Life after Loss Support Group........All Welcome :)

Ok so I had my first mini session of reflexology today. It was relaxing but I cant say I feel amazing. Maybe because it was only a short session.

The lady who did it reckons with regular treatment I will be pregnant sooner rather than later (I like her positivity). She also wants me to do a food diary as she says some foods prevent pregnancy etc. She will focus on the pituary gland that stimulates hormone production and also on the reproductive organs.

The session was good and she told me now she felt tension in my neck & shoulders (from my feet). This is so very true, I do feel alot of stress in my shoulders - I always tend to carry it there. I also feel myself clenching my jaw alot lately through anxiety. She picked up on this.

I know some people do not believe in this sort of stuff, but I feel that I am taking positive steps forward, and actively doing something to achieve my goal of being pregnant again. I just know I am going to find it so hard to move on with my life without getting pregnant again.


She would have had to learn your map first before doing anything major so it's good the first session was short, they usually are (but with lots of questions)

It's great that your doing something for yourself, more than anything x

It will be great for your shoulders and back too x

Glad you enjoyed it, I love reflexology but I often use it as a basis for other therapies, unless it's to do with organs and especially the stomach/reproductive system and so on, then reflexology is great (though acupuncture is better, I haven't learnt that though!)

Look forward to seeing how you get on with it x
Did anyone watch Dr. Oz today? My God I am so depressed now :cry::cry:
They basically said women over 40 should not have kids cause we have so many risk factors. It made me think maybe I should not try. What if I do get pregnant and something goes wrong :cry::cry: I will be responsible for bringing a life into this world and then ending it? The risk of DS is so high and other abnormalities .. I was crying through the whole show.. :cry::cry::cry::cry:

Andrea, I hate to think of you being so upset over a TV show that is dealing in statistics. Yes, statistically risks go up over 35, which puts me at higher risk of abnormalities too (I'm 37), and it's something I am always considering, but I have to put it out of my mind until I need to worry about it. If we spent our lives worrying about statistics of this and that happening we'd never get in a car, or cross a road, or step outside the house. For us ladies here, statistics are not our friends anyway - we beat pretty horrible odds by having 2nd tri losses, which are statistically very rare. I think we have to ignore statistics and go with our hearts here, and believe that we will be ok. Plenty of women have babies in their 40s and everything is ok. Remember, you carried Ava in your 40s, and she didn't have DS, and neither did my Thomas. It was some other accident of nature that made what happened happen, and not an age thing. It will be ok this time. :hugs:
Did anyone watch Dr. Oz today? My God I am so depressed now :cry::cry:
They basically said women over 40 should not have kids cause we have so many risk factors. It made me think maybe I should not try. What if I do get pregnant and something goes wrong :cry::cry: I will be responsible for bringing a life into this world and then ending it? The risk of DS is so high and other abnormalities .. I was crying through the whole show.. :cry::cry::cry::cry:

Andrea, I hate to think of you being so upset over a TV show that is dealing in statistics. Yes, statistically risks go up over 35, which puts me at higher risk of abnormalities too (I'm 37), and it's something I am always considering, but I have to put it out of my mind until I need to worry about it. If we spent our lives worrying about statistics of this and that happening we'd never get in a car, or cross a road, or step outside the house. For us ladies here, statistics are not our friends anyway - we beat pretty horrible odds by having 2nd tri losses, which are statistically very rare. I think we have to ignore statistics and go with our hearts here, and believe that we will be ok. Plenty of women have babies in their 40s and everything is ok. Remember, you carried Ava in your 40s, and she didn't have DS, and neither did my Thomas. It was some other accident of nature that made what happened happen, and not an age thing. It will be ok this time. :hugs:

