June Testers Thread - gimme your dates

Evening gorgeous girls :hugs:

Wow we have been through a rough patch these past 2 days havent we, I dont really know where to start.

Hearty, Nato, Megg, Luce, Thanks for your positivity and comforting words. I love being on here with u girls coz i can just be totally honest when feeling shit, we all can & its fab so a massive THANK YOU for that :friends::friends:

Msarkozi i am soooooooooo sorry about ur gorgeous dog babe :cry:, i have 2 dogs and i can totally imagine how u must be feeling, i dread the day i have to bid farewell to my loyal fur babies :cry:. I hope ur holding up ok hun were all here for u sweet.

Nato:- I know what she said has stuck in your mind & i really wish she wouldnt have tbh, i dont think any good can come from being told stuff about fertility etc when ur in a vulnerable state like u are, Like we all are for that matter. Thats the reason why i will not go and see a psychic or have any kind of reading, i just dont want to know anything negative, lifes too short & i worry enough as it is without someone adding to it. Some people might say im walking round with blinkers on but oh well id rather that.
Please try not take it to heart babe ur sooooooooooo gonna be a mum & very very soon :hugs:. Did you resist testing today?? Did you say AF was due Saturday?? i cant remember :wacko:. im gonna test Saturday morning aaaaggghhhhh so scared, my AF is due Monday Tuesday next week.

Hearty:- How are you babe?? Are you like 6/7dpo now?? any symptoms chick? I really hope so :thumbup:. I know i had loads to say but i read the posts an hour ago (got sidetracked hhahaha) & now cant remember what i wanted to say :haha:. I'll re-read in a min lol!! Hope ur day @ work wasnt too bad hun?

Luce, WELL DONE for resisting hunybun. God we have some will power this month, i dont know whats got into me hahahaha!!!! I've usually pissed on at least 10 sticks by now lol!!. What are your symptoms huny?? :hugs:

Meggles ur PMA Truck really did put a HUGE smile on my face so thanks for that hun :thumbup:. I hope ur feeling a bit better than yesterday. You had a real shocker there didnt you sweet, its always hard hearing stuff from the people closest to us, my cousin said "you know like cant carry babies, i will have one for you, i'll be the oven" she said it with the best intentions @ heart bless her, but that 1st comment about me not being able to carry my own baby, seriously was like someone booted me in the stomach i felt sick. I told her that no matter what i wont give up and will be massive Fat & pregnant one day & when im puking in the morning i'll be waving my hands up in the air like i just dont care screaming WHOOP WHOOP :haha: Cant wait for the morning sickness bring.... it.... on!!!!!!!!!!!.

I hope everyone else is ok :thumbup:.

Lets get this thread upbeat again hey girls :happydance::happydance:.

Lov ya's xxxxxxxxxxx Caz xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Oh, Caz! I was :rofl: reading that bit about WHOOP WHOOP to morning sickness! You put a massive smile on my face! :hugs: Thank you!!!

I am upbeat today! There's not any happiness quite like the happiness of being absolutely ecstatic for someone you love! I'm so excited right now!!! I'm fucking crying and smiling at the same time... all the good shit that we forget about some days!!!
Totally agree Megg this is a great place to be you girls are fab. :flower:

msarkozi you are very welcome its good to have you here. This is a great place for support and its good to know your not alone I know it helps me. :hugs:

I am about 11 dpo msarkozi. Getting lots of cramping today period like pain so wondering if thats a sign that I'm going to start early I'm hoping not! Its such a confusing time the TWW. :shrug:

I hope not for you too. Everyone deserves some happiness this month, and positive results. Keeling my fingers crossed for you!
Caz I dont know if I'm getting symptoms or if they are all in my mind plus I also sometimes think my body is messing me!! :shrug:

I had a strange one day of spotting on and off with some slight cramping about 5/6 dpo. My skin has flared up really badly. I think my boobs are slightly swollen but not sure and sometime I think they hurt but that might be because I keep poking them :haha: I made my husband look at them and he thinks the nipples looked darked but who knows. The only other strange thing thats happened is last night after seeing an advert for bertolli olive oil spread, I really fancied a piece of brown bread with it on and so had it, it tasted so good the strange thing is I dont eat butter or spreads at all in fact if its in a sandwich normally it make me want to puke but didnt this time so that seemed weird. On the flip side I've had some cramping today so wondered if maybe my period is going to start early, oh its so confusing :shrug: I'm due on next tuesday I think!
LOL glad i made u smile Megg that was my intention sweet :thumbup:. & buzzin ur feeling so upbeat & emotions are clearly running hugh up in ur Crib babe excitement....forward slash..... Cry.......forward slash....... smiling from ear to ear & ROFL!!! us women and our multi tasking we can even multi task our emotions "BEAT THAT MALE RACE" :haha:.

