Labor Watch thread

Due to my BP and gestational diabetes, if I don’t go into labor before then, I’ll be induced on Monday. Nervous but excited to have an end date...
Due to my BP and gestational diabetes, if I don’t go into labor before then, I’ll be induced on Monday. Nervous but excited to have an end date...

Yay! I hope you go on your own before them though!
So yesterday I woke up with a good strong contraction and had several 10 mins apart. I stopped timing them and went about my day thinking this was it and getting everything ready, but after about 3 hours everything just fizzled out. This is exactly what happened with dd1 so I thought ok, I'll wake up Friday (today) with contractions and that will be it....nope! Not even close. Don't feel like much of anything is happening. Induction scheduled for the 23rd if baby doesn't come on his own by then :( I really do not want to be induced, both of my prior 2 were spontaneous labors and I'm terrified of reaching the point of induction. Starting to stress out :(
So yesterday I woke up with a good strong contraction and had several 10 mins apart. I stopped timing them and went about my day thinking this was it and getting everything ready, but after about 3 hours everything just fizzled out. This is exactly what happened with dd1 so I thought ok, I'll wake up Friday (today) with contractions and that will be it....nope! Not even close. Don't feel like much of anything is happening. Induction scheduled for the 23rd if baby doesn't come on his own by then :( I really do not want to be induced, both of my prior 2 were spontaneous labors and I'm terrified of reaching the point of induction. Starting to stress out :(

The 23rd is a full week away, and so much can change in a week! I bet you’ll go into labor before then 😀 Especially since you’ve had 2 spontaneous labors before!
Waiting on confirmation but looks like i might get to have Foley catch induction next weds!!! So excited to have a date
I hear you Twinkie! Im having soo many false starts that i'm fed up. With my first i had 12hrs of contractions 4-8mins apart that fizzled. Then two days later it started again and i had my dd after another 12hrs contractions.
My baby boy was born this morning! From nothing really to intense contractions 3 minutes apart and waters leaking...then baby born 2hrs later! Intense! He is doing well but im recovering from the ordeal. Bit battered and bruised and i must say i preferred my 12hr labour over this 2hr one!

I had no contractions all day so i spent 2hrs rocking on hands and knees in the bath. This brought on mild contractions 6mins apart but theybstarted to fizzle so i got out. About 2hrs after that is when my waters leaked and real labour started. I'm assuming that all my false labour had been doing stuff since it was so quick from start to finish!
Hopeful cat, congratulations!!! (and so jealous)

sevenofnine-nope nothing happening at all :( Just a busy day with kids, this is the first I've gotten on all day!
Hopeful cat- Wooooohooo! Congrats! :)

Twinkie- aww man I was hoping, I’m sending lots of good vibes your way!

I have kind of given up on labor happening, and am trying to accept induction. So I’m going to try to have a relaxing day tomorrow (Sunday) before my induction. (Even though it’s very hard with chronic anxiety to ever relax :haha:)
Bit battered and bruised and i must say i preferred my 12hr labour over this 2hr one!

I get this. When I had DS4 7 weeks ago I was induced. Midwife just broke my waters. But from her breaking them to baby being in my arms was 40 minutes total. One push and that was it - game over Rover! :rofl: But I so agree. I'd rather have another 12 hour labour if I have a 5th baby instead of another 40 minute or shorter. It sends the body into shock!
Bit battered and bruised and i must say i preferred my 12hr labour over this 2hr one!

I get this. When I had DS4 7 weeks ago I was induced. Midwife just broke my waters. But from her breaking them to baby being in my arms was 40 minutes total. One push and that was it - game over Rover! :rofl: But I so agree. I'd rather have another 12 hour labour if I have a 5th baby instead of another 40 minute or shorter. It sends the body into shock!


40 minutes?!! I didn’t even know that was possible! Kudos to you that must have been a crazy 40 minutes!

I’ll hope for a little bit longer of an induction then since the quick ones don’t seem recommended... :)
I have had 2 quick and one 7hrs labor and although the 7 hr labor was a real shitty hospital experience it was so much nicer having that lead up my first 2 were so intense wacky is right it sends your body into shock! I am 37+5 with number 4 and have been having quite a bit of pre labor already and midwife said to me on Friday that she thinks when labor starts it’s going to be another quick one :( I really don’t want this to be the case.
I loved my quick labor with my second and am hoping for the same this time around. Funny how everyone feels differently about their experiences : )
With my 12hr labour i had time to get into a zone and concentrate and it seemed so much calmer. The pain seemed bareable with gas and air. This time baby was in stress due to pooing and the quick labour progression, i had hardly any time to get jabbed with iv meds because of a potential hemorrhage (which i did have 900mls loss), i was only 9cm and told not to push but i couldnt stop so i got a cut and a tear. The room was full of people for me and baby and i have never sworn so much in my life! I think it was two pushes and then i was poked and prodded and all sorts. Luckily baby was perfectly fine after coming out. I felt so much better after baby was out but it was a crazy crazy 2hrs and im now recovering with a hematoma. I think they say that anything under 4hrs is not really great.

Sorry, hope i didnt scare anyone. Im hoping you get a nice reasonable 4hr labour 😊
Bit battered and bruised and i must say i preferred my 12hr labour over this 2hr one!

I get this. When I had DS4 7 weeks ago I was induced. Midwife just broke my waters. But from her breaking them to baby being in my arms was 40 minutes total. One push and that was it - game over Rover! :rofl: But I so agree. I'd rather have another 12 hour labour if I have a 5th baby instead of another 40 minute or shorter. It sends the body into shock!


40 minutes?!! I didn’t even know that was possible! Kudos to you that must have been a crazy 40 minutes!

I’ll hope for a little bit longer of an induction then since the quick ones don’t seem recommended... :)

Thank you. Neither did I! Midwife broke my waters at 10am, sent me and the other half out for a couple hours. 10 minutes later I'm really beginning to feel them - not enough to hurt but enough for walking to be difficult. Right up to the one wave of pressure I felt which turned out to be a push (I didn't even know!) I was able to talk the most of the way through so I didn't think that I was that far gone. It must have been another hour or so before I was feeling confident enough to hold baby without someone with me. It left me very light headed and confused about what had just happened. I don't recommend a quick labour for that reason. I don't feel 'lucky' at all. Hope you have a reasonably quick labour but not that fast that you haven't had time to adjust. <3
Well had some strong and uncomfortable contractions so i took a bath and shower to relax and get ready, you know just in case. Afterward went to the bathroom and had some bloody show!!! Eek! Warm bath always messes up timing so when out seems like things feel proper again I'll check how far apart I am.
Well had some strong and uncomfortable contractions so i took a bath and shower to relax and get ready, you know just in case. Afterward went to the bathroom and had some bloody show!!! Eek! Warm bath always messes up timing so when out seems like things feel proper again I'll check how far apart I am.

Yay! Things are happening! I’m guessing you won’t make it to that induction ;)

Me on the other hand- it’s 6:00am and I just woke up (can’t sleep anymore) because I’m being induced today! Eeeeek! I’m nervous, but glad that it will be over soon. Hopefully everything will go well.

My first induction went as well as I would expect one to go (other than being on magnesium sulfate for pre-e which is a big source of my birth PTSD.) I’m hoping to avoid it this time, because although I have hypertension, my labs are good and I have never had any protein. Hopefully that hasn’t changed!

My induction starts at 9am with Cytotec (they don’t offer anything else at my hospital... boooooo). But I had it first time around too.

I’m babbling now because I’m having an anxiety attack... ahhhh. Will update soon!

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