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June Testers Thread - gimme your dates

Hey girls, just caught up on all the posts!! How is everyone today?

Woohoo to msarkozi and Lucina on your BFP so happy for you both :happydance:

Caz I am so getting my gold medal I have resisted the temptation to test. Dont despair about your bfn it may be to early yet, I'm not giving up on you!!

Big :hugs: to you Jaymes

Where's nato?? Hope she's ok.

Hearty cocktails and wine sounds like a good way to spend an evening. I'm on my own tonight we had a bbq for nephews birthday (hes 17 today) today, we were meant to stay over but I had to come back to work on my lesson for interview met up with a friend who has been really helpful and can I just say thank you for your lovely words of support!! :flower: So I've come home and he's staying at his brothers tonight.
im due for af June 25th-26th... one or the other. tested today BPN! =( could i be out?!
Thanks msarkozi, I'd like to think not having sore boobs could still mean I'm in the game, but honestly, I'm not feeling it. This time for both my other pregnancies, I kind of just knew. But, I'm not out until I'm out! How are you feeling?

Lucy, weren't you scheduled to test today? I'm getting you that gold medal you deserve it. How are you feeling? Any more spotting? Any symptoms? Glad you have a friend helping you with your interview.

XO, how many dpo are you today? If AF isn't due until the 25th-26th, it sounds like you are testing way to early to get a BFP. Your status kind of confuses me though, it says you are pregnant in 3rd trimester. What part of Boston do you live in? I'm originally from Fitchburg, MA. I lived in Allston for a while. My mother lives on Cape Cod. I'm heading there next month, can't wait!
Lucy, here is your gold medal. You've done an amazing job resisting the tests! But now I'm ready for you to test!!! :test:


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Congrats Lucina and msarkozi!! That's wonderful!

Well, I think I'm officially out. MY CP is very low, I have no CM, and absolutely no symptoms. At this point in my last pregnancy I had sore breasts, slight cramping, fatigue, and just a general preggers feeling but nothing at all this time. Also, OH and I have not BD'ed very much--4 times this month- due to complete lack of privacy where we are living. Bah.

Good luck to the rest of you ladies who are still in it and congrats again on the BFPs! Baby dust to everyone!! :)
I'm due on tuesday so was going to try and wait untill thursday but think I may test tuesday. I havnt got any tests so will have to go and buy some which maybe I will tomorrow really want to test but equally dont want to see a bfn!!

I'm still getting some slight spotting off and on and a bit of cramping but nothing major so not really sure its all so confusing :shrug:

Woo hoo a gold medal!! :happydance:
Hi ladies. Sorry i have not been on here much.
I have been quite depressed of late and been concentrating more on diet an fitness forum.
This cycle has exhausted me. I had so many "symptoms" such as exhaustion, headaches, congested, dizziness, pains in legs, waking up during the night for the loo, finding that tea and coffee tastes really odd to me etc etc and i got a BFN today and lots of cramps so the witch is on her way tomorrow i think. I am sick of building myself up for a fall all the time. Its destroying me.

Congrats to all the ladies who have BFPS so far and good luck to those waiting to test xxx
Congrats Lucina and msarkozi!! That's wonderful!

Well, I think I'm officially out. MY CP is very low, I have no CM, and absolutely no symptoms. At this point in my last pregnancy I had sore breasts, slight cramping, fatigue, and just a general preggers feeling but nothing at all this time. Also, OH and I have not BD'ed very much--4 times this month- due to complete lack of privacy where we are living. Bah.

Good luck to the rest of you ladies who are still in it and congrats again on the BFPs! Baby dust to everyone!! :)

Allie, I know what you mean. I just don't feel preggers. I'm not out yet, but feel like I will be in a couple of days.
Hi ladies. Sorry i have not been on here much.
I have been quite depressed of late and been concentrating more on diet an fitness forum.
This cycle has exhausted me. I had so many "symptoms" such as exhaustion, headaches, congested, dizziness, pains in legs, waking up during the night for the loo, finding that tea and coffee tastes really odd to me etc etc and i got a BFN today and lots of cramps so the witch is on her way tomorrow i think. I am sick of building myself up for a fall all the time. Its destroying me.

Congrats to all the ladies who have BFPS so far and good luck to those waiting to test xxx

Hey woman, I've been wondering where you have been. I'm sorry this whole thing is exhausting you. I know it is hard, but is it possible not to symptom spot as much? Lately I've just been ignoring any twinge I feel and I tell myself it is just me being hyper aware of things. I tell myself that all bodies have little twinges and other strange things, pregnant or not. I tell myself that I'm not pregnant (which I really don't think I am). I'm trying to keep myself in a space that doesn't build me up for a fall. Don't get me wrong, I'm still upset every time I see AF. But, for me, it helps to keep me from falling too hard. If I get the BFP, then it is obviously a very pleasant surprise.


1st June - vickyd witch got her :(, doddy0402, mummy2anangel, heva BFN

2nd June - zoefromsussex, lynne192 witch got her:(, Allym0101, sugrplum BFP!!!!!