:cry::cry::cry::cry: WHY did I watch that stupid show? It got me so depressed and I was crying all day yesterday. We were supposed to go out for dinner and I couldn't even go :cry::cry:
This one doctor was attacking all the doctors saying get back to medicine and be honest and tell these women they are at risk and should not be having babies past 32 :shrug::shrug: 32?????????????? I couldn't believe she said that. I realize it is only her opinion and then she said do woman know at 45 their risk of DS is 1 in 12 :cry::cry: I said OMG to myself. I got so scared and thought what if I bring another life into this world and something happens. I have high blood pressure I take medication for .I have a thyroid condition, I take synthroid for and now my triglycerides are sky high and I have no idea why? All my tests were fine except that . I have to go to the doctor Tuesday and find out why they are so high, I lost weight you would think they would be normal. I have so many problems that could interfere with the baby and I just don't know if I should risk it. I know my Thyroid is ok and that medication wont harm the baby, but it has to be monitored throughout my pregnancy and high blood pressure can cause me problems. now my tests came out great ( Metabolic panel ) except for high triglycerides and I have no idea what is going on.
I am very confused :cry::cry::cry::cry: I just don't know what to do anymore..
XOOOXOXOOXOXOXO Thanks Helen...:hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs:
awe andrea hun dont be upset! what a silly subject... my mother was 37 when she had me and 40 when she had my broter both us and her were and are perfectly healthy. and she's the most amazing mother ever!we never felt she was old or that she wasnt energetic with us etc so thats a load off bull!!
we all know theres huge risk in every pregnancy but i was 24 when i lost Lily so age couldnt have be that huge of a deal and id love to tell these doctors that!!. if all your tests came back normal hun i really dont see why you should have any problems with your little rainbow!!! dont listen to them pet, just have faith that WHEN you get pregnant you will be so well taken care of and obviously be on your folic acid etc so you'll be giving yourself the best opportunity at being healthy.
you're an amazing mother and the little one god picks to send to you will be the luckiest little boy/girl ever!!!!!! xxxxxxxxx
My mom and a coworker had babies at 38... both perfectly healthy kids :hugs:
Holy sheep ladies! Look at my tests yesterday and today.... I had increased CM but I normally dont ovulate until cd17-20. Last cycle was all crazy but I hoped this one will be normal. I also dont normally start my opk's this early due to my normal late OV.... but I have been desperate to POAS so I started yesterday, had a line, then today a darker line and it is almost positive!!! I am only on cd11 right now....
Hellooooo lovely and beautiful ladies!!! :flower:

I hope all of you are doing extremely well today. :cloud9: Just thought I would pop in here and see what all of the chatter is about. and from the looks of how many pages this thread is, it must be a happening little spot.

Thanks for the link and invite Bride2b...
Did anyone watch Dr. Oz today? My God I am so depressed now :cry::cry:
They basically said women over 40 should not have kids cause we have so many risk factors. It made me think maybe I should not try. What if I do get pregnant and something goes wrong :cry::cry: I will be responsible for bringing a life into this world and then ending it? The risk of DS is so high and other abnormalities .. I was crying through the whole show.. :cry::cry::cry::cry:

Andrea, I hate to think of you being so upset over a TV show that is dealing in statistics. Yes, statistically risks go up over 35, which puts me at higher risk of abnormalities too (I'm 37), and it's something I am always considering, but I have to put it out of my mind until I need to worry about it. If we spent our lives worrying about statistics of this and that happening we'd never get in a car, or cross a road, or step outside the house. For us ladies here, statistics are not our friends anyway - we beat pretty horrible odds by having 2nd tri losses, which are statistically very rare. I think we have to ignore statistics and go with our hearts here, and believe that we will be ok. Plenty of women have babies in their 40s and everything is ok. Remember, you carried Ava in your 40s, and she didn't have DS, and neither did my Thomas. It was some other accident of nature that made what happened happen, and not an age thing. It will be ok this time. :hugs:

