July/August IUIs

Babywhisperer What a rude boss! No, he cannot ask you that. Just like an interviewer cannot ask if you are or plan to be pregnant. It’s a personal question that could lead to the view/opinion of discrimination. What a d*ck. I don’t swear a lot, but he deserved that. :hugs: I hate when you feel pre-AF in the TWW. It’s so confusing and heart breaking and, and, and… I hope that you can enjoy yourself at the function. I understand about the seeing everyone else who just tries and BOOM prego. I hope these are great signs and you have your BFP.

beaglemom I am the same. I don’t like to share things. I did at my last job and you know what the co-worker said to me. Now, I don’t tell anyone. With my hormones all messed up, I may actually punch them. :rofl: Those symptoms sound promising. I hope that DH is right and you won’t need IVF. I do understand waiting but I was told by someone once that vacations come and go, but you shouldn’t put your dreams on hold for a vacation. At the same time….. I have a family vacation tentatively scheduled for early June 2015 so I thought about postponing TTC until January if this doesn’t work so we could still go BUT…it’s a tough call. I hope that you get your BFP and don’t need to worry about it. :hugs:

raelynn and Babywhisperer I didn’t know cold symptoms could be a sign. I had a fever last night. DH was kissing my forehead and/or cheek and was like, “Woah, woah. You are warm.” I hope it’s a BFP and not just a cold. I am not taking cold medicine just in case- will just sleep extra. :thumbsup: I test the 15th! Is it the 15th yet? Lol.
Babylala I am so glad you were able to talk to your RE and that he made you feel so much better. I love my doc because I can call him daily and he always calls me back and makes me feel better. I wish you could tip your doctor. I am glad that you still have a great shot this month! I hope you don’t need Femara, but at least you have a plan, it helps to set the mind at ease.

HearMyPrayers it could still be the trigger. I have read of women who have a positive up to 10-12dp. I would keep checking and if the test gets darker it’s a def BFP and if it keeps getting lighter than it was the trigger most likely.

Sorry for the long post. Just trying to catch everyone. :hugs: I hope you can be our first BFP!
Babywhisperer What a rude boss! No, he cannot ask you that. Just like an interviewer cannot ask if you are or plan to be pregnant. It’s a personal question that could lead to the view/opinion of discrimination. What a d*ck. I don’t swear a lot, but he deserved that. :hugs: I hate when you feel pre-AF in the TWW. It’s so confusing and heart breaking and, and, and… I hope that you can enjoy yourself at the function. I understand about the seeing everyone else who just tries and BOOM prego. I hope these are great signs and you have your BFP.

beaglemom I am the same. I don’t like to share things. I did at my last job and you know what the co-worker said to me. Now, I don’t tell anyone. With my hormones all messed up, I may actually punch them. :rofl: Those symptoms sound promising. I hope that DH is right and you won’t need IVF. I do understand waiting but I was told by someone once that vacations come and go, but you shouldn’t put your dreams on hold for a vacation. At the same time….. I have a family vacation tentatively scheduled for early June 2015 so I thought about postponing TTC until January if this doesn’t work so we could still go BUT…it’s a tough call. I hope that you get your BFP and don’t need to worry about it. :hugs:

raelynn and Babywhisperer I didn’t know cold symptoms could be a sign. I had a fever last night. DH was kissing my forehead and/or cheek and was like, “Woah, woah. You are warm.” I hope it’s a BFP and not just a cold. I am not taking cold medicine just in case- will just sleep extra. :thumbsup: I test the 15th! Is it the 15th yet? Lol.
Babylala I am so glad you were able to talk to your RE and that he made you feel so much better. I love my doc because I can call him daily and he always calls me back and makes me feel better. I wish you could tip your doctor. I am glad that you still have a great shot this month! I hope you don’t need Femara, but at least you have a plan, it helps to set the mind at ease.

HearMyPrayers it could still be the trigger. I have read of women who have a positive up to 10-12dp. I would keep checking and if the test gets darker it’s a def BFP and if it keeps getting lighter than it was the trigger most likely.

Sorry for the long post. Just trying to catch everyone. :hugs: I hope you can be our first BFP!

