Tess: That's great! If we end up trying for #3 - and already have a girl/boy we will also be team green.
DBZ: Exciting that your scan went good - that's fun that just you and your hubby know the gender!... I think I would slip up! I slipped up with someone at work with my dtr, and I only knew for 4 days before we told everyone else! lol. Naming is so hard! My hubby has no name ideas, but basically just vetos the ones that I come up with that he doesn't like. We have zero boy names, and like 2 girl names that we kind of like. lol
AFM: I will be 18 wks on Sat. I've been feeling great - have some sciatic nerve issues. The same problem that I had with my first. With her it started at 16 wks, and went away at 24 weeks. This time it started earlier at 12 weeks - so I am keeping my fingers crossed it stops earlier.
Wishful thinking I know! Otherwise things are going well. No weight gain at this point - again exactly what I did with my dtr. Pants still fit with the button closed. lol. But if I remember correctly - it was right around 18 weeks - that I couldn't button my pants with my dtr. We have our anatomy scan in 2 1/2 weeks. We will be finding out and sharing what we are having. We have some concerns for gender disappointment as we are leaning towards having only 2 kids. Hubby of course wants a boy because we already have a dtr, and I would love another dtr.
Regardless - of course we will love this baby and be so excited for it either sex, but with the gender disappointment concern - we just don't want it to be at the birth, we would prefer if we are a little disappointed to be able to digest it, and move on!