July Jewels 2019! ^^

Yes, they test me twice for 2 reasons: 1. I have pcos with insulin resistance 2. I had GD while pregnant with my son. I am hoping not to have it this time, thankfully I didnt have it in my last pregnancy with my little girl.
Thought I attached a picture to my last post but it was too big. Sorry about that! It should have worked this time.

I got a cold a few weeks ago and it took so much out of me. I knew getting sick while pregnant was going to suck but I didn't realize how hard it was going to be. Feeling a lot better now, even managed to go for a walk this morning!

I don't have much to report. My main cravings are still pickles and apple juice. Now I feel like I could eat a grilled cheese with sliced tomato every meal every day. I also got my registries done, some I did just for the free little goodie bags. So much fun!

Screen Shot 2019-01-31 at 1.17.00 PM.png
Glad to hear all you ladies are starting to feel more normal! Anyone else found out sex of their baby yet?

I am now 17.5 weeks and still feeling rubbish! Not physically being sick anymore but I feel sick a lot and appetite is still almost non existent. I’m also just so exhausted all the time. This is my third baby and My other 2 kids are 4 and 1 so running about after them is defo hard work whilst being pregnant. I had hoped the second trimester would bring about a boost in energy but it hasn’t happened unfortunately sorry to put a downer on the thread but I’m really struggling here lol! X
Not just you, Tess. I'm exhausted no matter how much sleep I get and I rarely get hungry. I have to remind myself to eat most days. I do get moments of where I feel like I can't stop because everything tastes just so good, but that's only with a craving food. I thought I'd be feeling better by now but I'm not and I have to force myself to get things done.

The main difference between my first and second trimester so far is that in my first I could get a nap in and still sleep through the night, but now if I nap I'm up all night. I hope we both find relief soon!
Tess, I think Crazy is the only one who's found out the baby's sex so far.

I'm sorry to hear that you are still struggling with exhaustion and food. I can't imagine being pregnant and taking care of young kids too. I know that I am so much more tired on the weekends when I'm home with my son than during the week when I am at work and he is at school. I hope things turn around for you soon!

Cheshire, love the baby's D&D character sheet! The teeny dice kill me <3

Crazy, fingers crossed you don't get GD this time around either.

Kiki, glad to hear you are in the feeling better stretch of things. I totally hear you about how fun it can be to keep it a secret for a longer period of time. My husband and I really enjoyed just having the knowledge between us for as long as we did.

DBZ, my next scan is just after you - Feb 15. Seeing baby is always such a nice treat. It's hard to believe that the next time we will see baby after this scan is when he or she is born!


I had a midwife appt yesterday and it was really nice hearing baby's heartbeat. The midwife found the hb on the side of my body where I've been feeling some twinges and pokes which was really reassuring. I'm always hesitant to attribute little feelings to baby early on but it made me more confident that I have been feeling baby for the past couple weeks.

I also got the midwife to sign off my maternity leave forms for work. I'm going on leave 12 weeks before my due date (the soonest we can go), and I can't believe how soon it is. I really need to hustle on some of my projects to get them finished or outlined for my replacement.

Overall, I'm feeling really good these days. Just a bit of pain in my hips after sitting longer than I should and some mild heartburn at night before bed. I'm also hungrier earlier in the day and have had to adjust my breaks and lunch at work so I don't start getting hangry at everyone :blush:
I got my results back from the GD test this morning and I passed! They will give me another one later in my pregnancy as well so I am hoping to pass that as well. My midwife appointment went well yesterday, I have only gained 3lbs so far this pregnancy so thats good. I got to hear my little ones heart beat with the doppler, her heart rate was in the 140s. I also scheduled my 20wk scan it is on March 6th. I am excited to see my baby again and hopefully confirm that she is indeed a little girl. How is everyone doing?
allie - I love the tiny dice! I'm a bit of a dice collector and knew that's what I wanted to use when we decide on the announcement. That's great that your midwife appointment went so well! Yay on knowing when your leave will start!

crazy4baby - Congrats on passing the first GD test. Must be such a relief! Glad to hear your appointment went really well, too. Always so great hearing that heart beat.

AFM - Finally caved and ordered a pregnancy pillow which should be here tomorrow. My hips and thighs get sore so I think having a pillow between them will help. I didn't get a full body pillow cause they seem so big, so I got one that will support either my back or bump and go between the legs.

I think I felt my first flutters last night, too. I was laying in bed on my left side and I felt this strange movement where the ultrasound finds the baby hanging out. Happened three times! I hope I keep feeling the little gummy bear. Next appointment is the 12th and the anatomy scan on the 25th. Can't believe this is almost halfway over!
Crazy- So glad you passed your first GD test! And happy to hear your appointment went well.

Cheshire- I broke down last week and got a body pillow. But I got a C-shaped big one (snoogle). It has been amazing. My hips and legs have felt so much better since I started having the pillow between them. I hope you have a similar experience. How exciting that you felt flutters! Isn't it just magical?