3rd June - cutelou101 witch got her :(

4th June - Rmar witch got her :(, dan-o

5th June - Round2 witch got her :(, Vickieh1981 witch got her :(, zeezee

6th June - Lawa, Decemberbride

7th June - Lindyloo, Cla

8th June - https://www.smileyslord.com/smileys/happy-birthday-smiley.gif to Nato

10th June - SimplyRhi

12th June - LeaArr, Mummy2Angel witch got her :(

13th June - Jenna_1980

15th June - VGibs BFP!!!, goddess25, libbymarks198

16th June - NatoPMT witch got her :(, Lucina BFP!!!!, Shaerichelle BFN :(

17th June - Omi

18th June - Cazza22, africaqueen BFN:(, ruskiegirl witch got her:(

19th June - MinnieMone witch got her:(

20th June - heart tree, Sassy_TTC

22nd June - kafs78*

23rd June - Jaymes, debgreasby, msarkozi BFP!!!

24th June - LucyJ, BabyQ

25th June - pregoinnorge, XO notorious

26th June - Elly2u

27th June - Lynne192

28th June - Razcox

30th June - Round2, stellababy, Allie84

CONGRATULATIONS!!! to Mssy and Lucina!!!

BFP, BFP, wont you dance along with me

ahh thanks megg

im not in a very good place and ive been hiding away a bit, im wondering if things are starting to hit me now - ive been tearful and unable to sleep and unable to express myself - every time i try and talk i get upset I had class all day today and we had to draw our feelings and i refused to do it as i couldnt let anyone see what was in my head. In the end, i drew a tornado and thought of you

i might be away for a few days, i dunno how i will feel tomorrow, but f i am away, i'm sure i'll be back soon x
ahh thanks megg

im not in a very good place and ive been hiding away a bit, im wondering if things are starting to hit me now - ive been tearful and unable to sleep and unable to express myself - every time i try and talk i get upset I had class all day today and we had to draw our feelings and i refused to do it as i couldnt let anyone see what was in my head. In the end, i drew a tornado and thought of you

i might be away for a few days, i dunno how i will feel tomorrow, but f i am away, i'm sure i'll be back soon x

I'm sorry, honey! I was there not long ago! I'm around if you find a way to express yourself and need someone to listen! :hugs: I'm glad you could use my tornado as a way of getting around harder issues than you could deal with at the time! Who said nothing good ever came of a tornado? :flower:

We'll be here when you feel you can return! Love and snuggles! xx
ahh thanks megg

im not in a very good place and ive been hiding away a bit, im wondering if things are starting to hit me now - ive been tearful and unable to sleep and unable to express myself - every time i try and talk i get upset I had class all day today and we had to draw our feelings and i refused to do it as i couldnt let anyone see what was in my head. In the end, i drew a tornado and thought of you

i might be away for a few days, i dunno how i will feel tomorrow, but f i am away, i'm sure i'll be back soon x

Oh Nato, :hugs: I know where you are coming from. I got hit hard this week. Let me know if there is anything I can do..
Nato hon i know where you're coming from...I too wanted to hide after my second loss, and i did for3 months....We are here for you and when you feel like talking we will listen... :hugs::hugs:
ahh thanks megg

im not in a very good place and ive been hiding away a bit, im wondering if things are starting to hit me now - ive been tearful and unable to sleep and unable to express myself - every time i try and talk i get upset I had class all day today and we had to draw our feelings and i refused to do it as i couldnt let anyone see what was in my head. In the end, i drew a tornado and thought of you

i might be away for a few days, i dunno how i will feel tomorrow, but f i am away, i'm sure i'll be back soon x

Nato babe, I saw that AF got you. I'm so so sorry honey. I've seen you lurking here but not posting and I figured you were having a hard time of it. As you know I also went to school to be a therapist. I studied expressive arts therapy and one of the hardest things about the program was that you were constantly forced to look at, analyze, draw, dance and talk about your issues. Not very fun to do day in/day out for a couple of years with a group of classmates. It is incredibly intense. I used to do the same thing as you at times...fake it. You have to protect yourself. You can't always be raw and open to the world. That includes being here and opening up. Sometimes it is better to crawl into yourself for a little while. I will be thinking about you when you are away and will miss you. I hope you come back to us soon, but do what you need to do my sweets.

xoxo ~ Amanda
Hey Nato wanted to give you a big :hugs: and say I'm thinking of you. We're here when you need us for whatever you need. Take care of yourself.

Hi girlies,

Massive congrats to all the girls that got their BFP's I hope theres many more to follow.

Big Hugs to those who got BFN's (its not over until the fat lady sings) and even bigger hugs to everyone who's AF showed up (I hate her), I'm sure the July testing thread will be just as fun!

So today is Fathers Day in the UK, its should be my Hubbys first one as a Daddy, I cant stop the what if's and what should be, going through a really negative patch!!!

Well I'm down as testing today BUT I'm not due until Tuesday and I actuallu think I ovulated late (maybe the Thursday) meaning I'm only 10dpo! Anyway I crumbled and testing with an IC (which I dont trust at all) and theres a really REALLY faint line, nothing to write home about and nothing to get my hopes up but its a start! I'm going to test with FRER tomorrow, so I'll let you all know.xxxx
Ooh! FRER's are the right test to use on Father's Day!!! This is exciting! I so hope this is it for you, sweetie! :hugs:

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