Late July buds

Oh cool, your U/S is soon!! Mine will be the 3rd week in March and we'll find out the sex then, hopefully!

you know I only heard about this pancake thing for the first time yesterday! We didn't do anything like that in Boston. Although I've heard of Fat Tuesday which they celebrate in New Orleans, but didn't know it was related to religion or Lent. And I thought that was all about drinking or something! Anyway, pancakes are delicious.
either this pregnancy has drastically altered my tastebuds or the pancakes were vile lol i just couldnt eat them, poor hubby was all disappointed but managed to eat his AND mine greedy monkey!!!

Well i'm absoutely full of it at the mo, you should all be glad you live a loooong way away, bee in bed for 2 days now with a high temp, got fan on me and cold flannels and paracetamol every 4-6hrs its horrid but i had a chat with my boss and she's let me start my annual leave early instead of being off sick again so i'm officilly off now til 10th March wooohooo i dont have to feel guilty about being off now :)

Yup Lent as now officially started, cant say ive ever managed to give anything up though although i could argue that ive given up pate and alcohol and runny eggs and sleeping through the night lol so i think that's enough for one person in the space of a few months teehee.

What we all up to the next few weeks? I feel like ive got soooooooo much on; got a hosp appointment on Mon (not baby related) then Tues i'm going seeing a friend who had a baby girl last month then thurs i've got scan then Sat i'm going on a friends hen do lunch then 1st March my rabbit is having her teeth done at vets then the 5th is my 27th and i cant quite decide if i want a spa day OR a new hairstyle with colour and new outfit, not sure what would make me feel more fab and then later on in April ive got a friends wedding and then a few birthdays to go to it just feels mega busy xxx
Well i made my mind up about birthday and decided i want the hair and new clothes so rang this designre salon ive been wanting to go to for yrs and made an enquiry and im so pleased, i'll be bang on 20wks on my birthday and they'll only colour after 20 weeks but its going to cost hubby over £100 lol i just told him and he sulked coz apparently he was going to ring at lunchtime to book me in the same place but he wouldnt have been able to answer all the questions about whether i want foils or all over or whether im taking iron or any other supplements lol YAY i'm a happy bunny now i'm going to feel FABULOUS even if it's only for a day!!!!
i just need to find a beautiful dress to wear now :) or a long pretty top with leggings.

Well ive just had the most wonderful shower and put on my maternity jeans and sat down and i actually look pregnant from this angle instead of fat lol i'm hoping that i'll pop during the next 3 weeks then i can go back to work with a bump and stop having atients looking at me in that quizzical way of is she getting fatter or is she pg lol i do envy you slim girls coz least people can tell straight away!!!

How you doing Moggy? xxx
some nice tops in Red Herring maternity range...

All good here, just ordered a new pair of maternity jeans but need some maternity tops cos my bump is starting to show higher up. Planning to pop into town on Saturday if can face it with mogster. I hate shopping when it is crowded but hard to buy maternity tops online cos you dont know how they will hang IYKWIM

Know what you mean bout skinny girls but not so bad second time around cos its all a bit slacker so shows sooner. Saw a girl at nursery last week dropping her son off and thought im sure last time I saw her she was pregnant - she had had the baby on the monday and by thursday you would never have known she was pregnant unless you knew!

What colour will your new do be?
wow you ARE really busy nineena! make sure you rest a lot too and don't get run down :)

i had my hair colored this past saturday, and I don't know if she used something different or I'm just more sensitive, but my ears have had a rash on them since then! I think it's getting better now, but it took a few days. Weird.

I need more maternity pants so badly, and the only store near by to get maternity clothes is Wal-Mart. The closest mat shop is over an hour away! stupid. Maybe my husband will take me down when he gets home.

Well yeah my bump is getting obvious now and all, but what I'm super excited about is my boobs are getting bigger, slowly but surely! I've always been kind of small so this is the most fun pregnancy symptom for me ever!! :happydance:
6 days Lauren :-D not long atall!!!!

Ive no idea how im having hair done, its in a graduated bob at the min and im naturally blonde but its looking dirty so im going in and saying to them i want a makeover moment, have purposely picked an award winning salon that i can go in and say do something that suits, same goes for colour too. Ive had it most colours over the years and it usually always suits but i just want to feel amazing. Have seen a beautiful maternity dress in Mothercare thats black and spotty but ive also seen a nice oriental one in next online but i dont know which branches of next stock maternity coz the ones n me dont. I know exactlywhat you mean about needing to try them on, before it was just wanting something flattering but now i want my stomach to stand out lmao, never ever thought i'd want that!!!

