July/August IUIs

beaglemom I am emotional like that every month for about two weeks due to the Clomid. I have been crying at almost every Star Trek episode! Yes, it was a happy ending but not THAT happy. :cry: :haha: I am sorry that you are feeling so emotional. It must make work all the much harder. I have been trying not to symptom spot but every weird abdomen feeling and everything else makes me wonder. I hope that you are pregnant and I understand wanting to test early and at the same not wanting too. I hope that you can start to feel better soon. Test day is only 5 days away for you! :hugs:

HearMyPrayers since it's only light pink and now brown, I would wait and test again on Sun-Mon morning. That could mean you implanted today or yesterday which wouldn't get you a positive for 2-4 days later (so I have been told). I really, REALLY hope its the real thing and not your body playing a mean trick on you. :hugs:

I also want Taco Bell. I made tacos for dinner last night and they were good, but it's not the same as a Crunchwrap or a Cheesy Gordita Crunch- my favorites. Yum!
HearMyPrayers was it light pink spotting or light brown? Light spotting could be implantation. If you are just now implanting, it would explain why your tests aren’t getting darker (plus it could still be your trigger). I hope it’s a BFP and not AF starting early. Mine started two days early last month- totally devastating. Hang in there. :hugs:

beaglemom how are you doing?

BabyWhisperer do you have any new, different symptoms?

Buttrfly and Ltruns I hope you too are well.

I have to be bipolar from these meds, I swear. I wake up feeling a full feeling in the uterus, like pre-af, and almost hungover feeling. I need to pee all the dang time, I have moments when I'm standing that I feel like I'm on a boat (not so good when standing on a subway platform), but my favorite side effect of the Endomentrin is that I can't make it past 9:30...It's like someone slipped me a roofie (sp?) at 9pm. And I fall asleep as soon as my head hits the pillow...then I have to get up and pee at least twice a night. I feel nothing but what the progesterone makes me feel.

Hearmyprayers I agree with Mikihob. Be patient. You could've implanted late. My sister-in-law's sister has slow moving eggs and this happened to her.

JCM enjoy your girls trip!

Beaglemom, I know how you feel. Hormones make our emotions pretty irrational. Take a deep breath and know it will get better in that dept when you get your bfp. Your symptoms sound promising!!
Thank you ladies! I think I'm just going to enjoy the weekend, NO MORE TESTS! and just wait till sunday/Monday and see what's going on. The brown spotting as stopped all together now.
HearMyPrayers was it light pink spotting or light brown? Light spotting could be implantation. If you are just now implanting, it would explain why your tests aren’t getting darker (plus it could still be your trigger). I hope it’s a BFP and not AF starting early. Mine started two days early last month- totally devastating. Hang in there. :hugs:

beaglemom how are you doing?

BabyWhisperer do you have any new, different symptoms?

Buttrfly and Ltruns I hope you too are well.

I have to be bipolar from these meds, I swear. I wake up feeling a full feeling in the uterus, like pre-af, and almost hungover feeling. I need to pee all the dang time, I have moments when I'm standing that I feel like I'm on a boat (not so good when standing on a subway platform), but my favorite side effect of the Endomentrin is that I can't make it past 9:30...It's like someone slipped me a roofie (sp?) at 9pm. And I fall asleep as soon as my head hits the pillow...then I have to get up and pee at least twice a night. I feel nothing but what the progesterone makes me feel.

Hearmyprayers I agree with Mikihob. Be patient. You could've implanted late. My sister-in-law's sister has slow moving eggs and this happened to her.

JCM enjoy your girls trip!

Beaglemom, I know how you feel. Hormones make our emotions pretty irrational. Take a deep breath and know it will get better in that dept when you get your bfp. Your symptoms sound promising!!

I am dead tired by 9:30 & asleep as soon as in bed. Last night I peed, took 2 sips of water with my vitamins, fell asleep...woke up maybe 2 hours later & had to pee again...but not just a little where you may be able to just sleep through it...I was about to bust. Then again when I woke up for work. I hate not knowing if it is something real or the P. Dull cramping off & on still...very low in my pelvic area.
Oh my gosh, I want Taco Bell so bad now! You ladies are making me hungry!!
HearMyPrayers was it light pink spotting or light brown? Light spotting could be implantation. If you are just now implanting, it would explain why your tests aren’t getting darker (plus it could still be your trigger). I hope it’s a BFP and not AF starting early. Mine started two days early last month- totally devastating. Hang in there. :hugs:

beaglemom how are you doing?

