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June Testers Thread - gimme your dates

Ahh Megg I didnt think of that, what an amazing pressie that would be! But Ive already pee'd about 4 times today so scared it wouldnt work! Dam!xx
Sassy a faint line is an excellent start!!!!! FX for your bfp babes!!!!!
OH MY GOD, OH MY GOD, OH MY GOD (Megg - your a bad influence!)

I just tested with FRER (very weak pee - haha) and theres a faint line!!!!

OH MY GOD, OH MY GOD, OH MY GOD (Megg - your a bad influence!)

I just tested with FRER (very weak pee - haha) and theres a faint line!!!!


:yipee: :yipee: :yipee: :yipee: :yipee:

Happy Father's Day to your OH!!! :hugs:
Happy fathers day to him! Now go give him that stick girl!
Agreed! Tie a freakin' bow on it and take it to him!!!
Girls, hes at work, I just phoned him crying and he said whats wrong, I said I think I'm preggers, not quite how I wanted it to go lol!!!

Now I'm stressing, I need to start on prgesterone pesseries and I dont even have the presciption, will be on the phone to hospital first thing tomorrow morning!xxx
Mine tend to be kind of (not at all) how I want to tell him! :D
I done really cute things the last 3 times, so I think he will let me off!

Bless him, he just text me saying hes going to wrap me up in cotton wool and not let me out of his sight for 8 months, obviously we are both really scared!xx
Ahh. That is so sweet! I :heart: your dh! I love when they say the perfect thing at just the right time.
Doesn't happen that often (for mine) but when it does, well it just makes it that much more perfect iykwim.
Thanks msarkozi, I'd like to think not having sore boobs could still mean I'm in the game, but honestly, I'm not feeling it. This time for both my other pregnancies, I kind of just knew. But, I'm not out until I'm out! How are you feeling?

You are definitely not out. Honestly, I don't even feel pregnant. Like you said, last time I knew it. The only thing that is making me feel it is I am tired and have to pee a lot! It was a shock when I seen a positive test, as I didn't think I was at all. So hang in there, it's gonna happen, and hopefully this month:)
ahh thanks megg

im not in a very good place and ive been hiding away a bit, im wondering if things are starting to hit me now - ive been tearful and unable to sleep and unable to express myself - every time i try and talk i get upset I had class all day today and we had to draw our feelings and i refused to do it as i couldnt let anyone see what was in my head. In the end, i drew a tornado and thought of you

i might be away for a few days, i dunno how i will feel tomorrow, but f i am away, i'm sure i'll be back soon x

:hugs: lots of hugs shug xxxx

Sometimes the pain hits in waves when you least expect it, I do the same and hide away a bit until I feel mentally stronger, in real life and online! I'm sorry that dreaded witch got you....b*tchy witchy!! I'm sure you'll be feeling stronger again soon enough, we're always hear to listen if you need an ear, we do understand this emotional rollercoaster xxx
OMG CONGRATTTTTSSSS Sass!!!!! im so pleased for u babe. Im sending you the most sticky baby dust as i can possibly send to you :dust::dust::dust::dust: :INFINTY: Get on the phone to the hospital asap & get shoving them pessaries in :haha::haha:.

Congrats to our other BFPs and massive :hugs: to those who got AF :cry:.

Im testing in the morning but gotta be honest im think im out, Got no symptoms & usually have loads by now if im preggars :cry: also had some cramping today n backache so think witch is gonna show. Im suprisingly ok tho?? I thought id be in bits if i didnt get my BFP this month but im just hopefull its gonna happen soon & im ready to share the ride with you gals over in our July thread if im out :thumbup:.

Nato im thinking of you & here for you always.

Lov you all trillions xxxxxxxxx Caz xxxxxxxxx:kiss:
Sassy - That's SO sweet of him to say! I'm so excited for you! Maybe telling him a different way is a good start to a different outcome! :hugs:

I hope none of you girls are out! Keep your heads up! I was never in... So, I'll be out for all of you this time!
Thank you meggles (((((((((((hugs))))))))))))). I'll let u all know tomorrow if BFN or BFP xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx FX'd x x x
PS sass post us a piccy :) we do love a good ganders at a Big Fat Positive faint or not i love line spotting hahahahahaha x x Lov Caz x x x
Ooh, yeah! I love the pics of POAS's too!!! I wanna see!

Caz - Say it with me... BFP! BFP! BFP!
Wow Sassy, congrats! Great father's day news!

Cazza, I know what you mean, after being pregnant a couple of times, you kind of just know what it feels like. I'm not feeling it either.

Thanks Msarkozi for the PMA. I'd like to be positive, but I'm pretty sure I'm out.

I had some light spotting yesterday and cramps. Now I know you all will probably tell me it might be implantation bleeding since I'm only 8dpo. I would like to get excited and think that also. BUT, DH and I BD'd and I started bleeding a decent amount of red blood. WTF??? There was no more blood after BD'ing and I don't have any today, but am still crampy. AF is definitely on her way. What I can't understand is why she's coming so early? I've had a history of having a 10 day luteal phase but never shorter than that. I use progesterone cream after Ov to increase my luteal phase. Last cycle it was 13 days. The fact that I can already feel AF coming is really bumming me out. It's bad enough to not be pregnant, but why does my body have to work against me right now? I'm in a pretty blah mood today. At least I'll know some of you over in the July tester thread!

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