July/August IUIs

BFN. :cry: :cry: :cry: Devastated AGAIN. I made DH late for work cause I was crying so hard and he was trying to comfort me. I think it's harder on him since we have to use DS that he feels like my heartbreak is his fault. :cry: Today is going to be a rough, rough day.

Next step is birth control for a couple months, starting a new job soon to help save for IVF. We plan to do a 401K loan as well, but we need the extra money for savings, our vacation next year and for paying back the loan. If we can pay extra each month, we can not only get more out but pay it off faster.

I have this gut wrenching feeling that I will never have my dream of being a mother. I always wanted 3 girls and 3 boys (don't ask me why, I have never been able to explain it). I never imagined I would fight so hard for 1.

Thanks for being here for me and supporting me ladies. :hugs: I will definitely still be here to watch for and support you all. :hugs: :hugs:

So sorry hun. Have you heard of crowd funding like Kickstarter? I've heard people try and get people to donate for causes. I bet you could raise some money that way, maybe not a ton, but enough to help offset the cost.

This was my first af after stimming and oh boy is it bad. The dr said it's from the Gonal F as it thickens the lining. I went for my baseline blood and u/s this morning and will start again tonight stimming with a higher dose. Last time I had 3 mature follicles and they hope a higher dose will get me there.

The weather here is Fall like, nice breeze, no humidity, 70 degrees and I am working from home today. I haven't stopped since I got back from maternity leave in March. I plan to get things done later and go to a restaurant on the water for an early dinner w/ the baby and dh.

Keep the faith ladies, you will get your bfps. I really think acupuncture got us our bfp last time. I stimmed so well, had no side effects really and my whole pregnancy was a breeze because of acupuncture. I am starting back up this weekend. It balances me out and promotes blood flow to the ovaries. It also relaxes me. it's better than Xanax!!

I am keeping you all in my thoughts. maybe the change of seasons or the energy from these awesome super moons will help us for the next cycle. xo
BFN. :cry: :cry: :cry: Devastated AGAIN. I made DH late for work cause I was crying so hard and he was trying to comfort me. I think it's harder on him since we have to use DS that he feels like my heartbreak is his fault. :cry: Today is going to be a rough, rough day.

Next step is birth control for a couple months, starting a new job soon to help save for IVF. We plan to do a 401K loan as well, but we need the extra money for savings, our vacation next year and for paying back the loan. If we can pay extra each month, we can not only get more out but pay it off faster.

I have this gut wrenching feeling that I will never have my dream of being a mother. I always wanted 3 girls and 3 boys (don't ask me why, I have never been able to explain it). I never imagined I would fight so hard for 1.

Thanks for being here for me and supporting me ladies. :hugs: I will definitely still be here to watch for and support you all. :hugs: :hugs:

I will be right with you with IVF. I am hoping I can do it mid October...at least starting the process. Do not feel like it will never happen. You have an awesome shot with IVF.
BFN. :cry: :cry: :cry: Devastated AGAIN. I made DH late for work cause I was crying so hard and he was trying to comfort me. I think it's harder on him since we have to use DS that he feels like my heartbreak is his fault. :cry: Today is going to be a rough, rough day.

Next step is birth control for a couple months, starting a new job soon to help save for IVF. We plan to do a 401K loan as well, but we need the extra money for savings, our vacation next year and for paying back the loan. If we can pay extra each month, we can not only get more out but pay it off faster.

I have this gut wrenching feeling that I will never have my dream of being a mother. I always wanted 3 girls and 3 boys (don't ask me why, I have never been able to explain it). I never imagined I would fight so hard for 1.

Thanks for being here for me and supporting me ladies. :hugs: I will definitely still be here to watch for and support you all. :hugs: :hugs:

:hugs: :hugs: :hugs: so sorry! please try and keep your head up, its so hard sometimes I know but please don't lose the faith! Sometimes its the best things that we have to wait the longest for. :hugs:
Oh mikihob, I'm so sorry! It is a perfectly normal reaction to grieve though. This whole process is so tough on not just our bodies but also our emotions. Take some time for you. I'm glad you have a plan too so that you know what you're working toward. IVF will give you a better chance and hopefully that will be the key.

