July/August IUIs

Babylala I am sorry that you feel so terrible are so frustrated. I would think they would have wanted to check the lining, if they put you on estrace because they wanted it up before your IUI, you would think they would actually check it to make sure it was high enough. I have read anything over 5mm can sustain a pregnancy so maybe that’s why they weren’t worried with it being 6.6. Do you know if your previous miscarriages were due to poor lining? Can you request to speak to your RE?? I totally feel you. My doc doesn’t suggest new things or anything, I ask about something when I read that one of you do it and he usually just goes along with it. I hope that they will at least listen to your concerns and address them. :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:
Hey ladies! Sorry I took a few days off all things ttc. All I did was take my pills and BD every other day. I needed a mental break! We go in for ultrasound tomorrow, CD 20 for me to recheck and see how follies for IUI number 2 are doing. Hoping they are growing, thanks for remembering that y'all :)

Raelynn- I am SO glad you didn't have cysts. That's the best feeling in the world.

To everyone else ( I read all your posts but I missed so much time I'll just keep it kind of general) it looks like some had some really good numbers (beagle/babywhisperer) and like some are still waiting for their body to get it together (JCM) or some are getting downhearted (sorry SAKS) and so I am just hoping that everyone will be good to themselves as your cycles progress! Beagle and Baby (maybe Miki too?) good luck enduring the TWW!! I am so happy yall had good IUI's. :) We'll have a bfp in no time!!

I may not be on here as often bc two a days (texas sports) start monday and I'll be up with my cross country team (i am the head coach) running at 6:00am, strength and lifting 7-9:00am then meetings/lunch/ evening practices at 6:00pm. So long days! Even if I don't post, know that I am praying for all our bodies to get it together, and all of our hearts/minds to be strong and balanced. Y'allare a great group of ladies, and I am grateful for you during such a hard and discouraging time!

Wow long days. Are you doing all that activity along side them?

babylala I hope that the lining check shows an improvement and that your IUI goes great! That is hilarious that it’s blue when it comes out! I always thought it was funny when you have a UTI and the meds turn your pee orange. But to wipe and have blue stuff, too funny. I would probably take an extra five minutes in the bathroom because I would be laughing so hard EVERY time. My favorite color is blue. :rofl:

beaglemom I totally hear you on the symptom spot. So far I have been good not doing it but I still have the thoughts in the back of my head. “Hmm, this is odd”. :haha: That is amazing DH found that box. I have a few things that I collected as a teen because I knew I would try for a baby right away and it would happen right away. :wacko: I am so glad that you didn’t get rid of the memorabilia or the items that meant so much to you. It sure sounds like a good sign to me. :hugs:

raelynn I hope that the cycle continues to go according to plan and that you can do your IUI this month. :happydance:

Ltruns good luck with your ultrasound. Hope they see some great follies and can schedule your IUI. It sounds like your days will be busy, but that will be helpful during the TWW. Keeps your mind focused on other things. :flower:

Babywhisperer your one follie was great size and quality so as long as your timing was good, which it sounds like it was, you still have a great chance at a BFP. Last month I also had pronounced veins in my chest. I usually don’t. I was totally convinced I was pregnant partly due to that weird symptom, but alas it was a false alarm. Now I am not looking at my breasts at all. :haha: I am also going to try to wait to test, but I want to wait until 14dpiui. Probably won’t but am going to try.

As for me- nothing really to report. Other than my extreme Clomid headaches and hot flashes I feel “normal”. What’s weird is that my breasts and nipples are usually so sore I can’t even cross my arms or walk fast without intense pain. This month, they are sore and slightly sensitive but that’s all. I have a kind of dull ache in my pelvis region but nothing crampy or painful. My fatigue isn’t even as bad as usual. It’s kinda weird since every month I cramp after IUI, have painful, tingly breasts and severe fatigue. My headaches are the worst they have been in the last 6 months. No matter how many Tylenol I take or how long I lay down it’s day long headaches. Sometimes to the point I can barely keep my eyes open. It’s miserable, and when I get a massive hot flash I start sweating, feel super hot and my headache gets worse. JUST BE PREGO SARAH!! :thumbup:

:dust: :dust: :dust: for us all!!