:cry::cry::cry::cry: WHY did I watch that stupid show? It got me so depressed and I was crying all day yesterday. We were supposed to go out for dinner and I couldn't even go :cry::cry:
This one doctor was attacking all the doctors saying get back to medicine and be honest and tell these women they are at risk and should not be having babies past 32 :shrug::shrug: 32?????????????? I couldn't believe she said that. I realize it is only her opinion and then she said do woman know at 45 their risk of DS is 1 in 12 :cry::cry: I said OMG to myself. I got so scared and thought what if I bring another life into this world and something happens. I have high blood pressure I take medication for .I have a thyroid condition, I take synthroid for and now my triglycerides are sky high and I have no idea why? All my tests were fine except that . I have to go to the doctor Tuesday and find out why they are so high, I lost weight you would think they would be normal. I have so many problems that could interfere with the baby and I just don't know if I should risk it. I know my Thyroid is ok and that medication wont harm the baby, but it has to be monitored throughout my pregnancy and high blood pressure can cause me problems. now my tests came out great ( Metabolic panel ) except for high triglycerides and I have no idea what is going on.
I am very confused :cry::cry::cry::cry: I just don't know what to do anymore..
XOOOXOXOOXOXOXO Thanks Helen...:hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs:

Andrea I wouldn't fret at all. My mother was 42 when she had my little sister, who is now 12! If 32 if the baby cut-off then I am over the limit too. I am 33 and 34 is knocking at the door! I don't think that Dr. has too much validity with the 32 year old baby cut-off, individual people have individual problems and some people have none at all.

I know that I don't have to tell any of your ladies that are 30 or older why we wait, or why we space kids out. I was 20 when I had my oldest 24 for the second and 28 for the third...32 when I got pregnant with my angel baby...I have enjoyed my children and their milestones, I spaced them on purpose! To give them the chance to be "the baby" for a while. Not to mention 30+ is more stable, financially, mentally and physically.

If you 30+ ladies are like me then you aren't the party girl and are done with all of the fun nonsense of the 20's. even though I had Tyler and Hailey in the 20's I still had time to do things and enjoy being in the 20's. No I didn't get to travel the world, but I don't care I am scared to fly.

So I wouldn't pay Dr. such-n-such any mind. I am sure if she wanted to have a baby late in age she wouldn't think twice about it. :hugs:
I wouldn't let the tv bother you either. I'm not in my 30's yet but I know lots of women who've had healthy babies in and around 40. If you want another child and you have the love to give that child then what a doctor on tv says shouldn't matter. I always thought I'd have my three kids by 30 and unless I get twins for my rainbow it's not going to happen, I've accepted it and I'm ok with it so long as I'm blessed with all the kids I want.
Thanks :hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs:
All of you are so wonderful. I am ok now I don't know why I got so upset .
I went to Ava's grave before and I just sat there and cried my eyes out :cry:
I miss her so much . I asked her to please give me strength and to please look after her brothers. I just wish things were different. I should be buying her girly things . I wanted that mother /daughter relationship so bad :cry::cry::cry:
I don't know why this has been taken from me, maybe one day I will get my answer. Love U All.XOXOXOOX
Thanks :hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs:
All of you are so wonderful. I am ok now I don't know why I got so upset .
I went to Ava's grave before and I just sat there and cried my eyes out :cry:
I miss her so much . I asked her to please give me strength and to please look after her brothers. I just wish things were different. I should be buying her girly things . I wanted that mother /daughter relationship so bad :cry::cry::cry:
I don't know why this has been taken from me, maybe one day I will get my answer. Love U All.XOXOXOOX

:cry: It's just not a good day for you dear...and to be expected. Here is a :hugs: for you, and squeeze with it.
I am in dying need of some help here...I had my little Angel baby in Nov. on th 7th, Had a full period on the 11th of Dec. (5 days), Then again on the 8th of Jan (4 days). Alllll normal periods, scouts honor. Well I started spotting on the 26th of Jan. Now on the 28th this is looking like an all out PERIOD!!! My period wasn't due til the 4th of FEB!!! I started spotting 9 days before time?!?! REALLLY?!?! I thought IB but it can't be it looks like a period now. What in heavens is going on? Why 2 periods in one month? (blah)

I get to have a period before my due period, and this period is going to come and go before the real star period shows up?! HELP! I have an imposter AF!!!
I don't know what that could be. Maybe your cycles are changing I know mine have. I used to be every 35 days, that is why with all my pregnancies (Except Ava) I didn't know I was pregnant cause I am always so late. Now after my third son in 2000 I got to every 30 days and just 2 years ago i am every 26 days. I think our bodies just change over time and after you have a baby things change also. See what happens and then go from there, if you really feel something is not right see the doctor. What is happening with you is not unusual it does happen. Hope you get everything sorted..
I was getting periods every 11-19 days after getting my cycle back from having my son. I know my irregularities were from bfing though. I wouldn't freak out or be alarmed unless you keep getting them every 2-3 weeks for a while. Sometimes our bodies just do weird things.

