July/August IUIs

babylala I hope that you get good info from your doc today and that you can still catch the eggie. I don't know about a follicle being too big. As beaglemom said, once they get to a certain point, they will release. I hope that you can still get the IUI in on time. :hugs:

Babywhisperer I hope that you start to feel better soon. I know all about the gas. I always get bad gas after o'ing while on Clomid. Not sure why, but yesterday I had this sharp, stabbing pain under my right breast. It hurt to breathe, to sneeze, everything. It was crazy. Then, TMI, gas release. All of a sudden I could breathe. I thought to myself, really? Was that all? :rofl: I hope that your bloating and gassiness will subside sooner rather than later. Also, that you and beaglemom can get over the diarhhea. I hate that. It kinda puts a damper on your day.

How is everyone else feeling?? How is the TWW going for those in it? :hugs:

Thank you, feeling much better. My fatigue has passed too which is great. Now if only the bloating could subside too, I'd be all set. I know it's a small price to pay, but I have to keep this a secret at work. I am the only woman in my dept and the guys I work with are brutal. The minute they knew I was prego last time they started writing down names of my customers and being super scummy. So I need to not look bloated, abd the morning monitoring u/s appts are hard to explain after a while. I say I'm going for blood for my thyroid problem.

Anyone else have to keep it a secret at work for as long as possible? How is everyone feeling. I'm so happy I'm feeling better.
Hey ladies! I was super cranky the last couple of days so I've been hibernating. Kind of forgot what this birth control does to me. 10 days down. Ugh, so many more to go. I actually remember feeling better emotionally on the injections than I do with this stupid little pill. My tummy looks flat again but my hormones are insane. If I'm not mad, I'm crying. Over anything really. I'm having a really tough time staying positive. My boobs are killing me though. Just like when I was taking progesterone last month. Yuck!

Babywhisperer, I was totally feeling that way last cycle about 5 days after the actual iui. Just after I started Progesterone. It came and went within a day or two. Then I was totally regular...just lots of bloating. I lived in yoga pants and elastic waistband shorts! So secret keeping for me. I am a stay at home stepmom for the time being. Kids went back to school today though! Woooohooooo!!!

So glad everybodys iuis went smoothly this last week! I think beagle is the furthest in the wait so every couple of days I'm hoping we get some good news!

Ltruns, I'm so sorry to read your frustrating story. I hear ya! I was super down when they said my body wasn't responding like they thought it would on the meds. They kept increasing mine every couple of days and I was miserable. I hope nothing gets cancelled for you...just maybe a super stretched out cycle!!
No secret keeping here either. I work from home part time so no one sees what goes on.

I started clomid last night and I'm super tired today. Not sure if it is a side effect or just the result of chasing a 1 year old around all day.
Babywhisperer I am sorry that you have to keep it secret because of your co-workers. It's different if you had a miscarriage risk or something, but having to keep it secret so you don't get screwed over, way to take some of the fun out of guys. :hugs:

JCM I am so sorry the BCP do this to you. I didn't know they could cause this emotional roller coaster. They always kept my emotions in control and kept my PCOS symptoms down. I hope that you can feel better sooner and start your cycle soon. It sucks because you have to keep taking them, I hope that it gets better and not worse. Have you talked to your doc?

Fatigue has claimed another victim. Sigh. It's back. I was kinda excited it was gone. Dumb fatigue- combined with my headaches, I am miserable. PLUS, I think I am getting a cold. Sore throat, stuffy nose/head and just feeling icky. I guess having a cold will make the TWW go by faster. :winkwink: :haha:
Hey ladies! I was super cranky the last couple of days so I've been hibernating. Kind of forgot what this birth control does to me. 10 days down. Ugh, so many more to go. I actually remember feeling better emotionally on the injections than I do with this stupid little pill. My tummy looks flat again but my hormones are insane. If I'm not mad, I'm crying. Over anything really. I'm having a really tough time staying positive. My boobs are killing me though. Just like when I was taking progesterone last month. Yuck!

