June Testers Thread - gimme your dates

cazza, i see you online, you need to post earlier because i have to go to bed now.

stop avoiding me and waiting till i go to bed!!! <needyface>
HAHAHA babe ive just got back from Derren Brown at the Lowry AMAZINNNNNGG sorry i wasnt earlier hun :-( x
Oh and PS sweet dreams Nato zzzzzzzzzzzzzzz :) xxxxx
Well Ladies I am sooooooooo happy i logged on tonight with all this Totty flying around the place wooohoooo its got me all hot & bothered LOL!! & so i have decided that i will put a piccy of my OH on here aswell, it would be rude not too really :winkwink: i think hes a babe :cloud9: & the piccy that inspired our Disco Thread :haha: Me and me angel & THAT headband LOL!!



Can i just ask, is anyone else desperate to test already :blush: i need bringing back to earth Hearty O hearty wher art thou Hearty u promised to keep me grounded in times of need :haha: x x


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Cazza, I stepped out. I hope you didn't test. DO NOT TEST!!! Does that help? Your boy is absolutely adorable.

Megg I'm going to go back an have a look at all of your charts in a second. Remind me, is this the first cycle after your loss? Sorry I can't remember.

Lynne, lovely pic of you and Dh. You both are super cute and I'm dying to hear how old you are now!

Nighty night Nato!
Nato - I'll try to keep the funny to a minimum when we're discussing such SERIOUS BUSINESS! :rofl: The adjusted temps aren't so much adjusted in the "normal" way. Usually, someone will adjust a temp if they took it at the wrong time or something. Like, if they usually temp at 8am but slept in on the weekend until 10am, they can adjust it to an estimate of what it might have been at 8am. I, on the other hand, had a fever. So, I lowered them all .5 degree across the board on those days. That's not going of off any rule or anything... just guessing! There is no rule on how to adjust for "fever" temps. We're supposed to mark down the fever and that alone will discard those days temps so that the charting software doesn't pay them any mind. I was hard pressed to do it before, because I was scared that I might have missed it detecting ovulation if I discarded them. However, now I know I didn't miss it detecting ovulation, because it flat didn't happen. When my cycles are "right" then they're about 28-30 days. However, that doesn't seem to happen much anymore. I have one screwy one, fall pregnant, don't find out that it's a no-go until 10-11 weeks, and then start all over! *sigh* Yes, it makes me sad to lose a pregnancy... but it makes me even sadder to lose those 3 months that I could have been trying. I'm not getting any younger! :(

Cazza - Holy fuck! He's fun to look at! Woooooooooo! *wipes drool*

Hearty - Yes, this is technically Cycle 0. Its immediately following the bleed from the loss... I've not had my first official AF! But, since everything went wrong so early and it was only that I found out later... We weren't advised that we needed to wait. Both charts are now linked in my siggy, btw. They've changed a lot since you last saw them! LOL
Megg, it's so weird, it totally looks like you O'd. Especially on your unadjusted temps. We know you didn't, so it must have been the fever spiking the temps! Would your doctor give you provera yet? I thought they usually wanted to wait 8 weeks or so after a mc. After my first loss it took me 8 weeks to get AF and after my second it took almost 7 weeks. I'm fairly certain I didn't ovulate either of those times. Once I got my first AF, my cycles went back to normal again. Maybe your hormones are still screwy from the mc? Obviously you ovulate since you've been pregnant twice.

I've been wondering if temping vaginally might be more reliable. As much as I hate the idea, I think I might do that next cycle. Maybe that would give you a clearer picture of your cycle?
I thought about vaginally temping... but I think I'm so use to the other that I'd get all confused and end up doing it orally... and that could be unfortunate for the days I got confused! LOL

Uhm... Would my doctor give me Provera yet? Noooooo... BUT... I might have written myself 5 refills before I had it filled the first time. And, I might have 3 of those refills left. And, I might have already requested a refill online that could would be ready to pick up on Monday! So, uhm... what my doctor is willing to do is sort of a non-factor! :winkwink:

I know it can takes loads of time to get hormones back to right after a MC. I'm just not really willing to wait. Last time, I tried to wait it out. But, I gave up and took the pills on CD58. I can't wait 2 months again only to find out that I'm not going to start on my own. Ya know? So, I'm seriously thinking of rushing it!

