July/August IUIs

That sounds just like my left ovary! They can never find it. Last time I had to like prop myself up on my elbows before they could get a view of it.

IUI went well today. We had to wait forever because the doctor was in the OR. Our donor sperm sample did great. 12 mil or something like that. Procedure was super fast and then I laid there for like 10 min and then hubby and I went out for lunch. My beta is supposed to be on 9/4 but since we'll be at the beach, I'm not coming in to do it until 9/8. I'll just take some HPTs with me. Now to take on the 2ww.
That sounds just like my left ovary! They can never find it. Last time I had to like prop myself up on my elbows before they could get a view of it.

IUI went well today. We had to wait forever because the doctor was in the OR. Our donor sperm sample did great. 12 mil or something like that. Procedure was super fast and then I laid there for like 10 min and then hubby and I went out for lunch. My beta is supposed to be on 9/4 but since we'll be at the beach, I'm not coming in to do it until 9/8. I'll just take some HPTs with me. Now to take on the 2ww.

So happy it went well today! The beach will be a great distraction during the 2ww. How are you feeling after the IUI?
I'm feeling fine. I had the slightest of cramps this evening but nothing now. I tried to take it easy most of the day. It probably doesn't matter but I figured, why not?
I'm feeling fine. I had the slightest of cramps this evening but nothing now. I tried to take it easy most of the day. It probably doesn't matter but I figured, why not?

That's great, try and relax and take it easy.

I went back to dr for u/s and b/w. He had me take 75units of Gonal F so it was 3 nights 200, 2 at 150 and last night 75, probably 1 more night of stimming. I was so exhausted at the 7am appt I really don't recall exactly what he said as far as follies, but I think there is a 16+, a 15+, 13+ and 12+ and a few smaller.

I'm in a bind though. It looks like iui will be Sun and we will be out east 2+hrs from my dr, and we have plans to be at my cousins for noon back out east about 1.5hrs from the city. My fam doesn't know I'm doing this and my cousin has ordered from a caterer and my mom said she can pick me up close to my cousins or drive to our house and pick me up but we will be coming back too early into the city and don't know how I can make this work and keep it a secret, My mom is hounding me and making me feel gulity since my cousin ordered from a caterer. With all the hormones swirling about I am about to snap.
Hi Ladies. May I join you? I am 26 and DH is 27. We have been try since may 2013. I had a few positive HPTs naturally but always had early mc. Had hsg august 8 and dh had sa august 8 also. Hsg was normal. Dh sa however had 325+ mil but the motility is poor 25% and then something about 19% with motility. OBGYN has suggested iui. She has left conception options up to us to decide how aggressive we are, so I have asked for clomid and progesterone with our first round of iui. I am so nervous about timing and anything unexpected. Any suggestions or advise? I have heard take clomid at night.
raelynn I am glad that all looks great for you and you didn’t need to trigger AND you got to do your IUI! The TWW has begun!! I hope you get a BFP!

Babywhisperer I am glad you have lots of follies this time!! I would tell her that you had something come up that can’t be postponed. Tell her you will go late and if you can’t make it, that you can make it up to your cousin later. If you don’t want them to know, I would try to smooth it over and help them understand you can’t change it even though you want to.

FutureBabyG Welcome!! Yes take Clomid at night. It greatly reduces the side effects. I have to take it at night or my side effects are too bad to handle. Buy OPK’s and don’t stress. Will you be getting ultrasound monitoring or relying on OPK’s for timing? I did two IUI’s using OPK’s alone and two using u/s. I think u/s monitoring is the way to go since it can really aid in the best timing. Best of luck to you!
raelynn I am glad that all looks great for you and you didn’t need to trigger AND you got to do your IUI! The TWW has begun!! I hope you get a BFP!

Babywhisperer I am glad you have lots of follies this time!! I would tell her that you had something come up that can’t be postponed. Tell her you will go late and if you can’t make it, that you can make it up to your cousin later. If you don’t want them to know, I would try to smooth it over and help them understand you can’t change it even though you want to.