AFM- Still eagerly awaiting my next scan. I've been feeling bubs move around in my belly from time to time and now s/he has gotten so big that my belly looks lopsided in the mornings based on where Bubs is hanging out. S/he tends to be on the left side usually, but sometime Bubs gets right in my pelvis. Practicing for the main event in July, I guess. This weekend is registry weekend and I'm excited to start planning things for the Bubs on the outside. We've been telling more people. Now I've just got work left to tell...never seems like the right time though.
I actually looked at the snoogle! It seemed long and I am short so I was worried it would be too big for me. I got the support pillow from boppy (same people who do nursing pillows). I got it yesterday and it's a game changer.

So glad to hear you're still feeling baby move around! How did registry weekend go?
The Snoogle is long and it’s like having another person in the bed, but I love it. Lol.

Registry weekend was interesting but fun. We found a lot of stuff we loved, but also found it hard to find gender neutral clothes for baby to put on there. The most neutral stuff was on the boys side of the section. The girls side was just completely pink. We only went to one store that specializes in baby stuff, so we spent hours in there. We had planned to do two stores, but after that first one, we were done. We went to dinner and then hung out together at home. Good day though. We’re going to have to do it again soon.
I noticed that about the clothes, too. I'll put any color on either sex, but it's the sayings they decide to print on to the clothes that stop me. Glad you still managed to have a good day out of it.

One more week until my anatomy scan! Really hope baby cooperates so all measurements can be taken (not to mention getting to see the sex of the baby).

Has anyone had an anatomy scan yet? Coming up? How's everyone feeling?
I had my anatomy scan last week on the 13th and it was magical. I loved seeing how big Bubs has gotten and seeing Bubs move around in there was just amazing. Bubs is a thumb sucker already. It warmed my heart and made me giggle when Bubs decided it was time to relax and ended up in a pose that I do all the time, with my arm over my forehead and my other hand on my belly. :) Everything is looking good. All organs and appendages accounted for. We did find out the sex, and I was just filled with awe, but we are not sharing with anyone until Bubs is on the outside. I'll stick a scan picture on here when I get a chance. Bubs is amazing. I feel so fortunate to be Bubs' mommy.

Funnily enough, DH was being super picky about names and what he liked. We made a list of names that we both liked and it was small because DH doesn't like many names for either sex. Then this weekend, DH was suddenly like "I think we should go with 'this name'." And now he doesn't want to talk about any other names unless I like it more than one of the names we picked out for our kids years ago. I kind of find it hilarious. When I was like are we just going to go with the names we picked out ages ago, he said no and wanted to look at other names...lol.
That’s great DVBZ glad to hear all is looking good at the scan! We found out sex with my daughter and kept it to ourselves until the birth but I found it really stressful because I was constantly trying to not say anything haha so with my son we just done a gender reveal and told everyone.

Ducky I completely agree about clothing. There is always sooooo much more choice for girls too! I feel like when I go shopping for my daughter I can come back with so many beautiful and different looking bits and pieces but when I go for my son I feel like everything I come back with pretty much looks the same but us just a slightly different colour or has a different saying on it. Everything seems to just be the same shape which is a bit rubbish.

We have our anatomy scan tomorrow and as much as I’m excited to see bubs again, I’m also sort of dreading it. DH and I have been argument for the past few weeks over finding out the sex. He wants to, I don’t. This is definitely my last baby and we found out with our other 2 so I would like this time to be a bit different and it’s the last chance I’ll ever get to have that little surprise at the end but he is adamant he wants to find out so we can be more prepared. I also just feel like we have 1 of each so what does it matter?! I have a feeling we are going to have a big fall out tomorrow x
DBZ - That's adorable about the baby getting into the comfortable position like that! It's amazing how they pick up on things like that in the womb.

Tess - I can definitely see being team green when you have one of each. I hope you get your wish to keep it a surprise!
DBZ - That's adorable about the baby getting into the comfortable position like that! It's amazing how they pick up on things like that in the womb.

Tess - I can definitely see being team green when you have one of each. I hope you get your wish to keep it a surprise!

Thanks ducky. We have had our scan and everything looks great DH and I had a bit of an argument in the car on the way there as I said I’m defo not finding out and he said he defo is. So I agreed to him finding out if he could swear to me he wouldn’t say a word to anyone. He agreed and said he would wait until the end and then ask them to tell him the gender when I left the room. She asked me in the middle of the scan if I wanted to know but I said no and he didn’t say a word. I asked him on the way out why he didn’t ask and he said well you already said no so I just left it. He doesn’t seem too disappointed or anything and I’m delighted it’s going to be a surprise! The idea of the midwife holding baby up when it’s born and my DH being the one to tell me the gender is really nice in my head x
Tess: That's great! If we end up trying for #3 - and already have a girl/boy we will also be team green.

