June Testers Thread - gimme your dates

Nato - I hope you are feeling better. No one can tell you if you are ready or not, except for you. If you feel you are ready, then that's all that matters. Don't wait if you don't want to.

And yes, I am horrible.....I have no patience, so the waiting is really killing me. I will try to wait until the weekend before testing
its like the blind leading the blind mssy

ahh Vic, we have been a teary mess this week havent we. Everything started so well and all, what with ov and hpt testing time
Today is a sad day!! My next door neighbours brought their new born baby home, I see them this morning before work and literally had to hold the tears back, I never thought it would bother me! I just heard the baby crying and had a little cry with Hubby, life is soooo unfair! :( :( :(

Back to TTC - Not sure when I ovulated, but I'm due next Tuesday, boobies are sooo sore and I have loads and I mean LOADS of cm, I try not to read into symtoms anymore but that desparate helpless feeling of wanting to be pregnant is back and has completely knocked me for six, just when I was doing so well!
sassy - :hugs: it's definitely not easy, and life is definitely not fair. I know from my own experience that it does get easier as the days go on, and it won't bother you as much anymore, but it will still bother you to a point. Just let out your tears, and know that you will be bringing your baby home someday too.
oh sassy, that made tears spring into my eyes too.

i cant believe we have to go through this. I dont really understand
I cant even look at a baby lately without bursting into tears, and June is baptism month here in Greece go figure....I have yet to go to one, hubby is running out of excuses so any good ones will be greatly appreciated before Sunday :help:
Brought tears to my eyes too. :cry:

:hug: To all of you lovlies who are having a rough day. :hugs:

Feel Better...

This morning I got a positive on my OPK, so FF took away my ovulation. :( I am no longer 5 DPO, and I am going back to testing in July.

Since I couldn't rouse my DH this morning before work, I made Him meet me at home for lunch. I made him a PB&J, (I'm SOOOOOO romantic like that) then made him do the BD... Woo hoo! I guess taking two whole days off (BDing) is all we're going to get this month.

Ha Ha! :haha: I made him.
Lovelies, it sounds like we all need a big, collective, group hug. :hugs: There have been a lot of frustrations and sadness this month in many forms. Is it the moon? What is going on?

Megg, I just read your post. Your friend has no clue, clearly. I hate to generalize, but I find that most of my gay male friends have no clue when it comes to ttc. My brother who is gay, adopted and mulatto (talk about an identity crisis) asks about my efforts to ttc all the time. When I tell him I’m not pregnant, he asks if I’m done trying. Like I tried, but it didn’t work, so hey, I might as well move on! He recently told me that upon deep thought, he’s decided that the reason I’m motherless (yes he used that term, ouch!) is so that he and I can be a team during family functions (aka, drink together and not have to put a baby down for a nap). I told him that was selfish and I couldn’t deal with him talking like that. He had no idea that saying that would be hurtful. I don’t know how to make him have a clue, so I just try to ignore his insensitive comments. I know he loves me so I try to just remember that. That being said, I’m sorry your friend made you so upset. At least he saw how upset he made you. Maybe he’ll learn to filter what he says a little more next time.

Nato, sounds like you’ve had a rough day too. I’m right there with you with the age thing. Being told to wait, or being told you’re not ready isn’t for someone else to decide. It is your decision. Of all the things we don’t get to control in ttc, you get to control this one. So listen to your own heart about this. If you decide to do acupuncture, find one who will support you in your decisions, not try to make them for you. Mine has been willing to work with me. One precious thing I learned in my training to be a therapist is to meet the client where they are at. You can’t force them to go to a place they aren’t ready to go. I think the same goes for this acupuncturist. She may be unknowingly trying to push you to a place you aren’t ready to be. She needs to meet you where you are and come up with a treatment plan that compliments your needs and desires.

Vicky, I got Conceive plus on Amazon as they don’t sell it in the US either. I’m going to ditch my pre-seed and use this instead. Also, the other ladies have said it, but once you see 3 days of a temp rise, you have already ovulated. Your temp rises because of a production of progesterone. The progesterone increases directly after ovulation. Also, Vick, could you feign being sick at the last minute on Sunday? I know you had a “heat stroke” at work. Maybe something along those lines???