FutureBabyG Welcome!! Yes take Clomid at night. It greatly reduces the side effects. I have to take it at night or my side effects are too bad to handle. Buy OPK’s and don’t stress. Will you be getting ultrasound monitoring or relying on OPK’s for timing? I did two IUI’s using OPK’s alone and two using u/s. I think u/s monitoring is the way to go since it can really aid in the best timing. Best of luck to you!

Sorry I tried to keep my post short and I left that out. I will have clomid cd 5-10 and then us cd 12. I naturally ovulate cd 17 on my own so I don't know what to expect I hope it moves my ovulation up a few days. I will be using my cbfm and opk. I use my monitor in the am and I watch the lines if I think they are getting close to a positive I use opk in the evening.

Another question for anyone.. should I continue to take my fertility cm or just stop it since I am doing iui? I will probably Ask my ob gyn too but just wondering.
Hi Ladies. May I join you? I am 26 and DH is 27. We have been try since may 2013. I had a few positive HPTs naturally but always had early mc. Had hsg august 8 and dh had sa august 8 also. Hsg was normal. Dh sa however had 325+ mil but the motility is poor 25% and then something about 19% with motility. OBGYN has suggested iui. She has left conception options up to us to decide how aggressive we are, so I have asked for clomid and progesterone with our first round of iui. I am so nervous about timing and anything unexpected. Any suggestions or advise? I have heard take clomid at night.

Welcome! I've never taken Clomid but plenty of ladies on here have. Have you had day 3 bloods done?
Hi FBG - as you may remember I did clomid. Def take it at night. It always move my O dat O & extended my cycle. I was on femara with the RE along with follistim, so my cycles were manipulated quite a bit & shorter. I usually had an u/s day 3 to check for cysts & day 10 to check on follicle growth...IUIs were on day 12.

Good luck! Since you have gotten a pos hpt test before, I think IUI is a great fit for you. The progesteron will hopefully help with your lining & levels in case of another positive. I think that a monitored cycle helps a lot as far as stressing goes. I was not even using opks or anything during my RE IUIs.
Oh are you using a trigger or timing with opks? If you have a choice, I would suggest asking to use the trigger. But that is just me. I was stressed out a lot when I was timing IUIs with opks.
Hi FBG - as you may remember I did clomid. Def take it at night. It always move my O dat O & extended my cycle. I was on femara with the RE along with follistim, so my cycles were manipulated quite a bit & shorter. I usually had an u/s day 3 to check for cysts & day 10 to check on follicle growth...IUIs were on day 12.

Good luck! Since you have gotten a pos hpt test before, I think IUI is a great fit for you. The progesteron will hopefully help with your lining & levels in case of another positive. I think that a monitored cycle helps a lot as far as stressing goes. I was not even using opks or anything during my RE IUIs.

Did it move your ovulation date up or back? Sorry I don't remember the specifics. I usually ovulate cd17 (I am personally hoping it will be cd 14-15). Clomid extended your cycles or the progesterone?

They told me clomid cd 5-10. US cd 12 to check folicules and then i will use opks and the ultrasound for the iui. I may ask at the US if they look ready if I can use a trigger. I would like to ovulate naturally if it's going to be during the week, but if I am close to the weekend then I would like to just trigger.

Did you notice any seman leaking out after the IUI?
Hi FBG - as you may remember I did clomid. Def take it at night. It always move my O dat O & extended my cycle. I was on femara with the RE along with follistim, so my cycles were manipulated quite a bit & shorter. I usually had an u/s day 3 to check for cysts & day 10 to check on follicle growth...IUIs were on day 12.

Good luck! Since you have gotten a pos hpt test before, I think IUI is a great fit for you. The progesteron will hopefully help with your lining & levels in case of another positive. I think that a monitored cycle helps a lot as far as stressing goes. I was not even using opks or anything during my RE IUIs.

Did it move your ovulation date up or back? Sorry I don't remember the specifics. I usually ovulate cd17 (I am personally hoping it will be cd 14-15). Clomid extended your cycles or the progesterone?

They told me clomid cd 5-10. US cd 12 to check folicules and then i will use opks and the ultrasound for the iui. I may ask at the US if they look ready if I can use a trigger. I would like to ovulate naturally if it's going to be during the week, but if I am close to the weekend then I would like to just trigger.

Did you notice any seman leaking out after the IUI?

