Awesome that he can go with you!
Miki, I def felt o pains yesterday right before I left for my appt all the way til I got there. Some light cramping later in the afternoon and today I feel great. Not even bloated so I'm most likely done ovulating.
I'm cracking up over here, hubby and I are both googling on our iPads obsessing and all of a sudden he yells "oh this girl got a Big F***ing Pregnancy on her first iui!!!" I'm like that's not what bfp means. I'm seriously amused by him reading these forums out loud. I just tried to ask him a serious question and he said "well littlebeans44 didn't test out her trigger and she had a false positive." His face was dead serious and he continues to dialogue old forum posts from his google search. If he can just keep this up for 2 weeks I'll be distracted. I wish I was at least into the implantation times...
We did o BD before IUI my previosly cycle...the trigger did a real umber on me...thought I was going to thow up. So he had quite a build up IUI day...but his retrieval was awesome...9 million out of 11 million. But this time we did same night as trigger & ended up with horrible count. So now not sure what to do if there is a next time.
So I am totally googling days past IUI for poitive hpt...I am losing it!
Awesome that he can go with you!
Miki, I def felt o pains yesterday right before I left for my appt all the way til I got there. Some light cramping later in the afternoon and today I feel great. Not even bloated so I'm most likely done ovulating.
I'm cracking up over here, hubby and I are both googling on our iPads obsessing and all of a sudden he yells "oh this girl got a Big F***ing Pregnancy on her first iui!!!" I'm like that's not what bfp means. I'm seriously amused by him reading these forums out loud. I just tried to ask him a serious question and he said "well littlebeans44 didn't test out her trigger and she had a false positive." His face was dead serious and he continues to dialogue old forum posts from his google search. If he can just keep this up for 2 weeks I'll be distracted. I wish I was at least into the implantation times...
I caved and POAS. 9dpo= BFN. I thought perhaps I could get a early positive. Sigh. Not this time. I am still holding out hope that I am pregnant. It's still early.
Ltruns great job waiting until your blood draw. I can sometimes hold out for it, but decided (since I have so many cheapies) that I would usually. I usually don't have any cheapies and hold out those FRER until the last minute, but gave it a shot. Come on Wednesday!
How are you ladies doing today?
Glad to see everyone is doing well!
Ltruns - Glad you have a wedding this weekend to keep you distracted! You've done so well not testing (since you wanted to hold off until your beta).
Mikihob and beagle - it's still so early so there's still LOTS of hope!
Raelynn - I'm glad to hear you didn't already ovulate and sounds like those follies are developing nicely.
JCM - Your doctor does sound like a mad scientist and like he's hilarious! I'm not familiar with herapin but I'm a big fan of fish oil pills.
I'm really excited for a weekend so I can be away from the computer (for my job I'm at the computer most of the day) and just get my mind off of things. I'll be seeing my sister this weekend who's expecting and I'm going to try to get her pregnant vibes to rub off on me