July/August IUIs

Thank you, Raelynn! I appreciate your well-wishes!
-Your news sounds promising! God bless you and keep you. KUP!
-God bless us all.
Hi guys!
Miki, I'm so upset about your negative. Great idea on the "fundraiser"!!! That is awesome. My last period was awful. I blamed it on the progesterone making my lining so thick. Yuck. Hope you feel better soon!
Raelynn, I'm getting anxious for your iui! Hope the follicle grows like it's supposed to!

I just learned how to meditate! It's very relaxing. It happened for the first time at acupuncture last week. Love it. I've been taking some time out of my day every single day since then. It's usually so hard to shut my mind off but I did it!
I worked out with DH this weekend. I'm super sore and I can't hardly sit on the toilet without feeling like my legs are going to burst! We have a gym at our house and this giant squat rack is I figured I'd let DH train me. I'm so afraid for our hour session tonight. He better not try and have sex with me for the next week...I can barely move. I have to fall into bed and roll myself out of it! It's very entertaining. My testosterone levels are on the low end. Makes sense because I'm so unmotivated, always tired, libido is gone and I'm super cranky. Boosting your levels is kind of tricky because basically you need to exercise (which I'm too tired and unmotivated to do), have sex (don't feel like it hence loss of libido), and eat better (I like Mac n cheese and pop tarts). Sooooo I just decided Saturday I need to suck it up and push myself. So I am. Lol plus trying to follow a better plan of eating. Not diet, because I hate that word. I don't need to be on a diet, just need to be better. ; )
Plus, I have my scan in one week to check cysts to get off this awful birth control! One. More. Week. Woooohooooooo
JCM - I can't believe you're already down to one week. So exciting! It must seem like it has taken forever. Hopefully the next week just flies by.

I'm getting anxious for this IUI too! We're going to the beach next week. I work from home so I'm taking my work with me so it won't be a complete vacation but still nice to get away. I'm praying we have everything done by then so I can just have fun and hopefully help the dreaded TWW pass by easier.
I planned a staycation during my tww! It helped a lot!! I scheduled a facial and my acupuncture this week to keep my mind off of the bcps. Last week was a mani/pedi plus acupuncture. It's like I trick myself. Maybe I need to go to the beach too..
raelynn I am glad it's going similar to your successful IUI in 2012. I hope you can get another one-hit-wonder. I hope you can trigger tomorrow and IUI this week. Yay! I like the idea of a stay-cation or mini-vacation during the TWW. Keep your mind occupied.

JCM you are so close to the IVF start! How exciting! I hope that your cysts have shrunk so that you don't have to take BCP and more and move on with your cycle.
JCM I am praying, wishing, crossing everything (except my legs :haha:) for you to have a GREAT IVF cycle with lots of green lights and NO cysts. THose damn things suck! I'm glad you liked meditating, I hope it helps :)

SAKS OMG I am sorry about finding that! Is it a fibroid? How crazy that you hadn't seen that before :( I bet finding it was a relief/frustration. Praying for super fertility now!

Raelynn What an encouragement to know it's going so similar to a cycle youve had success on! Best of luck and hoping htat little follie turns into a bfp soon!

Babywhisperer oh how funny you saw someone you knew. I am always afraid of that kind of, but at this point it wouldn't be awkward. Every time I go to my fertility clinic I always just HURT when I see so many girls my age in there. There's young couples in there and I just feel like we shouldn't all be there! They, WE all carry this burden in our eyes, and whenever I make eye contact you can always kind of tell those who are hurting at that time. I know my face and body language give it away when I'm having a hard day. I always just pray for everyone that walks into the clinic. For hope, strength, health and success in the treatments. I just feel like that room has to be full of angels helping these ladies along bc it's such a hard road sometimes.