Lauren im sure your boobs will catch up, mine are really uncomfy now when i lie on them, get like stabbing pains in them that wake me up so i have to move. Ooo Oooo i think i felt baby kicking yesterday it was like someone prodding gently on what felt like a kidney or sommat inside me anyway, it did it in the morning and then about 6 times in the evening, does that sound like first kicks to you Moggy? xxx
Hi girls....
Hope everyone is doing well!

So speaking about movements...I thought I had felt some over a week ago, but then not too much of anything recently. Normal? maybe it wasn't really movement I was feeling. I just like to be reminded he's still in there!

Chris comes home Friday and we have a date night planned Saturday...dinner and movie. I think we'll see Shutter Island...looks scary!
Afternoon all Lauren your hubby comes home tomorrow :) How very exciting!!!

Well i went for scan today and i already have an arkward child, it wouldnt bdge for them to do all the measurements was just waving its arms around and hiccuping so ive got to go back again in 2 weeks time for them to try again but what they did see looks normal. Found out that ive got an E Coli UTI so that explains why ive been feeling so rubbish so have got some antibiotics and will hopefully feel loads better by Monday :)
Yeh he's home tonight....if we're lucky...getting a lot of snow and freezing rain so I hope it doesn't affect his flight.

ew, sorry about the uti...that would definitely make you feel terrible...but awesome news that everything looked good in the scan!!! Any pictures?
nope didnt get a pic coz they couldnt get anything decent, i really do have an arkward baby but i did get to see it hiccuping away on the screen which was really cute but later bubs spent the evening kicking my bladder which wasnt so cute.

Hope your hubby doesnt get delayed with the weather, bet your ready to pounce on him. Got anything nice planned? xx
Ohhh...i've thought I felt the baby kicking my bladder, but I wasn't sure. But that's exactly what it feels like and it makes me feel like I have to pee for a split second...? It's so amazing seeing them on the scan...I can't wait for the next one!

Damn stupid weather and airlines...he's not making it home tonight. :( :( :( oh well...I'll survive for one more day! I guess our date plans for tomorrow night will have to be rescheduled.
oh no Lauren im so sorry he couldnt come home last night but hopefully youre in each other's arms as i type :) Hope you both have a wonderful weekend :)
Hi All!
How's everyone feeling? Well my husband is finally home, so I am happy...but now he's bugging me in the bed with his kicking and snoring! I have to get used to him again I guess. :)

I got my screening stuff done, and it came back negative for Down's and whatever else they test for (I didn't get all the details yet) so that's good news...and I got my scan date to find out the sex!! March 22nd...can't wait!

We're going to Florida for a few days next week...looking forward to that too.

Lauren so pleased that everything came back ok with the tests :)

As for hubby in bed, mines not been away and he does my head in being in bed, always seem to stick his bum out or put his knee in the way of my stomach or put his face too close to mine takes me ages to settle and then again everytime i get up to use the loo. My friend who's pregnant says that hers is too fidgety in bed and she always ends up shouting at him lol.

How lovely for you both to go to Florida, that's going to be lovely, ive never been, bet its lovely and not too hot at this time of year.

Oooo went looking at prams and cotbeds again yesterday but took my mum this time and we've decided after initially wanting the silvercross linear to go for the quinny buzz coz its a LOT lighter and will fit much easier into my car ooo and my Mum bought baby a gorgeous zebra rocker that plays nature sounds and is just cute lol we've got a nice little collection of baby things developing now, it's so exciting. Oh my birthday plans have gone a bit arwy, was meant to be going to the comedy club with a group of friends but went to buy the tickets at weekend and they'd sold out 2 weeks before, now we've been going to this place for about 4yrs and ive NEVER been sold out before, very odd so instead i'm going for a family meal with my Mum and Dad at a local italian restaurant and think we're going up to Ste's parents on the Saturday so it should still be nice but not as exciting as i'd planned but perhaps that's a good thing :)

Hugs xxx Ooooo Moggy where are you? Not seen you online for a while, hope everythings ok xxx
Where's everyone gone??????

Been for my 2nd attempt at 20wk scan today, baby still being so so arkward it had its legs above it's head like a contortionist today quite impressive but not fun for getting measurments sooooooo i have to go back AGAIN in 2 weeks time for another attempt so i'm still on team yellow

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