Kash Robert Patrick has arrived <3

how long is your drive to Chicago?

he's having an odd day today. He has only wanted to be on his tummy, and he has been sleeping all day! I woke him up just after 6:00 to eat and change him, and he was awake for 2 hours and then asleep again!!! I am in for a long night I think. I don't know why he is sleeping so much today?!

I just finished having a beer! :) I figured I wasn't going to be pumping for a couple hours anyway, so why not! Although, I think I am slightly buzzed, lol!

Its 8 hours to Chicago from where Im at.
Malcolm sleeps on his tummy all the time, even though I know the experts say put them on their backs to sleep:wacko:. He wakes up right away on his back, so I just monitor him really well and he sleeps with me every nite.

I just had a drink too:winkwink:!
Crap how did I miss this, I've been watchin out for you on the parenting journals and wondered why I couldn't find you, will be stalking from now on.xxxx
lol Sass

oh so you have a long drive ahead of you as well. I hope it goes well! I am so scared to put him on his tummy at night time. He doesn't sleep in the same room as me, so it's too hard for me to monitor him. Once he can roll over, then maybe it won't be such a big deal.
lol Sass

oh so you have a long drive ahead of you as well. I hope it goes well! I am so scared to put him on his tummy at night time. He doesn't sleep in the same room as me, so it's too hard for me to monitor him. Once he can roll over, then maybe it won't be such a big deal.

I wish I could get Malcolm to sleep in his bed and in another room:wacko:. He will sleep for a few and then just wake up:wacko:. Its a work in progress:thumbup:.
the last couple of nights I have had issues with him sleeping in his crib; he doesn't seem to want to!! I will put him in his crib, and he will wake right up. So then I get him back to sleep, and lay him down again, and his eyes open yet again. So then I give up and bring him downstairs (I live in a duplex, so main level) and he is fast asleep, so I lay him in his bassinet that is part of the playpen, and he sleeps there (go figure!). I end up sleeping on the couch. Then after he wakes for his feed, I put him in his crib again, and he will sleep anywhere from 1-3 hours and wake. Then I try and get him back to sleep, and it's a no go, so then I take him into my room and lay him on my chest where he will sleep for an hour and then he's had enough of that too. I am wondering if the issue is that he's sleeping so much during the day, and his schedule is kinda screwed up from that?!

If he is all of a sudden deciding to hate his crib, I am going to be spending a lot of nights on the couch! :wacko:
Good luck on your trip! I'm glad you're splitting the drive.

I hope you get meds so you can start feeling better. How cute that Kash is smiling!!!
It melts my heart Allie! He was full of smiles today! We were at another baby shower again this afternoon, and he was just flirting with the ladies with all those smiles.

I think we are going to have a good night tonight (or so I am hoping). He was up early today (with little sleep last night), and he was awake for most of the day. He is having a good nap right now, and then he will have his bath and hopefully stay awake until around 10:00, and then off to bed for the night, along with mommy!!

I'm so angry!! My cell phone died on me yesterday and I totally rely on it!! I have Kash's feeding schedule set as alarms in it, and now I am so lost (sad I know). It totally helps me to remember when he ate last and I know when abouts the next one is going to start. It started giving me grief in February, but then it stopped so I thought everything was ok. Then yesterday it decided that was enough. Even though it would be fully charged or even half charged, it would die. And yesterday it would keep turning itself off and on. So today I tried Gord's battery in it (as we have the same phone), and it worked! So I have a faulty battery! I have only had my phone since mid-November, so I am hoping Telus is going to cover the costs for a new battery! And the shitty thing is, there is no dealer here! I have to phone High Level tomorrow to see if they carry the battery, and if they will ship it across to me so I can have it by 5:00 pm tomorrow! So frustrating, especially when you depend on it (and I need to make sure I have a working cell phone for when I drive out at the end of the month)!
the last couple of nights I have had issues with him sleeping in his crib; he doesn't seem to want to!! I will put him in his crib, and he will wake right up. So then I get him back to sleep, and lay him down again, and his eyes open yet again. So then I give up and bring him downstairs (I live in a duplex, so main level) and he is fast asleep, so I lay him in his bassinet that is part of the playpen, and he sleeps there (go figure!). I end up sleeping on the couch. Then after he wakes for his feed, I put him in his crib again, and he will sleep anywhere from 1-3 hours and wake. Then I try and get him back to sleep, and it's a no go, so then I take him into my room and lay him on my chest where he will sleep for an hour and then he's had enough of that too. I am wondering if the issue is that he's sleeping so much during the day, and his schedule is kinda screwed up from that?!