I go in thursday for a monitoring ultrasound. Really praying the low dose/long dose works better for my body. Really hoping there's good follies, good lining, just good stuff. I am actually afraid to hope or admit I'm hopeful- bc we've had almost NOTHING go right in our IUI journeys this summer. But, Im trying to kill negativity with positivity so I am hoping anyways. IF all goes well, they say We'll monitor thursday, maybe again friday and then IUI on either Saturday or SUnday depending on follies. It HAS to be Saturday or SUnday though bc Monday is the first day of school. AGH. Hail Mary indeed. :wacko:
@LTruns: Thank you, Beautiful! They're not sure what it is. They will find out when they do the surgery. I receive the prophecy of being super fertile after the surgery and birthing more children than I could have ever imagined. Glory to God!
-May God heal you immediately LTruns33 and make everything right in your body from this moment on.
-God bless us all.
P.S. I know what you mean about the fertility clinic. I am seeing more and more younger couples and couples of all nationalities. Two years ago, it was much different. Now, the waiting room is packed and it looks like a melting pot/gumbo of sorts. I told my doctor something is going on. I think its a conspiracy. He smiled. I pray Father God blesses us not to be touched by the hands of the wicked. I also pray that no weapon formed against us shall prosper. In Jesus' name, Amen!
Ltruns - Hoping everything goes perfectly for you and you get to squeeze in this cycle just in time!
Hey Ltruns! Hahaha definitely don't keep your legs crossed this week or next! Good luck this Thursday! I will be thinking of you. Hopefully we both get some GOOD news this next week! I was on those injections wayyyy longer than I expected last cycle and my follicles ended up being great because of it! I bought one of those therapeutic eye pillows that smell like lavender to help for better meditation at home. Haha every time I use the one at acupuncture I wanna steal it!
My appointment went great today. I had a positive OPK this morning and my follicle is measuring in at 23.9. The blood test confirmed my LH surge so I don't even have to trigger tonight (hooray for not another needle!) My lining was 13.8 too so all is looking great. We're doing IUI tomorrow afternoon. I'm so excited it is finally happening!

How is everyone else doing? I need to update the front page again so let me know what you'd like on the status report.
JCM I am praying, wishing, crossing everything (except my legs :haha:) for you to have a GREAT IVF cycle with lots of green lights and NO cysts. THose damn things suck! I'm glad you liked meditating, I hope it helps :)

SAKS OMG I am sorry about finding that! Is it a fibroid? How crazy that you hadn't seen that before :( I bet finding it was a relief/frustration. Praying for super fertility now!

Raelynn What an encouragement to know it's going so similar to a cycle youve had success on! Best of luck and hoping htat little follie turns into a bfp soon!

Babywhisperer oh how funny you saw someone you knew. I am always afraid of that kind of, but at this point it wouldn't be awkward. Every time I go to my fertility clinic I always just HURT when I see so many girls my age in there. There's young couples in there and I just feel like we shouldn't all be there! They, WE all carry this burden in our eyes, and whenever I make eye contact you can always kind of tell those who are hurting at that time. I know my face and body language give it away when I'm having a hard day. I always just pray for everyone that walks into the clinic. For hope, strength, health and success in the treatments. I just feel like that room has to be full of angels helping these ladies along bc it's such a hard road sometimes.

I go in thursday for a monitoring ultrasound. Really praying the low dose/long dose works better for my body. Really hoping there's good follies, good lining, just good stuff. I am actually afraid to hope or admit I'm hopeful- bc we've had almost NOTHING go right in our IUI journeys this summer. But, Im trying to kill negativity with positivity so I am hoping anyways. IF all goes well, they say We'll monitor thursday, maybe again friday and then IUI on either Saturday or SUnday depending on follies. It HAS to be Saturday or SUnday though bc Monday is the first day of school. AGH. Hail Mary indeed. :wacko:

We are definitely not alone in this. We are all hoping for our first or 2nd or 3rd child or even more. There is nothing better than being blessed with a child and I pray that all you ladies get that asap. My RE was so packed yesterday, nurse said they are all starting this week to get prego before Jewish holidays and not be prego during next Summer. Gotta love Manhattan.

