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June Testers Thread - gimme your dates

Oh hearty im sorry ur feeling down babe, Uve really been through the mill this cycle havent you chick! I really hope July is our month and things just run smoothly for us :).

Meggs i wish i had it in me to be positive and sing for my BFP but as hearty said above i just know im not up the duff this month :-(. Im ok with it i really am i'll still poas in the morning anyway but i know what will await me 1 stupid pink line instead of 2!!!!! x x x


lov ya's x
Sassy congratulations so happy for you yay :happydance:

Caz I am keeping everything crossed for you and hoping you get a BFP tomorrow.

Hearty I'm so sorry you body is messing you around it really sucks and I hope that maybe your wrong and you start getting sympotms soon but if not I hope July is your month.

I'm afraid I think I'm out spotting has got a bit heavier and getting period like pains so assuming AF is on its way :cry: I went out this morning and bought pregnancy test but got home and spotting was worse so decided that I wouldnt test just wait :cry: Feel really down this weekend I should be five and half months pregnant be able to wish my hubby a happy fathers day from his little one in my tummy (feel like I've let him down I know he doesnt feel like that at all). Today has been hard and really thought I might be pregnant but doesnt look like this month is the one its like a double whammy!!
Thanks Caz and Lucy. Sorry for both of you too! I had such high hopes! Caz I feel the same way, I've kind of accepted it and am ok with not being preggers. Lucy, I think it is a good move to resist testing if you are spotting. Seeing a BFN is never a fun sight. We'll get ours soon babes!
Hi ladies, :flower:

I haven't been on in days..soooooo many pages to catch up on..it looks like some of you have had some really shitty days and i genuinely hope life is getting better for you all. Ive been to the pink concert over the wk end and she was fab my sis and two friends also came and stayed with me as i live nearish to Dublin so a great distraction as i really thought i was out of the running this month..at the concert i actually only saw about 6 songs as i had to go to the loo twice during and half an hour ques, my sis suggested that i might have a kidney infection as i had told her i missed the window this month and i said id see doc Monday. Came home after a night on the tiles :blush: and went to bed in the early hours. I woke up before everyone and my first thought was sure af is due Tue/Thurs i think ill poas and just see. I sat taking it in the ensuite thinking this is a waste i have no symptoms no boobs nothing only a little more running to the loo yesterday and the most important we didn't bd when i got my smiley face only 3 days prior to it and had thought we had very little hope.....I sat cautiously on the lid of the loo looking at my test on the floor about 30-40 seconds past (felt like forever) i closed my eyes and put my head to the ceiling i put my head in my hands and then looked at the test again - pregnant - i tell you i nearly fell off the lid and then i started shaking. 1-2 wks then appeared under it - the house was silent. I put paper around it and put it on the toilet seat. I went to our bed and i lightly shook dh and said can you get up i think you'd better take a look at this - he thought there was something wrong in the toilet till he got to the door and nearly passed out when he saw it. Then he said not to get my hopes up as i had a chemical back in October and af wasn't due till Tue/Thurs. I know he is right but i cant help feeling on top of the moon...fxd and pray my bean has stuck. x Nice to have shared this
Wow Elly! What a lovely story. And so inspiring. Just goes to show that we don't need to time our BDing when we get our smiley faces. I'm also encouraged by your lack of symptoms. Well done babe! I hope you bean sticks too! How many dpo are you today?
Wow Elly congratz!!!! I loved the way you described the whole scene, i actually felt i was there hun!

Cazz and Hearty dont wanna go on about how its still early and bla bla..I am thinking of both of you and really hoping you wonderful aldies get some good news this week...:dust::dust:

Im trying to be more positive today after a couple days where i was condumed by bitchiness...I saw a really old friend last night (havent seen her for 25 years!!!) and she confided in me about her inability to have a child and i was reminded that we all may have suffered great loss, felt incredible pain but at the end of the day we know it will happen for all of us soon. I also feel especially greatful for my wonderful hubby, who took me out for drinks and we had an evening without one word about babies being exchanged. I think we should always try and see the silver lining and try an enjoy every good moment we have.
Ok that was really corny i know!! Forgive me, im nursing quite a hangover:coffee:
Elly congratulations what a wonderful story thank you tt made me smile!

Vickyd not corny its important to remember the little things in life and to look up from TTC and enjoy those moments. I am so sorry for your friend that must be a incredibly hard thing to cope with.
That's a lot of PMA Vicky! It must be the hangover talking (I'm totally kidding!)

Seriously, that is very nice to say. I'm so sorry to hear about your friend. Your right, there is always a silver lining and we just need to find the time to find it sometimes. Ok, even though I'm feeling blah today, I'm going to express my silver lining. If I get AF today or tomorrow, it will mean that I will ovulate a little earlier than I was expecting to next cycle. That means that I might have a chance in July. Originally I thought I was going to miss it because I'm leaving for a vacation without DH and I thought I'd be ovulating the day after I left.

Thanks for the reminder about silver linings Vicky!!
Ooh thanks girls,

Heartree i got my smiley on Sun 6Th of June I'm not great at working out dpo, what do you think i would be?

