oooo dont you get bank holiday's Lauren? Theyre like public holidays where the banks don't work, like your independence day but we have 8 a yr i think, like christmas and new yr.
Yay for 3rd tri, bet you both have your bubs before me though lol. My friend's measuring 2 weeks ahead too moggy, theyre sending her for a glucose test tomoz to rule that out as a cause and then keeping an eye on her and she'll prob have to go for growth scans if she continues to measure ahead, funny thing is though my bump seems more prominent than hers and i'm measuring bang on my dates so effectively 3 weeks behind her from actual bump measurement lol.
OMG just looked at my ticker and it says 79 days left, that just seems too soon. Sorry if this is TMI but has anyone starting leaking yet? Im beginning to think perhaps mine are broken coz aside from being tender to the touch theres nowt much going on there, they dont even seem to have grown (not that im complaining about that coz theyre big enough).
Oh and i think bubs is deffo already a daddy's girl, when i put my hand on my tummy she never kicks, if my mum or friends put their hands on tummy she never kickcs but within 30 secs of hubby putting his hand on she ALWAYS kicks even to the point he tried to see if he could listen to heartbeat through tummy by resting his head on my tummy and she started kicking his ear. How does she know its him just from the touch, i think its amazing. Probably a massive coincidence but its EVERY time lol