July/August IUIs

SAKS other than my Aunt’s donation- I have gotten zippo. As expected. I have not made the You Tube video yet. I have been kinda down since the BFN and my cold has finally hit me, so not feeling so hot. Eventually I will get it done. :hugs:

Ltruns I am excited you had great follies and lining. How amazing the diet helped you. It’s amazing what cutting things out of your diet does for you. I need to start moving that direction. Now that I am on BCP and my PCOS is controlled, dieting while getting back into working out hard will really help. I hope that you get your BFP!!

tommyg welcome!!

His Sweetheart welcome!! Breaks are a great way to calm the nerves and clear the head. Your next IUI will be here before you know it.

floridasian welcome! It does sound like your timing might have been off. Most doctors will do the IUI the morning/afternoon after a surge. Doing it the same day is a little early. Although stranger things have happened. I hope that you can still get a BFP. How many days past IUI are you? When is AF suspected? I have done 4 IUI’s- 2 w/Clomid and OPK’s and 2 w/Clomid, trigger and u/s monitoring. I am currently in the saving money period to do IVF. I hope to be doing my first IVF before the year is out. What are your plans in that aspect? How many IUI’s do you plan to do?

beaglemom I still have two frozen vials of donor sperm. I was going to save those for future IUI’s and have found myself contemplating doing one or two more IUI’s while we wait for IVF. But I always remind myself that after so many failed, the chances of success are much lower. Plus, the money I would spend on IUI’s could be saved for my IVF cycle. Personally, I have chosen to wait. I think it is up to you. I would wait personally, in case you don’t get the grant and need to pay for IVF yourself. The extra $1,000 you save will help lessen the cost burden. But, if you have leftover meds and the IUI itself isn’t too high a cost, why not do one more??

MomOf3Girls that one egg could still split into identical twins. Do you have a history of twins in your family?? Tomorrow is your IUI day, feeling excited?!

raelynn I totally forgot to tell you what to update on the first page for me. I am the same as beaglemom. Saving money for IVF. How is your TWW going?

kjg I feel the same way. Everyone is pregnant. When will it be my turn?? It’s a hard feeling to push past. :hugs:

Byrnhild welcome!! When do you test??

Lusterleaf welcome!!

Wanna hear a story? It had been 8 days since my BFN (as of Saturday) and I ran into my friend Carmen who works at Lowe’s. I asked her how she was, and she says “I’m pregnant.” It was everything I had not to starting crying in the middle of a hardware store. Then, she follows with she hates babies, doesn’t want one and is not happy that she is pregnant. Her sister is three months pregnant and was mad when Carmen told her she didn’t really care because she hates babies. Then, Carmen finds out she is pregnant. Her boyfriend is excited but she hates it. I had to keep my smile on and laugh through her complaints. I cried in the car silently as we finished our errands. Totally ruined my Saturday. Sometimes it all seems so unfair.

I hope I caught everyone. :hugs:
Miki, I am so sorry that you had to run into a person like that- I mean as it is it hurts enough to find out that someone else is pregnant when you are trying to be but for her to be ungrateful... ugh.... hugs to you!
Thanks raelynn for sharing your experience on the timing. The thing is that most of us can't be monitored on a daily basis like that so there will be some kind of guessing involved. For beaglemom, it costs her $250 for each ultrasound so it adds up quickly. I don't know what the standard protocol is for my RE's office. I feel like I was rushed into the IUI but I will definitely find out next time I go in.
Mikihob - I can't believe you had to endure that in a public place. I probably would have quickly changed the subject or pretend that I had to leave right away. People who are not TTC really have no idea how hard it is to hear anything pregnancy related.

I did the IUI the morning of CD11. I'm now 14 days past IUI but I suspect that I didn't ovulated until CD12 or even CD13 (FF says I O'ed on CD13 - I manually adjusted it to CD12). Since I stopped the progesterone and my last dose was Saturday night I am expecting AF to arrive tomorrow morning as AF usually arrives approximately 60 hours after my last dose.