Ok, I'm a little upset and about to go on a major rant.

I had my IUI and it went well- procedure was smooth and DH had 40 million post wash.

But, before they did it I basically had to demand that they check my lining again to see how I'm responding to estrace. Shouldn't it just be part of their routine to do that? My lining only went up to 6.6mm. I've read most RE's won't do it with a lining on 7. She was trying to reassure me and say she's seen so many women get pregnant with that lining and blah blah but I just don't believe it. This is supposed to be the best clinic in DC and I feel like everyone I speak to tells me something different. Not to mention that I actually haven't even spoken to my own RE since our initial consultation. I just feel like a hamster on a wheel. I guess maybe this is all normal but I feel like I'm being taken advantage of. We're spending a lot of money on this as everything is out of pocket and it's really taking an emotional toll. I want to trust my clinic but I feel like sometimes they aren't reading my chart. You'd think that because of my history of miscarriages, which is why I'm seeing an RE, that they'd be paying extra attention to the lining.

Ahh, I just want to scream but I'm at work and that wouldn't be good. Sorry for the rant but I'm really hanging on by a thread.

Babywhisperer: I only do the first run with them at 6:00am its usually a easy 3-4 miler. I bike or time the other practices. For me 15 miles or so is pretty easy and a big cutback in my regular running. I've taken significant time off training in the past and it hasn't affected anything ttc for us. After the IUI i take it really easy as well.

Miki- sorry clomid is making you have a lot of symptoms. I had TONS and was a BI*@# on it, so femara has been easier on me mentally and no hot flashes.

Babylala: I would be frustrated with that too. You know you body best so definitely speak up. I'm proud of you for demanding they check your lining! My doc isn't really very present either, but he did my u/s last week and always checks the pics from the nurse. They usually are onto the same suspicions as me and confirm things through u/s and blood etc. They put me on progesterone after I was firm about thinking it had something to do with our inability to get pregnant and my spotting/luteal phase questions. So mine listen but are kind of distant. Hmm I wonder if you should request a appointment to re-evaluate your expectations? Hopefully you'll get a bfp and wont have to worry about it.

So.. I had my U/S today. UGGGHHHHHH. I'm somewhere between frustrated and heartbroken. Still no clear follicle. Even after CD 5-9 of femara 5mg, and CD 14-18 of 7.5mg.... SEVEN POINT FIVE. Seems like a high dose!! I say "no clear follies" bc the nurse measured, but it was not a very dark spot (last month follicles were clearly dark) and wasn't a perfect circle. They measured it at 15mm which means if that's the follie, it's only grown 5mm in 7 days medicated. I left the dr bc she needed to discuss it with my RE. Then I get home and they say i need to come in for blood to see my estradiol levels ( i think that was it).. WTHHHHHHH. I drive an hour for these appointments, in the midst of crazy hours with two a days. I sure wish they would've JUST TAKEN BLOOD THERE to-freakin DAY. Anyways, this is looking pretty bleak as any chance of IUI. So.dissappointed. :dohh:
Ok, I'm preaching to myself here but just wanted to share this excerpt from a RE's blog that my friend shared with me (not sure the link, just have the quote)
"I believe we have most of your problems under control." I leaned against the counter. "You know, it's discouraging for me, too, when a new problem shows up in each cycle. But if you look at it as tackling one problem at a time, it makes solving your fertility problem manageable."

A RE was telling a story of a lady who it seemed like once they "solved" on e problem either another popped up or, the cycle just didn't work.

So my encouragement to you (and mainly preaching to myself) is to not be discouraged month after month, year after year. Especially once seeing a RE bc each month, each test, each U/S is helping to find pieces to the puzzle. But of course, sometimes you need a mental and emotional break, and you know when that is, no one else does. But while you're hitting the IF treatments, do not lose heart, it's a month by month process sometimes. You never know how close you are each time. :) Good luck to those in the TWW ladies!
Ltruns I am so, sorry that your ultrasound appt didn’t go as expected. I hate when doctors do that. They should have just run a blood panel if they thought you might need one, rather than making you drive that way twice in one day. How rude and kinda inconsiderate. I hope that the blood work can lend some answers and I really hope that this cycle isn’t a bust. I love your quote. It’s very true. Every time I get good news followed by bad moods I always wondered, why couldn’t all the problems be fixed the first time? But it makes sense that you have to work one at a time. It’s a great message, hard to hold onto, but good nonetheless. :hugs:
Hey ladies! Sorry I took a few days off all things ttc. All I did was take my pills and BD every other day. I needed a mental break! We go in for ultrasound tomorrow, CD 20 for me to recheck and see how follies for IUI number 2 are doing. Hoping they are growing, thanks for remembering that y'all :)

Raelynn- I am SO glad you didn't have cysts. That's the best feeling in the world.