Babywhisperer - The weather is fall-like here too. I love it! Your plans for the day sound amazing. I work from home now too but at night so I'm trying to enjoy the day before I have to work.

As for me, I had another follicle check and bloodwork this morning. I finally have a follicle growing. It was around 12mm. Still waiting for the call for my bloodwork. The ultrasound doctor told me to come back in another 3 days but I'm waiting to hear from my nurse because this is the spot we were in last time and when we waited 3 days I ovulated early. I'm going to request coming in earlier if she doesn't already tell me to.
Babywhisperer that is a good idea. I created a donations page at the suggestion of a friend in another thread with Go Fund Me and she was the only donator. It’s been active for over 1 year and no bites. Do you think Kickstarter would be more successful? It’s really rainy here today. We have had a rainy summer. It probably means we will have a wicked winter. Sigh. :wacko: Enjoy the day with Dh and baby.

raelynn I would def talk about coming in earlier. They say the follicles grow 1-2mm each day, so after three days you could be at 18mm and ovulate- just like last month. Hopefully they can see you Sunday and Monday if need be. I hope this is your month!!
Babywhisperer that is a good idea. I created a donations page at the suggestion of a friend in another thread with Go Fund Me and she was the only donator. It’s been active for over 1 year and no bites. Do you think Kickstarter would be more successful? It’s really rainy here today. We have had a rainy summer. It probably means we will have a wicked winter. Sigh. :wacko: Enjoy the day with Dh and baby.

raelynn I would def talk about coming in earlier. They say the follicles grow 1-2mm each day, so after three days you could be at 18mm and ovulate- just like last month. Hopefully they can see you Sunday and Monday if need be. I hope this is your month!!

Depending on how open you are with a donation page, you could always promote it on Facebook. But it is a very private issue, so depends on if you want to share that with your facebook world. Maybe you could also hold local fundraising. Like bbq or cook outs. If you have a lot of community involvement, you could very easily make money this way...although maybe not so much with fall/winter coming.
I think all these ideas are great for funding! It sucks that infertility treatment comes down to money so much. That is what made us switch to DS so quickly, we didn't want to waste so much money on TESE operations and IVF when they had such a high likelihood of failure because of DH's azoospermia.

My nurse finally called and said my doctor wanted me to come back in 3 days. My estradiol level was lower than last time when we missed ovulation. But, I would kick myself if I sat back and waited the 3 days again and we missed it so I requested to come in Sunday instead. I'd much rather have to go through an extra appointment than miss it again.
I think all these ideas are great for funding! It sucks that infertility treatment comes down to money so much. That is what made us switch to DS so quickly, we didn't want to waste so much money on TESE operations and IVF when they had such a high likelihood of failure because of DH's azoospermia.

My nurse finally called and said my doctor wanted me to come back in 3 days. My estradiol level was lower than last time when we missed ovulation. But, I would kick myself if I sat back and waited the 3 days again and we missed it so I requested to come in Sunday instead. I'd much rather have to go through an extra appointment than miss it again.

I think that should work out well. Are you also using opks at home?
I'm so sorry miki and everyone for the disappointments lately. :( like y'all said, it's beyond unfair that infertility and the treatments needed to conceive are considered "elective". That's so antiquated and not right. It both saddens me and angers me. I'm sorry.

Raelynn I think it was smart for you to push for an earlier appointment. You know you're body best!

I am doing 10 days of femara this time, I forgot to tell y'all that. The RE thinks a lower dose for longer will help my slow growing eggs. Here's an article I found on it. I think it helps regarding the pcos idea.. Which u really hope isn't the case with me, but it may be.. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/m/pubmed/18706549/

I can't find the article about the diet- but she said she uses the term "diet" as in what you eat, but NOT in the way you'd think diet like restricting calories. Here's the news article for it.


