Life after Loss Support Group........All Welcome :)

I had light spotting with j and he was fine, it was around 5/6 weeks

I honestly wouldn't worry, spotting is really, really common x

So hard though isn't it, seeing and the tri 1 women saying 'I just need to get to my 12 week and it will all be okay' and for me I don't even think I will feel that at the 20 week :(

Ae you having an early scan? I have one at 7 weeks on the 5th x

Nice to meet you olive, I did wonder if there was anyone else who had been through the same and was pregnant again x
Sally (hope i got your name right my memory is terrible right now lol!!) please try not to panic about the bleeding (easier said than done I know) there have been a few rainbow pregnancies beginning in here over the last few weeks and if I remember rightly almost everyone has had bleeding around that time and little baby is still growing.
Do you know if you are getting an early scan?

Feeble- welcome here and congrats on your rainbow pregnancy. How are you feeling about it?

I'm 14 weeks along, I lost my twins at 23 weeks. I keep telling myself I can relax when I get to 24 weeks but I don't think I ever will until I get to see a healthy crying baby.
Seems like forever away right now.
We will all support each other through this xx
14 weeks in seems so far along to me at the moment!

I hope everything goes beautifully for you x
Thanks for the reassurance, it helps to hear words of comfort and reassurance. I've read that spotting is normal but never had any last time so it just freaked me out a bit.

Feeble, I've just read your story on your thread. I'm glad you've joined us here - it really helps to have other people to share this journey with. There are quite a few other ladies here who are pregnant again, some quite soon after their loss just like us. I've not told anyone we're expecting again yet, so its great to have someone to share the worries with. I want to wait until after my due date in January, so people don't think I've forgotten about my little angel, and so everyone else gives him the recognition and remembrance that he deserves.

And yes, Mhairi you got it right! It is so hard to remember peoples names isn't it?!

I think i should get an early scan - when we went back to the hospital for our results with the consultant she mentioned that we would have an 8week scan. I already contacted my midwife (phoned her directly rather than going via my GP this time) and she's coming to do my booking in visit at 6 weeks, so hopefully I'll get the scan sorted after that.
I can't get hold of my midwife for love nor money

But at least its only a week until your scan :thumbup:
Can you leave her a message so she can ring you back? If not, maybe ask at the scan next week or pester your GP. Midwives usually do the booking in appointment around 8 weeks but as I'll be under the high risk consultant this time the midwife said she wanted to get me in the system as early as possible. Just keep pestering people if you really feel you need to speak to someone, or if you're more of a laid back kind of gal just go with the flow!
14 weeks in seems so far along to me at the moment!

I hope everything goes beautifully for you x

thank you :hugs:. Honestly, I never believed I would get this far. First, I was worried about an early miscarriage, and now I'm worried about a second tri one! I keep teeling myself that a second tri miscarriage is very unlikely especially twice, but, when they don't know what caused me to lose the twins it makes it very hard to relax. I just try to take it one day at a time, and celebrate each increasing week. I'm starting to believe that maybe it will work out this time, but then I get a voice in my head that says don't be stupid, if you start to bond, it will make it harder when it ends. think I will be a crazy woman by the time I get to 40 weeks!

Thanks for the reassurance, it helps to hear words of comfort and reassurance. I've read that spotting is normal but never had any last time so it just freaked me out a bit.

Feeble, I've just read your story on your thread. I'm glad you've joined us here - it really helps to have other people to share this journey with. There are quite a few other ladies here who are pregnant again, some quite soon after their loss just like us. I've not told anyone we're expecting again yet, so its great to have someone to share the worries with. I want to wait until after my due date in January, so people don't think I've forgotten about my little angel, and so everyone else gives him the recognition and remembrance that he deserves.

And yes, Mhairi you got it right! It is so hard to remember peoples names isn't it?!

I think i should get an early scan - when we went back to the hospital for our results with the consultant she mentioned that we would have an 8week scan. I already contacted my midwife (phoned her directly rather than going via my GP this time) and she's coming to do my booking in visit at 6 weeks, so hopefully I'll get the scan sorted after that.