Babywhisperer, I was totally feeling that way last cycle about 5 days after the actual iui. Just after I started Progesterone. It came and went within a day or two. Then I was totally regular...just lots of bloating. I lived in yoga pants and elastic waistband shorts! So secret keeping for me. I am a stay at home stepmom for the time being. Kids went back to school today though! Woooohooooo!!!

So glad everybodys iuis went smoothly this last week! I think beagle is the furthest in the wait so every couple of days I'm hoping we get some good news!

Ltruns, I'm so sorry to read your frustrating story. I hear ya! I was super down when they said my body wasn't responding like they thought it would on the meds. They kept increasing mine every couple of days and I was miserable. I hope nothing gets cancelled for you...just maybe a super stretched out cycle!!

BCPs are the worst. I was on Nuvaring for a few years with none of those awful side effects. Sorry you're not feeling like yourself. What's funny is I don't necessarily get short tempered I just pull away and stay to myself too. DH knows not to set me off, (most of the time). But men can get seriously moody! DH will get burnt out at work, tired and will be just a pill to be around. I just get quiet or vent to a friend and thats it. If men had to take BCP it would be one funny thing to witness!!
Babywhisperer I am sorry that you have to keep it secret because of your co-workers. It's different if you had a miscarriage risk or something, but having to keep it secret so you don't get screwed over, way to take some of the fun out of guys. :hugs:

JCM I am so sorry the BCP do this to you. I didn't know they could cause this emotional roller coaster. They always kept my emotions in control and kept my PCOS symptoms down. I hope that you can feel better sooner and start your cycle soon. It sucks because you have to keep taking them, I hope that it gets better and not worse. Have you talked to your doc?

Fatigue has claimed another victim. Sigh. It's back. I was kinda excited it was gone. Dumb fatigue- combined with my headaches, I am miserable. PLUS, I think I am getting a cold. Sore throat, stuffy nose/head and just feeling icky. I guess having a cold will make the TWW go by faster. :winkwink: :haha:

Ummmm when do you test???
My TTC is a secret from everyone except one friend, my banker, & my manager. I had to tell them because of the time away from work for appointments & IUI. My dr is over an hour away. But I mainly keep the secret because I do not like to share things. I will probably keep my pregnancy a secret at work for a bit...not sure how long. I have a few people who don't see me often & I don't really want them to know any of my business anyways.
Oh my gosh, babywhisperer I really miss my ring! Lol perfect birth control!
I'm with babywhisperer, Mikihob - when do you test? All that, including the cold symptoms can be signs of pregnancy. Hoping this is you lucky cycle!

JCM - The pill gave me mood swings too when I was on it for IVF. Hopefully things will get better soon!
My TTC is a secret from everyone except one friend, my banker, & my manager. I had to tell them because of the time away from work for appointments & IUI. My dr is over an hour away. But I mainly keep the secret because I do not like to share things. I will probably keep my pregnancy a secret at work for a bit...not sure how long. I have a few people who don't see me often & I don't really want them to know any of my business anyways.

I tried to keep it a secret from my boss but he straight up asked me if I was doing IVF!! I responded that I don't think he can ask me that! He is an inappropriate non-manager type with 1980s behavior and comments.
JCM it was so good to hear from you. I'm sorry the BCPs are making you feel bad. The first week after we tested negative I was seriously depressed and b*tchy. I'm sure BCPs just make all of those emotions more extreme.

My boss knows I'm TTC though I kind of wish she didn't. I feel this added pressure since I had to ask to not do international travel while going through fertility treatments.

Ugh, babywhisperer we have a few of those good old boys at my office and I think they're ridiculous! I love that you said that!
Ohh, and I forgot to update you all. I spoke to my RE yesterday - yes, I actually got to speak with him! He made me feel so much better and reminded me of why I decided to go with him in the first place. This is going to be kind of long so if you don't care about large follicles in thin lining please skip!

He addressed by questions on my large follicle - he said that there's no scientific proof that a follicle can be 'too big' and that they balance follicle size with my hormone levels and my hormones showed I was still gearing up for ovulation. Clomid can also produce larger follicles in some women.

As for the lining, he said that yes 7.5-8mm lining is the normal range where they start to see greater pregnancy rates; however, linings that are thinner but coupled with estrace & progesterone get your success rates back up to that normal rate. He also said that they prioritize a triple layer lining over the thickness - ideally they'd like to see triple layer and good thickness but that the triple lining trumps the thickness.

