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Life after Loss Support Group........All Welcome :)

I still feel like I'm in limbo until my early scan next week. Everything is going fine I think and there's no reason for me to worry, but I'm anxiously checking the paper everytime I go to the toilet and haven't really go any pregnancy symptoms expect for looking a bit bloated and feeling slight off my food every now and then. I'd just feel so reassured if i woke up with obvious morning sickness - I promise to never complain about any pregnancy symptoms, I just want some reassurance.

It seems I spoke too soon when I wrote this the other day. Have been feeling absolutely exhausted, totally starving and like I could vomit for the last 2 days. :sick: It seems my morning (and afternoon and evening) sickness has arrived. Not actually puked yet but feel like it is a constant lurking threat! Never have I felt so happy to be feeling so queasy! :happydance:

Helen, I'm sorry you're feeling so anxious about your scan. It sounds like last time was awful. I'm sure it'll go fine this time, but maybe you could talk to them when you go in and let them know why you're feeling like that, then hopefully they'll reassure you and be really gentle with you :hugs:

Yay :happydance: yay :happydance: yay :happydance: for 24 hours a day nausea!!!! I'm really not being mean, its a good sign! I had it 24/7 for about 8 weeks, even at night when I was trying to sleep....I didnt get much sleep! I found it so hard getting into a position I didnt feel sick in! I hope I get that again sooooooon!

I'm so excited for you! :happydance:
Thanks ladies. I think I wont be having any NT measurements this time anyway, I don't want them prodding too much. A quick scan just to check all is ok and that's it for me I think. I remember afterwards I went to the loo because my bladder was full and wiped and saw blood. I told the midwife and she said 'oh let us know if it gets any worse' and left it at that. I did mention how much the woman had pushed into me but she dismissed it. It hurt to walk for days afterwards. I don't know why I didn't make more of a fuss about it at the time. There are so many times I wished I'd done more. I don't really think any of it could have been prevented once it was happening, but what if that scan really did cause a bleed, and start something off? When I was being scanned before losing Thomas the placenta was the same side as where the tech had pushed into me and it was showing a clot behind it. I know for sure I was bruised there because it hurt so much, but I thought it was just my muscle that she bruised, not the uterus itself, but maybe she did!

I remember it was a few days after my loss and I was home. I woke up in a sweat and remembered the scan. I just went cold when I thought about it. I told my consultant but she was dismissive, saying it was very unlikely. But I know what I saw and what I felt. The tech let me have my scan pic for free because she had been so 'rough' with me, as she put it.

The way I see it, is that if this is what caused it, it's preventable next time, and I really don't want to do anything that might cause this to happen again. My instinct is saying leave me alone this time. :cry:
Wow Helen you are 9 weeks already, wish we had these tickers in FB so i could keep track better!. Try not to think too much about the 'what ifs' from your last scan, when I start thinking that way I just get upset, because there is nothing I can do to change what happened. I know I made the best choices I could at the time although with hindsight and new knowledge I would make some different decisions again.. I think it's worth you explaining your situation and your fears and make sure the tech knows to stop if you say so. You are in control and don't have to let them do anything you dont want them to. Do you have a date for the scan yet? Xx
I still feel like I'm in limbo until my early scan next week. Everything is going fine I think and there's no reason for me to worry, but I'm anxiously checking the paper everytime I go to the toilet and haven't really go any pregnancy symptoms expect for looking a bit bloated and feeling slight off my food every now and then. I'd just feel so reassured if i woke up with obvious morning sickness - I promise to never complain about any pregnancy symptoms, I just want some reassurance.

It seems I spoke too soon when I wrote this the other day. Have been feeling absolutely exhausted, totally starving and like I could vomit for the last 2 days. :sick: It seems my morning (and afternoon and evening) sickness has arrived. Not actually puked yet but feel like it is a constant lurking threat! Never have I felt so happy to be feeling so queasy! :happydance:

Helen, I'm sorry you're feeling so anxious about your scan. It sounds like last time was awful. I'm sure it'll go fine this time, but maybe you could talk to them when you go in and let them know why you're feeling like that, then hopefully they'll reassure you and be really gentle with you :hugs:

Sally, Yay for the symptoms! I had that queasy thing too, but was never sick. I still check for blood or weird discharge! I'm so happy you are ill, lol! Do you have a scan date?
I had my 20 week scan on thurs, baby looks well, no issues found, and my cervix is tightly closed with no funnelling observed. I feel a lot better now!
Hi there ladies... just a quick update. I'm ok - had a bit of pink spotting today and last night after a week without it - but I've been on my feet alot over the past couple of days and midqife has said if it gets heavier/continous to go into hospital. Still so on edge! But hey.... I always will be x
Erica - so glad you're ok. Take it easy as much as you can. Did they check your cervix for irritation?

Sally - yay for sickness! It's a good sign. I'm still having a bit of nausea but it's definitely easing off a bit now.

I will definitely tell them at the scan to be really gentle on me after last time. I'm in on Thursday 16th for booking in and I assume a scan too. That's at 1.30pm so I will definitely update. I'm just so tired and irritable. I should be happy but this is something I've always suffered with during pregnancy - me and hormones don't mix too well. It's why I could never go on the pill. It turned me into a grump monster - snappy and irrational, just like pregnancy. I remember after having my first two it was like a curtain lifting each time and I was 'back'. Obviously after Thomas it was different... I'm just not myself when I'm pregnant! I wish I knew how to combat it! I don't know if anyone else suffers from this?
hey girls... so i just came on to have a little moan! i have had a horrible few days :(
i have very bad sciatic pain in my back/leg at the moment so thurs night i was awake at 5am last night 4am and all day long been so painful.

last night i was stopped at traffic lights and a women crashed into the back of my car! it jerked me forward enough for the seatbelt to tighten around my bump so i called the maternity ward and they said to cum in for a check up. had a scan all was fine with bubs but it hasnt stopped me worrying all day long as i havent felt very many kicks.

just had to have a lil moan :( xxxxxxxxxx
Oh Jojo bless your heart, how scary!!! :hugs: not a good few days then!x

Helen I feel really sad that your feeling a bit fragile atm, maybe mention to the person who does the ultrasound that last time the person was rough with you and air your concerns. Hope you start to feel better soon, its a shame that pregnancy turns you into a hormone crazed woman - maybe its a good thing though as it shows the hormones are there helping your rainbow to grow xx

Mhairi - were you not tempted to find out what you are having? xx Glad your scan went well.

