Life after Loss Support Group........All Welcome :)

Ah Kelly you poor thing you are really goinv through it. I dont know much about those things. I'm sure the doctors will do what they need to & it sounds like your fertility doc is happy for you to try again which is good. It must be scared but positive vibes are coming your way xxxx

Britney temping is's only my first month doing it so need to learn more,I'm sure there are others here that know more,how many DPO are you now?xx

My temp is still around the same as it has been so don't think ov is gonna happen yet x

I have been temping for years so if you have any questions feel free to ask!! :happydance:

Do you know anything about this so-called implantation dip? :dohh::dohh::dohh:
Absolutely! Alot of women will see an implantation dip anywhere from 3-4 dpo to 8-9 dpo. One of my coworkers had it on her chart, with spotting on the same day as the dip. I told her then that she was pg... she didnt believe me and low and behold she is now 18 weeks pg with a girl. :haha:
Well, I'm keeping my fingers crossed! I'm trying not to symptom spot, but it's impossible!

I think i could be about 8-9 DPO today. Yesterday I had the dip, and also pain in the lower right side of my abdomen (near pelvis). Would almost pulse for a couple seconds then go away. Today I've had some cramps tonight (way too early for AF and worse than I usually have for AF, also seemed like maybe pressure) and I've had back pain all week (could be unrelated). Took an OPK this morning and got the darkest line I've seen all cycle (wasn't a positive OPK though, still lighter than the control line). Cervical mucous has been quite creamy looking (OH claims it looks like it did when I was pg last time but how can he be sure?).

Someone give me a chill pill!!!!!
Well I have a need to POAS and I am on cd4 or something :rofl: I might POA OPK for now :haha:
Helen, so bloody glad to hear that everything's OK!! I've been away the weekend so this is the first I've been online and I was dying to get in and check on you. Phew! I'm not surprised you cried hon, what a relief! I think you'd built yourself up to expect the worst, hadn't you? So so happy for you. I wouldn't worry about the fibroid either, they are very common and if it's tiny too and only just formed it should be fine. I think they only need to be noted so if you needed an emergency c/Section then they know where it is and don't go through it.

Bride, it's a hard one for you to decide, I don't really want to influence you either way! You do whatever you think is right. I know the decision for me to TTC was hard without thinking about fitting into a dress, I changed my mind every day for a good while!

As for me, well we had a lovely weekend away in the funniest wee cabin I've ever seen - it was like an "A" frame with wings! Too funny. It was in native bush in a tiny wee township northwest of here. It was really nice to have a wee break and we did lots of wee nature walks etc and saw lots of cool birds and beasts and waterfalls. Good for the soul and loooong overdue! There wasn't even any phone reception, it was great!

Prior to that however, I went and saw my neighbour who has just had her wee baby boy and took them some food etc. I got myself all stressed thinking about it and cried half the morning then when I went I was fine! I'm so proud of myself - she handed him to me and I just looked at him and breathed him in and actually loved it. She went out of the room and a wee tear snuck out but then I was fine again. I rocked him to sleep and I was in heaven. Aftyer all my moaning about her I felt really bad, she was lovely, genuinely pleased to see me I think and asked me if it was really sad for me and I said "yes and no, how could you be sad seeing a lovely wee man like that?" Yes it reminds me of what I've lost, but it just felt lovely holding him, I don't know, I think I've turned a corner - really seeing her pregnant bothered me more than seeing her with her wee man, I've no idea why and I'm not going to analyse it, I'll just take it!

I know I wouldn't have felt this a couple of months ago and I know we all heal at different rates, so I hope this doesn't upset anyone else, I would never judge anybody who can't be near newborns or feels the horror jealousy that we all have felt. I think often though that the buildup to being around a baby may be way worse than actually doing it and holding him washed all the horrid feelings away and filled me with hope, who knows why? Anyway, I'm so glad I did it before we went away, it meant I could fully relax. My midwife came in while I was there too (we had the same one, she had reccomended her to me whan I was pregnant with the boys) and I think she was really glad to see me holding him, she'd been asking about me. It also solved a bit of a puzzle I've been mulling over in my head a lot recently about which Midwife I would go with if I ever get pregnant again. I felt relaxed in her company and I'll be under shared care with my OB as well for anything technical so I think I would go with her again, I think feeling relaxed is half the battle. I realise I'm very lucky to be able to pick my own one anyway and it gets funded for me.

