Life after Loss Support Group........All Welcome :)

Gemma----so great about AF!!! :happydance::happydance::happydance: I know it's been torture for you to wait, and now she's here!
Yes I'm glad its here, was starting to let my mind run away with me!

Its funny about you all saying about poas. My OH knew I was when I was using CBFM last time. I'll tell him when I start using the OPKs but maybe not tell him about everytime - he'll inly get bored anyway! All he'll be interested in is if its time to dtd!! I didnt tell him about all the pills, potions and lotions I used to try and get my BFP last time! In the end all those things didnt matter as all I needed to do was relax about ttc and it worked!

Its funny (sort of) I was reading the replies on here last night & replying & OH wanted to know what I was doing. I told him just replying to a forum -I didnt tell him I have become OBSESSED once again with B&B, he didnt realise the last time I was on here, but didnt visit as frequently before. I didnt want to show him what I was writing just because I'm not sure he will approve of me keep thinking about whats happened & stewing on it. I know thats not what this is all about but I dont think he will see that its helping me - that you are all helping me :hugs:. I just told him I was discussing IC - I was at the time. He said the thought there was something dodgey going on! I guess it could have looked like that! I read out to him my initial post in the IC thread and some of the replies. I'm not sure he was that the detail is probably too much for a man to handle. I told him I need this place to help me find answers and to get as much info as I can for Mondays appointment & I dont have any friend I can talk to about losing a baby...and this is my only place I can come to seek help and get advice.

I just dont think he would get how important it is for me to come here and talk about whats happened and everything else we discuss on trying again. I dont think blokes come on these sorts of things. But I honestly dont know what I would have done without you all.

Britney, Andrea & all other Feb TTCers - cant wait!!:happydance: Hope your all well and counting down the days until Feb!

Sally - I am glad the MW said you can try again straight away if you like. But as you say giving your body chance to recover might be a good idea to make sure you are at full fitness. So you have to join in with the Feb TTCers too!!! Yay!

Tanya - hope the test results come back with a good outcome for you. Will you start ttc if you dont have the clotting disorder?

Fiona & Helen hope your both feeling well.

Krissy - has the witch arrived yet? any signs?

Jenny - your dreams sound really spooky. Just wondered can you dream that I fall pregnant in Feb and announce it in march please???:haha:
I'm actually feeling pretty good today thanks britney x

I didn't expect it to but yesterday's scan has really put my mind at ease and I have had an all day nausea today which is a good (and in my experience) girlie sign :)
I was just reading that second trimester losses only happen in 1-2% of pregnancies. I don't even know what to think about that. How unlucky we all were or how it would be rare for it to happen again? Ick.
:happydance: Gemma!! :happydance: So glad she finally showed... mine sadly still hasn't :brat:
its less than that isn't it? if you see a heartbeat at the 12 week scan its supposed to be 99.1% that it will go to term, so stillborn babies would not be included but our little wee angels are that 0.9%...

What scares me is that even though statisically there is very little chance of it happening twice... it is the same likelihood for each pregnancy... which we are all painfully aware of hey :(

Ohhh sorry, i just minged myself out massively :(
YAY!! Gemma!! I loved it when my period came. Oh, and I will get on dreaming up a baby for you in February!!

Blav, I know what the hell is up with statistics. 1-2% chance my ass! LOL! I had 2 in a row, which sucks big balls. I guess I am a statistical anamoly!! LOL!! Well not next time.
That does suck big balls jennijunni...not fair at all! Not next time is right, I hope we'll all be in the clear!

:hugs: Feeble, I'm wishing and hoping that all our rainbows will be safe this time around!
Hi Gang! :hi:

Sorry I've been MIA lately....

Think I've been doing OK, think so... I dunno :shrug: Just been living each day as it comes...

How is everyone doing? Missed y'all ...

Helen, hope you are feeling nice and icky Haha.. Grow lil Bean, Grow... :winkwink:

Andrea, How has the dieting and healthy stuff been going?? This week, I have suddenly "woke up" and kicked myself in the booty... I have to loose this extra weight I've some how found these last few months... Man, I really haven't cared... Enough is enough... I"m ready... I started working out and ran today for the first time.. Felt great! So, I'm only 10-15 lbs heavier, which saying it like that doesn't sound TOO bad but my clothes are screaming other wise... YUCK! So I'm on a mission! LOL! And when I do get to my goal, I am treating myself to a nice pair of (sexy) high heels.. :winkwink: hahahaha

Tanya, I've missed ya! Hope you have been well.. You and DD enjoying time off? I"ll be thinking of ya Monday... I start my classes Monday, I'm dreading them...