I have a long list of questions for my RE (and it's growing!) when I go back after AF arrives. We'll see what he has planned for me next cycle. I have no idea how many IUI's I'll do or if IUI even makes sense for me. Deep down I suspect that there is still some kind of uterine anomaly (I needed a hysteroscopy to remove uterine scarring and they found scar tissue near my cervix too. This is after my D&C where my RE had hoped that the D&C would get rid of the scar tissue but it didn't).
Raelynn, that is a good point. One difference in my situation is I was never monitored with bloodwork...just the u/s followed by trigger. So if that is something your RE does, then that would probably make me lean towards natural O. But I do have quite a drive to my RE. So it is nice to know on CD 1 what days my u/s is & what day IUI will be.

Miki I hope we can do IVF together or close together. I am getting so anxious to do it. Just so tired of waiting this thing out.
Question: What day is most optimal for IUI? Day before ovulation or the day of ovulation?

Here is my set up for IUI in september. I will call cd 1 and get script for clomid. Will take clomid at night cd 5-9 for a total of five days. On cd 12 we will go in for a follicular count and check at that time they will also look at my lining (I am learning to go to the MD with a full bladder every time). I will continue using my cbfm and opks. I am contemplating trigger or not. Since dh and I will be on vacation that week from work I could just do opk and go in the day after I get the positive (depending on the answer to the question above). The progesterone 1 dp iui on to bfp.

Background: my bloodwork good, hsg normal and verified ovulation. Dh high sperm count low motility. We have had positive HPTs with early mc.

More Questions: any advice besides the trigger? Any questions I should ask my md? Any helpful tips?
SAKS other than my Aunt’s donation- I have gotten zippo. As expected. I have not made the You Tube video yet. I have been kinda down since the BFN and my cold has finally hit me, so not feeling so hot. Eventually I will get it done. :hugs:

Ltruns I am excited you had great follies and lining. How amazing the diet helped you. It’s amazing what cutting things out of your diet does for you. I need to start moving that direction. Now that I am on BCP and my PCOS is controlled, dieting while getting back into working out hard will really help. I hope that you get your BFP!!

tommyg welcome!!

His Sweetheart welcome!! Breaks are a great way to calm the nerves and clear the head. Your next IUI will be here before you know it.

floridasian welcome! It does sound like your timing might have been off. Most doctors will do the IUI the morning/afternoon after a surge. Doing it the same day is a little early. Although stranger things have happened. I hope that you can still get a BFP. How many days past IUI are you? When is AF suspected? I have done 4 IUI’s- 2 w/Clomid and OPK’s and 2 w/Clomid, trigger and u/s monitoring. I am currently in the saving money period to do IVF. I hope to be doing my first IVF before the year is out. What are your plans in that aspect? How many IUI’s do you plan to do?

beaglemom I still have two frozen vials of donor sperm. I was going to save those for future IUI’s and have found myself contemplating doing one or two more IUI’s while we wait for IVF. But I always remind myself that after so many failed, the chances of success are much lower. Plus, the money I would spend on IUI’s could be saved for my IVF cycle. Personally, I have chosen to wait. I think it is up to you. I would wait personally, in case you don’t get the grant and need to pay for IVF yourself. The extra $1,000 you save will help lessen the cost burden. But, if you have leftover meds and the IUI itself isn’t too high a cost, why not do one more??

MomOf3Girls that one egg could still split into identical twins. Do you have a history of twins in your family?? Tomorrow is your IUI day, feeling excited?!

raelynn I totally forgot to tell you what to update on the first page for me. I am the same as beaglemom. Saving money for IVF. How is your TWW going?

kjg I feel the same way. Everyone is pregnant. When will it be my turn?? It’s a hard feeling to push past. :hugs:

Byrnhild welcome!! When do you test??

Lusterleaf welcome!!