BabyWhisperer do you have any new, different symptoms?

Buttrfly and Ltruns I hope you too are well.

I have to be bipolar from these meds, I swear. I wake up feeling a full feeling in the uterus, like pre-af, and almost hungover feeling. I need to pee all the dang time, I have moments when I'm standing that I feel like I'm on a boat (not so good when standing on a subway platform), but my favorite side effect of the Endomentrin is that I can't make it past 9:30...It's like someone slipped me a roofie (sp?) at 9pm. And I fall asleep as soon as my head hits the pillow...then I have to get up and pee at least twice a night. I feel nothing but what the progesterone makes me feel.

Hearmyprayers I agree with Mikihob. Be patient. You could've implanted late. My sister-in-law's sister has slow moving eggs and this happened to her.

JCM enjoy your girls trip!

Beaglemom, I know how you feel. Hormones make our emotions pretty irrational. Take a deep breath and know it will get better in that dept when you get your bfp. Your symptoms sound promising!!

I am dead tired by 9:30 & asleep as soon as in bed. Last night I peed, took 2 sips of water with my vitamins, fell asleep...woke up maybe 2 hours later & had to pee again...but not just a little where you may be able to just sleep through it...I was about to bust. Then again when I woke up for work. I hate not knowing if it is something real or the P. Dull cramping off & on still...very low in my pelvic area.

Please test at 12dpiui!! I'm so bad! Most get their bfps that day. It's something like 83% of tests are positive if you are indeed prego. Dull cramping very low is how I felt before my bfp. I wore tampons for 3 days waiting for AF bc it kept feeling like it was coming any minute. I took the test at 2am and didn't even look. I woke again at 5 to pee and looked and saw the second line on the cheapie. I got out the FRER and boom, second line. I hope this is it for you!!

How is everyone else doing this fine Saturday. NY is beautiful and sunny. We have a clambake to go to tonight. I feel like a bloated whale. Nothing fits and I look plump. I had a glass of wine last night and am regretting it today. I feel awful. I feel nauseous and have diarrhea again. I'm crampy and now I'm stuffy. I just want to crawl back in bed. Baby Jack's top 2 teeth are about to cut through and he's not his happy self poor guy. Dh wants to go to the beach, but with my stomach it would be a disaster. I'm going to do my very best not to test until Wed at 12dpiui. This wayif I get a bfn I know I am more than 80% likely to not be prego and I will stop the endometrin.

Hope everyone is doing well. For testing is it Hearmyprayers then Beaglemom?? I hope this week is full of happy bfps!!!
Thanks for the encouragement. I really hope this is it. I asked my husband again today & he said absolutely no testing early! It's only because of his b-day. He has never cared when I tested any other month. I said but we bought a 3 pack of tests (clearblue week estimator), plus I have another clearblue I have had forever, plus 1 frer, & some cheapies. If it wasn't his b-day, I would totally defy him & test tomorrow. But we are sticking with the Thurs testing.

Raining here in NC. I got my car serviced & we went shopping...nothing special. Now home waiting until my husband has to go to work. Random 6 hr shift because they are low on coverage. But tomorrow we are going to this food truck rally...basically it is like a fair but just a bunch of food trucks! Should be fun.
BabyWhisperer and beaglemom you def have promising symptoms. I think it would be great if we got a week of BFP's! We need it. :flower:

HearMyPrayers I think it's a good idea to wait until Monday. Enjoy the weekend and then get back to baby stressing during the week.

I wake up at 4am and am bed at 8:30ish pm usually. Lately, I have been having short naps in the afternoon. Last night we went to dinner with DH's contractors and we got home shortly after 7. At 8 DH is like, "Wanna watch a show?" I said no, I wanna go to bed. So we got ready for bed I passed out shortly before 9 and woke up at 8:47. WOW!! I peed twice, 3:22 and 7:20. I still feel tired. :haha:
Lower back ache today, horrible pimple on my lip...looks terrible...& AF like cramping. Thurs can not get here soon enough.
Lower back ache today, horrible pimple on my lip...looks terrible...& AF like cramping. Thurs can not get here soon enough.

Do you normally cramp in your back before af?

