I HATE it when they grab the steering! My instructor is ok, shes doing her job obviously coz 14weeks ago i had never started a car and now i know how to drive but she sometimes gets a bit hysterical over things and scares me to death!!! She has a habit of grabbing the steering and it really annoys me, i understand if im gonna make a big mistake but usually she has time to just say "go to the left" etc and sometimes she uses the clutch to stop me stalling and then tells me "i had to stop you stalling then" well if your stopping me then im not gonna know if i stall or not so when im on my test and thinking im doing my clutch ok all along then stall a million times coz all along you have been using it for me its not gonna help is it?????? FFS IM IN A SHIT MOOD! sorry ladies! Prob shouldnt of come in here today! xxx