To everyone else ( I read all your posts but I missed so much time I'll just keep it kind of general) it looks like some had some really good numbers (beagle/babywhisperer) and like some are still waiting for their body to get it together (JCM) or some are getting downhearted (sorry SAKS) and so I am just hoping that everyone will be good to themselves as your cycles progress! Beagle and Baby (maybe Miki too?) good luck enduring the TWW!! I am so happy yall had good IUI's. :) We'll have a bfp in no time!!

I may not be on here as often bc two a days (texas sports) start monday and I'll be up with my cross country team (i am the head coach) running at 6:00am, strength and lifting 7-9:00am then meetings/lunch/ evening practices at 6:00pm. So long days! Even if I don't post, know that I am praying for all our bodies to get it together, and all of our hearts/minds to be strong and balanced. Y'allare a great group of ladies, and I am grateful for you during such a hard and discouraging time!

Wow long days. Are you doing all that activity along side them?

babylala I hope that the lining check shows an improvement and that your IUI goes great! That is hilarious that it’s blue when it comes out! I always thought it was funny when you have a UTI and the meds turn your pee orange. But to wipe and have blue stuff, too funny. I would probably take an extra five minutes in the bathroom because I would be laughing so hard EVERY time. My favorite color is blue. :rofl:

beaglemom I totally hear you on the symptom spot. So far I have been good not doing it but I still have the thoughts in the back of my head. “Hmm, this is odd”. :haha: That is amazing DH found that box. I have a few things that I collected as a teen because I knew I would try for a baby right away and it would happen right away. :wacko: I am so glad that you didn’t get rid of the memorabilia or the items that meant so much to you. It sure sounds like a good sign to me. :hugs:

raelynn I hope that the cycle continues to go according to plan and that you can do your IUI this month. :happydance:

Ltruns good luck with your ultrasound. Hope they see some great follies and can schedule your IUI. It sounds like your days will be busy, but that will be helpful during the TWW. Keeps your mind focused on other things. :flower:

Babywhisperer your one follie was great size and quality so as long as your timing was good, which it sounds like it was, you still have a great chance at a BFP. Last month I also had pronounced veins in my chest. I usually don’t. I was totally convinced I was pregnant partly due to that weird symptom, but alas it was a false alarm. Now I am not looking at my breasts at all. :haha: I am also going to try to wait to test, but I want to wait until 14dpiui. Probably won’t but am going to try.

As for me- nothing really to report. Other than my extreme Clomid headaches and hot flashes I feel “normal”. What’s weird is that my breasts and nipples are usually so sore I can’t even cross my arms or walk fast without intense pain. This month, they are sore and slightly sensitive but that’s all. I have a kind of dull ache in my pelvis region but nothing crampy or painful. My fatigue isn’t even as bad as usual. It’s kinda weird since every month I cramp after IUI, have painful, tingly breasts and severe fatigue. My headaches are the worst they have been in the last 6 months. No matter how many Tylenol I take or how long I lay down it’s day long headaches. Sometimes to the point I can barely keep my eyes open. It’s miserable, and when I get a massive hot flash I start sweating, feel super hot and my headache gets worse. JUST BE PREGO SARAH!! :thumbup:

:dust: :dust: :dust: for us all!!

Ok, I'm a little upset and about to go on a major rant.

I had my IUI and it went well- procedure was smooth and DH had 40 million post wash.