Moved my date back...I was a typical 28 day ovulate day 14/15 woman until all this. Clomid made me O around CD 18/19. I was not on P then & my cycles would move out until 32/33 days. I was on P when on femara with the RE & it extended my cycle until I stopped...then AF about 2 days later. Just to clarify...I did clomid/IUI using opks with my regular gyno. The RE switched me to femara added follistim & P. I would ask about the trigger...but you may be fine without. No leakage after IUI, but you may have cm. Do not get this mixed up with thinking it is your sample. The IUI will sometimes unclog the cm & make you have a bit of discharge...you can also lightly spot & cramp. All perfectly normal.
Beaglemom- Thank you so much for all the extra information. It's so nice having other women to talk to that understand the process.

DH and I have not told our family or friends that we are trying; therefore, we do not have anyone to talk to about the whole journey. I am very close to my mother so it is very hard for me sometimes not to just blurt out everything and let her know what's been going on. I am only 26, dh 27, our parents and family are consistently asking if we are expecting and when are we going to start trying. Everyone knows how much I love kids and always have. Since DH SA came back abnormal, he definitely doesn't want our family knowing. Ever since the results came back you can tell it's weighing on him. I don't understand from his results our total problem. I know his motility is low but his count is on the high side or above normal. Anywho on to IUI.
@Raelynn: Happy TWWing!!!

@Babywhisperer: Beautiful follies!!! Take care of yourself. Never let anyone make you feel guilty for doing what is best for you. Your primary goal, should remain primary.

@FutureBabyG Welcome aboard!!!!!!!

@Mikihob: How's the YouTube video coming along? And, the fundraiser?

-God bless us all.
babywhisperer - Sorry your family stuff is stressing you even more. Could you just tell your mom you have a doctors appointment in the morning (or just say appointment and not mention doctor?) Let her know you'll try your best to get there as soon as you are able? It is always tough trying to organize the timing of everything. So glad your follicles are responding well! You should have lots of nice eggs to hopefully get that BFP!

FBG - Welcome! For me, clomid also delayed my ovulation. I tend to have trouble ovulating on my own since I have PCOS but I don't ovulate until around day18-20 with clomid. I also had the same experience with IUI - nothing leaking out just some CM since it is the fertile time in your cycle. I didn't have to do a trigger shot since I ovulated naturally so that is definitely an option, and with the ultrasounds and bloodwork they can pinpoint exactly when ovulation occurs so you don't have to worry about it. Good luck!
Darn.. I was really hoping that when they said regulate ovulation it would move it closer to Cd 14, not the opposite directions. I guess I really can't control it so might as well live with it.
Thanks ladies. I just cxld the lunch and said we have to reschedule. My cousin was understanding, more so than my Mom. She is the guilt queen.

I'm feeling all sorts of funky today and had massive headache. My estradiol was in the low 700s and LH was 4. No meds tonight. They want the follies to be between 16-18 before trigger and want them to grow but not have my estradiol get too high so no meds tonight. I have another u/a and b/a tomorrow and likely trigger tomorrow night and IUI Sun. Does anyone know about estradiol levels? Will the 16, 15 and 2 14s be good to go for Sun?
If I remember right, you normally have 200 estradiol for each follicle over 16mm so sounds about right for your follicles. Hoping everything looks good tomorrow so you can trigger!
If I remember right, you normally have 200 estradiol for each follicle over 16mm so sounds about right for your follicles. Hoping everything looks good tomorrow so you can trigger!

Thanks for the reassurance. I'm shot so going to bed. Another 7:15am appt in the city awaits. I hate keeping this a secret from my Mom but she would be all over me and being critical. I don't need the added stress or her anticipation. I will think about it less if she doesn't know. Thank God for you ladies. You're keeping me sane!

Thinking of all of you and hoping bfps will start happening like a domino effect. Thank you for your support.
FBG - clomid effects everyone differently. So you may end up with an earlier O. Another good thing about IUI is they only use the best sperm. So maybe the issue has been some of the not so great ones were fertilizing the egg.

Babywhisperer - my mom also does not know. She worries a lot & I really don't know her opinion on assisted conception. Never has been an issue in our family...we are full of "accidents". Me & my husband not so lucky.

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