Went back and looked at days when I had 2 temp options... like, from 2 different times of day. I put in all the lower options now to see what it would look like. I'm still confused. I might give it another week and see if anything happens... but I'm going to be REALLY tempted to take the Provera on Monday.
Aren't you sly! I don't know much about provera, but I don't blame you for not wanting to wait. It's your body and your decisions. Do you know if it has any negative repercussions? I know you are the research queen and wouldn't do anything without being completely informed. Your charts are definitely not working with you, that's for sure. They are all over the place and are impossible to read at this point. Whatever you decide to do, I'll back you!
Its just progesterone. Basically, it artificially elevates my level so that when I stop taking them it simulates the drop at the end of a cycle and brings on AF. It really can't have any negative repercussions. So, I think I'm going to go for it! :) Thanks, hearty! :hugs:
i gotta be quick as im off swimming, but i was naughty and tested (where were you hearty? why didnt you prise the hpt out of my hand at 8am hmm hmm)

i got a bfn, its 9dpo, but i still have this cold in the mornings, i felt a lot of nausea last night and this morning and my boobs are sore - would a lowered immune system happen before bfp? or do i just have a bit of a cold.

will post again when back from flailing around in a pool of water x
Morning lovely ladies!! I soo wish i didnt go to that wedding last night but chatted with all you instead. The beginning of the night was great, the venue out of this world right by the sea but as the night progressed everything went to shite!!! At my table there were 2 pregnant women and a couple of kids..At first i ignored them and drank my bubbly and did some serious boogying but i think i drank too much and i started to get seriously depressed watching all the belly rubbing.
It was downhill from then...a) my heel broke during a semi intoxicated circle dance to greek folk music b) i fell flat on my assand as i tried to get up (gracefully i might add) my feet got tangled up in my long dress and c) felll flat on my ass very ungracefully and finally d) the tear gates open widely and i cried on and off for the last two hours and the 2 couples (friends of ours) thought it appropriate to inform preggos at the table why i was crying who subsequently thought it was proper for them to start hugging me and giving me conception tips :cry::cry::cry:
All in all pretty good evening right?!!!!!

On a lighter note, glad to see we all have lush hubbies!!!
Hearty sounds like you rocked last night!!!
Nato good girl, no smoking and drinking is an accomplishment i have yet to master... By the way 9dpo is not to early for immune responces like you mention, my best friend and a girl at work were the exact same way 1 week before they tested:thumbup:

Megg sorry cant offer any chart advice, have never temped honey. However, i know that after my last D&C i didnt ovulate for sure as i went to docs for us every other day from CD10 to 22.
Morninnnnng my lovelys :hugs:

Thank Meggles & Hearty i think he's a cutey aswell he's got a real baby face bless him were both 26 im 27 this year aaarrgghhhh where does the time go? :shrug:

& Thanks Heartylicious :kiss: i did refrain from testing after all it would defo be BFN im just having withdrawral symptoms from not needing to do OPKs thats the problem :haha:.

Megg i still dont understand all the temping etc, i really dont know how you do it its all so confusing, I admire u though doing ur upmost to get your baba bean. Keep it up sweet pea ur time will come & u'll be a brilliant mummy.

& Nato we need to reign each other in sweetie ur 2 days ahead of me but i say we wait till were both at 12dpo ok :rofl: PHAHAHAHAHA thats the funniest thing i have ever said on this here thread AS FOOKING IFF 12dpo my arse. I've bought some cheapies the One Step Midsteam ones with the purple lids the 20miu though, so i'll see how im feeling in a couple of days & hope for a faint line [-o&lt;[-o&lt;

Vic I am so sorry about the night you had :nope:. Ive had those nights babe where i drink too much wine and end up being comfoted by my friends with children who talk to me as if im infertile or something, I have just got to remember there only trying to help giving hints n tips for pregnancy but most people just dont realise that the majority of the time its just out of our hands & we can do everything under the sun to help our beans grow but it was never going to happen :cry:. I hope your feeling ok now babe, were always here for you huny bun :hugs:.