But, before they did it I basically had to demand that they check my lining again to see how I'm responding to estrace. Shouldn't it just be part of their routine to do that? My lining only went up to 6.6mm. I've read most RE's won't do it with a lining on 7. She was trying to reassure me and say she's seen so many women get pregnant with that lining and blah blah but I just don't believe it. This is supposed to be the best clinic in DC and I feel like everyone I speak to tells me something different. Not to mention that I actually haven't even spoken to my own RE since our initial consultation. I just feel like a hamster on a wheel. I guess maybe this is all normal but I feel like I'm being taken advantage of. We're spending a lot of money on this as everything is out of pocket and it's really taking an emotional toll. I want to trust my clinic but I feel like sometimes they aren't reading my chart. You'd think that because of my history of miscarriages, which is why I'm seeing an RE, that they'd be paying extra attention to the lining.

Ahh, I just want to scream but I'm at work and that wouldn't be good. Sorry for the rant but I'm really hanging on by a thread.

Babywhisperer: I only do the first run with them at 6:00am its usually a easy 3-4 miler. I bike or time the other practices. For me 15 miles or so is pretty easy and a big cutback in my regular running. I've taken significant time off training in the past and it hasn't affected anything ttc for us. After the IUI i take it really easy as well.

Miki- sorry clomid is making you have a lot of symptoms. I had TONS and was a BI*@# on it, so femara has been easier on me mentally and no hot flashes.

Babylala: I would be frustrated with that too. You know you body best so definitely speak up. I'm proud of you for demanding they check your lining! My doc isn't really very present either, but he did my u/s last week and always checks the pics from the nurse. They usually are onto the same suspicions as me and confirm things through u/s and blood etc. They put me on progesterone after I was firm about thinking it had something to do with our inability to get pregnant and my spotting/luteal phase questions. So mine listen but are kind of distant. Hmm I wonder if you should request a appointment to re-evaluate your expectations? Hopefully you'll get a bfp and wont have to worry about it.

So.. I had my U/S today. UGGGHHHHHH. I'm somewhere between frustrated and heartbroken. Still no clear follicle. Even after CD 5-9 of femara 5mg, and CD 14-18 of 7.5mg.... SEVEN POINT FIVE. Seems like a high dose!! I say "no clear follies" bc the nurse measured, but it was not a very dark spot (last month follicles were clearly dark) and wasn't a perfect circle. They measured it at 15mm which means if that's the follie, it's only grown 5mm in 7 days medicated. I left the dr bc she needed to discuss it with my RE. Then I get home and they say i need to come in for blood to see my estradiol levels ( i think that was it).. WTHHHHHHH. I drive an hour for these appointments, in the midst of crazy hours with two a days. I sure wish they would've JUST TAKEN BLOOD THERE to-freakin DAY. Anyways, this is looking pretty bleak as any chance of IUI. So.dissappointed. :dohh:

I'm sorry you aren't getting the follicle response you want yet. Yet! They will tweak things, or at least they should. It only takes one follie so grow baby grow! And as far as them not taking blood I'm confused as to the processes at everyone's RE. I go in, have u/s, the RE and I chat for a couple of minutes and then I always have blood taken. The nurse calls me later with results and instructions from the RE. I know this is a business and they are looking for maximum profit, but they should be tryng to limit any extra stress by being organized and not making women feel like a number. If I have a question I call the nurse, leave a message and they ask the Dr and the nurse calls me with his response. This is a anxiety ridden process and seeing the Dr puts me at ease. I know they are busy, but they shouldn't be so hands off. This really upsets me. I think Dr's being hands off creates room for second guessing and doubts about the level of care.
Ltruns that's a great quote and is a great reminder for me to keep things in perspective. Thank you! I'm sorry to hear your appointment didn't go well and how frustrating about the bloodwork. I'm hoping they can sort it out so you can do an IUI this month!

Mikihob - I ended up emailing my nurse with my frustrations and she's going to convey that to my dr. At least we can start thinking about how to address this for my next cycle (though I hope it doesn't come to that)!

babywhisper I'm there with you! This process is already stressful and I sure wish my clinic made it easier. Actually, I'm being pretty hard on them. Sounds like you have a great dr!
Miki hoping for you! You always have pain with IUI? Mine feels like nothing...less than a pap. I wonder where the pain comes from. Sorry you have to deal with it but it's worth it as we know :D

Babylala sorry about your frustration with your office. I hope you get a better response from them. I'm not certain about lining numbers so I can't be much help

Raelynn yay for no cysts..good luck for this cycle!

