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June Testers Thread - gimme your dates


Maybe i should get dh to do my dishes as punishment for not being ready steady go!!!!! Hearty that was soooo well played, milk it till theres nothing left i say!!!

Nato get back to work or ill have to come over there and digger deep you over the head with your text book...!!! All this ewcm is making me dyslexic :rofl::rofl:

My new cunning plan is to take the plyers and skillfully remove his tooth while simultaneously shooting him up with a mix of vicodin/viagra :gun::gun:
Maybe i should just sedate him :rofl::rofl:
Although that might hinder performance!!!
To be honest im so happy that i got my ewcm, that even if im out this month it doesnt bother me :happydance:

That's the spirit Vicky! Give him a sedative and Viagra!

I agree, the ewcm is super exciting in and of itself (having ewcm envy). Though if hot doc says not to worry, I'm not going to worry!

My ewcm was the basic clue i had that i was ov, thats why its soooo important to me (ok wacko worshiping the ewcm hmmm)!!! If i manage the temping and charting i will relax about the ewcm...My new obsession will become the thermometer :dohh:
My new cunning plan is to take the plyers and skillfully remove his tooth while simultaneously shooting him up with a mix of vicodin/viagra

:rofl: you should wear some sort of outfit :ninja: so he doesnt see you coming.

We have some cunning girls on tonight!! :happydance:
First ewcm, then temping and charting. It's a slippery slope Vic. I imagine that slope being slippery due to all the ewcm.

Remember that when you temp, it doesn't tell you that you've ovulated until after you've actually ovulated. So, the ewcm says you are about to Ov or are Ov'ing. The temps confirm that you've ov'd so you don't have to keep pressuring your man when he has medical issues and isn't feeling sexy.

Though, the pliers/vicodin/viagra route may be the way to go right now! I wonder if hot doc would approve?
msarkozy, I'm so sorry about your dog! :( I know what you are going through. We had to put my cat of 14 years down last month about 2 weeks after my MC. I still think about my kittie Zeffie every day. He was a member of the family. When they say it rains it pours, they are right, huh? :hugs: to you.

Nato, I haven't been able to read the whole thread but in my opinion don't listen AT ALL to what a 'psychic' said. I have a friend who used to follow that kind of stuff and the psychic she saw back in the day was wrong about everything! Once when I had my palm read on vacation in California the guy told me I was going to have 5 divorces...ha! I'm still in my first marriage with no plans to divorce.... I think the same goes with the Jenny Renny readings, they help when they are positive because they give you a PMA which helps with conceiving but when they are negative there is no reason they will be 'right.'

Hope everyone is having a good day. I'm feeling stressed right now because I have no idea when/if I ovulated and I thought it was a week ago but now I'm getting yello ewcm? And I've never seen that before so I'm kind of weirded out. At the beginning of the month I told myself it was no big deal to track this month but now I'm wishing i knew what was going on with my body. And I don't feel pregnant like I did last time.

Take care everyone!
Allie, yellow ewcm? Are you sure it isn't an infection? That sounds a bit strange. Why do you think you O'd a week ago? How long have you been having the yellow ewcm? I hope you get it sorted.
Im 100 % sure this is AF its turnning into a light flow but im not going to mark it as light until tom cause its not quite there yet . Hopefully i can get some :sex: in before i go camping on the 4th of july weekend cause that would be my next ovulation time lol
:rofl: you should wear some sort of outfit :ninja: so he doesnt see you coming.

We have some cunning girls on tonight!! :happydance:

I like the outfit idea Lucy. Maybe a sexy ninja!

Ruskie, July will be your month! Hope you get some good lovin' before the 4th of July weekend! It's never much fun to BD in a tent. All those sticks poking into you and bugs biting your bare parts! It always sounds like a good idea until you're doing it. Then it just feels uncomfortable.
Just wanted to say a quick hello! :wave: Friend had her baby at 5:01 Eastern time! I'm on :cloud9: for her! Yes... I got SOME sleep... Never been so happy to be woken up!!! :happydance:
Awwwww congrats to Meggs Mate :) give baba a snuggle from us x

Night night girls im off to the land of nod where make believe preggo bellys happen & giant FRERs chase me n shit hahahaha!!!

Lov ya's Lot's like Jelly Tots ;-) xxxxxxxxxxxxx Caz xxxxxxxxxxxxx
I sure hope so if My jenny renny reading is right i get pregnant in july with a :bfp: in august so FX here ! GL Ladies hope you all get your :bfp: this cycle:hugs:
I wish I could... but she's too far away! I probably won't meet her little one until August! I've never even met her... just love her to bits though!

Night, Caz! :hugs: Sleep well! Sweet dreams!
Just catching up on the threads, and you girls are funny! Thanks for making me laugh.....take a note of the new sig:)
Sounds like a good plan to me Ruskie!

Night night Caz, sweet preggo dreams.

Msark, glad you are laughing, it's the only thing that keeps me sane sometimes. The sig looks delicious on you!

Megg, congrats to your friend. Maybe she can rub off on us!
had my lap and dye yesterday but feeling god damn awful.... wrote a post but can't be bothered re-typing so if anyone wants to know what happened please check out my other thread: https://www.babyandbump.com/problem...ke-bleed-agony-after-lap-dye.html#post5807592
had my lap and dye yesterday but feeling god damn awful.... wrote a post but can't be bothered re-typing so if anyone wants to know what happened please check out my other thread: https://www.babyandbump.com/problem...ke-bleed-agony-after-lap-dye.html#post5807592

Oh sweetie, I just read your other thread. I can't believe how much pain you are going through! I had such high hopes that you would be walking around today and getting on with life. I wish I had any sort of insight into your pain, but I don't. I hope it goes away immediately!
just feeling mega rough thought this would be a walk in the park but seems body has different ideas glad its over with but really not having a good time my bp is still really low
had my lap and dye yesterday but feeling god damn awful.... wrote a post but can't be bothered re-typing so if anyone wants to know what happened please check out my other thread: https://www.babyandbump.com/problem...ke-bleed-agony-after-lap-dye.html#post5807592

Oh, sweetie! I just read! That's AWFUL! :hugs: I wish so much that the pain would go away for you! I've not had it done, so I can't speak about what it should be like... but I've not heard of it being like that before! :(
seems noone has i have soooooo much bad luck :( can't sleep cause the pain :(

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