I hope everyone else is well, sorry that turned into such an essay, I'm just so happy with my self, it's like having an epiphany, hehe!

With my son I had a dip at 8dpo or maybe 7dpo I can't remember if the increase in temp was on 8dpo. Anyway there is a book I bought that made me a temping pro in no time it's called taking charge of your fertility by toni weschler. I highly recommend it. I'll be temping again once af returns. I've already gone on my FF account and marked in the first day of bleeding from the delivery. It was hard to do.

I am eager to be pg again but not so eager to temp and use opks etc, I didn't think I'd have to for a long time to come.
I see we have a few newcomers. I am so sorry for your loss. My name is Tanya & I lost my little boy Jakob at 22 weeks after going into premature labour. I don't be around here as much anymore (I had a serious addiction before now lol). I hope you get as much support here as I do.

Just wanted to let you girls know that I got the results of the blood I was waiting for. I have Antiphospholipid syndrome which is a blood clotting disorder. It is a very serious condition to have & the chances of having a baby full term without treatment is less then 10%. My poor wee man didn't stand a chance. I didn't get much info from the doctor as she was incompetent and failed to answer any question I asked her. she simply referred me to a haematologist. I can't shake the feeling that I will never have another baby. This is such a risky disorder to have in pregnancy & I feel that it just won't happen for me. I know there is treatment for it (heparin injections) but because I have googled I have read stories about the injections not working for some women. I should stay away from google.

Britney- I hope you get a bfp hun. How are all you girls doing? xxxx
Just wanted to let you girls know that I got the results of the blood I was waiting for. I have Antiphospholipid syndrome which is a blood clotting disorder. It is a very serious condition to have & the chances of having a baby full term without treatment is less then 10%. My poor wee man didn't stand a chance. I didn't get much info from the doctor as she was incompetent and failed to answer any question I asked her. she simply referred me to a haematologist. I can't shake the feeling that I will never have another baby. This is such a risky disorder to have in pregnancy & I feel that it just won't happen for me. I know there is treatment for it (heparin injections) but because I have googled I have read stories about the injections not working for some women. I should stay away from google.

Sorry you got this result Tanya. I hope the haematologist gives you some better information. Its a bit crap that they dumped the result on you and then didn't help much after that :growlmad:
This has reminded me that I need to chase up my blood clotting result - had blood taken for this in November and haven't heard back yet. Maybe I'll give the hospital a ring this week. Did you have any signs or idea you had this before you had the test? They said to me they were just doing this test to rule it out, but you always have a sneaky suspicions they know more than they're letting on when they say things like that (os am I just paranoid?!)

Britney, those signs sound pretty positive to me. Are you going to test soon or do you have the patience (unlike me) to wait til AF is due? I'm 9-10 dpo now, so almost the same as you I think. I have poas twice already over the last 2 days (I know its too early but I can't help it! :blush:) but BFN so far. I'm not giving up yet....
Ohhh ladies lots going on & not been able to get on and read & reply!

Britney - I am getting exited, I am keeping everything crossed!!!! I so hope this is the start of your rainbow....I am about the get too excited so shall move on :thumbup:

Nikki I am glad you had a lovely little break away, it sounds gorgeous & just what you needed. Even better news is that you have been so amazing with your neighbour & I am so pleased that you got to hold her little man & that you were super dooper ok with it (a little tear is aloud). I'm so proud that you have turned a corner & feel like you are getting back on track :cloud9:

Krissy - Thanks for the info on implatation dip - I shall remember that. I am sure I will have loads of questions about temping.

Kelly - I am going to google that book. I am definately in the market for taking control of my fertility! (Am going to start Evening primrose - for fertile cm, taking pregnacare & getting reflexology this week!)