Wanna hear a story? It had been 8 days since my BFN (as of Saturday) and I ran into my friend Carmen who works at Lowe’s. I asked her how she was, and she says “I’m pregnant.” It was everything I had not to starting crying in the middle of a hardware store. Then, she follows with she hates babies, doesn’t want one and is not happy that she is pregnant. Her sister is three months pregnant and was mad when Carmen told her she didn’t really care because she hates babies. Then, Carmen finds out she is pregnant. Her boyfriend is excited but she hates it. I had to keep my smile on and laugh through her complaints. I cried in the car silently as we finished our errands. Totally ruined my Saturday. Sometimes it all seems so unfair.

I hope I caught everyone. :hugs:

I'm so sorry you had to deal with that. I would have said children are a blessing and changed the subject. Some people are undeserving and it drives me crazy. You never know what someone else is going thru, but who says out loud they hate kids??? Just think, she'll probably have a baby with colic and will keep her up all night and she won't be able to put them down for a minute, all they will do is scream. She needs a karma slap!

Please have faith that it will happen. It might not always be when or how we want, but it will happen. My RE said the best way to get prego is to adopt. A lot of women get prego while preparing to adopt and preparing for an IVF cycle. Stay positive and keep the faith. :hugs:
Question: What day is most optimal for IUI? Day before ovulation or the day of ovulation?

Here is my set up for IUI in september. I will call cd 1 and get script for clomid. Will take clomid at night cd 5-9 for a total of five days. On cd 12 we will go in for a follicular count and check at that time they will also look at my lining (I am learning to go to the MD with a full bladder every time). I will continue using my cbfm and opks. I am contemplating trigger or not. Since dh and I will be on vacation that week from work I could just do opk and go in the day after I get the positive (depending on the answer to the question above). The progesterone 1 dp iui on to bfp.

Background: my bloodwork good, hsg normal and verified ovulation. Dh high sperm count low motility. We have had positive HPTs with early mc.

More Questions: any advice besides the trigger? Any questions I should ask my md? Any helpful tips?

Might you have better success with injectables vs Clomid?
My IUIs are done day of ovulation. I trigger...then IUI 36 hours later (time I should be ovulating). I like having the trigger...but from the advice already stated above, it could go either way & just a preference. I think injectables are good for me because we have low count...so more to aim for. However in your case I think clomid is a good choice. The days you are taking it are meant for an egg boost...which may be what you need since so many early mc.

Good luck! I know you have been through a rough time with the mc.
Question: What day is most optimal for IUI? Day before ovulation or the day of ovulation?

Here is my set up for IUI in september. I will call cd 1 and get script for clomid. Will take clomid at night cd 5-9 for a total of five days. On cd 12 we will go in for a follicular count and check at that time they will also look at my lining (I am learning to go to the MD with a full bladder every time). I will continue using my cbfm and opks. I am contemplating trigger or not. Since dh and I will be on vacation that week from work I could just do opk and go in the day after I get the positive (depending on the answer to the question above). The progesterone 1 dp iui on to bfp.

Background: my bloodwork good, hsg normal and verified ovulation. Dh high sperm count low motility. We have had positive HPTs with early mc.

More Questions: any advice besides the trigger? Any questions I should ask my md? Any helpful tips?

Hi, I have done clomid plus trigger, IUI and progesterone cycles. I have had IUI's both 24 and 36 hours after trigger. In my case I have had BFN's with both so its hard to say which one is better. Right now I am in the 2ww with IUI done 36 hours after trigger. How do you respond to the clomid? If you respond well I don't know that your doctor would want to tweak your meds but you can ask. I would def ask for a trigger though so that your IUI is timed accordingly. Good luck!
Question: how do they determine how well you respond to a certain med? This is my first cycle on Femara (2.5 mg CD3-7). I always O on my own between CD11& CD14 (except for the months I was on Progesterone the cycles before where I o'ed on CD9) so how do they determine how well I respond to it? Size of follicles? Number of follicles? This cycle I also O'ed anywhere between CD11 & CD13 so this is normal for me. CD11 follie scan showed a 19mm follicle. Am I supposed to have more than one on Femara?

