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July Testing!

Addy - sperm can live for a few days after sex. So you're definitely not out if you already ovulated. You might not have ovulated yet either. After m/c, you might ovulate later. As for the pink tinged CM, I don't know about that. I'm sure everything is going to be okay. Just to think positive. :hugs:

AFM - I'm getting cramps in my left ovary area a lot today. CM is stringy, but not really egg white. It's more milky, creamy kind. So, I'm hoping OV is in the very near future. The 2nd line on the OPK was barely even there today.
Thanks Tweak:) I just read online that some people have had ovulation bleeding (not that common)....maybe that's it! I think I need to stop freaking out so much...going to stress myself out. I keep telling myself that it will stop hurting when I am pregnant. I know that is not the case, but it seems to get me though the day.
I need to start stressing out so much too. I told DH I NEED to be pregnant by my first due date (Sept 28th). I know if I'm not, I'm gonna be a wreck that day. He said he'll try his best, I told him obviously it's not him it's me. I just can't hold a pregnancy. I've been searching everywhere about late ovulation, ovulation after m/c, etc etc

I'm praying this cramping is the beginning of ovulation.
Thanks Tweak:) I just read online that some people have had ovulation bleeding (not that common)....maybe that's it! I think I need to stop freaking out so much...going to stress myself out. I keep telling myself that it will stop hurting when I am pregnant. I know that is not the case, but it seems to get me though the day.

Sorry you have been feeling down the last couple of days. Did you MC last month? Is this your first AF after MC? My AF after my 2nd MC came at 21 days! So, unfortunately anything is possible. The good news, the cycle was short, and you move on to the next just like that.

I hear what you are saying that you feel like you will stop hurting when you are pregnant again. I think there's some truth to that though. Having lost I know for myself, I'm scared that I will not be able to stay pregnant and every month you stress over when you ovulate, what changes are going on with your body ect. Being pregnant takes those fears away. A baby will not replace the baby/babies you lost or the memories surrounding your experience, but it will fill a void in heart. For some women, again for myself, there's a sense of emptiness...there's so much emotion and adventures to look fwd. to when you are pregnant. When you MC you don't only loose a baby, but all the adventures you already drew up in your head.

So, for now tell yourself whatever you need to to get through...allow yourself to grieve and be sad b/c it's ok and it's normal. I remind myself everyday that God has a far greater plan for me than I can ever imagine, and someday I'm going to find out what that plan is!!! :)

It's been 5 months since my last MC, and 8 months since my first. The saying is true, that "time heals all wounds." But so does, grieving, having things to look fwd. too, family and friend support, and you yourself believing that there was nothing you could have done differently! This was not your fault.
I need to start stressing out so much too. I told DH I NEED to be pregnant by my first due date (Sept 28th). I know if I'm not, I'm gonna be a wreck that day. He said he'll try his best, I told him obviously it's not him it's me. I just can't hold a pregnancy. I've been searching everywhere about late ovulation, ovulation after m/c, etc etc

I'm praying this cramping is the beginning of ovulation.

This is exactly how I feel. My first edd was 3/22 and my second was last week 6/19. And dh keeps saying he'll do what he can but I feel it's me since he can obviously get me pg I just can't hold on to the baby.

I actually ovulated about right on time after m/c that's how I got pg again so soon. But since the ectopic I haven't been able to catch a egg which is why I started opks.

Are you doing opks?
Thanks Tweak:) I just read online that some people have had ovulation bleeding (not that common)....maybe that's it! I think I need to stop freaking out so much...going to stress myself out. I keep telling myself that it will stop hurting when I am pregnant. I know that is not the case, but it seems to get me though the day.

Sperm (good) in a conducive environment can live for several days. The two time I got preg I don't think I actually had :sex: on O days

There's always hope :hugs:
I need to start stressing out so much too. I told DH I NEED to be pregnant by my first due date (Sept 28th). I know if I'm not, I'm gonna be a wreck that day. He said he'll try his best, I told him obviously it's not him it's me. I just can't hold a pregnancy. I've been searching everywhere about late ovulation, ovulation after m/c, etc etc

I'm praying this cramping is the beginning of ovulation.

This is exactly how I feel. My first edd was 3/22 and my second was last week 6/19. And dh keeps saying he'll do what he can but I feel it's me since he can obviously get me pg I just can't hold on to the baby.

I actually ovulated about right on time after m/c that's how I got pg again so soon. But since the ectopic I haven't been able to catch a egg which is why I started opks.