Yup, what a d--k. Don't even get me started b/c it didn't end there. he told me I was going to be bed ridden....I asked if this was based on his expertise in the field of obstetrics and gynecology :haha:

Your symptoms sound very, very promising. I was the Heat Mizer when I was prego. Like window open in Dec, hot! I barely needed a coat in Nov. And cold symptoms are def a sign. Check out www.countdowntopregnancy.com And you can test sooner than the 15th if you are a day ahead of me. I have my beta on the 15th but will test the 13th. Test the 12th, cmon, stir things up and get that BFP rolling!!!
I did another test and the line doesn't seem any lighter or darker but I still see the faintest line!
I did another test and the line doesn't seem any lighter or darker but I still see the faintest line!

Get a FRER test!!!

I guess it would pick up on a FRER seeing as a dollar store cheapie is picking up the faintest line. If this is still trigger and yesterday was sooo faint wouldn't it be gone by today?

it should be gone....try a FRER. My trigger was gone by 8dpiui

ok! I will try the FRER.....so nerve wracking
Mikihob - by vacation in December, I really just mean time off to relax. I have only really had 1 real vacation this year & my 2nd is in Sept. Most of my time was saved up for if I got pregnant & delivered before Dec...then it turned in to whatever I needed for the RE. So part of me just feels like if I use it all up in Sept for IVF, I will be so run down by January. Plus last quarter is a stressful time at my job.

But then again, I am probably pregnant this go round ;)

HearMyPrayers - this is just me, but I would use the same brand test. If you use one more sensitive, you may get a darker line only because it is moresensitive. If you use the same brand, you have a clear comparison with no other variables. But that is just me.
Mikihob - by vacation in December, I really just mean time off to relax. I have only really had 1 real vacation this year & my 2nd is in Sept. Most of my time was saved up for if I got pregnant & delivered before Dec...then it turned in to whatever I needed for the RE. So part of me just feels like if I use it all up in Sept for IVF, I will be so run down by January. Plus last quarter is a stressful time at my job.

But then again, I am probably pregnant this go round ;)

HearMyPrayers - this is just me, but I would use the same brand test. If you use one more sensitive, you may get a darker line only because it is moresensitive. If you use the same brand, you have a clear comparison with no other variables. But that is just me.

thank you. The dollar store test have never failed me, and its picking up something, the aren't evaps either. Both tests were almost identical from yesterday and today. I'm gonna stick with the same brand and see what happens.
Beaglemom - I'm with you. I always like to save some vacation for the end of the year when I'm just done with it all.

HearMyPrayers - Sounds good but I agree, keep testing and see if the line gets darker. Good luck!

Mikihob - I also ran really hot when pregnant. I tend to be warm all the time anyway but pregnancy made it worse. Summer was torture with being hugely pregnant and super sweaty! Ugh! Hopefully this is all symptoms for you and not the start of illness.
Babywhisperer, he puts women on bedrest due to the deep regret they feel after suffering through a night with him. That makes him an expert. :rofl: Oh wait, is that rude?? :haha: :winkwink: I was considering testing early but I wasn’t sure if I wanted too. I just may have too. If it’s a negative, waiting two more days isn’t going to make it easier, right?

HearMyPrayers I really, REALLY hope it’s a BFP!! Keep using the dollar store ones but also do a FRER. When I test (since my history with pee tests is stupid) I use three different ones. One of them is bound to catch something. If the FRER shows up with a faint too, then you could be looking at the real thing. I hope, I hope, I hope. :hugs:

beaglemom in December time to relax is great. If you have a stressful job and need to wind down before the stress of preparing Christmas- it's time needed. You don't need to worry, you are pregnant and will be able to relax with your growing belly in December. :thumbup:

Thanks for all the well wishes everyone. I hope these are good signs and that I am not just crazy. :haha: I hope we all get BFP’s this month! We deserve it! :dust:
My trigger was still with me for 10 days and I was devasted! Remember I had you all so excited? I only used frers for all of mine. If I remember right, I still had a faint line at 11dpt then at 12 days a real squinter! Then negative blood test. Sooooo this cycle I will be waiting for my blood test. Lol no peeing on anything! I spent way too much money at the rate I was going through them!
Hearmyprayers, do you get to have a blood test? Try and wait til then if you can!