Luce i dont think we would have strong symptoms yet anyway would we?? think we'll be like 10dpo if we got a positive on Sunday maximum 11dpo. Ive never ovulated this late in the month b4 so it feels dead weird, i would usually be 13-14dpo. I've been having headaches for 3 days straight :growlmad: its been so bad. My main one is my boobs they are on & off sore but more sore than not iykwim hahaha!! I cant go off my CM because of my progesterone pessaries but im flooding down there its mingin :haha: eeewwwwww sounds horrid :blush:.
Im hoping i get more symptoms over tomorrow so i feel more confident testing on Saturday morning (Scared as shit for BFN). I hope u get loadsa symptoms too sweet cheeks :hugs: Lov Caz xxxxxxxxxx
Oh and PS thats a weird one with the Bertoli? Early cravings my dear!!! I hope so xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Hi my lovelies you have been busy little bees today haven't ya

right, today im feeling a bit better, i have decided to go to another practice and get another opinion, and that mebbes that one was a bit suspect in their intentions. Also, their advertising was putting right skin conditions and hormone imbalances amongst a massive list of other things, so why'd the female doctor have a moustache and her interpreter have a patch of eczema under her chin.

I have joined a gym (been going 4 swimming whole times a week cesca), stopped smoking, and am taking aspirin so i am improving my circulation. Thanks for your comments on that hearty, i am gonna get some cayenne pepper too xx

Thanks megg - im sure we could dislodge and knock the memory free with a little conk on the head. Oo at a May baby - a Mayby, if you will.

Ok universe, i accept your apology, espec seeing as i might well still have a backlog of unpaid karma.

Luce - If she's right, i cant afford stupid acupuncture fees so lets pretend she's wrong. No one will ever know.

Im with you girls on the symptom spotting, its s hard not to whatever dpbloodyo you are. The waiting is a nightmare. I might go to bed for 2 weeks for my next wait. Thats how i stopped smoking, i just went to sleep for a week. Im due tomorrow Caz, i was actually due yesterday and i had period pains last night and had to take painkillers, but af never came and 14dpo is tomorrow. I will get my pom poms out for saturday - we are relying on you last section of the month testers now. Youd better not run off and leave us with your spangly new bfp. We should start a TTCLA pregnancy thread so those with bfps cant ever leave.

My sore boobs are not so sore now either - i think it was all in my head - i was having a phantom pregnancy like the horse at the farm next to my house in 1979. I haven't tested today, every time i get the urge to, i get a neg test out of the bin and remind myself why i dont want to do another test. I'm so over negative tests.

luce, might be implantation cramping!! you and cazza have will made of iron. I have will made of candyfloss.

mssy, your dog is gorgeous, i heart retrievers - im sorry you had to say goodbye to him. We're happy to have you of course. You have to get a disco testers sig though, or else.

Hearty - 6dpo is too early for boobs to hurt though, they couldnt start hurting until after implantation. And after the extra helping of broccoli.

Mayby! Love it! :rofl: Good for you not testing, btw! :hugs: Stay strong!
mssy, your dog is gorgeous, i heart retrievers - im sorry you had to say goodbye to him. We're happy to have you of course. You have to get a disco testers sig though, or else.


Thanks!! he was a beautiful/amazing dog! lol! point me in the direction of the disco tester sig and consider it done:)

sending positive vibes your way:dust:

Just remove the *'s and put it in your siggy! :) I don't have room! :(
AF is coming :cry: :bfn: cramping and spotting low firm open cervix! :cry:
AF is coming :cry: :bfn: cramping and spotting low firm open cervix! :cry:

Cramping is also a sign of pregnancy, as for the low firm cervix ive said it before its not an indication, if ya dont believe me check out Nato's siggy!!!
think positive!