Are you doing opks?

Oh yeah. I've been doing OPKs since CD12 or 13. I OV'd on CD22 last time, but I was hoping it would come earlier this time. All my OPKs have been extremely faint, the 2nd line is barely even there. Hopefully the one today is darker.

We didn't BD last night as planned. I wanted to do it every other day until OV day, then that day and the next. I figured he could come to bed at 10 and then we could just go to sleep after. I told him, but 10:30 came around and he was still on the computer playing his stupid game. So I just went to bed. Oh well.
Yea me and dh haven't since af came and that's been weeks. We've been arguing a lot. I was so excited about this month. Now I'm losing hope :(
Yea me and dh haven't since af came and that's been weeks. We've been arguing a lot. I was so excited about this month. Now I'm losing hope :(

I'm sorry :( Don't give up yet. It could still happen.

I get mad when DH doesn't want to DTD, especially since he knows it's around the right time. I think after these OPKs are done, I'm not going to get anymore. And just let it happen. I don't know. I'm slowly losing hope for this cycle too.
Well hopefully I'll o in five days and since it's the weekend and we don't have anything to do we can relax get a bottle of wine and reconnect.
im out :( my AF arrived this morning so wont be testing on 4th july now xxx
thanks.... but can start a fresh and do it all again now :)xxx
Sorry to hear that mummymarsh, but you have such a positive attitude, I know you will get your BFP soon!

I'm still having some cramping, no spotting though since yesterday. I can't believe I might be getting AF soon, I'm only on CD17!! Not what I was expecting, but I guess my body just needs more time to adjust post miscarriage. This will be my second AF since my D&C on May 4th.
hi ladies, got my trigger today on saturday doc said to bed tomorrow night found only one good follie and triggered it. doc said to start bedding tomorrow night not tonight. and to start on thursday duphaston, for ten days then wait till af arrives or test for pregnancy. so will see will keep posted thinking positive
Sorry mummy. But if your cycles aren't too long you should still be able to test in July...
Looks like I won't be testing in July either. I joined in this post right after my m/c and then went missing for a while. DH went back and forth about trying this cycle as its a m/c cycle, I am desperate to be preg again, he didn't want to try this cycle. Things went in his favour this month (withdrawal). I am happy to know that at least I ovulated completely as normal following m/c. Anyone else have a similar experience with dh/oh wanting to wait a bit...I just do not want to wait! I have been talking to him (hint: harassing him) about it everyday in hopes that next month will be a go again, I just feel like we are running out of time. Like someone else mentioned about setting dates to be pregnant by your previous due date, I haven't done that exactly but our ds is turning 3 in 2 weeks and I desperately wanted a maximum of a 3 year age gap. I would have been due feb 1st and already that was going to be a 3 1/2 year gap. I just feel like every cycle that goes past is just growing the gap between ds and "baby-to-be" :( We did dtd on o day but he pulled out, lol so theres still that 1/1000 chance that some :spermy: escaped but highly unlikely! I will be expecting af on July 7th...
Looks like I won't be testing in July either. I joined in this post right after my m/c and then went missing for a while. DH went back and forth about trying this cycle as its a m/c cycle, I am desperate to be preg again, he didn't want to try this cycle. Things went in his favour this month (withdrawal). I am happy to know that at least I ovulated completely as normal following m/c. Anyone else have a similar experience with dh/oh wanting to wait a bit...I just do not want to wait! I have been talking to him (hint: harassing him) about it everyday in hopes that next month will be a go again, I just feel like we are running out of time. Like someone else mentioned about setting dates to be pregnant by your previous due date, I haven't done that exactly but our ds is turning 3 in 2 weeks and I desperately wanted a maximum of a 3 year age gap. I would have been due feb 1st and already that was going to be a 3 1/2 year gap. I just feel like every cycle that goes past is just growing the gap between ds and "baby-to-be" :( We did dtd on o day but he pulled out, lol so theres still that 1/1000 chance that some :spermy: escaped but highly unlikely! I will be expecting af on July 7th...

I know after my D&C in March, the doctor told us to wait 1 cycle, and I think after I told DH that, he wanted to wait. He said that I should take time to heal, both physically and emotionally. But after this past one, I told him I wasn't waiting, and he was fine with that.

I'm sorry your DH isn't on board this month. Will he be on board next month? Big :hugs: to you. I'll keep my fingers crossed that you won't get AF.

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