Im off out sofa shopping today :happydance: were re-vamping the house AGAIN hahahahah i get so bored of the decor that i have to change it every 12 - 18months, Luckily OH is the same we like a change every now & then especially after this last 12 months i just want everything new again :thumbup:. We were selling the house but have pulled it off the market its just a really bad time to be selling at the minute as u all probs know.
We offen joke that the only thing were never bored of is each other :hugs:. We have had 7 cars since being together these 10 years aswell :haha: so u can do the math?? sometimes they have broke tho so its not always boredom i promise :blush:.

We went to watch Derren Brown at the Manchester Lowry Theatre last night (for those who dont know him, he is an Illusionist/mind reader) Like the English version of David Blane. He is absolutely brilliant everyone of the 2000 people in the auditorium left gobsmacked last night :shrug: Still am TBH.
My OH had to miss the first World Cup match England v USA but i booked the tickets months ago so he had no choice hahahaha :haha:. Luckily i believe the match was crap anyway?

How is everyone else today??? x x x Lov Caz x x x
Nato - Still plenty of time for a BFP even with a BFN at 9dpo! Hope you enjoyed the flailing! LOL

Vicky - How awful! :cry: I'm SO sorry! That sounds like a nightmare... an actual nightmare! :hugs: I think I hoped that my anovulation right after the first loss was a 1 time thing. I now realize that it wasn't. I'm just worried that I'm not going to get a 2nd chance at the test. Or that I won't know what's up before being shoved off to the FS. Hoping to get one more cycle in before all of that!

Cazza - Thanks, hun! :hugs: I'm starting to lose some hope again.. but trying not to! Couch shopping sounds fun! I love decorating! It was my major in college! LOL
Morning girles, how are we all this morning?

Cazza sofa shopping is always good fun we have just redecorated our whole downstairs and it looks amazing even if I do say so myself!! I've never seen Derren Brown live but have watched his shows when they've been on the tele it always amazes me bet its even more jawdropping when live.

Girls you need to put the tests down and slowly step away!!

Nato- I want to go back to New York so much loved it we had amazing time its somewhere I had wanted to go for years and when I finally got there WOW :happydance: it was great. Hope you enjoy your swim.

Vickyd sorry to hear about your night hope your doing alright big :hugs: for you!!

Megg I cant help at all really dont get the whole temping thing and charts maybe have a chat with your dr and if you get no joy there then go for the provera.
ahh Vic, im sorry you had to watch belly rubbing, massive hug, we are much better company, stay here next time. You know what though, the stopping smoking is actually easy once you decide you dont want to smoke anymore. Its just actually going from 'i have to give up' to 'i want to give up' thats the hard bit. Once you decide, its easy.

Thanks for the immune info Vic, thats keeping me in the pma zone, will you join me? <pats seat next to her>

oo cazza, Derren Brown is amazing, his mind mapping is incredible - nice work on swerving the match you wiley coyote. i was talking all the way through it so i didnt really see if it was any good, but the USA goal was a shocker.

I just bought some owl hairbands i dont need, i thought i was bad, but you and your 7 cars!! you alone will be keeping the car manufacturing industry afloat with that sort of purchase power. Ahh at never getting bored with each other.

Bumpers in the UK - Boots are doing a 2-4-1 on First Response opk and hpts. I have just cleared the stock out of the Angel branch so dont bother going there.

Im going to go and do one of these FRER's now. I dont care what i promised or how many dpo i am, im out of control.

Ive gone feral.
blimey, all these posts in the time it takes me to type my measly post out

Thanks megg & luce, flailing was a bit more like floundering, water up nose but i think i can feel muscles.
NATOOOOOO NOOOOOOO i cannot believe that as we speak ur pissing on a stick!!! ur too naughty for words mrs!!

Sofa shopping on hold girls OH has just had a call out from work :cry: im gutted we had a lovely afternoon planned which involved stopping for a carvery lunch God Damn STUPID work :growlmad:. On a plus though he gets paid 8 hours for a call out on a sunday even if it only takes 2 :winkwink:. Bless him though he's such a little grafter x x x x

Ooooh and yes girls go and see Derren if he's on near you i highly recommend it :thumbup:.

Thanks for the heads up on the FRER offer Nato <leaves smoke as she runs to nearest boots>

Im loving the new BB by the way chick its all gonna kick of with them lot I feel it in my bones :haha: x x x

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