He did say that if this cycle doesn't work he wants to switch me from clomid to femera because of clomid's effect on my lining. I think that's the best decision for us but I'm really hoping it doesn't come to that!

P.S. - I'm relieved that I'm not the only one dealing with major bloating. I mean, it's super uncomfortable and I've never had it this bad. It's been since my IUI on Monday. I can't tell if it's that gigantic follicle busting that could still be causing this or if it's the effects of clomid/estrace/progesterone. I hate it!
Babylala - so glad you got the explanation you needed to feel more at ease.

So I don't think I mentioned to you guys but after this IUI is IVF (if needed). I only have enough time off to take my vacation in Sept & a cycle of IVF. That would mean no more vacation until January...which is a long time especially if I am pregnant. So I have considered postponing IVF until January. That way I can have my Sept vacation & another week in December for relaxing. I brought this up to my husband. He understands my reasons but I don't think he really likes the idea of waiting so long. So we didn't get too involved in it. He basically just said the conversation was pointless because I am going to be pregnant this month anyways.

I am feeling these weird things. Like a low dull feeling almost like very mild af cramps. Also a constant bloating full feeling. I didn't like being on my stomach last night which is how I always sleep. I have also been waking up early morning having to pee so bad it feels like I had been holding it for hours. And breast sensitive.

One long week to go before testing.
Good morning lovies! I had my first IUI on July 29th (CD16). We had 2 mature follies and 46 million count post wash. IUI went well. I was on 100mg clomid from CD3-CD7 and did 250mg Ovidrel (CD14). I'm currently 9dpiui.

I took a hpt on 3dpiui August 1st to see where the trigger was at I was 5 days post trigger at that point. I got a positive, it wasn't a strong positive but there was no mistaking it was positive. I didn't do anymore hpt's after that, until yesterday 8dpiui. I was a dollar store cheapie and once I did the test within about 1-2 mins I saw nothing. So I was gonna throw it away but waited till the 3 min mark, and I could see the faintest line. Being I was 10 days post trigger and 8dpiui......could this positive be the result of left of trigger? I'm having tons of AF symptoms right now, cramping, low back pain, sore boobs but only on the sides of my boobs and sore nipples. I'm convinced this faint faint positive is left over trigger, but after 10 days would I still have it in my system?
Ohh, and I forgot to update you all. I spoke to my RE yesterday - yes, I actually got to speak with him! He made me feel so much better and reminded me of why I decided to go with him in the first place. This is going to be kind of long so if you don't care about large follicles in thin lining please skip!

He addressed by questions on my large follicle - he said that there's no scientific proof that a follicle can be 'too big' and that they balance follicle size with my hormone levels and my hormones showed I was still gearing up for ovulation. Clomid can also produce larger follicles in some women.

As for the lining, he said that yes 7.5-8mm lining is the normal range where they start to see greater pregnancy rates; however, linings that are thinner but coupled with estrace & progesterone get your success rates back up to that normal rate. He also said that they prioritize a triple layer lining over the thickness - ideally they'd like to see triple layer and good thickness but that the triple lining trumps the thickness.

He did say that if this cycle doesn't work he wants to switch me from clomid to femera because of clomid's effect on my lining. I think that's the best decision for us but I'm really hoping it doesn't come to that!

P.S. - I'm relieved that I'm not the only one dealing with major bloating. I mean, it's super uncomfortable and I've never had it this bad. It's been since my IUI on Monday. I can't tell if it's that gigantic follicle busting that could still be causing this or if it's the effects of clomid/estrace/progesterone. I hate it!

I'm happy to hear you spoke to your RE and got confirmation that you are on the right track for this cycle and that he will change the meds if you aren't successful this go around. Sometimes we need that reassurance.