If he is all of a sudden deciding to hate his crib, I am going to be spending a lot of nights on the couch! :wacko:

My baby takes one long nap during the day for about 2-3 hrs but the others are just short cat naps. I try my best to keep him up though. Malcolm does the same thing in his crib:dohh:. He wont even sleep in his play pen, but he will lie in it. Im thinking his mattress isnt soft enough like our bed and maybe I need to get a mattress pad?? Im going to the baby store tomorrow to look into it. He has so many things to sleep in, crib, playpen, newborn rocker and yet he only wants to sleep with us:wacko:. I hope this gets sorted out soon for us both!:winkwink:
were you able to get it sorted out? I still haven't been able to :( To make matters worse, I will be away for the few weeks, and so he isn't going to be sleeping in his crib. So if I do get him to sleep in it again, by the time I get home, I am sure he is going to hate it yet again :wacko:
it's been awhile since I have written in here........

well, we were gone for 3 weeks and it was great, but even better to get home! Kash has colic, but I think it is starting to subside now (thank god). He is on the prescription for it, and I am not sure when I stop giving it to him (so I need to find that out). Ummmm, other then that, the doctor had me switch his formula and since then he has been sleeping through the night (thank god!).

he just woke from a short nap, so I will catch up later
Hey hun its wonderful to hear from you..I keep up with you and Kash on FB and you have been going going lately. LOL Sounds like you have been having fun though. So sorry to hear about the colic but I am glad its getting better. xx
congratulations, glad you have your wee boy save and sound, he is very cute, love the name!
doing good Jaymes, thank you. I think I am about caught up on much needed sleep, lol! Kash slept from 10:00-7:30 this morning; I was in complete shock. So for the last couple hours of my sleep, I was waking up and checking out the clock thinking he was waking any minute now. At 6:20, I went into the bedroom to make sure he was still breathing lol! He is a tired boy today....it's also a rainy day, so I don't blame him.

We haven't been doing a whole lot lately...just hanging around home, going for a walk daily (minus rainy days), and having play time. He doesn't really like to play, but I am trying to encourage him and get him to try and hold onto some of his toys. He really enjoys standing though; he is such a strong boy and I am so proud of him! Even when he tumbles down from standing, he pushes himself back up!! He even was taking steps one night while he was standing. I believe that is all part of that reflex, but still, I was proud.

When do they start rolling over? He doesn't even make efforts to do it anymore, so I don't know if that is something he is behind in, or if it is still a ways away?! He also won't turn his head when you make noises by his ears. I asked the doctor about it, and he told me it was a little early yet but to keep my eye on it. I don't think he is deaf, but sometimes it worries me.

So we are having a huge issue with trying to get him baptized. I ended up attending the baptism seminar in Red Deer while I was there, but now I have to register with the Church here (who knew you had to register with a Church?!), and then have the priest write a letter giving us permission to be baptized in Red Deer. I had one letter written from the coordinator here, and she stressed in it that we were not registered and we do not attend Church, so it caused us issues. We may not attend weekly, but we do attend every year on Christmas Eve. It's such a pain in the butt these days to try and get your child baptized!!!
thanks Pumpkin! I hope you have a better birth story then I did :thumbup: beautiful name you have picked out as well :)
Kash is 3 months!! 12 weeks...yay! So cool. My baby isnt turning over but he can move all over the bed and push himself around with his legs and feet:haha:
Kash does that too. I put him to bed in one spot and he is always in a different spot when I get him in the morning.

I have such a sookie baby today and yesterday; I am wondering if he's not feeling well, but his temp was still pretty good. He has a bit of a runny nose though. He barely napped today, so he should sleep good tonight. Only, I am going to High Level tomorrow and have to be there for 9 am!! So, I might have to wake him for a feeding before I hit the road. I am hoping he travels/shops well tomorrow!!!!! I am getting my truck serviced, but need diapers and formula!!
we ended up not going to High Level today as I didn't get enough sleep. I was pissed at Gord cuz he was out drinking, and I told him off once again when he finally came home. Then Kash decided to wake up at 4:30 for some reason, and I only had a couple hours of sleep at that point. Then I got another 45 and then had to wake Gord for work (as his cell was charging downstairs), and then I got an hour and a half of sleep again and then was fighting with Kash to go back to sleep. Finally just after 9:00 I gave up. I was so tired!! He went for a nap at 10:45 and so I rushed to shower thinking he was only having a cat nap, but it turned into a 2.5 hour nap, and of course I didn't sleep! So hoping he is going to bed at his regular time tonight and sleeps the night again!! We are going to go to High Level on Thursday now instead, and it's a must that I go then since I opened the last can of formula this morning (it lasts me a week max, but I don't want to push it).

Well, hockey game is on....gotta go :)

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