July/August IUIs

beaglemom ~ That does sound odd that your insurance won't cover IUI's. That really stinks. :nope: I'm so sorry.
Great plan, Momof3Girls!!! Someone else said they plan to BD/DTD on the night of/after insemination this time... Might be an option for you too... ;) Remember to keep your feet warm and eat stews and soups during your TWW. :)

-God bless us all.
Thank you Raelynn and Saks. It sucks not having my Mom be positive and supportive. And it has affected the way I am with my friendships with women. I tend to keep a close circle, I don't share much and I see people very infrequently. I just don't inherintly trust women. It's hard to find well adjusted non passive aggressive catty women. I don't want the drama and definitely do to have time for it. That being said, I wish I had a close friendship I could lean on during all of this. My BFF is prego and has a 16mo old. She is hard to get in touch with. I love this forum so much. I get support, no judgment and everyone is just so warm and positive. You ladies are a classy bunch.

I triggered last night and bd. We are at a friends house out east on the Northfork so it was awkward. We also have the baby with us in the same room. Ever get the church pew giggles when you're not supposed to laugh and it just makes you laugh more. Well afterwards I got the giggles so bad wondering if our friends heard and I has to put my face in the pillow bc I just couldn't stop laughing. It was truly the best medicine ever. We went to the vineyards yesterday and today but oh boy I almost pulled over onto the side of the road at 4pm. I was cramping so badly I doubled over. I triggered last night at 11. Did I ovulate already? Does the cramping mean we missed it? We are leaving here at 6am and high tailing it into the city for the iui. We are bringing the baby as we will be leaving straight from our friends house and not stopping home. This should be interesting. Dh has his part at 8:15 and me 90min after. Does the cramping mean the eggs released already? If so, is that good timing for tomorrow morning? Or did we miss the window?

Beaglemom, you are just anxious about wanting a baby and missing a good opportunity. Make the most of it and go for it. You will feel better about making the most of your time. And yes, insurance is absurd. They should cover more but they are in the business of making money. They don't care about us. Do what makes you happy while you wait.

Night night ladies. Thank you again for your advice and support.
@ Babywhisperer: Anytime! Thank you.
- I too wish you had a friend like you that you could call and/or see at any time, for any reason.
-Not sure about the eggs releasing during cramping... The person administering your IUI should be able to give you more information about that. May God bless your IUI to be a success.
-God bless us all.
ltruns- fx'd - your numbers look amazing!!
and welcome to the new posters!

im cd10 - i go in for my first check on cd12. hoping for good news!

my best friend just told me she's 6 weeks pregnant after stopping the pill 2 months ago. i was so happy for her yet SO upset/annoyed at the same time. She knows I'm trying but not quite to the extent (REI stuff). I felt like such a bad person for having the angry/annoyed feelings but it was SO frustrating. does anyone feel like EVERYONE around them is getting pregnant/having babies?!
@KJG123: May God bless you with a great appointment and miraculous news!
-Well, a lot of women have said that once they told others they were trying to get pregnant, they all started to get pregnant. It's like an unconscious competition of sorts... I pray you join the pregnant group soon.
-God bless us all.
Raelynn I got the cramping about 3 days after starting progesterone. On and off for two weeks. So annoying. I was on crinone. I think I'm just gonna do the injections for ivf this cycle. I can take the pain of needles. Hate shoving that cream up there! Lol

Good luck babywhisperer! My had o cramps a couple hours before. RE told us to bd the day of iui and the morning after still. I think there's plenty of time for you!
Good luck Momof3!

Thanks ladies. The Dr said the cramping was likely the start of ovu. We had the IUI at 9:30 and dh's count was 68million this time and we bd fri night after the trigger. The motility post was was 89% again. They also told us to be tonight and tomorrow morning. I start the Endometrin again Tues night. It makes me cramp, bloat up big time and I get a lot of fatigue.

A lot of people are prego around me again. They are having no problem conceiving #2. Most saying it happened the first cycle. Grrrrrr. Hopefully it runs off on us!

I wish I knew the size of the follies today. I had 19, 17, 16 and 13 on Friday morning.

Here's to everyone going into the tww again. Fingers crossed for everyone.
kjg123 ~ I totally understand your feelings about pg ladies that are around in our lives. Before we started trying a little over a year ago, hardly anyone was getting pg or had a young baby. Once we started trying, and we never told anyone, ladies at church kept popping up pg! I think almost every month was covered with at least one lady being due then. One particular day, some ladies sitting behind me were talking about pregnancies. One of them was pg (and that was the first day I learned she was pg), and the other one was an older woman, but her recently married daughter just found out she was pg too. One of them made the comment, "Wow, 'everyone' is getting pg recently!" This was after we had been trying for 7-8 months, and nothing. I thought to myself, "Not 'everyone' is getting pg." I started crying and had to go out to my car so I could cry without anyone seeing me. It's now been several more cycles since then, and our diagnoses of sperm problems. So, yeah, you are not alone, hun! I'm usually really happy for those that struggled to get pg, and finally are. It's those that seem to have not had to put too much effort into it, and it comes easy to them that's frustrating and seems unfair.

Babywhisperer ~ Sounds so promising for you! :thumbup: All those follies, and a good count. Looks like I'll be two days behind you. I trigger tonight and go in for my IUI on Tuesday am. I had lots of follies yesterday, but only one that was a good size. FX for you!
Hi! I just registered. How is everything going?

I had my first IUI on the 14th this month. I'm having my beta on the 28th (in three days) but I'm already using HPTs anyway, I can't help it!!

Lots of good luck to you all.
Hi! I just registered. How is everything going?

I had my first IUI on the 14th this month. I'm having my beta on the 28th (in three days) but I'm already using HPTs anyway, I can't help it!!