Tanya, I'm sorry to hear about the results, I remember you talking about these a few weeks ago. Its even worse that they didnt manage to give you answers. That is just bull shit!! Hopefully the haematologist (sorry cant spell it!!) will be able to give you more info. I know I always google everything, but Dr Google can sometimes do more harm than good. Stay positive as the medical profession can do wonderful things & there is still a chance that you can have a baby. Dont give up yet hun xxxx

Sally - good luck with the poas!

Andrea - doing the dirty :xmas13:

AFM - temp still around what it was, I had a VERY faint line on the OPK yesterday am, but then it was completely white in the evening - whats that all about. Been poas twice a day for the last 3 days. Still no OV! I have been checking cm too & that doesnt seem to be changing much. It seems to change throughout the day - is this normal. But yet to have anything resembling egg white. I hope my cycles are not out of whack, I should really be OVing today (yesterday or tomorrow) based on cycles before my pregnancy. I just want to know what my body is doing so I know that in 2 weeks I'll have AF again & that is the cycle I can start trying. I am not trying this month I have decided (I hope I dont change my mind again once that OPK shows OV!). All I think about all day long is how much I want to be pregnant I am obsessed to the point where I actually think its unhealthy!

Lastly :dust::dust::dust::dust::dust::dust::dust::dust::dust::dust::dust::dust::dust::dust::dust::dust::dust::dust::dust::dust::dust:
Aw Tanya, try to stay positive, I know it's so hard but you had a DD already so you were one of the 10% already with no clue you had his and no treatment. Or does this thing suddenly develop? Have a look on the Gestational complications board, I'm sure there are threads there about clotting disorders, you may see some ladies there who are being treated successfully and having their babies. I'm sure you will get your rainbow, heparin normally works well. (I had a few injections of it in hospital because they were worried about me being on bed rest and carrying twins and not moving, I was high risk for DVT - I just wanted to add that they aren't too sore, I know that's the last thing on your mind, but wanted to add that) I'm sorry again you had a rubbish appointment, I know what a build up there is to them too, they are so long-awaited. I would ask to see someone else - there must be someone taking on your Ob's caseload while she's away on mat leave, surely? Maybe a few questions to the secretary might give you the name and let you make an appt? GL xxx
Sally, I had no clue that I had it. Even when they done the tests they had said it was doubtful that I had it as I had no history of bleeding. I have been reading alot about it and I definitely have had alot of the symptoms associated with it eg. headaches, blurred vision, patchy skin. I hope you get a BFP this month. :hugs::hugs:

Thank you Gemma. :hugs::hugs:

Nikki when I spoke to my consultant last time she said that people are either born with it or acquire it over time so because I had no complications with DD and she was a big 8lb 6 oz baby (It affects the growth of babies) then I have acquired it overtime. I have had a look at the thread of GC but although there are alot of success stories it is the stories of people who continue to have losses despite having treatment that sticks in my head so I think its better if I just stay away from them. My consultant did say that the chances increase dramatically (around 80%) with treatment so I really have to hold on to that but its hard.

Thanks for letting me know they are not sore. I have read loads about them being really painful but I would put up with that if it meant I got a take home baby. My ob has a team working with her & on the day of the appointment there were other doctors from her team who I dealt with during my pregnancy with Jakob & I would have been happy to have seen them. (One of them actually delivered Jakob)- Its just luck of the draw I guess. I will definitely ring the secretary the next time though and ask if I could be seen by one of them as opposed to the one I saw.
Ohhh ladies lots going on & not been able to get on and read & reply!

Britney - I am getting exited, I am keeping everything crossed!!!! I so hope this is the start of your rainbow....I am about the get too excited so shall move on :thumbup:

Nikki I am glad you had a lovely little break away, it sounds gorgeous & just what you needed. Even better news is that you have been so amazing with your neighbour & I am so pleased that you got to hold her little man & that you were super dooper ok with it (a little tear is aloud). I'm so proud that you have turned a corner & feel like you are getting back on track :cloud9:

Krissy - Thanks for the info on implatation dip - I shall remember that. I am sure I will have loads of questions about temping.

Kelly - I am going to google that book. I am definately in the market for taking control of my fertility! (Am going to start Evening primrose - for fertile cm, taking pregnacare & getting reflexology this week!)

