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July Testing!

Mama ~ I know what you mean about promising not to drive ourselves crazy! My cycle has been all over the place since my mmc in February, but I ovulated right away as well....maybe 2 weeks after my D&C.

Hope everyone else is doing okay. The last 2 cycles since my mc, I ovulated later than normal, (around CD 18- 19). I'm SOOOO glad I used OPK's this month because I got my surge yesterday and am ovulating today, (CD 16)

My poor husband - I feel so bad about him having to have "sex on demand", but he's so great about it. We BD'd on Monday night and then again verrrrrry early this morning as I woke up at 4 am to strong ovulation pains.

So what do you think girls....
BD: CD 10
BD: CD 12
BD: CD 14
BD: CD 16 (AM)
Ovulation: CD 16 (today)

Do you think I'm pretty well covered? We may give it one more shot tomorrow night :thumbup:

Hey rechellie I would one more go tomorrow... and/or even tonight also just to cover all the bases. I am no expert thought, as we tend to take the NTNP approach

However I am not a beliver in overdoing it effecting the swimmers :haha:

good luck xx
Hi rachellie, I would probably bd tonight and tomorrow just to give yourself every chance! Then you and hubbie can have a long rest!!
Thanks for replying girls.... I'll have to see how we're feeling tonight. During ovulation, I get pretty bad pain on my side and it hurts even more during sex. :wacko: If not tonight, tomorrow night for sure - but I'm hoping this mornings romp did the trick! :winkwink:
I have been SOOO achey this time around too. Sore boobs and lower abdomen ache yesterday, and abdomen ache ALL day today. It's a little better this evening, so I'm sure I am Oing right now :) I guess my OH and I are NTNP as well, so I have to be discrete about why I want to have sex. Sometimes that is easier said than done! He always thinks I have alternative motives! Which I do...but still!!! lol.
Anyone planning on starting a July testing thread? I would but I do most of this from my iPhone and it would be difficult to do.
Anyone planning on starting a July testing thread? I would but I do most of this from my iPhone and it would be difficult to do.

Unless the title 'July Testing' means something different to everyone else, I think this is one! All our testing dates are on the first post. Are you ttc miclebarbossa or still wtt as on your details?

hiya ladies just a quick question. i dont do the opks so dont know for sure when i ovulate. do you think it would be around day 14 as my cycles are a very regular 28 days??? xx
Hey ladies,

I hope I can join. I am CD9 and typically O CD12. This is our first attempt after 1st MC in May (at 5 weeks). The ladies of BnB really helped me through the MC and the TWW and I was hoping to have that company again.

Babydust and sticky beans to us all!
hiya ladies just a quick question. i dont do the opks so dont know for sure when i ovulate. do you think it would be around day 14 as my cycles are a very regular 28 days??? xx

Hmmm...most likely, but it's not a sure thing. It could be sooner or later that cycle day 14. If you're not using OPK's, I would just keep an eye out for any sign of ovulation, (cm, ovulation cramps, etc), and start BDing! This month, we BD every other day around my fertile time.

Hope this helps! :hugs:

We have been BDing since friday CD8 then again on CD10, CD12, CD14 = OV Day, reckon i should pin him to the bed again tomorrow just for luck?

Fingers Crossed to us all!! xxx
Hey everyone hope you all ok

dimplesmagee me and OH used to be like that... but I have given up pretending I dont have an agenda this cycle!!! :haha:

:wave: wont2bemomma, baby dust to you too

Gem09 its not going to do any hard to have another go, good luck!!

AFM I today have O pains :happydance: let the babymaking commence!!!
hiya girls, im thinking of temping now because im curious as i know lots of people on here that do it. im probably too late as im due to O in 3 days but can someone give me pointers as to how to do it??? i know it sounds silly but i dont know what im looking for. is it supposed to go high then back down, or stay high, or stay low??? im clueless lol xx

Hi all! Still waiting for a positve OPK. I have ewcm (not a lot) and am having some abdominal cramping/pains. I'm thinking it will happen today or tomorrow now....I've been saying that for a couple days now!! LOL. Would just feel a lot better if I got that positive to know that everything is okay since the m/c. We have been bd'ing every night....just to make sure.

I know this sounds silly, but I keep going into the nursery....hoping for some positive energy from that room. It was such a happy place when we brought DD home. I just know our next little bean will be so happy there!!

It makes me so happy to know that some of us are going to get our babies 9 months from now! :happydance:
Addy I feel like i'm in the same spot as you.

Still waiting for that + OPK, but having some EWCM and some dull aches here and there. I thought it would be coming soon, since I tested yesterday and it was darker then the rest. But today's 2nd line is barely there. It's soo frustrating! I know I still have 6 more days until when I OV last time, but I was hoping it would happen earlier.
Hey ladies. I still have ewcm but I pretty much have it all cycle. I'm testing with opks daily. And I think dh and I are going to start bd'ing tonight. We've both been sick so we've got some work to do.

Is anyone here using pre seed or conceive +
I'm kind of sad right now. I feel like I am out for this cycle. I thought I would have ovulated by now....but I have not had a +OPK yet! I should have by now. We bd'ed last night, but DH had to leave for work for a couple days. I'm thinking if it happens in the next day or two, we will be out of luck.

Could I have ovulated and missed it?? How often do you use your OPK's? Once or twice a day? I had been testing in the evening, but nothing!! Feeling down right now.

How long will sperm live?
Hey! Sperm survives for a few days I believe so if it's not too long that he's away you should be fine! :) I use CBFM which says you have to test first thing in the AM. I also use first response OPKs (just to be sure) at the same time - first thing in AM. Maybe you'll just O late which could mean he could be back in time?
I had always tested after not using the washroom for 4 hours....so hopefully it still would have worked. But next time, I will test in the a.m. :)

Uggghhh.....just really wanted a BFP this month, but can't help but thinking I may be out of luck already:(
I am even more confused now then I was 10 minutes ago!! I have been having some pms type cramping (CD16) this afternoon, and just had some pink tinged cm! Could AF be coming super early?? My cycles are usually anywhere from 28 to 34 days....

Sorry for all the questions....just really confused. I guess time will tell what is actually going on!

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