So how long will it take the hcg to leave my body after a second tri loss? I got a barely positive on an opk today when I did one. My temp has fallen a lot and was 36.28 for those who temp. I'm just wondering if it's remaining hcg or my body fighting to ovulate. I know a lot of you said you got our periods back about 5 weeks after delivery so that's why I'm wondering.
Blah...feel like I'm out this month because I've been wanting to eat everything in sight and have had several bm's today (usually signs of AF). I know it's not over til it's over but :growlmad:

Tomorrow makes 3 months since we lost Mateo :cry: I can't believe I would be 8 months along at this point. Ugh...hard day :cry::cry:
I bled for 3 weeks after i lost my angel, then i had a period 2 weeks later (v light) and after that my hormones went back to 0 (i know that because of doing OPKs and HPTs

then i had ANOTHER period 2 weeks after that which was a much more period like period, so i clearly didnt ovulate inbetween

then i had a proper cycle and fell pregnant.
Holy sheep ladies! Look at my tests yesterday and today.... I had increased CM but I normally dont ovulate until cd17-20. Last cycle was all crazy but I hoped this one will be normal. I also dont normally start my opk's this early due to my normal late OV.... but I have been desperate to POAS so I started yesterday, had a line, then today a darker line and it is almost positive!!! I am only on cd11 right now....

WOOO HOOO Krissy! Bloody lucky you tested then, how odd that its happening alot earlier, that mega cycle has made your body go mad! But the good thing is there is OV happening! :sex::spermy::dust:
I am in dying need of some help here...I had my little Angel baby in Nov. on th 7th, Had a full period on the 11th of Dec. (5 days), Then again on the 8th of Jan (4 days). Alllll normal periods, scouts honor. Well I started spotting on the 26th of Jan. Now on the 28th this is looking like an all out PERIOD!!! My period wasn't due til the 4th of FEB!!! I started spotting 9 days before time?!?! REALLLY?!?! I thought IB but it can't be it looks like a period now. What in heavens is going on? Why 2 periods in one month? (blah)

I get to have a period before my due period, and this period is going to come and go before the real star period shows up?! HELP! I have an imposter AF!!!

I think post baby / loss / mc our bodies dont always play ball, so I would say its just playing you up. I dont think for the first few cycles we can expect anything 'normal' if we do then thats a bonus. I think thats how I am going to look at it xxx
Blah...feel like I'm out this month because I've been wanting to eat everything in sight and have had several bm's today (usually signs of AF). I know it's not over til it's over but :growlmad:

Tomorrow makes 3 months since we lost Mateo :cry: I can't believe I would be 8 months along at this point. Ugh...hard day :cry::cry:

Its not over until the fat lady sings Britney! Keeping everything crossed xxxx

I hate the 'month' markers, I hope your ok xxx Its so crap knowing that you sould be 8 months & should be getting all exited about LO arriving soon. Its just not fair :hugs:
ok girls if this baby doesnt start kicking soon im gonna end up crazy lol! im on a mission to get him/her moving more so any tips greatly appreciated lol!

i dunno im up and down like a yo yo!!! one minute im fine and staying positive and then next im crying my eyes out. i dont really feel very pregnant atm... just tired and i wish i had a bigger bump lol the one and only time i want a fatty belly haha... people are looking at me a little funny n not sure whether to ask or not. i wanna be like hey here's my bump there you go yep im pregnant!

sorry girls lil rant lol xxxxxxxxxx

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