Trying to see if I should ask the doctor to up the dosage or not.
Depends on what your dr is looking for. I was started on femara with follistim...cycle 1 was 1 follicle. Talked to the dr & she said she wanted more. So she upped my dose which was followed by 2 cycles with 3-4 follicles. In your case, your dr is probably only looking for 1 good follicle...probably using the femara as a boost to your eggs. When they are using it as a boost, not sure if there is a way to tell. But basically they go by size & number of follicles to determine how well you are responding.
FutureBabyGirl - I did clomid the same days CD5-9 and it gave me a great follicle and I ovulated on my own CD20. If they are doing an internal ultrasound, you shouldn't need to have a full bladder (unless they tell you to). I know for me, my left ovary tends to hide so there is a lot of pushing and moving around where not having a full bladder is better.

beaglemom - I didn't know you didn't have blood monitoring. I just assumed it was the norm since my RE does it. Every visit I get and ultrasound and bloodwork done so we can pinpoint my cycle pretty exactly. If you don't have bloodwork done, I can definitely see the benefit of the trigger since you couldn't confirm an LH surge. (I also got a positive OPK that day but I wouldn't trust it without the bloodwork to back it up)

Floridasian - I normally wouldn't have gone 4 days in a row but we missed my ovulation last cycle so I requested additional monitoring so we didn't miss it this time. Normally, I just go CD12 then every 3 days after that unless they think I'm close to ovulating. It was pricey but after having a missed cycle my hubby and I just felt more comfortable with the extra monitoring this time. And to your question about how you respond to meds - as beaglemom said, it is up to your doctor but it normally depends on what they think will work best for your situation. For me, we try to get one really well developed follicle since that worked before. For others, it may be more follicles for a better chance of catching one. I think it also depends on how your previous cycles have gone. They tweak things based off of what works and doesn't work. It will also be based on your monitoring whether your follicles develop or not. Hopefully they'll get your right combination and everything will go great for you!

Mikihob - I am so sorry you had to go through that. Those of us that have to go through so much to get pregnant understand just how precious of a gift it is. Others just don't understand. And how terrible to say they don't like kids when pregnant! It is just so unfair that those that are not even trying seem to get pregnant at the drop of a hat and those that want it so bad struggle so much.

My 2ww is a pain in the butt. It is just crawling by. I think it is worse because I'm counting down to our beach trip and the 2ww so I have double anticipation. I'm going to try and keep busy but there is only so much I can do to try and distract myself. One day at a time!
Miki, you forgot about me!!! Haha hi! I've been keeping my head low while I was bcps. I'm too crazy!!!

Wow! Look how popular our page got! Exciting stuff! Hoping for good news soon from everyone! Welcome to everyone new!!!

Floridasian, don't think I didn't notice you sneak in! Good to see you (or read you haha) over on this board! I kept thinking this one and the other one should just combine! So much updating! Lol I would ask you dr about the supplements. I was wanting to start dhea up again because my t levels felt like they were falling fast. I asked RE and he said no way, not now because it will ruin what I'm trying to do (shrink my cysts) I was like really? It's just a simple supplement!!! I run everything by him. Just in case!

My update...
This woman is CYST FREE!!!! Wooooohoooooo!!! I can't even tell you how happy I was at my appt. I was prepared to cry my eyes out in frustration. Instead I cried cause I was happy. (You really can't stop me these days). When I walked into the back my RE looked at me and said I see you blocked some time out for us the chat extra today? I'm like yeah, we need to talk. So I sat down in his office and he asked what we needed to talk about and I just said basically my attitude. He smiled and said ok, is it him (DH) or you? I laughed and said I really love that you are always prepared to take my side but I really think it's me. So I told him about my moods and my lack of sex drive and how it's constant and not just when I'm on the pill. He said there may be an issue with my human growth hormone and testosterone and that could be messing with my oxytocin receptors. Also, I've been waking up just dripping with sweat the last couple of months. DH secretly tested me over the weekend and turned the ac down to 65 and I was still sweating bullets. Insane right? So lots of bloodwork today and Thursday morning. I'm so glad he didn't make me feel like a crazy person. I love that man. So he said ok let's get you started on meds for your ivf cycle this Friday and we will order everything today. I looked at him and said whoa whoa slow down! Haha I can't believe it's actually my turn to do this stuff! Yay!
Hi Jen!! Good to see you here! I think the majority of us are moving into assisted conception now either IUI or IVF so it makes sense for me to jump in here!