I hope you get your early scan, it really is such a relief to see the little beanie with a beating heart. I got my BFP just two days after my due date, but, if it had been before, I would probably have done the same as you and kept it to myself. I wouldn't have wanted to take any attention away from my angels in what was 'their time' if you know what I mean. I still feel a bit weird telling people. We haven't made any announcements, we told the people who supported us through losing the girls, everyone else can find out when they find out (and its becoming pretty obvious now, lol. Its actually quite funny watching people wondering, but too scared to ask - I think I'm cruel). But some of the people who do know, they seem to think that now everything is fixed, like a new baby is some magical cure for me. I sometimes get annoyed when they get excited, like it's disrespectful or something. My mind is a weird place sometimes!!!

I hope you get no more bleeding, and that it's just your little rainbow snuggling in deep xxx
Hey Sally, bleeding is actually common in early pregnancy & sometime throughout. Its hard to not to freak out (as I would be totally freaking) but keep the facts in mind that it is very normal just as the others have said. Hope you get your early scan for reassurance!

Mhairi (and all other rainbow makers), it must be so hard to try and stay relaxed, especially as most people relax after the 12 week scan, and for all of us there is not a chance of relaxing until the dreaded week of our last loss arrives. Its also catch 22, you want to bond with the baby but are so frightened to incase something dreadful happens. Its so sad that the magic of being pregnant and enjoying with has been so bitterly taken away from us.
I know I will feel a bit of relief at 12, then, 16, the 19 weeks (when I lost my little man) and then 20 weeks, and finally 24 weeks. But as you say only when we reach 40 weeks will we be able to breathe a sign of relief.

By the way :hi: feeble. I read your story and am sorry for what happened to you. Your post was very frank and honest, and I can understand some of the feelings and what you say to people isnt necessarily what you would really want t say. Its funny how when the time came for delivery I felt quite calm too from what I remember, its as though any grief you might be feeling is stalled and something else takes over. Congrats on your rainbow xx

Well for me I am waiting on my first AF after my loss, I am so hoping for a BFP at the end of Jan so would like AF to make her appearance soon (and hopefully before the 9th for the consultants appointment as am not sure if they do an examination - anyone know???) Had my last set of bloods taken yesterday for the post 'miscarriage' so thats out of the way, it just seems such a long process! Its very odd that I had a dream I was at the doctors and had some tests done and they said I was pregnant! It was so real!! Hurry up now :witch:

Hope everyone else is ok, I know there are some would have been due dates soon or just passed, hope they went/go as smoothly as possible :hugs:
Just popped in to say hi and wish everyone a happy and healthy New Year!
Mhairi' I can't believe you are 14 weeks already, how fast is this going :hugs::hugs: You will be on your way before you know it to having a beautiful baby .. Are you going to find out the gender? If so pleaseeeeeeeeeeeeee tell me, I am dying here :happydance::happydance::happydance::happydance:

Everyone I wish you all BFP .. I am doing good and loosing weight and still planning to try in early February when I ovulate :happydance::happydance::happydance:

Love You All :hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs:
Baby girl would have been born on the 18th of January... So am feeling quite low this month

So glad I am pregnant again though it's going to be hard to keep it from people!

At least I got my scan on the fifth...
Just popped in to say hi and wish everyone a happy and healthy New Year!
Mhairi' I can't believe you are 14 weeks already, how fast is this going :hugs::hugs: You will be on your way before you know it to having a beautiful baby .. Are you going to find out the gender? If so pleaseeeeeeeeeeeeee tell me, I am dying here :happydance::happydance::happydance::happydance:

Everyone I wish you all BFP .. I am doing good and loosing weight and still planning to try in early February when I ovulate :happydance::happydance::happydance:

Love You All :hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs:

happy new year to you's hoping for a better one than 2011 for all of us :hugs:

Yep, I can't believe I'm 14 weeks either! We are not finding out gender, both of us want to find out when baby comes out, I think I would like hubby to tell me. There's some debate at the moment over what's in there, hubby guessed correctly last time that it was two girls , and I was completely wrong. He's not committed himself this time yet! Whatever it is, it's pretty active anyway.

Aah I'm glad that you are managing to lose weight, your body will be in great shape for february, I can't wait to hear when you share some good news with us.

Well, I'm feeling out this month...AF should be here this weekend. I've taken 5 tests and all neg. I know that there is still a chance but I've looked at the statistics and about 80% of pregnancy tests are positive at 12DPO. So, either I didn't ovulate, or not enough :sex: or just not the right timing. Guess we'll find out soon enough!
Hey ladies!