Sassy, you’ve been through so much. I agree with MsArk, let those tears out. With time, it does get a bit easier. But you are right, it is sooooo unfair!

Jaymie, good work getting the DH to BD! I’m thoroughly impressed.
Hearty i think you will have a very bright future as a therapist doll, you have this calming effect even on a forum!!!
I managed to secure my conceive plus through a friend in the uk who will be arriving in Athens beginning of July, so ill be ready next cycle. As ive said in previous threads, i have not yet begun temping and charting. The closest ive come to this is by randomly taking my body temp in the evening. In almost all previous cycles i noticed that my temp would go up to 37.2 after ovulation and stay that way until AF. Now this month ive had no ewcm, no pain (which i have pretty much always when i ov) and my temp is low. So im guessing i didnt ov....I will start temping properly next cycle and hopefully make sense of this. I will also arrange the us just to be sure.
I used up all my sick excuses...one more and everyone will think im dying LOL!!!
I have a friend from Canada visiting this week so i think i will use the tour guide excuse, even though shes flying to the islands on Sunday mornng :shhh:

Group hug!!!! :hugs::hugs::hugs:
Hi my gorgeous ones :flower:.
wow it seems were all having a shitter of a day today, I've been feeling poop had a headache ALL day & stupid paracetamol wont shift it :growlmad:, also got watering eyes and a snotty nose not to mention my eczema has flared up on my feet (only get it when run down or stressed out) tbh i think im a bit of both.

Im not feeling as positive today because my boobs dont feel as sore :shrug:. Also my friend in work announced shes 12 weeks pregnant today :cry:, i really shouldnt be jelous its awfull to be like this but i just cant help that gut feeling you get when someone tells you there having a baby, its someone else who has what u want more than anything :cry:

I want to give each & every one of you a massive MASSIVE :hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs:.

Love u girls i really do xxxxxxxxxx Caz xxxxxxxxxxxx
Thanks Hearty, i see what you are saying, but in my head, if a dr tells me i need to put my broken arm in a cast to heal, i will do as i am told. I know the herbalist isnt a GP dealing with a broken bone, but im scared shes right

Cazza, this WILL happen, if not this month, next - stay with me on the pma. Do you want me to wave my magic boob hurty wand. Up till now, i havent been jealous as such, but i think it is now jealousy and anger at neighbours and girls at work. I now cant talk to my media officer who was 3 weeks ahead of me.

right back atcha with the bumper love, and to all you girls, youre the only ones who know how i feel. and i can have a snotty face when i type on here, in real life i just make a fool of myself with all the snot

Vicky, I'm excited you are going to try Conceive plus. That makes me feel better using it too. We're going to conceive with our conceive! I don't think you can trust the temps you are taking right now. The fact that you take them in the evening will skew them. If you do them properly next cycle, I highly recommend entering the data onto Fertility Friend. It is free (though you can pay for a more thorough version) and it keeps good records of your temps. Plus they are fun to look at once you've done enough of them and they can be very informative!

Yeah, don't get so "sick" that you die on your friends. I think the tour guide excuse is a perfect one! You have the right to establish your boundaries. If being around babies is too much, you do not have to expose yourself to it. I'm a firm believer that we're all experiencing some PTSD. I think events like this trigger our trauma. That is not healthy, so do what you can to protect yourself babe.

Cazz, not you too! I'm feeling convinced that the stars aren't aligned or something. Oh, I know all too well that feeling of someone announcing their pregnancy. It gives me anxiety to the point where I feel like I'm going to throw up and cry all at once (not a pretty image). Guess what? It's totally ok to feel jealous. I feel jealous and I don't even know her! You feel how you feel. Period. Nothing to feel ashamed about. You could think as many evil thoughts as you want about her and I wouldn't judge you for it. I've thought them all myself at one time or another. It sucks that she's pregnant and you're not, plain and simple. I'm so sorry you had to deal with that today.

KISSES, HUGS and LOVE to everyone today!!!
Vicky, I'm excited you are going to try Conceive plus. That makes me feel better using it too. We're going to conceive with our conceive! I don't think you can trust the temps you are taking right now. The fact that you take them in the evening will skew them. If you do them properly next cycle, I highly recommend entering the data onto Fertility Friend. It is free (though you can pay for a more thorough version) and it keeps good records of your temps. Plus they are fun to look at once you've done enough of them and they can be very informative!

