I prolly shall test tomorrow as long as my temp is still up. It generally falls day of or before AF- usually plummeting to 97.4-97.6 . So, we shall see.
Thanks Galyna,
I'm getting a definitive ear ache which is bugging the heck outta me. I'm also producing more cm that earlier today, Very pressured in the uterus area and back bugging me still.
BFN for me, no surprise. Temp went down a bit as well, but still above Cover line. Bah!
Aww, are you testing again tomorrow?
Poor Teddy. I turned off the monitor in my sleep last night when Teddy woke up . The first trimester fatigue is no joke. DH was sleeping on the couch and thankfully heard him crying and brought him to me - I can't hear him from the bedroom at all. I may need to night wean him sooner than I was planning if it happens again. We're not a cry it out family, and I really don't want to accidentally sleep train.
Hi Galyna. Mostly I'm just really tired. I'm starting to get hungry all the time, but the fatigue is the biggest symptom. I wanted to nap yesterday after DH got home, but he fell asleep so someone had to stay awake and parent. I wasn't impressed... What about you? Any symptoms? How are you feeling?
I am 11dpo, my LP usually has a max of 12 so my temp should finish dropping tomorrow if I'm out.
I have a history of not getting a bfp when pregnant so I prefer AF to limbo truly.
We shall see, Galyna. Thank you for your well wishes.
Still very heavy in that area, cm is not as much but still creamy, cp is medium and medium texture, not low and firm yet... We shall see tomorrow. My LP may just be adjusting back to what it used to be finally.