Erica hope that spotting stops hun xxx
Helly - I havent been in for any obs.... I really don't want any unless absolutely neccesary, I had loads with little Eve and I just get paranoid that that might have caused the infection in the first place! xxx
Mhairi - were you not tempted to find out what you are having? xx Glad your scan went well

Yes it was a big relief to have a good scan, particularly the cervix part! I was slightly tempted to find out, but we have both always been in agreement that we just want to find out when baby is born. It's more fun for us. Happy to speculate and gender guess but I don't want it confirmed, if that makes sense! Almost everyone who has seen the pics says girl though, as do I. We'll see if I'm right in June!
Hope you are well Gemma, i miss talking to you! X

Erica I'm sorry you have had more bleeding that must be scary but sure everything is okay :hugs: xx

Joelene, sorry you have been in pain and I can't believe someone crashed into you Grrr. Just you take it easy. Not long till you see baby againxxx
Mhairi I think instincts are usually right. I knew 100% we were having a boy, there was no doubt in my mind. Its funny how you just 'know.' I have said to OH that next time I'm not sure I want to find out. We didnt get to our scan where they will tell you, I had Bertie at exactly a week before, so I havent experienced that whole 'its a boy' thing when its good news. I'm sure when we get to it I will cave in and want to know!

Hows your bump doing? Is it really obvious yet? xx

I'm so excited for all you ladies that are expecting :hugs: its just so nice to see after so much heartbreak xxx
I have never been sure of what sex I am having, Liam knew with both the other pregnancies straight away but it's taken him a while this time... He has settled on girl though :)
Mhairi I think instincts are usually right. I knew 100% we were having a boy, there was no doubt in my mind. Its funny how you just 'know.' I have said to OH that next time I'm not sure I want to find out. We didnt get to our scan where they will tell you, I had Bertie at exactly a week before, so I havent experienced that whole 'its a boy' thing when its good news. I'm sure when we get to it I will cave in and want to know!

Hows your bump doing? Is it really obvious yet? xx

I'm so excited for all you ladies that are expecting :hugs: its just so nice to see after so much heartbreak xxx

Well my instincts were totally wrong last time I thought I was having two boys, oops. My bump is pretty obvious and has been for weeks! Definately started showing earlier this time. I miss my girls so much but it's good to have something to look forward to.
Can't wait to hear some rainbow news from you x
thanks mhairi im so so happy you had a good scan :) yeah thursday is the big day and the scan they did last night was lovely baby was really going for it lol so many movements! just got a fright from the accident is all and still a little worried even tho i saw little one was ok!

i love hearing about everything girls xxxxxxxx
thanks mhairi im so so happy you had a good scan :) yeah thursday is the big day and the scan they did last night was lovely baby was really going for it lol so many movements! just got a fright from the accident is all and still a little worried even tho i saw little one was ok!

i love hearing about everything girls xxxxxxxx

Thanks joelene! Of course, you got to see baby last night too. At least some good came out of your smash! Do you feel better now for seeing baby?

Mine is so active all the time, yet did bugger all when I was at my scan. Just lay there all curled up and didnt do anything. Couldn't believe it! X
thanks mhairi im so so happy you had a good scan :) yeah thursday is the big day and the scan they did last night was lovely baby was really going for it lol so many movements! just got a fright from the accident is all and still a little worried even tho i saw little one was ok!

i love hearing about everything girls xxxxxxxx

Ummm yeah, I know its not good that you had that person crash into you, but it forced you into an earlier scan.....are you still worried for your scan next week? xx
Mhairi I think instincts are usually right. I knew 100% we were having a boy, there was no doubt in my mind. Its funny how you just 'know.' I have said to OH that next time I'm not sure I want to find out. We didnt get to our scan where they will tell you, I had Bertie at exactly a week before, so I havent experienced that whole 'its a boy' thing when its good news. I'm sure when we get to it I will cave in and want to know!

Hows your bump doing? Is it really obvious yet? xx

I'm so excited for all you ladies that are expecting :hugs: its just so nice to see after so much heartbreak xxx

Well my instincts were totally wrong last time I thought I was having two boys, oops. My bump is pretty obvious and has been for weeks! Definately started showing earlier this time. I miss my girls so much but it's good to have something to look forward to.
Can't wait to hear some rainbow news from you x

Oh so for now its team :yellow: all the way! I like yellow! We are having a yellow colour scheme for our wedding!
I hope I have rainbow news soon! I feel really positive. Just hope I still feel that way if I dont get my BFP this month. Its a big expectation for the first month back ttc but other people get it so why cant I?! :thumbup:
i think ill always be worried lol but not anywhere near as much as i was. she said everything looked fine last night and there was plenty of fluid etc around baby so its all good signs! ill prob worry until the day this LO turns 18 lol...fingers crossed!

awe mhairi its typical isnt it lol lazy when you want them to be active and vice versa. but at least i did get a scan after all the craziness xxxxx
Does anyone know why they call it a "rainbow" baby? Is it cause it normally comes out after the rain or something?

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