Yeah, don't get so "sick" that you die on your friends. I think the tour guide excuse is a perfect one! You have the right to establish your boundaries. If being around babies is too much, you do not have to expose yourself to it. I'm a firm believer that we're all experiencing some PTSD. I think events like this trigger our trauma. That is not healthy, so do what you can to protect yourself babe.

Cazz, not you too! I'm feeling convinced that the stars aren't aligned or something. Oh, I know all too well that feeling of someone announcing their pregnancy. It gives me anxiety to the point where I feel like I'm going to throw up and cry all at once (not a pretty image). Guess what? It's totally ok to feel jealous. I feel jealous and I don't even know her! You feel how you feel. Period. Nothing to feel ashamed about. You could think as many evil thoughts as you want about her and I wouldn't judge you for it. I've thought them all myself at one time or another. It sucks that she's pregnant and you're not, plain and simple. I'm so sorry you had to deal with that today.

KISSES, HUGS and LOVE to everyone today!!!
Why oh why do some things post twice??? Sorry about that!

Nato, if you are scared she is right, then maybe she did meet you in the right place. Maybe she did need to offer you a challenge to think about. You need to remember that there is no magic answer. No doctor, herbalist, or anyone else can tell us 100% the proper path to getting us our healthy babies. My doctor encourages my visits to my acupuncturist. My acupuncturist encourages me to talk to my doctor. They don't know each other and don't work together, but they both see the value of the other. Neither hold all of the answers or the solutions in my mind. I think there are benefits to both a western and eastern approach to medicine and we're lucky that we can take advantage of both. After a mc, it is so easy to have doubt about our bodies. Your loss is still so recent and doubt is bound to arise. Again, I would just say to give it some deep thought and really listen to what your heart needs. You also aren't trapped in a decision. You could decide to wait out the three months and then change your mind half way through and start trying again. You always have that right. Or, you could decide to keep trying and then change your mind to stop for 3 months. Listen love, you are in the 2ww right now, so you don't have to make up your mind one way or the other right now. Give it a few days. Talk to your DH. Get opinions from other ladies. And then decide. I'm here to support you in any decision you make. And that's a promise. xoxo
Nato - No, I definitely don't think waiting will help that! I know the pills are for my own good... and I'm proud that I choke them down each day. I just get so tired of it. Plus, my gag reflex from awful tasting pills... Its bad. Selenium smells like urine and tastes like it smells... I cannot confirm whether it takes like urine though! And, YES! The things he said are absolutely about him not wanting me to move on to raising a child and leaving him. I know that. But, I couldn't see that last night in the heat of it all! Thank you! :hugs: Forget my hard limit! I have! It was a silly idea! :winkwink:

I imagine the Vitamin D with Mone is likely being taken for a defiency. Most women are Vitamin D deficient!

Sassy - Totally normal, love! :hugs: I'm sorry its been such a hard day.

Hearty - Ouch! That's a bit harsh indeed! :hugs: Damn! As much as I adore gay men, they do cause a lot of heartache in the TTC discussions. I did tell him that his punishment was having to father my children. That stopped him quick! :rofl: It may actually be the moon, now that you mention it!

Cazza - I'm not counting you out yet! The bit about the co-worker would decidedly sting, but so goes life. Don't feel awful about it! :hugs: Hope your boobs start to hurt like the dickens again ASAP!

Loads of love to you all, girls! Thanks for being there... not just for me, but for each other! You're all amazing! Love you bunches and bunches!
OMG! could things get any worse?! 3.5 weeks ago I lose my baby....tonight, we had to put down my dog of 14 years! I'm an emotional wreck! :(
MsArkozi, I'm so so sorry to hear about your dog. What a terrible day for you! If you feel like posting a picture of your dog, I'd love to see. Take good care honey.

Ladies, I'm about to go to bed, but most of you are about to get up and start your Thursday morning. I wanted to wish you all a happier, brighter day today. I hope today is filled with new hope and positivity. Make sure to get a hug from someone today. Hugs always seem to help make a day better. xoxo
OMG! could things get any worse?! 3.5 weeks ago I lose my baby....tonight, we had to put down my dog of 14 years! I'm an emotional wreck! :(

Oh my god im soooo sorry babes.....I really have no words.....

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