Nikki ... I love hearing from you... An instant smile .... Hope all is well in your lil world... Xoxo! How are you in this crazy ttc cycle?

Nat... AF officially here???? FX'd!

Krissy... How are you Hon' ??? AF finally come???

Thinkin' of all you Rainbow Makers... Hope all is well... Rub the bump from Aunt Kelly :winkwink:

Mhairi... I hear your taking a break from here... Hope your doing OK ... Just know your never far from my thoughts and prayers friend... :hugs:

To all the newest friends.... Sending hugs and loves your way!

Oh yea, AFM ... Tomorrow is the beginning of my fertile time frame, but poor OH is so sick... So, guess we'll see how this goes... :shrug:
Tell OH to suck it only have a short window! Men are such wimps when it comes to being sick! Just put on some lacy skivvies and a pair of heels and I'm sure he'll suddenly feel much better. :sex: :sex: :sex:
Hi Gang! :hi:

Sorry I've been MIA lately....

Think I've been doing OK, think so... I dunno :shrug: Just been living each day as it comes...

How is everyone doing? Missed y'all ...

Helen, hope you are feeling nice and icky Haha.. Grow lil Bean, Grow... :winkwink:

Andrea, How has the dieting and healthy stuff been going?? This week, I have suddenly "woke up" and kicked myself in the booty... I have to loose this extra weight I've some how found these last few months... Man, I really haven't cared... Enough is enough... I"m ready... I started working out and ran today for the first time.. Felt great! So, I'm only 10-15 lbs heavier, which saying it like that doesn't sound TOO bad but my clothes are screaming other wise... YUCK! So I'm on a mission! LOL! And when I do get to my goal, I am treating myself to a nice pair of (sexy) high heels.. :winkwink: hahahaha

Tanya, I've missed ya! Hope you have been well.. You and DD enjoying time off? I"ll be thinking of ya Monday... I start my classes Monday, I'm dreading them...

Nikki ... I love hearing from you... An instant smile .... Hope all is well in your lil world... Xoxo! How are you in this crazy ttc cycle?

Nat... AF officially here???? FX'd!

Krissy... How are you Hon' ??? AF finally come???

Thinkin' of all you Rainbow Makers... Hope all is well... Rub the bump from Aunt Kelly :winkwink:

Mhairi... I hear your taking a break from here... Hope your doing OK ... Just know your never far from my thoughts and prayers friend... :hugs:

To all the newest friends.... Sending hugs and loves your way!

Oh yea, AFM ... Tomorrow is the beginning of my fertile time frame, but poor OH is so sick... So, guess we'll see how this goes... :shrug:

Really great, Kelly, it is going great!!! :happydance::happydance: I started my diet on December 2nd so far I lost like 13 pds :thumbup: I have been doing the Special K in the morning with banana's added and whatever I make for dinner I eat half. The first couple of weeks is hard, but then your stomach gets smaller and eating more actually hurts . So once you get over the first 2 weeks it's ok. I gave up soda like 8 months ago and over the holidays I drank some and I got SOoooo sick, my stomach was killing me :dohh: So now I just drink water or diet Ice Tea. Got another 15 pds and then I am for sure ready.

Love You All XOXOXOO Andrea :hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs:
Glad you are back Kelley!! I hope all is well with you! and yay for the running! I love running, I go everyday with my DH. We have a great time on our running "dates!" Yeah, and tell your OH to suck it up!! LOL!! What guy would turn down sex for being sick?? LOL!! I hope you catch the egg this month!
Hey girlies,
Helen you keep thinking them positive thoughts Hun. This little bean is a keeper.

Jemma, so glad af came. Woohoo. We have actually been trying since October after the last hospital appt. we were given the go ahead then but it still hasnt happened. :( maybe its a blessing in disguise as I will know for sure if I have the disorder or not when I get my bfp. I got pregnant with DD in feb and Jakob in march, maybe I will get a jan one this time. :) fingers crossed.

Fiona I'm glad the scan has put ur mind at ease

Hi Kelly, missed u too love. Good on you for going running. You haven't much to lose at all. It will be gone in no time. Either way though ur still beautiful. My diet starts Monday. I feel so yuck after Xmas. I gotta wait til Monday right? New week and all. Lol god I'm full of excuses. I hope you can get oh to bd. :) I'm coming up to that fertile window too.
Britney, I hate statistics now since my loss.. It makes me think I am so unlucky. They mean jack shit to me now.
Hey Andrea hope your ok hun.