Baby whisper sorry I can't help I don't know anything about LH levels.

Ltruns I'm sorry about how your body is reacting :( hope everything straightens out and you can do your IUI this cycle! I love your positivity. This process is so draining emotionally and physically and we sometimes need to be reminded of why we are doing it.

Good luck I'm the TWW beagle! Hope the symptoms are a sign

I had another ultrasound and bloodwork on the 3rd then again yesterday because the follicles are being stubborn. The doctor that did the monitoring felt I may need more than just medication for the future ( wonder if this is something needed for you too ltruns). Would have to speak with my doctor. Yesterday one of the follies grew to around 20 so they did trigger and IUI is today and tomorrow. Only one follicle though...I wonder what the chances are with one and why my body didn't cooperate like it did last month. Hopefully they look at changing something if no BFP this time around so my follies do better. Beta is scheduled for the 20th but I will probably test the 18th or 19th.

Hope everyone is doing well!
Miki hoping for you! You always have pain with IUI? Mine feels like nothing...less than a pap. I wonder where the pain comes from. Sorry you have to deal with it but it's worth it as we know :D

Babylala sorry about your frustration with your office. I hope you get a better response from them. I'm not certain about lining numbers so I can't be much help

Raelynn yay for no cysts..good luck for this cycle!

Baby whisper sorry I can't help I don't know anything about LH levels.

Ltruns I'm sorry about how your body is reacting :( hope everything straightens out and you can do your IUI this cycle! I love your positivity. This process is so draining emotionally and physically and we sometimes need to be reminded of why we are doing it.

Good luck I'm the TWW beagle! Hope the symptoms are a sign

I had another ultrasound and bloodwork on the 3rd then again yesterday because the follicles are being stubborn. The doctor that did the monitoring felt I may need more than just medication for the future ( wonder if this is something needed for you too ltruns). Would have to speak with my doctor. Yesterday one of the follies grew to around 20 so they did trigger and IUI is today and tomorrow. Only one follicle though...I wonder what the chances are with one and why my body didn't cooperate like it did last month. Hopefully they look at changing something if no BFP this time around so my follies do better. Beta is scheduled for the 20th but I will probably test the 18th or 19th.

Hope everyone is doing well!

Good luck with your IUI. That is a great sized follie!!
Miki hoping for you! You always have pain with IUI? Mine feels like nothing...less than a pap. I wonder where the pain comes from. Sorry you have to deal with it but it's worth it as we know :D

Babylala sorry about your frustration with your office. I hope you get a better response from them. I'm not certain about lining numbers so I can't be much help

Raelynn yay for no cysts..good luck for this cycle!

Baby whisper sorry I can't help I don't know anything about LH levels.

Ltruns I'm sorry about how your body is reacting :( hope everything straightens out and you can do your IUI this cycle! I love your positivity. This process is so draining emotionally and physically and we sometimes need to be reminded of why we are doing it.

Good luck I'm the TWW beagle! Hope the symptoms are a sign

I had another ultrasound and bloodwork on the 3rd then again yesterday because the follicles are being stubborn. The doctor that did the monitoring felt I may need more than just medication for the future ( wonder if this is something needed for you too ltruns). Would have to speak with my doctor. Yesterday one of the follies grew to around 20 so they did trigger and IUI is today and tomorrow. Only one follicle though...I wonder what the chances are with one and why my body didn't cooperate like it did last month. Hopefully they look at changing something if no BFP this time around so my follies do better. Beta is scheduled for the 20th but I will probably test the 18th or 19th.

Hope everyone is doing well!

I am on follistim & it has caused a great reaction for me. Once my dose was increased after the first month, I have had 2 months with 2+ follies. This may be an option for you. It is an injection I take on CD 7-9.
Miki hoping for you! You always have pain with IUI? Mine feels like nothing...less than a pap. I wonder where the pain comes from. Sorry you have to deal with it but it's worth it as we know :D

Babylala sorry about your frustration with your office. I hope you get a better response from them. I'm not certain about lining numbers so I can't be much help

Raelynn yay for no cysts..good luck for this cycle!