Vickyd thanks i was nearly reliving it when i was writing it. I understand what you are saying sometimes we can get so caught up in our own world that reality doesn't really kick in till we hear stories like your friends. Hope your hangover softens soon...x
That's a lot of PMA Vicky! It must be the hangover talking (I'm totally kidding!)

Seriously, that is very nice to say. I'm so sorry to hear about your friend. Your right, there is always a silver lining and we just need to find the time to find it sometimes. Ok, even though I'm feeling blah today, I'm going to express my silver lining. If I get AF today or tomorrow, it will mean that I will ovulate a little earlier than I was expecting to next cycle. That means that I might have a chance in July. Originally I thought I was going to miss it because I'm leaving for a vacation without DH and I thought I'd be ovulating the day after I left.

Thanks for the reminder about silver linings Vicky!!

Oohh!! I love your silver lining hearty!!!!! Thats it PMA all the way!
Lets hear some more silver linings girls!!!
:flasher: This e-emotion is completely irrelevant but i always want to use it and the can never fir it in with what im saying!!!!
Oohh!! I love your silver lining hearty!!!!! Thats it PMA all the way!
Lets hear some more silver linings girls!!!
:flasher: This e-emotion is completely irrelevant but i always want to use it and the can never fir it in with what im saying!!!!

:rofl: Oh my god, I love that flasher guy and have wanted to use him too! I LOVE that you just used him randomly. In a weird way, he kind of works here. We can "flash" our silver linings to each other!

Elly, if you got a smiley on June 6, at most you are 14dpo today I would imagine. You can get a smiley and ovulate on the same day. You could easily only be 11 - 13dpo also.
Hi ladies. Sorry i have not been on here much.
I have been quite depressed of late and been concentrating more on diet an fitness forum.
This cycle has exhausted me. I had so many "symptoms" such as exhaustion, headaches, congested, dizziness, pains in legs, waking up during the night for the loo, finding that tea and coffee tastes really odd to me etc etc and i got a BFN today and lots of cramps so the witch is on her way tomorrow i think. I am sick of building myself up for a fall all the time. Its destroying me.

Congrats to all the ladies who have BFPS so far and good luck to those waiting to test xxx

Hey woman, I've been wondering where you have been. I'm sorry this whole thing is exhausting you. I know it is hard, but is it possible not to symptom spot as much? Lately I've just been ignoring any twinge I feel and I tell myself it is just me being hyper aware of things. I tell myself that all bodies have little twinges and other strange things, pregnant or not. I tell myself that I'm not pregnant (which I really don't think I am). I'm trying to keep myself in a space that doesn't build me up for a fall. Don't get me wrong, I'm still upset every time I see AF. But, for me, it helps to keep me from falling too hard. If I get the BFP, then it is obviously a very pleasant surprise.


Heart tree u are so right! i need to pack in searching for symptoms before i lose my mind:winkwink:

Congrats on the new BFPS girls and good luck for those testing!
AF is being mean to me this cycle :-(

Onto July testers for me then... xxx
Hearty - I'll just hope you're wrong! :hugs: I don't want you to have an 8 day LP!

Cazza - Honestly, I know what you mean. I remember what it was like when people were pushing PMA at me when I knew I wasn't pregnant in January. So, I shall stop and just hope that you're wrong! :hugs:

Lucy - I'm sorry, honey! :hugs: My 1st was due 1 week from today. And, I lost my 2nd a month ago today! I could crawl under a rock, tbh. :cry:

Elly - That's amazing! Tons of sticky dust headed your way! :hugs:

Vicky - That's lovely! :hugs: Thanks for sharing it!

Queen - Sorry AF is treating you badly! :hugs:

AFM... There's more to my day in my journal. I don't have the energy to put it here too. I really want to hide somewhere and pretend that the world doesn't exist! :cry:
Wow! Congrats to all the BFPs recently! Talk about some good news! And *hugs* to all the ones the witch got :(
AF got me, but as this is my first one after my MC and it showed up 29 days afterwards, I consider myself lucky...
Thanks Megg. I'm 9dpo today and no bleeding so I've at least made it to a 9 day LP (not that that is good). Fx'd that I don't bleed again tomorrow. I'm loading up on the progesterone cream and I'm hoping that is what is keeping AF away for a few days longer. I have no idea what that bleeding was about yesterday!

I read a bit in your journal. What a blah day for you. And double blah to get that FB posting today of all days. Blah, blah, blah...

Africaqueen, I'm sorry to hear about the damn witch. She's getting a lot of ladies in a bad way this time around. I'll see you over at the July thread soon. July is a good month. I feel very positive about it!

Preg, congrats on getting AF in 29 days. I think that sounds just perfect. I hope July is your month.
:dust:Elly - congrats!! lots of sticky dust your way

hugs to everyone having a bad day, and for all those with AF :hugs:
Well girls I'm definitely out this month the witch got me today :cry: gutted but trying to be positive and think that another month and my body will be ready for a july sticky bean.
thanks sweetie I was pretty sure yesterday it was on its way so not such a shock today but had a big cry yesterday (well several actually) my hubby has been great he just holds me and lets me cry and tells me all will be okay.

How are you feeling?
awe, that is great of your hubby to be there for you like that. A good cry always helps me.

I am feeling good, but nervous.

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