Lots of good luck to you all.

Welcome to the group. Was your iui medicated? if so what did you use? Good luck with your beta!
Hi everyone~

Looks like my first IUI is a bust. Tested yesterday morning at 12DPO with another BFN so I stopped the progesterone. AF should arrive tomorrow morning although my temp was still relatively high this morning (but it looks like it might be trending down).

I think the most stressful part of the IUI is getting the timing right and the constant doubting myself if we got the timing right. If trigger shots can cut down that uncertainty I think that might be what we need to do.

Question for anyone taking Femara/Letrozole: is there a list of supplement you are NOT supposed to take with it? I've always been a health nut and always take tons of vitamins and supplements way before I started TTC but since I started TTC last year I've cut back on a few for fear that it might interfere with it. For years I was taking flaxseed oil as a substitute for fish oil for omega-3's (have seafood allergies and was told not to take fish oil). Then when I started ttc last year I read it somewhere it might interfere with it so I stopped.

Yesterday I was reading on miscarriage research and it sounds like flaxseed/flaxseed oil can boost fertility (increases endometrial thickness, increases progesterone, increases length of LP, improves estrogen ratio, and cut down risks of fibroids). I wonder if it's safe to take while you're on Femara/Letrozole? It's on my list of questions for my RE but I'm just curious if anyone knows.

Welcome @Byrnhild! GL!
Sorry, @Floridasian... I wouldn't stop the progesterone until 14DPO. Not sure about the drug interactions...
-God bless us all.
I stop progesterone early because 1. I don't think I have low progesterone (my doctor refuses to test it) and 2. (the main reason) it makes me ovulate early (prematurely) the next cycle because it extends my LP by two days. My normal LP is 13 days so when I don't stop the progesterone until 14DPO I don't get AF until 16 DPO. I started getting positive OPK's at CD7 and ovulated on CD9 for two cycles when I was on it the two cycles before that. I had super light periods those cycles and my doctor agreed that my lining probably didn't have enough time to thicken when I o'ed that early. My theory is that even though the follicles can't start developing until AF shows some of the hormones might be brewing at the end of my natural LP causing the premature O.
Hi all, joining this group. I had my IUI on August 20th, currently in the 2ww which is going so slow! I had 4 potential follies so I am hoping that my chances for a BFP is greater, although I have gotten BFNs with the same number of follies before. I am also on crinone during the 2ww. Beta is September 3....

Baby dust to all!
Oh wow, @Floridasian you helped me realize something. I just had an extremely short LP! I didn't know why, but now I am attributing it to the progesterone suppositories. Yikes! Thanks for the helpful information.
Welcome @Lusterleaf! GL!
-God bless us all.
Floridasian, I hope it is still early for you. But for next time, I strongly recommend the trigger. I did 3 IUIs with opks & I feel like the timing was never right. With the trigger, you basically will O 36 hours later no doubts. You can still check the follicles & all that. The RE will tell you to trigger usually when you have one at least 18 mm.

As far as supplements, I think you are fine. Ask the doc to be sure. The only thing I stay away from are OTC fertility boosters. I think there are things in them that can interfere with fertility drugs. But I never asked a doctor. I am not a huge health nut. I do take vitamins for TTC. But nothing unusual. B, D, prenatal...things like that.
Hi all, joining this group. I had my IUI on August 20th, currently in the 2ww which is going so slow! I had 4 potential follies so I am hoping that my chances for a BFP is greater, although I have gotten BFNs with the same number of follies before. I am also on crinone during the 2ww. Beta is September 3....

Baby dust to all!

Hi and welcome! I am 4 days behind you. What size were your follies? Did you do injectables? Good luck with your beta. The 2ww is brutal, we live in 2 week intervals it feels like. Is this your 1st iui?
Lusterleaf - Welcome! I had my IUI on the 20th too. This 2ww is crawling by it seems. Good luck!

Also, on the topic of trigger shots, I can give support for the other side. The IUI I got pregnant, I didn't do the trigger shot. And I didn't this time either. As long as you are being monitored with blood and ultrasound, they can tell when you ovulate if you go naturally. My doctor pushed my follicle as far as he could. I went in for 4 days in a row and he kept telling me "just be patient, it just needs to grow a little more". I thought he was nuts and we would miss ovulation but it gave me the most mature follicle I could have. On the last day, he said it was ready and my blood confirmed an LH surge so I was ovulating naturally. I did IUI the next day. So, you don't always have to depend on a trigger shot if they do see and LH surge in your bloodwork, then you'll ovulate about 24-36 hours later. Now, if you have trouble ovulating on your own with the fertility drugs, trigger shot is the way to go. I would have used it too if I didn't have a natural surge. Just wanted to say that it works fine without one too since I got pregnant once without it.
I stop progesterone early because 1. I don't think I have low progesterone (my doctor refuses to test it) and 2. (the main reason) it makes me ovulate early (prematurely) the next cycle because it extends my LP by two days. My normal LP is 13 days so when I don't stop the progesterone until 14DPO I don't get AF until 16 DPO. I started getting positive OPK's at CD7 and ovulated on CD9 for two cycles when I was on it the two cycles before that. I had super light periods those cycles and my doctor agreed that my lining probably didn't have enough time to thicken when I o'ed that early. My theory is that even though the follicles can't start developing until AF shows some of the hormones might be brewing at the end of my natural LP causing the premature O.

That's an interesting point you brought up. I stopped the progesterone at 13dpiui when I knew I was not prego. Last time I got a bfp was 12dpiui. I just knew I wasn't prego and wanted to get back onto my cycle. 12 hrs after I stopped it I started to spot. Anyone know the half life for progesterone?

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