Life after Loss Support Group........All Welcome :)

Everything went well. He told me I could try right now and why do I want to loose weight first? I said I would just feel better doing it this way. He always gives me a vaginal sonogram at every visit he said everything looks great and whenever I want to try then try. He then said he thinks in his opinion that Ava did have Trisomy 18 he can't prove it but he highly suspects it :cry::cry::cry::cry::cry: He said Andrea it was a fluke it wont happen again and go for it. I asked about doing the CVS and he said he wouldn't want me to do that cause the miscarriage rate is high. So now I don't know what I would do, i don't want to wait for Amnio cause then it would be to far into pregnancy, what do they do earlier do the do scans maybe to see something.? I don't want to get to the second trimester and find bad news. I am happy but confused now..:hugs::hugs:

Hi Andrea, glad it went well and he gave you the green light honey. I can understand your worries about next time, though you know the odds of having the same problem are ridiculously small. I know statistics are cold comfor though for us.

Do they do the Nuchal Translucency Test along with bloods there? (think it might be called the triple screen, but check that) I'm sure they would. It's a combination of a measurement of the nuchal fold at the back of the baby's neck done by scan at 12 weeks and bloods done by 12 or 13 weeks, I think. Together they give a risk factor analysis for chromosomal abnormalities. It is not a diagnostic tool, so doesn't give solid answers, but what it does give is a strong indication of risk, so further diagnostic testing can either be reccommended (such as amnio or CVS), or if the risk is low (as most times it is), then the need for amnio or CVS is ruled out. The best thing is it's completely non-invasive to the baby, just a scan and blood test for you. It may be worth an ask, or a google about it. I'm sure it will be done in the states if it's done here. There are also many clues picked up on U/S, such as femur length and a bone in the nose but I'm not sure if these are able to be picked up on the 12 week scan or only the 20. Sorry I'm no help there, does anyone else know?

I think, hard as it is, Andrea you may have to just find the faith that it will all be OK. I have no guarantees that my waters won't break again, I just have to trust that that happened because it was twins - there are a few things the doctors can do to watch out for changes but ultimately it is a gamble. It's so hard I know but anything could happen to anyone at any time and I can't allow my life to be crippled by all those what-if's to the extent that I don't live, same goes for trying again for me. I know I'll be singing a different tune if I do get pregnant! I know it will be terrifying and I know I haven't really given myself enough time to heal but I feel that I will just have to deal with it as I go along because I don't have time to spare. The age gap with my only DD worries me more than my physical age, to be honest, I never wanted her to be on her own this long. (Though my Mum just admitted to me that she hit menopause early at about 45 - 48 ish so that scared the cr*p outa me! She started her periods early too and so did I, eek!) Obviously you have to do what's right for you. What I'm prepared to do may be completely different to what you are and so on, I'm not saying I'm doing blah so you have to as well! You will know where your own boundaries are, the point I'm making is that if we allowed ourselves to think about every single thing that could go wrong in life we'd never leave the house, or let our children out! We can't live like that. We've had a taste of the nastiness that can happen in pregnancy though so we focus on that, it's natural. I hope you can get past the fear and allow yourself some hope hon. Right, now to fully convince myself the same, hehe!

I hope you do find the strength to try again honey and I hope you get your rainbow soon. I wish you all the love and luck in the world. xxx

Thanks .. I did do the Nuchal Translucency plus bloods with Ava and my risk for DS was 1 in 132 and Trsiomy 18 was 1 in 89 , they didn't suggest CVS and I have not been pregnant in 10 years so I didn't even know CVS existed, so they said cause of my numbers I had to do Amnio, right before the Amnio test is when I found out she died. I thought my Doctor would agree with doing the CVS since if there is a problem I will know early on, but when I mentioned it he said the risk for miscarraige is to high and didn't tell me what other options I have. I am not going to get past 15 weeks and then something is wrong, so i don't know what I will do. XOXOOX:hugs::hugs:

Aw sorry, Andrea, I didn't realise you had done it with Ava. I would say that your doctor is there to help YOU, and shouldn't be laying down the law about what you should and shouldn't do. You should do what's right for you, and I think the risks of CVS are different depending what clinic you use. I've read on another thread (that I think you were part of also) that if you got to a main hospital that specialises in it then the risks are way lower. I'm hoping that the next time you would do your nuchal test and it would come up with brilliant numbers so you don't have to do anything! I realise you want to get it set in your mind first though, I fully understand that. Could you call him and discuss it again?
Tanya, hope you're feeling better hon. I felt nauseous this time before OV, maybe just the time of year too, emotions are running pretty high. I hope all that relaxing does you well hon.