Tanya, I'm sorry to hear about the results, I remember you talking about these a few weeks ago. Its even worse that they didnt manage to give you answers. That is just bull shit!! Hopefully the haematologist (sorry cant spell it!!) will be able to give you more info. I know I always google everything, but Dr Google can sometimes do more harm than good. Stay positive as the medical profession can do wonderful things & there is still a chance that you can have a baby. Dont give up yet hun xxxx

Sally - good luck with the poas!

Andrea - doing the dirty :xmas13:

AFM - temp still around what it was, I had a VERY faint line on the OPK yesterday am, but then it was completely white in the evening - whats that all about. Been poas twice a day for the last 3 days. Still no OV! I have been checking cm too & that doesnt seem to be changing much. It seems to change throughout the day - is this normal. But yet to have anything resembling egg white. I hope my cycles are not out of whack, I should really be OVing today (yesterday or tomorrow) based on cycles before my pregnancy. I just want to know what my body is doing so I know that in 2 weeks I'll have AF again & that is the cycle I can start trying. I am not trying this month I have decided (I hope I dont change my mind again once that OPK shows OV!). All I think about all day long is how much I want to be pregnant I am obsessed to the point where I actually think its unhealthy!

Lastly :dust::dust::dust::dust::dust::dust::dust::dust::dust::dust::dust::dust::dust::dust::dust::dust::dust::dust::dust::dust::dust:
LOL..I can't believe I thought that... Can I ask another question here> What is POAS :wacko::wacko::wacko: Did I spell that right? XOXOXO :kiss::hugs:

I see we have a few newcomers. I am so sorry for your loss. My name is Tanya & I lost my little boy Jakob at 22 weeks after going into premature labour. I don't be around here as much anymore (I had a serious addiction before now lol). I hope you get as much support here as I do.

Just wanted to let you girls know that I got the results of the blood I was waiting for. I have Antiphospholipid syndrome which is a blood clotting disorder. It is a very serious condition to have & the chances of having a baby full term without treatment is less then 10%. My poor wee man didn't stand a chance. I didn't get much info from the doctor as she was incompetent and failed to answer any question I asked her. she simply referred me to a haematologist. I can't shake the feeling that I will never have another baby. This is such a risky disorder to have in pregnancy & I feel that it just won't happen for me. I know there is treatment for it (heparin injections) but because I have googled I have read stories about the injections not working for some women. I should stay away from google.

Britney- I hope you get a bfp hun. How are all you girls doing? xxxx

Don't ever give up hope :hugs::hugs::hugs: I don't know anything about this but I do know there is always hope and you deserve this so I know one way or another it will happen for you. Try to stay positive.. ALl My Love XOOXOX
poas = peeing on a stick ie doing a pregnancy test (or opk i guess). This language is a bit tricky to get used to, but saves so much typing time!
poas = peeing on a stick ie doing a pregnancy test (or opk i guess). This language is a bit tricky to get used to, but saves so much typing time!

I am all over the place with this friggin short terms to words :wacko::wacko:
They do have a thread up above the forum with all the meanings to the words, I should get my ass to studying them..
Thanks :hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs:
Tanya sorry to hear about the diagnosis, I will have issues with bleeding for future pregnancies due to the fistula in side my uterus. I am hoping to have twins next so that I get my three babies without risking loosing my uterus after the next delivery. I really hope there is something that can be done for you.
I aced my first two assignments in my class tonight ladies!! :happydance: 9.5/10 on one and 15/15 on the other!!! Totally couldnt have done it without the help of a friend but together we aced them!!! :dance:
Aw sorry Tanya, I should have gone there to read them before I sent you there - didn't realise there were tales of losses there too. You will have to try to hold onto that 80% chance, I know it must be hard though. I hope you get your BFP soon!
Krissy well done you! I don't know how you can concentrate enough to study - my brain is utter mush still!
I have to keep busy! I was back to work one week later and after 2 weeks was back to working both my jobs! Fulltime mon-fri and part time evenings. I just stopped my part time job at the end of december so I can start school in january. Now I am working fulltime and taking 2 college courses... one in class and the other at home through internet. There are times I find it hard to concentrate but for the most part... I dont have much downtime... :wacko:

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