Well just been to the doctors to tell him i'm pregnant and had a nice lil chat with him about how weird it all was, we worked out that i'm due around the 20th August through some wonderful guess work by both of us (faintness of preg test, when i last tested etc) and i made an appointment to see the midwife but its not till the end of jan as she's only here on mondays and i'm not free til then.

hope everyone else is ok

christine xxx
Well for me I am waiting on my first AF after my loss, I am so hoping for a BFP at the end of Jan so would like AF to make her appearance soon (and hopefully before the 9th for the consultants appointment as am not sure if they do an examination - anyone know???) Had my last set of bloods taken yesterday for the post 'miscarriage' so thats out of the way, it just seems such a long process! Its very odd that I had a dream I was at the doctors and had some tests done and they said I was pregnant! It was so real!! Hurry up now :witch:

Hope everyone else is ok, I know there are some would have been due dates soon or just passed, hope they went/go as smoothly as possible :hugs:

I am waiting for AF to show up from an anovulatory cycle... and am currently on cd45!! Can you believe this crap?! So maybe if my AF shows up ANYTIME SOON! we will get our :bfp: together next month :happydance:
Joining your little waiting for af group. Two months now. The only prooblem is thatmy breast are hurting now and i cant seem to keep my eyes open past 10. I keep checking and still bfn!
Ugh, sounds like a nightmare, Nat and Krissy. I really hope something shows up, either way! :hugs: Gemma, hope she shows soon. Blav, don't give up. I think 12DPO could still be too early - are you sure you O'd when you did? It aint over til she shows, remember.

AFM...well, it's unlikely, but there is a small chance this cycle for me...:blush: We weren't actively trying, but there is a possibility based on the OPK I did, and when we DTD, so we shall see...I don't want to get my hopes up too much, and I really shouldn't be trying again til my kidney consultant gives me the go ahead. But hey, difficult when you want something so much...Anyway, I am due AF on Jan 6th, so let's see, eh...
Blav, don't give up. I think 12DPO could still be too early - are you sure you O'd when you did? It aint over til she shows, remember.

Yes, you're right, it ain't over til it's over! Just so nerve racking. I actually don't even know if I O'd or not because the OPK never gave me a positive. OH and I just think it's weird that I wouldn't O because my period was so normal and I've always been very regular, but of course there is that chance. Just have to wait and see. I know I started testing way too early too, so set myself up for disappointment there a little. Keeping my fingers crossed that I did O and that my body is just making me wait on that BFP, I would love to be able to tell OH I'm pregnant on New Year's!

Also, today is exactly 2 months since we lost Mateo, so I've been a little sad. I should be 7 months pregnant now, sometimes I kind of forget that I'm not. Also, I called the lady at the hospital again about the pictures (that we should have had 6 weeks ago) and she said they got them last night so she'll be mailing them and we should have them soon. Also bittersweet. I'm glad we'll have his pictures finally, but it only makes everything more real (again). I told OH last night that it's almost like I relive the night we went to the hospital every night when I get done work because I drive the same road to our house that I did to the hospital that night. And, I had also just got done work the night we went to the hospital. :cry::cry::cry::cry:

You ladies are just so incredible and strong, you amaze me daily. I'm lucky to have found this place that makes me feel "normal". Thank you for all of your support (and the support I know you will give to me in the future). :hugs::hugs::hugs:
Thanks. I think the idea of being pregnant again is very appealing, and then the reality of it if it happens will be terrifying. I don't know how you all feel, but for me, pregnancy is a journey - you are counting off the weeks, checking progress on little charts and books, looking at what the baby is like at each stage, and when it is so cruelly stopped in its tracks, with nothing at the end, the thought of starting the journey all over again is so very scary. I can't help thinking where I should be on that journey right now, and yet I am either right at the beginning again, or more likely not on it at all yet. The weeks and months have somehow run away from me and I am nowhere. I should be so close to the finishing line, and I am not even at the starting block. Does anyone else feel like this or is it just me? :fool:

I mean, if it hasn't happened this month, it's not the end of the world, because I really shouldn't be trying anyway, but it will feel like yet another month has slipped away from me.

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