She only told me no corn or corn products, no white breads/pastas/potatoes, very limited dairy and artificial sugars. Unlimited nuts, healthy fats, lean proteins, fruits and veggies. The way she described said to eat low glycemic foods and watch sugars bc of insulin in pcos patients. Hope that helps!
AF got me today :(
The one upside this cycle is I only burned through ONE hpt. That is some kind of record for me!

Not sure what the next step is for me. I have only done 2 femara cycles so I think it reasonable to try one more. If it's a no go, I think I will take a little break too :(
Miki I think kickstarter gets more views. I would try making a YouTube video to try and promote it as well.

Friday was great. I got a lot done and managed to do some work. I rarely work from home but needed a break from the office bs. We managed to get to the beach on Sat too which was awesome. I had my u/s and bloodwork done. The RE said 3 nights of 200units of Gonal F in hopes of getting more follicles. We watched a movie Fri and Sat and kept it low key which was perfect. Today we cleaned the house, dh went into the office for a few hrs, my Dad watched the baby so I could get a pedi and I went food shopping. The extra day out of the office made it feel like a long weekend. The nonsense going on there is stressful and draining. I just needed a break.

Thought about you ladies a lot. It's amazing to me that so many struggle with this. It angers and upsets me because I know it's not just age. Our food supply, water, environment all have negative impacts on fertility. The one takeaway is that the better I take care of myself the more of a chance I have to get prego. I am going back to yoga. I need balance and an outlet for the stress. I have the diet part down pat. I'm eating better and feeling better. I hope this helps me not just get prego but keeps me healthy and energized. I need to take better care of myself period. Work all too often consumes me and then I have the baby and dh. I have zero me time. The pedi was a nice break but I think if I can make yoga 3 times a week I will be the better for it.

Does anyone do yoga or meditate?
I did hot yoga and really enjoyed it. I don't think it is so great when TTC.
I love yoga! Its part of my weekly routine, ahh I look forward to it every Saturday! I do coffee and yoga with a friend. I love it!
Ultrasound today showed my lead follicle at 18.8. They thought originally I would trigger tonight but they're going to let it mature more and I go back in tomorrow. Hopefully if I ovulate between then we'll still do IUI since we know when it happens now. I've been very crampy tonight so we shall see.
Hi Ladies!
I apologize for the long MIA! I tried to read back as much as I could. God bless all of you. After my failed IUI, I had another exam (Sonohysterogram). The doc found a naturally-formed agent in my uterus. It's acting like a "natural IUD." I will have surgery in a couple of weeks to remove it. It's wild! All these years...and I didn't know my body was blocking my pregnancies. Glory to God for the revelation! Since I can't sit back and do nothing, I've been temping, charting, and using OPKs. Why not...miracles do happen. :) I will try to be more active in this forum and keep you updated. Thanks for listening/reading!
-God bless us all.
kjg I also used only 1 hpt. It is a record for me too. :hugs: Sorry you got a BFN. I agree, one more. Are you responding to the Femara well? Do they need to change the doseage or anything? Hope this cycle gets you your BFP!

raelynn 18.8 is good. Hopefully letting it go one more day, then triggering will help you get your BFP! Let us know how your appt went.

SAKS I am so sorry that you have a natural birth control. How bizarre. I never knew that could happen. I hope the surgery goes well and it fixes the issue right away. Now maybe you can get pregnant naturally and not need fertility drugs or treatments. Keep us updated on your appt and the sugery date. :hugs:

As for me, worst AF in a long time. Very painful. Friday AF was due, instead I had debilitating cramps, but no flow. GRR. Saturday, I brown spotted ALL day. No clots, just dark brown when I wiped. Sunday flow. Then it eased up. This morning, dark red and loads of clots. I am very crampy and have no motivation to live. :haha: I hate it. I can't figure out why it's so bad. Oh well.

I updated my donations page and got a donation from my Aunt who I haven't seen in 15 years! She donated $1,000 and my total donations earned is $1,100. It's a step closer. Babywhisperer a YouTube video sounds great. I should do that. Thanks for idea!!