I'm feeling 100% normal. No symptoms of any kind. Clambake was awesome. Beautiful night on the water with great friends. Dh is more eager for Wed to come so I can test than even I am!! I really don't want to disappoint him.
Lower back ache today, horrible pimple on my lip...looks terrible...& AF like cramping. Thurs can not get here soon enough.

Do you normally cramp in your back before af?

I'm feeling 100% normal. No symptoms of any kind. Clambake was awesome. Beautiful night on the water with great friends. Dh is more eager for Wed to come so I can test than even I am!! I really don't want to disappoint him.

I do get lower back pain sometimes & the cramps. I don't think I normally get horrible acne. I am just tired of waiting.

Good luck testing.
Lower back ache today, horrible pimple on my lip...looks terrible...& AF like cramping. Thurs can not get here soon enough.

Do you normally cramp in your back before af?

I'm feeling 100% normal. No symptoms of any kind. Clambake was awesome. Beautiful night on the water with great friends. Dh is more eager for Wed to come so I can test than even I am!! I really don't want to disappoint him.

I do get lower back pain sometimes & the cramps. I don't think I normally get horrible acne. I am just tired of waiting.

Good luck testing.

I hear that. Try and stay busy and hopefully this week will fly by.
Hey ladies! I have missed y'all! JCM, you crack me up always with your posts, this time it was the "my lady parts don't need your negativity" comment. :haha:

I have been AWOL bc 1.) i don't have much to update, and I have been keeping up with y'all but I always read on my phone which is hard to reply on and 2.) bc I was going to wait until I had something to update.

I'm still in limbo. Last week They drew estradiol to confirm that the thing on my ovary was a follicle. They thought it was a follicle bc it was in the same spot, and it had grown (BARELY) from 10mm to 14/15mm. That is really slow growing if it is a follicle especially considering it was in 7 days with 7.5 mg of femara. Anyways, the estradiol was 50, and they wanted to see it at 150 to confirm a follicle growing/upcoming ovulation. I go back Wednesday to have the RE look again and see where we go from here. Honestly I am going to have a lot of serious and desperate questions when I talk to her. What's the deal with my body and how do we fix it? And, I feel like there are some issues we haven't found yet that may need resolving that are causing these ovary issues. I had a good break down after hearing about the estradiol. Cried pretty good, an "ugly" cry if you will :) for about 15 miles. It was therapuetic really! I don't know how to describe what I feel. It's some sort of weird mis between empty inside, "giving up" and just blank inside. It's not like depression because I feel ok with the fact that we may never conceive and my body may have things really wrong with it. It's almost like acceptance, and just like I threw my hands up in the air and said "ok screw it". I know we can keep trying IUI and move on to IVF one day when we are millionaires (jk but it's pricey for our teacher budgets) but I just kinda feel like what is the point if my body won't cooperate with the meds? So I'm some sort of defeated. Ugh sorry for unloading THAT happiness on everyone! It's not as sad as it sounds, I honestly haven't though much about it, don't care what day I am on, what's going on in my cycles or anything. Just waiting till the next appointment.

My plan is to stop IUI (for $ and time reasons with work), take a few cycles off and have my thyroid and full blood panel redone to check for hypothyroidism and other issues that can affect fertility ( I am up for my annual gynological exam), We will try naturally (whatever good that will do!) and then maybe do one IUI during school, and save for IVF maybe next summer. Also, I am going to try and go paleo and really really try and get some weight off that I guess I gained doing these treatments?! I run and monitor calorie intake already and have NOT eaten bad at all in the past three months but in three months I have gained around 15 pounds?! That's with me running and lifting weights and biking to work everyday. I don't get that! Anyways, I guess I know by now that "plans" are just an working document full of edits and changes so I hesitate to take any comfort in my "plans". But, that's where I am at right now!!

JCM when do you get to go back in?
Good luck to Beagle, Babywhisperer and HearMyPrayers as you test this week!

Miki I hope your fatigue gets better!

Reading all through y'alls symptoms and everything made me realize how much we put ourselves through for this process !! Bloating, gas, moods, fatigue, meds blah! We are some tough and dedicated ladies! It's all worth it in the end. I just tell myself how much easier pregnancy will seem having dealt with all this crap for almost 3 years! Wow, never thought I'd be rounding up to that number..