Ok irony at its best, this morning got some ewcm which made me happy but i thought it would go away as it did a couple days ago...NO its really here!!! now its really here like i havent seen it in months...im getting ov pains so today would be the day to bd...But here it goes...Hubby has a massive cyst on his tooth, is swollen like a freak and keeps moaning in pain!!!! Im trying to charm him to bed but i dont see it happening ladies!!!! What a waste of good ewcm and ov....:wacko::wacko::wacko:
On to July, heave ho!!!
Vic fill him up with painkillers and jump him:haha: yay to ewcm hope you managed to charm into bed!!

Seriously that sucks hope your OH is alright. Must be something in the water my hubby came home from work early as he had cracked his tooth in half off he went to the dentist and hour later he came back all numb and swollen poor love.
Rustisgirl dont give it up yet it may not come!
Vic fill him up with painkillers and jump him:haha: yay to ewcm hope you managed to charm into bed!!

Seriously that sucks hope your OH is alright. Must be something in the water my hubby came home from work early as he had cracked his tooth in half off he went to the dentist and hour later he came back all numb and swollen poor love.

Maybe i should just sedate him :rofl::rofl:
Although that might hinder performance!!!
To be honest im so happy that i got my ewcm, that even if im out this month it doesnt bother me :happydance:
Hi babes. I’m slacking a bit with work. Went to a meeting, then went shopping and bought new clothes. Now I’m at home, supposed to be working, but catching up with you all instead!

Msa, so happy to have you here. I agree with Nato, add that disco siggy or else!

Lucy, the first time I was pregnant I had AF cramps. I was convinced AF was coming any second. She never did. I don’t know, I just have a good feeling about this one for you!

Cazza, love the PMA for morning sickness! I feel the same way. Bring it on! You seem like you are doing a bit better today. I’m so glad. I think Lucy hasn’t tested yet because she wants the gold medal I gave you. You both are doing a great job resisting!

Meggles, did your friend have her baby yet? Have you gotten any sleep?

Lucy/Nato, I was getting worried about you, we hadn’t heard from you in a bit. You sound like you are in a better place. I agree, get another opinion. The doc shouldn’t have a moustache! LOL! I think you might be up for a gold medal too. No testing today! I’m proud of you! I hate negative tests which is why I don’t do tests often. It ruins my day. I think some of Luce and Cazz’s iron is wearing off on you…or beating you down..but hey, it’s working! Like I said to Lucy.1, cramps could be a good thing. I’m still holding out hope for you!

Ruskie, I hope the witch stays away! Keep us posted.

Vicky, I was hoping to hear that you jumped your man! Why does the universe do things like this to us?? Since I ov’d late this cycle, it looks like I’m going to Ov on the day after I leave my DH for a vacation. So irritating!

AFM, yes, I’m 6dpo and I know it is too early for symptoms, but I want them anyway!!! My DH was kidding around last night and sticking out his stomach really far. It looked like he was pregnant. He said jokingly “are you bummed that I’m pregnant and you’re not?” The second he said it, he looked at me in terror as he realized that it was an awful thing to say. I started bawling! He kept saying what an awful husband he was and he couldn’t believe he said that. He was trying to be self-deprecating but instead it made me feel like my non-pregnant state was being rubbed in my face. He truly felt horrible. So, I made him do all the dishes and let me watch So You Think You Can Dance on tv. If nothing else, we have to milk these opportunities for everything we can!

Here’s to milking it! (with a chocolate chip cookie too)
Maybe i should just sedate him :rofl::rofl:
Although that might hinder performance!!!
To be honest im so happy that i got my ewcm, that even if im out this month it doesnt bother me :happydance:

That's the spirit Vicky! Give him a sedative and Viagra!

I agree, the ewcm is super exciting in and of itself (having ewcm envy). Though if hot doc says not to worry, I'm not going to worry!
:rofl: im supposed to be doing my essay so kindly refrain from making me laugh and giving me excuses to not do my essay

that is directed at Vic and Hearty
I proudly take blame for making you laugh! I like laughing Nato! She makes me smile! But I can't take proper blame for your weakness in coming back to the site when you should be writing an essay. What is the topic? I hope something exiting like the positive effect psychoanalysis has on ewcm or a discussion of cognitive behavioral therapy vs. solution based therapy when dealing with the 2ww!
:rofl::rofl: you girls are great. Glad to here your smiling nato hope you get your essay done, when is it for?

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