I woke up feeling very pre-af like...feeling full and crampy like it wants to come. DH really wants this. He said last night he wants another baby so bad. He said if we aren't successful we will just keep trying...I don't think he has any clue the difficulty of leaving work for monitoring (I have to be at work at 7:15, appts are at 7:45 so I come in and leave and come back), the side effects of the meds, the worrying, the fatigue, and how could he. We have a function to go to Sat night and I feel so bloated I have nothing to wear. And I swear everyone I see is prego with #2 inclusing my neighbor who delivered 3 mos before me, my bff who is due late Sept, and they all say they got prego the first month they tried. Grrrrrrrr Ok end rant.
Beaglemom your symptoms sound very promising! It doesn't sound like you'll need to worry about when to do IVF!!!

Hearmyprayers - I haven't tested out a trigger so I'm not totally sure but 10 days does seem like it should be gone by then. FX!
Good morning lovies! I had my first IUI on July 29th (CD16). We had 2 mature follies and 46 million count post wash. IUI went well. I was on 100mg clomid from CD3-CD7 and did 250mg Ovidrel (CD14). I'm currently 9dpiui.

I took a hpt on 3dpiui August 1st to see where the trigger was at I was 5 days post trigger at that point. I got a positive, it wasn't a strong positive but there was no mistaking it was positive. I didn't do anymore hpt's after that, until yesterday 8dpiui. I was a dollar store cheapie and once I did the test within about 1-2 mins I saw nothing. So I was gonna throw it away but waited till the 3 min mark, and I could see the faintest line. Being I was 10 days post trigger and 8dpiui......could this positive be the result of left of trigger? I'm having tons of AF symptoms right now, cramping, low back pain, sore boobs but only on the sides of my boobs and sore nipples. I'm convinced this faint faint positive is left over trigger, but after 10 days would I still have it in my system?

The trigger for me is gone by 6 days after. But I have seen women who have it in there up until 10 days. I usually try to test it out until no line so I am sure. This time I tested 6 days after & the line was almost invisible, so I stopped testing. I would say keep that test & test again over the next few days. If the line gets darker, you have a good shot at it being a real positive...good luck!
Beaglemom your symptoms sound very promising! It doesn't sound like you'll need to worry about when to do IVF!!!

Hearmyprayers - I haven't tested out a trigger so I'm not totally sure but 10 days does seem like it should be gone by then. FX!

Thanks...I hope so...it is just so hard to tell especially since I am on progesterone. I also cannot make it much past 9 or 9:30 before I am asleep. But that could def be the P effect.
Good morning lovies! I had my first IUI on July 29th (CD16). We had 2 mature follies and 46 million count post wash. IUI went well. I was on 100mg clomid from CD3-CD7 and did 250mg Ovidrel (CD14). I'm currently 9dpiui.

I took a hpt on 3dpiui August 1st to see where the trigger was at I was 5 days post trigger at that point. I got a positive, it wasn't a strong positive but there was no mistaking it was positive. I didn't do anymore hpt's after that, until yesterday 8dpiui. I was a dollar store cheapie and once I did the test within about 1-2 mins I saw nothing. So I was gonna throw it away but waited till the 3 min mark, and I could see the faintest line. Being I was 10 days post trigger and 8dpiui......could this positive be the result of left of trigger? I'm having tons of AF symptoms right now, cramping, low back pain, sore boobs but only on the sides of my boobs and sore nipples. I'm convinced this faint faint positive is left over trigger, but after 10 days would I still have it in my system?

The trigger for me is gone by 6 days after. But I have seen women who have it in there up until 10 days. I usually try to test it out until no line so I am sure. This time I tested 6 days after & the line was almost invisible, so I stopped testing. I would say keep that test & test again over the next few days. If the line gets darker, you have a good shot at it being a real positive...good luck!

Thanks! these AF symptoms make me feel like she is going to show up at any time! that's the discouraging part.
Beaglemom your symptoms sound very promising! It doesn't sound like you'll need to worry about when to do IVF!!!

Hearmyprayers - I haven't tested out a trigger so I'm not totally sure but 10 days does seem like it should be gone by then. FX!

Thanks...I hope so...it is just so hard to tell especially since I am on progesterone. I also cannot make it much past 9 or 9:30 before I am asleep. But that could def be the P effect.

P does that to me too, very tired at night. And the dreams!!! Vivid, bizare and makes me second guess myself when I wake up!!

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