As i said in PM she looks amazing!
Mogster was a premmie at 35 weeks and is 3 on monday - he is no different to any other 3 year old these days, he was just small to start and they do say good things come small
Moglet measuring way ahead still, hoping he will be out soon, off to beg MW for scan today and discuss possible date to induce him if he is big as dont want anything to stop me getting home to Mogster. Moglet been measuring steadily 3-4 weeks ahead all along and now he has engaged he measured 6-7 ahead which cant be right cos hes droped down
Will keep you posted...
Love Ella's name, does she have a middle name?
Hoping she will be home soon, remember with Mogster they kept us 5 days and that seemed forever but at least I was in with him, must have been tough when they split you up early on but it sounds like they have given incredible care and she is thriving on it, sure next time we hear from you it will be to say she is suckling herslef and taking more and more feed herself
My MW said when Mogster was born he had missed some of the lessons in there and wouls have to learn somethings like sucking in the real world, so true but once they get it they get it and Im sure it makes them cleverer? Hoping Moglet wil stay put to 37 weeks and then make his entry, much longer than that we would rather get an idea of size!
Congrats again and good luck Lauren for little one....