I'm on my phone & will check in properly soon. Oh and I are child free tonight. DD is going to a sleep over so we're contemplating going for a meal or getting a take away delivery & having a nice night on. ;) I'm looking forward to it. Chat later lassies. :)
Really great, Kelly, it is going great!!! :happydance::happydance: I started my diet on December 2nd so far I lost like 13 pds :thumbup: I have been doing the Special K in the morning with banana's added and whatever I make for dinner I eat half. The first couple of weeks is hard, but then your stomach gets smaller and eating more actually hurts . So once you get over the first 2 weeks it's ok. I gave up soda like 8 months ago and over the holidays I drank some and I got SOoooo sick, my stomach was killing me :dohh: So now I just drink water or diet Ice Tea. Got another 15 pds and then I am for sure ready.

Love You All XOXOXOO Andrea :hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs:

GO ANDREA! Your almost half way there by the sounds of it! Well done :happydance:
Ladies do any of you have info in the form of a website or something that helps to explain why women feel so differently in their grief at the loss of a baby than the father. I am really struggling. I feel I can not be sad anymore infront of my OH as he lost his dad a few months back and he is trying his best to deal with that. His mum is also still mourning the loss of his dad too, which is understandable. I feel that my grief on top of everyone elses isnt helping my OH. He wont seek any help as he just gets on with things. I just need him to maybe see that I cant just move on and not dwell on whats happened. I need him to see that however much I try not to grieve it makes my emotions 100 times worse. I feel so selfish for greiving in front of him, but I can not help my emotions. I also feel selfish that I am inflicting pain on him on top of everything, but feel I have a right to grieve. I need to grieve as otherwise I will end up totally screwed up in the head. I just cant stop crying today, I'm just so overwhelmed. So if any of you have some info on how & why women grieve differently to men I would really appreciate it xx
My OH is the same, he just doesnt get it... to him it was a sad thing but 'not' that big a deal x

It really upset me at first but now i realise i just have grieve myself and not let him turn it into hatred x

they are just wired differently x
Same here, I know my OH doesn't think about our baby as much as I do. To him it feels like a long time ago and its not that he doesn't care, its just that the whole experience has been so different for him. He wasn't as bonded with the baby as I was, he didn't go through the same physical pain of labour as I did, he didn't have all those crazy hormones running through his body and this is all totally natural. I bought a book called Empty Cradle, Broken Heart after my loss. It is written for people who have experiences miscarriage, stillbirth or sudden infant death. Some of it is a bit cheesy and OTT for me, but its given me lots of affirmation that all the emotions I'm feeling are totally normal. There is a chapter for men and also a chapter about how a loss can affect your relationship. It basically says that it is totally normal for couples to experience grief differently and that conflict, frustration and anger will often follow because couples naturally deal with their grief on different timescales and in different ways, and because the whole horrible experience changes who we are. The advice it gives is to accept your differences and to keep being honest with each other about how you are feeling.
I'm sorry you're feeling down Gemma, it sounds like you and your OH have had a tough few months. Look after yourselves - you and your OH probably need each other more now than ever before :hugs:
Sorry girls, I've just searched all my bookmarks as I know I read about this at the time, about men and women grieveing differently but I can't find anything now. I will keep searching and report back if I find something. It's all such a haze, the first few weeks but I definitely read about the relationship problems it can cause.

Tanya, I'm with you this month, on CD12 today but have had really strong body signs of OV since 2 days ago - we've had a full house so only got round to BD last night, so hopefully haven't missed my window. Feel really crampy today. I'm thinking that if last month was a chemical then hopefully I might be extra-fertile this month? Who knows. Trying my hardest to relax about it but it seems impossible.

Hope you are all well, hugs to those that need them! xxx

Somebody told me about this product today for shorter periods. I think because mine is too long, i cant seems to find the right time for........

Product Description
Effective for:* Heavy Bleeding.** Lengthy Bleeding.Shepherds Purse is a naturalherb which is used to stop heavy bleeding, particularity fron the uterus.It is effective in reducing heavy menstrual periods, and is used to treat postpartum hemorrhage.

Just wanted to share
Natalie did you get like major cramping just before your MIA AF arrived? Cuz wow tonight am I bloated and getting this random on off on off cramping this hurts like an SOB :brat:

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