Baby whisper sorry I can't help I don't know anything about LH levels.

Ltruns I'm sorry about how your body is reacting :( hope everything straightens out and you can do your IUI this cycle! I love your positivity. This process is so draining emotionally and physically and we sometimes need to be reminded of why we are doing it.

Good luck I'm the TWW beagle! Hope the symptoms are a sign

I had another ultrasound and bloodwork on the 3rd then again yesterday because the follicles are being stubborn. The doctor that did the monitoring felt I may need more than just medication for the future ( wonder if this is something needed for you too ltruns). Would have to speak with my doctor. Yesterday one of the follies grew to around 20 so they did trigger and IUI is today and tomorrow. Only one follicle though...I wonder what the chances are with one and why my body didn't cooperate like it did last month. Hopefully they look at changing something if no BFP this time around so my follies do better. Beta is scheduled for the 20th but I will probably test the 18th or 19th.

Hope everyone is doing well!

Buttrfly it's mostly just cramping, sometimes severe cramping. The first IUI I cramped bad during the IUI, and barely after. The second I cramped less during and barely after. The third I cramped less during, but cramped almost the whole TWW. This IUI I barely cramped during the IUI and haven't had much cramping at all in the TWW. I do have a dull ache off and on, but nothing else. I am also not sure what caused the pain, I think maybe my uterus is just a big baby. :haha: :winkwink:

Good luck with your IUI's today and tomorrow. That follie is a great size, drop eggie drop!!
Sorry that I'm back with another question but I trust you ladies. So I'm still figuring out all of this stuff with hormone levels and follicle size, etc. I was just googling 27mm follicle at time of trigger because I'm still feeling bloated after IUI yesterday and it seems like that's really big, like too big. I emailed my nurse and will most likely hear back from her tomorrow but I'm kind of on edge. The crazy thing is my follie was that big on CD 9. Should I be concerned? Sorry again and thanks in advance!
Butterfly - I only had one follicle when I got my BFP so one is all you need. Hopefully that one is just right for you.

Babylala - That is a large follicle but I don't know if they can be too big. I know from my missed ovulation that it turns into a corpus luteum cyst once the follicle has ovulated so as long as they're not seeing cysts you should be fine.
Sorry that I'm back with another question but I trust you ladies. So I'm still figuring out all of this stuff with hormone levels and follicle size, etc. I was just googling 27mm follicle at time of trigger because I'm still feeling bloated after IUI yesterday and it seems like that's really big, like too big. I emailed my nurse and will most likely hear back from her tomorrow but I'm kind of on edge. The crazy thing is my follie was that big on CD 9. Should I be concerned? Sorry again and thanks in advance!

I don't know of a follie being too big but you may have some residual bloating due to it.

Ok TMI warning ladies. I left work at 2 today. I ate the salad I always have, no dairy or egg. I got a major attack of diarrhea and gas. I was in the bathroom for more than 20min, I couldn't leave. I barely made it to the bathroom at the train station. I couldn't even make it home without stopping. The cramps and gas have continued. Still going but not as much. Could this be from the Endometrin? I didn't have this reaction last time. Sorry if that was gross. My stomach is all distended I look 5mos prego.
Sorry that I'm back with another question but I trust you ladies. So I'm still figuring out all of this stuff with hormone levels and follicle size, etc. I was just googling 27mm follicle at time of trigger because I'm still feeling bloated after IUI yesterday and it seems like that's really big, like too big. I emailed my nurse and will most likely hear back from her tomorrow but I'm kind of on edge. The crazy thing is my follie was that big on CD 9. Should I be concerned? Sorry again and thanks in advance!

That is big...but I was excited this time because I had one at 22...never had one bigger than 17 these past 3 months. I don't know about being too big. I also was cramping/bloated longer than usual this time & I think it was from the larger follicle.

The ONLY concern I would have...having a bigger follicle early could make you O early...from what I understand, in a normal cycle, your follicles grow to a certain point & then release...I could be wrong. But with one so big, that would be my only concern.
Thanks everyone! I'll update tomorrow once I hear from the nurse. I think I'm going to try to get a second opinion on my treatment from another RE before moving forward with another cycle at my current clinic.