DBZ: Exciting that your scan went good - that's fun that just you and your hubby know the gender!... I think I would slip up! I slipped up with someone at work with my dtr, and I only knew for 4 days before we told everyone else! lol. Naming is so hard! My hubby has no name ideas, but basically just vetos the ones that I come up with that he doesn't like. We have zero boy names, and like 2 girl names that we kind of like. lol

AFM: I will be 18 wks on Sat. I've been feeling great - have some sciatic nerve issues. The same problem that I had with my first. With her it started at 16 wks, and went away at 24 weeks. This time it started earlier at 12 weeks - so I am keeping my fingers crossed it stops earlier. :) Wishful thinking I know! Otherwise things are going well. No weight gain at this point - again exactly what I did with my dtr. Pants still fit with the button closed. lol. But if I remember correctly - it was right around 18 weeks - that I couldn't button my pants with my dtr. We have our anatomy scan in 2 1/2 weeks. We will be finding out and sharing what we are having. We have some concerns for gender disappointment as we are leaning towards having only 2 kids. Hubby of course wants a boy because we already have a dtr, and I would love another dtr. :) Regardless - of course we will love this baby and be so excited for it either sex, but with the gender disappointment concern - we just don't want it to be at the birth, we would prefer if we are a little disappointed to be able to digest it, and move on! :)
Tess: That's great! If we end up trying for #3 - and already have a girl/boy we will also be team green.

DBZ: Exciting that your scan went good - that's fun that just you and your hubby know the gender!... I think I would slip up! I slipped up with someone at work with my dtr, and I only knew for 4 days before we told everyone else! lol. Naming is so hard! My hubby has no name ideas, but basically just vetos the ones that I come up with that he doesn't like. We have zero boy names, and like 2 girl names that we kind of like. lol

AFM: I will be 18 wks on Sat. I've been feeling great - have some sciatic nerve issues. The same problem that I had with my first. With her it started at 16 wks, and went away at 24 weeks. This time it started earlier at 12 weeks - so I am keeping my fingers crossed it stops earlier. :) Wishful thinking I know! Otherwise things are going well. No weight gain at this point - again exactly what I did with my dtr. Pants still fit with the button closed. lol. But if I remember correctly - it was right around 18 weeks - that I couldn't button my pants with my dtr. We have our anatomy scan in 2 1/2 weeks. We will be finding out and sharing what we are having. We have some concerns for gender disappointment as we are leaning towards having only 2 kids. Hubby of course wants a boy because we already have a dtr, and I would love another dtr. :) Regardless - of course we will love this baby and be so excited for it either sex, but with the gender disappointment concern - we just don't want it to be at the birth, we would prefer if we are a little disappointed to be able to digest it, and move on! :)

Kiki I can 100% relate to the worry of gender disappointment. I am totally ashamed to say it but when we found out at 20 weeks my son was a boy, I was absolutely devastated. I burst into tears when the sonographer told. I didn’t want to talk to about baby names, I didn’t want to look at boys clothes, I didn’t want to decorate the room etc. Honestly, it was so hard and my husband was really angry at me for a while because I was so upset even though our baby was perfectly healthy. Believe me though, I was more angry with myself than he was! I just couldn’t help the way I felt. It continued right up until I gave birth to him and the second I looked into his beautiful blue eyes I was like omg, I love this boy so much it literally hurts, what on earth was I upset about?! He is almost 2 and I still feel guilty when I think back to how I felt before he was born. He completely lights up my life and I so appreciate how lucky I am to him (even if he does have a winky haha!) That was actually a really big part of me deciding not to find out what this baby is. I’m terrified I would feel like that again which would ruin my pregnancy again for absolutely no reason because I will love my baby with all my heart when it gets here regardless of gender x
Hello mommies-to-be!

I hope you don't mind me posting this here.

I'm a UK based TV producer (also expecting my first baby in July!), and I'm working on a taster documentary project for a National US broadcaster (in the commissioning stages so not being broadcast at this stage) looking at how developments in scanning technology allow us to now follow our baby's journey in the womb closer than ever before!

I'm looking for a mom-to-be, ideally East Coast USA, who may have a scan coming up, or would be happy to have a baby scan in the next week or 2 (we can cover the scan cost and reasonable travel expenses) and let us film it.

If you're interested in taking part please get in touch ASAP and I can give you more information. This is a lovely opportunity to have a part of your pregnancy journey documented and get another sneek peek at your little one! We can also supply you with the edited footage as an extra thank you for taking part.

Either reply to this thread with a way I can contact you, or drop me an email at [email protected].

Look forward to hearing from you all and hearing your baby stories!
Tess - So delighted that you got to get your wish in keeping it a secret!

Kiki - Good luck with the possible gender disappointment. Glad to hear that you're still feeling well.

AFM - Going to go buy the crib this weekend! I had my heart set on another crib but it's out of stock just about everywhere in the color I liked. Instead, we decided on a basic crib and will get a bedroom set when the baby is moving into a bed. I really love just sitting in the nursery while picturing how I'm going to arrange everything.
Anyone else having RLP like crazy? I’m getting it on both sides lately. Feels like every day my belly is stretching out to its limits and my right hip and leg are bothering me to no end. I had issues with the same hip and leg pre-pregnancy, but it has just lingered on, becoming more bothersome every day. Ugh.

But on the plus side, baby is big enough that I feel him/her every day, especially if I drink orange juice. Baby gets hype after orange juice. :) :cloud9: I love being able to feel my Bubs and knowing they are okay in there.

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