You all deserve the best and I hope to see some BFPS this week!
Ltruns - believe me, I know how you feel. Although I never went through all the testing & body not cooperating you have. But I have been infertile a long time...& I have gone through so many failed cycles. I think your plan is a good plan. You need to trust your gut & just do what is right for you. Sometimes we just need a break, too. I have also gained weight during all this...however I am not as active as you, so I am sure it is more frustrating for you.

I woke up yesterday with a horrible pain/ache in my lower back. It continued most of the day & I was pretty uncomfortable. We had a long day, so by the time I got home, I didn't want to move. So I laid down on a super hot heating pad & felt much better. Today I have a dull ache, not so bad & hope it stays like this & doesn't get worse. I cannot think of ANYTHING to cause this. I have not lifted anything heavy...not really drinking a lot of soda or tea...I drink water at work & juice at home. The night before, my dogs did crowd me a bit in bed, so maybe that was it. My husband thinks it is a pregnancy sign. My husband says wait until his birthday on Thurs to test...says it is a good omen. I think in the year we have been back trying again, this is the first month I have waited until 14 dpo to test.

I hope everyone else is doing well.
tested yesterday morning with a dollar store cheapie.......slight faint positive again. Bought a FRER took that......stark white negative. Took another dollar store cheapie this morning, there is a shadow of a positive but you can barely see it. I think its safe to say I am out this time.
tested yesterday morning with a dollar store cheapie.......slight faint positive again. Bought a FRER took that......stark white negative. Took another dollar store cheapie this morning, there is a shadow of a positive but you can barely see it. I think its safe to say I am out this time.

Are you 12dpiui now? I forget. How are you feeling?

Ltruns, I'm sorry you are frustrated. This process can leave us feeling very defeated. Disappointment in this process can leave me feeling empty, like there is a void. I try not to get into my head too much, BUT it's easier said than done. 15lbs is not a make or break when it comes to ttc, but working out too much might have an adverse effect on it. Definitely have a thyroid panel done. I was diagnosed with Hashimoto's last month and have been put on Synthroid. I have gone dairy, gluten, soy and egg free to repair my system as I have leaky gut from antibiotics since I had Lyme. The benefit might not happen immediately, but I need to reduce inflammation in order to get prego. I think you have a great plan, and many have gotten a surprise bfp when they have mentally accepted not focusing on ttc, it probably takes the stress out of it.

Beaglemom, that sounds like a promising symptom. Any blue veins in your chest? That was a clue for me last time. I'm crossing my fingers for a great bday gift for your dh.

Afm, I was bad. I took a test this morning and it was as neg as can be. I think I got a neg last time at 10dpiui, but my gut is really saying we didn't time it right this month. I did the trigger on that Wed and Thurs had ovu pains, and did the IUI on Fri. I have zero symptoms, no blue veins, and feel like if I stopped the Endometrin af would come. I got lucky the first round last time and am very thankful for that. I can't expect to have the same luck this time. I'm wondering if I should take a month off and do aggressive acupuncture and then try again. Or if I should have the RE increase the dose of Gonal F to get more follies. I am not testing until 12dpiui on Wed and if I get a neg I am stopping the endometrin.
tested yesterday morning with a dollar store cheapie.......slight faint positive again. Bought a FRER took that......stark white negative. Took another dollar store cheapie this morning, there is a shadow of a positive but you can barely see it. I think its safe to say I am out this time.

Are you 12dpiui now? I forget. How are you feeling?

I'm 13dpiui 14 days past trigger
tested yesterday morning with a dollar store cheapie.......slight faint positive again. Bought a FRER took that......stark white negative. Took another dollar store cheapie this morning, there is a shadow of a positive but you can barely see it. I think its safe to say I am out this time.

Are you 12dpiui now? I forget. How are you feeling?

I'm 13dpiui 14 days past trigger

Still a 10% chance you are getting false negatives. How are you feeling?
tested yesterday morning with a dollar store cheapie.......slight faint positive again. Bought a FRER took that......stark white negative. Took another dollar store cheapie this morning, there is a shadow of a positive but you can barely see it. I think its safe to say I am out this time.

Are you 12dpiui now? I forget. How are you feeling?

I'm 13dpiui 14 days past trigger

Still a 10% chance you are getting false negatives. How are you feeling?

I'm feeling crampy, like AF is on her way. I think she will be here very soon. I don't feel pregnant, just feel very AF like.

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