Yay on cyst free - because it means NO MORE BCP, right? I'm so glad you are finally able to start the IVF process. Sounds like your RE is a kind and caring man. Mine is a man of few words. It's hard to squeeze out any information out of him. He usually just sits there and types away on the laptop while I try to ask a question when he "looks" like he's in between sentences! LOL!
JCM - So happy for you!! It must feel like such a relief to be cyst free! So glad you finally get to start things and you're done with the waiting for now. Your RE sounds great. It must be wonderful to have someone you can talk to easily who will get you to the best place you can be for TTC.
Haha yes, my last BCP is tonight! I never want to see that pill again! I'm just trying to get all of my meds by Thursday and it looks like it won't be a problem! I'm getting everything for 2k. What a deal! Lol if anyone has to get any of this stuff, I recommend fastivf. This guy is truly amazing. Paying seems kind of sketchy since it's a wire transfer but totally worth it to save the money. I'm also going to be taking a human growth hormone injectable along with my usual heparin doses. So many needles. Yikes! But I'm ready!

Floridasian, that's exactly how my RE was the first 2-3 times I saw him. Always typing away. I finally concluded he's like a mad scientist and is always thinking. About multiple things. I used to be afraid to talk. Now I just talk while he types and he has a full in conversation with me about whatever. My stepson is the exact same way. Haha and he's brilliant. Way too smart. In 5th grade and has no problem doing high school/college level math. I will make him be an RE. Ha!
Miki, you forgot about me!!! Haha hi! I've been keeping my head low while I was bcps. I'm too crazy!!!

Wow! Look how popular our page got! Exciting stuff! Hoping for good news soon from everyone! Welcome to everyone new!!!

Floridasian, don't think I didn't notice you sneak in! Good to see you (or read you haha) over on this board! I kept thinking this one and the other one should just combine! So much updating! Lol I would ask you dr about the supplements. I was wanting to start dhea up again because my t levels felt like they were falling fast. I asked RE and he said no way, not now because it will ruin what I'm trying to do (shrink my cysts) I was like really? It's just a simple supplement!!! I run everything by him. Just in case!

My update...
This woman is CYST FREE!!!! Wooooohoooooo!!! I can't even tell you how happy I was at my appt. I was prepared to cry my eyes out in frustration. Instead I cried cause I was happy. (You really can't stop me these days). When I walked into the back my RE looked at me and said I see you blocked some time out for us the chat extra today? I'm like yeah, we need to talk. So I sat down in his office and he asked what we needed to talk about and I just said basically my attitude. He smiled and said ok, is it him (DH) or you? I laughed and said I really love that you are always prepared to take my side but I really think it's me. So I told him about my moods and my lack of sex drive and how it's constant and not just when I'm on the pill. He said there may be an issue with my human growth hormone and testosterone and that could be messing with my oxytocin receptors. Also, I've been waking up just dripping with sweat the last couple of months. DH secretly tested me over the weekend and turned the ac down to 65 and I was still sweating bullets. Insane right? So lots of bloodwork today and Thursday morning. I'm so glad he didn't make me feel like a crazy person. I love that man. So he said ok let's get you started on meds for your ivf cycle this Friday and we will order everything today. I looked at him and said whoa whoa slow down! Haha I can't believe it's actually my turn to do this stuff! Yay!

JCM so happy you are cyst free!!! That's awesome. Have you ever had your thyroid tested? I had no sex drive and night sweats. They diagnosed me with Hashimoto's. They put me on Synthroid, I removed dairy, gluten, sky and eggs. Hashi's is an autoimmune and diet can cause the inflammation that exacerbates Hashi's.

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