Hope that you feel better babywhisperer!
Sorry that I'm back with another question but I trust you ladies. So I'm still figuring out all of this stuff with hormone levels and follicle size, etc. I was just googling 27mm follicle at time of trigger because I'm still feeling bloated after IUI yesterday and it seems like that's really big, like too big. I emailed my nurse and will most likely hear back from her tomorrow but I'm kind of on edge. The crazy thing is my follie was that big on CD 9. Should I be concerned? Sorry again and thanks in advance!

I don't know of a follie being too big but you may have some residual bloating due to it.

Ok TMI warning ladies. I left work at 2 today. I ate the salad I always have, no dairy or egg. I got a major attack of diarrhea and gas. I was in the bathroom for more than 20min, I couldn't leave. I barely made it to the bathroom at the train station. I couldn't even make it home without stopping. The cramps and gas have continued. Still going but not as much. Could this be from the Endometrin? I didn't have this reaction last time. Sorry if that was gross. My stomach is all distended I look 5mos prego.

I had a little of that yesterday but not a big deal...but then this morning I was delayed leaving my house then had to make 2 stops on the way in. I only have a 20 minute commute! I feel a bit better now, but still a little unsettled.
Sorry that I'm back with another question but I trust you ladies. So I'm still figuring out all of this stuff with hormone levels and follicle size, etc. I was just googling 27mm follicle at time of trigger because I'm still feeling bloated after IUI yesterday and it seems like that's really big, like too big. I emailed my nurse and will most likely hear back from her tomorrow but I'm kind of on edge. The crazy thing is my follie was that big on CD 9. Should I be concerned? Sorry again and thanks in advance!

I don't know of a follie being too big but you may have some residual bloating due to it.

Ok TMI warning ladies. I left work at 2 today. I ate the salad I always have, no dairy or egg. I got a major attack of diarrhea and gas. I was in the bathroom for more than 20min, I couldn't leave. I barely made it to the bathroom at the train station. I couldn't even make it home without stopping. The cramps and gas have continued. Still going but not as much. Could this be from the Endometrin? I didn't have this reaction last time. Sorry if that was gross. My stomach is all distended I look 5mos prego.

I had a little of that yesterday but not a big deal...but then this morning I was delayed leaving my house then had to make 2 stops on the way in. I only have a 20 minute commute! I feel a bit better now, but still a little unsettled.

Do you think it's the endometrin? Did you ever experience this before?
I have experienced this before...so not sure if it is caused by meds or not. But I just looked this up & here is what I found on the top of google.

Less serious side effects may include:

■mild nausea, vomiting, bloating, stomach cramps;
■diarrhea, constipation, bloating;
■dizziness, drowsiness, tired feeling;
■pain in your vaginal or rectal area;
■pain during intercourse;
■loss of interest in sex;
■breast pain, swelling, or tenderness;
■joint or muscle pain;
I have experienced this before...so not sure if it is caused by meds or not. But I just looked this up & here is what I found on the top of google.

Less serious side effects may include:

■mild nausea, vomiting, bloating, stomach cramps;
■diarrhea, constipation, bloating;
■dizziness, drowsiness, tired feeling;
■pain in your vaginal or rectal area;
■pain during intercourse;
■loss of interest in sex;
■breast pain, swelling, or tenderness;
■joint or muscle pain;

How lovely. I had only fatigue and bloating last time.
babylala I hope that you get good info from your doc today and that you can still catch the eggie. I don't know about a follicle being too big. As beaglemom said, once they get to a certain point, they will release. I hope that you can still get the IUI in on time. :hugs:

Babywhisperer I hope that you start to feel better soon. I know all about the gas. I always get bad gas after o'ing while on Clomid. Not sure why, but yesterday I had this sharp, stabbing pain under my right breast. It hurt to breathe, to sneeze, everything. It was crazy. Then, TMI, gas release. All of a sudden I could breathe. I thought to myself, really? Was that all? :rofl: I hope that your bloating and gassiness will subside sooner rather than later. Also, that you and beaglemom can get over the diarhhea. I hate that. It kinda puts a damper on your day.

How is everyone else feeling?? How is the TWW going for those in it? :hugs:

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