Babylala, I love that your RE is so reassuring. Clomid thinned me out too. My RE would scan me and say "yeah I'm just not happy with your lining yet." I'd close my legs and say "I'm not really happy to hear you saying that and my lady parts don't need your negativity!" Haha he's great. I see and talk with my RE at every appt. he actually is the one that does the ultra sounds and if the tech has to do it (I had her once) he hangs out in there with me anyway.
I had my weekly acupuncture/meditation today. Loved it even more than last week. My guy is awesome! Plus he's good looking. Kind of like a thinner version of Ryan gosling. Love him.
Hi to everyone else! I hope you all are hanging in there! Haven't seen anything from butterfly or Ltruns...thinking of you ladies!

I am going to LA tomorrow for a girls weekend but I'm sure I'll check in on everyone! When I get home, I'm attempting a not so hard core version of the paleo diet...so this weekend is my last eat whatever I want weekend nonstop. Plus, drinks!!!
I did 3 tests yesterday all 3 faint faiiiint second line.....this morning (10dpiui/12dpt) a second line again but no darker but perhaps a tad lighter. I started lightly spotting last night. Period cramps. I think I'm out.

JCM - yeah I can do my betas at 14dpiui but I doubt I will even need to.
Babywhisperer, he puts women on bedrest due to the deep regret they feel after suffering through a night with him. That makes him an expert. :rofl: Oh wait, is that rude?? :haha: :winkwink: I was considering testing early but I wasn’t sure if I wanted too. I just may have too. If it’s a negative, waiting two more days isn’t going to make it easier, right?

HearMyPrayers I really, REALLY hope it’s a BFP!! Keep using the dollar store ones but also do a FRER. When I test (since my history with pee tests is stupid) I use three different ones. One of them is bound to catch something. If the FRER shows up with a faint too, then you could be looking at the real thing. I hope, I hope, I hope. :hugs:

beaglemom in December time to relax is great. If you have a stressful job and need to wind down before the stress of preparing Christmas- it's time needed. You don't need to worry, you are pregnant and will be able to relax with your growing belly in December. :thumbup:

Thanks for all the well wishes everyone. I hope these are good signs and that I am not just crazy. :haha: I hope we all get BFP’s this month! We deserve it! :dust:

Such an idiot right. I am getting excited for you and Beaglemom!!
HearMyPrayers was it light pink spotting or light brown? Light spotting could be implantation. If you are just now implanting, it would explain why your tests aren’t getting darker (plus it could still be your trigger). I hope it’s a BFP and not AF starting early. Mine started two days early last month- totally devastating. Hang in there. :hugs:

beaglemom how are you doing?

BabyWhisperer do you have any new, different symptoms?

Buttrfly and Ltruns I hope you too are well.
I think I am driving myself nuts with symptoms. I still feel like a heaviness in my lower belly...sort of like I have to go to the bathroom. It also sort of feels like O or light AF cramping here & there. Also my breats seem sensitive to the touch...just a little. They also seem heavy. I asked my husband about testing early & he said absolutely not.

I also feel emotional off & on. Like last night my husband was on his way home & said he was getting a box of tacos at Taco Bell. I told him to get the deal that included bean burritos. I love the bean burritos. So he came home & said they didn't have that, so he got half hard shell half soft shell tacos in the 12 pack. I said there was another deal that mixes in burritos & he said well that one was only 10...like we need 12! We don't even need 10! I was really hurt & disappointed. He knows how much I love them. I did feel like crying but I just let it go. I know that has to sound like the stupidest story you have ever heard! :)

Work is driving me nuts again...5 o'clock can not get here soon enough!

I really want a positive this month, but I am worried I am reading too much in to the "symptoms".
HearMyPrayers was it light pink spotting or light brown? Light spotting could be implantation. If you are just now implanting, it would explain why your tests aren’t getting darker (plus it could still be your trigger). I hope it’s a BFP and not AF starting early. Mine started two days early last month- totally devastating. Hang in there. :hugs:

beaglemom how are you doing?

BabyWhisperer do you have any new, different symptoms?

Buttrfly and Ltruns I hope you too are well.

it was light pink spotting last night and a little this morning, but now its brown. my test this morning is faint still, but I can still see the second line.
Beaglemom - I've been very emotional these last 2 weeks too. I've either cried or feel like I can cry at the silliest things!

Your story makes me want tacos now!! lol!
Beaglemom - I've been very emotional these last 2 weeks too. I've either cried or feel like I can cry at the silliest things!

Your story makes me want tacos now!! lol!

Ha ha...we ate the whole box!

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