So I did 200 units Fri-Sun and 150 last night and tonight. I have b/w and u/s tomorrow, Holy moly do my ovaries feel like punching bags. Last cycle I had 9 nights at 75units for a total of 675units. Over 4 nights I have done 750units and I for sure feel it. They think like last time I will have the iui on cd12. I can't wait to see if I have more than 1 follie this time. I can only imagine how I will be feeling by the end of the week. They will probably drop the dose from 150 after tomorrows results. I just hope I am responding better.

Ltruns, I hope this is your cycle. Slow and steady wins the race!!!
My appointment went great today. I had a positive OPK this morning and my follicle is measuring in at 23.9. The blood test confirmed my LH surge so I don't even have to trigger tonight (hooray for not another needle!) My lining was 13.8 too so all is looking great. We're doing IUI tomorrow afternoon. I'm so excited it is finally happening!

How is everyone else doing? I need to update the front page again so let me know what you'd like on the status report.

That's awesome. Good luck and relax!!!
My appointment went great today. I had a positive OPK this morning and my follicle is measuring in at 23.9. The blood test confirmed my LH surge so I don't even have to trigger tonight (hooray for not another needle!) My lining was 13.8 too so all is looking great. We're doing IUI tomorrow afternoon. I'm so excited it is finally happening!

How is everyone else doing? I need to update the front page again so let me know what you'd like on the status report.

That is so awesome! Your numbers are amazing! Good luck!

I had a negative test & AF showed. I am taking a couple months off to wait for a response from an IVF grant I am applying for. Once I hear back from them, I plan to start IVF...with or without the grant. That's what my credit card is for ;) But actually we will just plan to do another 401K loan. I highly recommend anyone needing money for fertility treatments to check out that option. I pay $100 fee & then the interest is something like 5%. You still earn on your money & no distributions so no tax penalties.
raelynn - those numbers look great! fingers crossed!! hoping for a speedy 2ww for you!!

i am doing femara cycle #3. Staying at 5mg this cycle as I got one nice follicle last month and my RE was happy with that. She said she'd like to hold off on injectables until I've failed 3 plain cycles and only if my lining is REALLY thin. Today is cd5, going in at cd12 for an ultrasound and bloodwork.
Keep up the good work, everyone! You are SO strong!!!
-God bless us all.
Good morning ladies. Had b/w and u/s. Left side showed 3 follies, 15+, 13+ and 11+, the right only had 1 that was 12+. Timing for procedure could be Sun or Mon. I should know more later when I get results of blood.
Good morning ladies. Had b/w and u/s. Left side showed 3 follies, 15+, 13+ and 11+, the right only had 1 that was 12+. Timing for procedure could be Sun or Mon. I should know more later when I get results of blood.

Glad you have more follies! Good luck!
Good morning ladies. Had b/w and u/s. Left side showed 3 follies, 15+, 13+ and 11+, the right only had 1 that was 12+. Timing for procedure could be Sun or Mon. I should know more later when I get results of blood.

Glad you have more follies! Good luck!

Thanks hun, so weird that I only have 1 on my right when that's the one that is so sensitive I couldn't bend my leg last night to sleep. I bet I have 1 more u/s and bw on Fri or at least I hope so. I pray this works ladies.
Great follicles! I always get pain on the left side and my left ovary pretty much never produces a mature follicle. A bunch of little one but never my lead. Maybe it is the little ones that give us pain? Good luck on this cycle!
Great follicles! I always get pain on the left side and my left ovary pretty much never produces a mature follicle. A bunch of little one but never my lead. Maybe it is the little ones that give us pain? Good luck on this cycle!

Thanks lady. They said my right ovary was hiding and the poking and prodding was not fun given how swollen I am. CROSSING FINGERS ON THIS ONE.

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