Blav, I'm so sorry you had such a rough night at work, it's so difficult to be in these situations and not say anything, isn't it? Petty problems and a pregnant woman all rolled into one, oh joy. I hope the next couple of days are easeir on you. GL on OV, hope you catch it. I know exactly what you mean wanting to be pregnant, but not with another baby, you want Mateo back, I feel the same way though am starting to accept it's impossibility. I hope you get your pics soon hon.

Kiki, how are your temps today hon?

Jojo, hope your scan went well, will be checking for updates hon.

Mhairi, GL Monday, I'll be thinking of you hon.

Amanda, how are you now sweetheart? I'm hoping your scan goes well too hon.

Bride2b, Sorry you got a complaint about your phone, it's hard dealing with stuff like that when you are delicate. I'm glad to hear your bleeding is nearly over, I hope everything sorts itself out quickly for you. I really hope they get back to you about the funeral, I hope it gets sorted soon as well.

Kelly, how you this morning/evening?

Erica, Tanya, you still around and OK? Hope so girls.

Nat, how you feeling now hon, thinking of you.

Helen, are you alright hon?

Nothing much to report from me, got hubby's damn tax return to do, I hate it, so may be off air for a while, bleh.....

My goodness! What a bad couple of days! Yesterday I left for work at 7.30am and didnt get home from work until 9.15pm. Today I left at 7.30am and didn't get home from work until 10pm! Plus OFSTED came to out school today with no notice whatsoever!

So I'm a bit dazed - I will get back to you lovely ladies soon honest. Just soooooooooo tired! xxx

Just had to share .... :happydance:

I have officially fed into my POAS addiction .... I just purchased my very first bunch of opk's & hpt's off ebay..... :happydance::happydance::happydance:

I am BEYOND excited.... Now, I just hope to God they come with detailed instructions :winkwink: Can't believe how cheap they are there :dohh: For the same price I was paying for just 1 hpt I bought 50 opk and 20 hpt!!!!

Woooo Hooo!!! I'm in poas heaven!!! :happydance::happydance:

Should be in my hands before this Saturday, super fast!! Mercy!!!

Oh... And for all my Scottish friends... Dear God, I am moving there! Just heard a famous actor's accent and fell in love and think I even wet myself ....:blush: :rofl:
I may or may not be responsible for Kelly's new found addiction of said ebay purchase :blush:
I love you all
I just am really confused with thisCVS thing.:cry::cry::cry::cry:
Hope to see some BFP soon though:hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs:
What exactly is CVS?

It can be done way more early than amnio, I wanted CVS cause I am terrified of getting to the second trimester and something happening..:cry::cry::cry::cry:
Oh Andrea I can see why that is so pressing on your mind :hugs: Thats a tough decision to make and I am sorry you are dealing with that :hugs:
Hi, i been Feeling sick for past 2 days, Nausea is killing me here and so is curiosity.also got a cold from this lady on The subway who was making noise with her sick nose for 45 min ride. Everything else is ok around here cant complain. Thank you everybody for your encouragment yesterday!

I promise to write to everybody soon


Just had to share .... :happydance:

I have officially fed into my POAS addiction .... I just purchased my very first bunch of opk's & hpt's off ebay..... :happydance::happydance::happydance:

I am BEYOND excited.... Now, I just hope to God they come with detailed instructions :winkwink: Can't believe how cheap they are there :dohh: For the same price I was paying for just 1 hpt I bought 50 opk and 20 hpt!!!!

Woooo Hooo!!! I'm in poas heaven!!! :happydance::happydance:

Should be in my hands before this Saturday, super fast!! Mercy!!!

Oh... And for all my Scottish friends... Dear God, I am moving there! Just heard a famous actor's accent and fell in love and think I even wet myself ....:blush: :rofl:

Hahaha like you need more of an excuse to POAS! At least your habit will be cheaper now! The Internet sticks are good for a crazy 'it's way too early to test but I'm gonna do it anyway' poas!