Hope everyone is well. :hugs:
Thank you so much, Miki! I appreciate your kindness. I will let you know when I'm going in. :) I agree. I believe I will be super fertile after the surgery. Glory to God!
-I am sorry your AF is so different and painful this time. May God heal you immediately!
What a blessing from your aunt! Halelujah! What a sweet gesture and blessed gift! God bless her! Link us to your YouTube video after you make it. :)
-God bless us all.
kjg I also used only 1 hpt. It is a record for me too. :hugs: Sorry you got a BFN. I agree, one more. Are you responding to the Femara well? Do they need to change the doseage or anything? Hope this cycle gets you your BFP!

raelynn 18.8 is good. Hopefully letting it go one more day, then triggering will help you get your BFP! Let us know how your appt went.

SAKS I am so sorry that you have a natural birth control. How bizarre. I never knew that could happen. I hope the surgery goes well and it fixes the issue right away. Now maybe you can get pregnant naturally and not need fertility drugs or treatments. Keep us updated on your appt and the sugery date. :hugs:

As for me, worst AF in a long time. Very painful. Friday AF was due, instead I had debilitating cramps, but no flow. GRR. Saturday, I brown spotted ALL day. No clots, just dark brown when I wiped. Sunday flow. Then it eased up. This morning, dark red and loads of clots. I am very crampy and have no motivation to live. :haha: I hate it. I can't figure out why it's so bad. Oh well.

I updated my donations page and got a donation from my Aunt who I haven't seen in 15 years! She donated $1,000 and my total donations earned is $1,100. It's a step closer. Babywhisperer a YouTube video sounds great. I should do that. Thanks for idea!!

Hope everyone is well. :hugs:

That's awesome your Aunt donated. Every little bit helps.

My af was also bad, The RE said fertility meds like Gonal F thicken the lining. It was awful. It was shorter though.

Saks, I'm happy to hear they found that. Imagine ttc for longer not knowing??? I bet you will be super fertile after that surgery. And you're right, miracles do happen so keep bding!!

Raelyn, 18.8 is awesome you are right there!! I would bd tonight just in case. I know I am bding the night of the trigger this time.

Beaglemom you are right, hot yoga is not good for ttc. My dh does it but has taken a few weeks off while we try.

Afm, just blood this morning and it was standing room only. It was insane. 45min wait just for blood. I ran into a girl I met once years ago, she is the wife of a guy I know but haven't seen in 4yrs. I introduced myself and she was a little awkward and no I feel like I should have just kept my head down. It was such a long wait though and I was going stir crazy.
SAKS - That is crazy you had a natural birth control going on. Like the others have said, I bet it will be smooth sailing once the surgery happens. Good luck!

Mikihob - Sorry AF is so rough. I tend to have really crazy light cycles or really terrible cycles. Hopefully it eases up soon.

Babywhisperer - I hate it when it is crazy. When I went Friday and Sunday the waiting room was packed and the wait was forever and it took them forever to call with my results. Today it was empty. I'd be the same way with seeing someone I know. Since it is so private you never know if they want to talk about it or not. Someone I work with was talking with me about trying to have kids when I was pregnant and just happened to mention going to the fertility specialist I do. So we talked about it. It ended up being good because it gave her hope since I was pregnant but it was definitely a little awkward.

My appointment this morning went well. My doctor was the one doing ultrasounds this morning so I felt better having him go over everything with me. I'm not surging yet and my follicle is up to 19-somthing so they're going to push it even more and let it go until tomorrow with the idea that I'll either surge naturally or trigger tomorrow night. We shall see. It has to be coming soon because I'm crampy and have a bunch of ewcm all of a sudden. Hopefully we'll get it up to the right maturity and everything will go well. So far, this cycle has been very close to the one I got pregnant on so I'm hoping that is what my body needs.
Thank you, Babywhisperer! I appreciate your thoughtfulness and prophecy of fertility!

-Good idea to BD on trigger night. I didn't do it, but later regretted not doing it, when I read so many BFP stories of ladies who had done it...
Don't worry about the awkward meeting with the lady. She probably had a lot on her mind...and was hoping she didn't run into anyone she knew, while out today... :)

-God bless us all.

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