF and give my body a break. The hot flashes and headaches this month are so bad. I am glad that you don't have to go through all of that. All it takes is one follie. I would rather have one great egg than 4 ok eggs. All you need is that eggie to meet some spermies and BOOM, baby #2. Don't lose hope. :hugs:

raelynn that would be cool! We can track everyone. I am so, so sorry that AF never showed. The doc did confirm that you actually ovulated, right?? Did they check to make sure you didn't get pregnant? It's a long shot, but just in case. :hugs:

beaglemom I hope that you start to feel better soon. Great count for DH. Rest and stay comfy. We will wait for your update as patiently as we can. :haha: :winkwink: :hugs:
I wanna stop the progesterone inserts, because I heard they can delay your period...and make it very heavy and painful.

Best wishes to everyone else!
Babywhisperer you could be starting to ovulate or the cyst might have a little fluid in it. You took your shot last night? How do you usually feel before O? Is this similar?

SAKS I am so, so sorry honey. :hugs: Since you got a BFN you can stop the progesterone and your period should come in the next 48-72 hours (in theory). How are you holding up? We are here for you. :hugs:
Thank you, Mikihob. I am not doing well. My faith is decreasing and I am beginning to question a lot of things... It's just not fair...
Hello All, this is my first time posting although not my first time viewing this sight. I was diagnosed through laparoscopy with Endo when I was 17. But then found out I wasn't getting pregnant because of PCOS about a year ago.

I am currently in my 3rd (technically 4th with the initial cycle being cancelled) cycle of Clomid + Gonal F+ Ovidrel + IUI +progesterone. This cycle I did not have to use the Gonal F because my follicle actually responded to Clomid (22.5). Hubby (30) and I (25) have been TTC for about 2 years. I had 7 days of Clomid, then Ovidrel trigger the night of 7/18, then 5 days of estrace because the Clomid took a bit away from my uterus. Then IUI the morning of 7/20. 7/21 started 400 mg Prometrium (prog). On 7/25 I had a progesterone check which was good. Tomorrow 8/1 is my beta pregnancy test.

What has really got me in a conundrum is this: I have never remotely even had a bfp EVER not an evap line in sight (and I am notorious for pulling the test out of the garbage and looking again later on --nothing, stark white). I have had cramping since my IUI which is very unusual for it to persist every single day for me. It usually happens after IUI for a day or so, and then starts up again right around when I should be going off prometrium and starting af. This cycle on the night of 6dpiui and then on 7 dpiui I had a tense, tight feeling below my belly button that felt like I had just got done with a bunch of sit ups. I've had other typical preg. symptoms but usually that's just the progesterone supplements. Over the past couple of days I have felt this hunger pain even though I just ate a huge meal. I have taken some hpts ($tree, frer, and Walmart brand) since 9dpiui (I'm currently 11dpiui). I have really faint positives on all of them (six tests...). Some brands are more like squinters but my $tree tests have definitely been faint positive with the line not going away after the "allotted time". I'm really nervous and don't want to get my hopes up because I already have a hard time dealing with the prog. making me feel pregnant every month. I'm trying to stay positive that this is a real bfp but my lines are not getting darker (I know it's still early). By the way, my lines have had a pink tint to them even though they are faint. Has anyone else ever had 6 evap lines on different tests over different days, or maybe the Ovidrel trigger was still in my system and it will wear off, or maybe early bfps?? SO very confused! I would so appreciate anyone sharing experiences and hearing about how your cycles go!

This is our last IUI cycle also before we move onto IVF which hubby and I would prefer not to do if at all possible.
I wanna stop the progesterone inserts, because I heard they can delay your period...and make it very heavy and painful.

Best wishes to everyone else!

So sorry hun. If it were me I would stop the progesterone. If you truly feel it's a bfn why delay af. There is still an outside chance, but stopping the progesterone shouldn't just spontaneously expel a pregnancy in a day if you are indeed prego. As far as af, I find a Midol and 1 advil is a great combo for pain relief. Your Dr can also give you hospital strength motrin which is awesome. Trust your gut. Give yourself some time to accept it. Be kind to yourself and absolutely do not ever give up hope. Ever.

I took the trigger shot at 10pm last night. This feels like the beginning of Ovu. I'm just really uncomfortable again, crampy but not terrible. I'm bloated like Shamu that's for sure. It could be the cyst. I can't remember if they checked via u/s what the follies looked like before iui. Do you ladies get checked first? The funny thing...I got prego from the follie on the left last time, and this follie is on the left again.
Thank you, Mikihob. I am not doing well. My faith is decreasing and I am beginning to question a lot of things... It's just not fair...

SAKS I know how you feel. DH and I are kinda still in that spot. I am still very down about the last failed IUI and am so scared this will fail too. It's everything I have to stay strong and keep the depression at bay since I know it can interfere with getting pregnant. I wish I could give you a big hug in person and cry it out with you. :cry: :hugs:

swadley welcome! Your beta is tomorrow?? Since the lines aren't getting darker it could still be your trigger, but usually that means it would get lighter. I have read different things about seeing a pink line. I agree with you that getting so many positives on so many different test can't just be a coincidence. Since you are on progesterone it's hard to actually check on your pregnancy symptoms, which is annoying. I hope that this is your BFP! :thumbup:

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