Kelly you are welcome over here any time...I love him too but just be warned most people don't sound or look as good as him ;) xx

Just had to share .... :happydance:

I have officially fed into my POAS addiction .... I just purchased my very first bunch of opk's & hpt's off ebay..... :happydance::happydance::happydance:

I am BEYOND excited.... Now, I just hope to God they come with detailed instructions :winkwink: Can't believe how cheap they are there :dohh: For the same price I was paying for just 1 hpt I bought 50 opk and 20 hpt!!!!

Woooo Hooo!!! I'm in poas heaven!!! :happydance::happydance:

Should be in my hands before this Saturday, super fast!! Mercy!!!

Oh... And for all my Scottish friends... Dear God, I am moving there! Just heard a famous actor's accent and fell in love and think I even wet myself ....:blush: :rofl:

Haha, Kelly - I really hope now you've bought a bulk load you only have to use one of them.....

Hi, i been Feeling sick for past 2 days, Nausea is killing me here and so is curiosity.also got a cold from this lady on The subway who was making noise with her sick nose for 45 min ride. Everything else is ok around here cant complain. Thank you everybody for your encouragment yesterday!

I promise to write to everybody soon


Aww Nat, I hope and pray this is it for you!!!! I am soooooo excited for you,,

Nikki, Thanks for the advice and for caring

Kelly, I use the clearblue easy opk's they are SO easy, when you get the smiley face that means ovulation is within 24 to 36 hours.. XOXO

Love you all and I hope and pray everything will be ok with all of us.. :hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs:
Oh Nat! I have everything crossed for you :happydance:

AFM- I dont think I even ovulated this month :( My temp shot up... but I think I got the surge and nothing was released. My temps are just way too low for these to be post ov temps :shrug: They are at my coverline where as usually they are way higher after ov. This has never happened to me before :dohh:
Honestly.... I have NO idea what brand I got... Hahahahah :blush:

It's the strips you dip and test... use only once... Yippee... I get to pee in a cup!!!! :happydance: Love ... :happydance:

They should arrive Friday or Saturday.... I "should" be "O" SUnday.... So, might get to throw in a few tests runs... You know I HAVE to practice!!!

I bought 50 opk and 20 hpt... That should last the first month ...right? :dohh::rofl::rofl::rofl:

I have officially REALLY lost the lil mind I did have ... :happydance:
Hi, i been Feeling sick for past 2 days, Nausea is killing me here and so is curiosity.also got a cold from this lady on The subway who was making noise with her sick nose for 45 min ride. Everything else is ok around here cant complain. Thank you everybody for your encouragment yesterday!

I promise to write to everybody soon


Nat.... This might be it for you Hon' ... :happydance: I have everything I can cross crossed for you!!!!!

Keep us posted!!! :hugs:
Due to my super late "ov" this month I think I used about 30 OPK's this cycle alone :dohh: Good thing when I bought mine, I got 90 OPK and 10 HPT. I have 5 HPT left and Im guessing 40 opk's and I bought my stash I think this was my 3rd, or is it only my second??? cycle using them :haha: I start with one a day mid aftn, then getting close to my expected ov I do on about 1:30pm and again about 10pm. Then due to my real late ov I was doing 1:30, 5pm and 10 pm :dohh: That adds up quick! :rofl:
With all this poas madness I thought to myself this afternoon that maybe I should see if I get my BFN as the bleeding has stopped today (yay!)

Well just poas & BFN.....feel very relieved that it didn't still show as positive as that would have rubbed salt in the wounds! Did you all feel relieved to get the BFN after bleeding stopped. I do feel sad now that my pregnancy is all over & felt wierd getting the same sticks out that I used when I found out I was expecting Bertie. That was also a Wednesday!!

It's my first stage in getting my body back & hopefully my sanity!! Now gotta hope the opks arrive!!!x
Should I have waited until morning to test?does if make a difference? X
No at this point it doesnt have to be FMU sadly because we need that to know it is building UP... where you are we are waiting for it to dwindle down :( Once it dwindles down to a bfn during the day... your levels wont be rising again by morning :shrug:

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