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Life after Loss Support Group........All Welcome :)

Totally off topic but I just cant believe Whitney Houston has died! I think she is one of the all time greatest female artists ever! And I love 'The Bodyguard' it's so sad when you hear of these amazing talents that dont live to be very old.. Micheal Jackson, Patrick Swayze! Sad day for Whitney fans xx
Does anyone know why they call it a "rainbow" baby? Is it cause it normally comes out after the rain or something?

"Rainbow Babies" is the understanding that the beauty of a rainbow does not negate the ravages of the storm. When a rainbow appears, it doesn't mean the storm never happened or that the family is not still dealing with its aftermath. What it means is that something beautiful and full of light has appeared in the midst of the darkness and clouds. Storm clouds may still hover but the rainbow provides a counterbalance of color, energy and hope."
there wouldnt be a rainbow without any rain :) xxxx
I still feel like I'm in limbo until my early scan next week. Everything is going fine I think and there's no reason for me to worry, but I'm anxiously checking the paper everytime I go to the toilet and haven't really go any pregnancy symptoms expect for looking a bit bloated and feeling slight off my food every now and then. I'd just feel so reassured if i woke up with obvious morning sickness - I promise to never complain about any pregnancy symptoms, I just want some reassurance.

It seems I spoke too soon when I wrote this the other day. Have been feeling absolutely exhausted, totally starving and like I could vomit for the last 2 days. :sick: It seems my morning (and afternoon and evening) sickness has arrived. Not actually puked yet but feel like it is a constant lurking threat! Never have I felt so happy to be feeling so queasy! :happydance:

Helen, I'm sorry you're feeling so anxious about your scan. It sounds like last time was awful. I'm sure it'll go fine this time, but maybe you could talk to them when you go in and let them know why you're feeling like that, then hopefully they'll reassure you and be really gentle with you :hugs:

Sally, Yay for the symptoms! I had that queasy thing too, but was never sick. I still check for blood or weird discharge! I'm so happy you are ill, lol! Do you have a scan date?
I had my 20 week scan on thurs, baby looks well, no issues found, and my cervix is tightly closed with no funnelling observed. I feel a lot better now!

Thanks for the reassurance, Mhairi. I have an early scan this Tuesday to check my dates (since I didn't wait a cycle after my early loss the month before I conceived this one). I'm getting excited but a bit nervous now, trying to stay positive that I'll see a little blob thats the right size, rather than being told something is wrong.
I'm glad your scan went well x

Erica and Joelene, sorry to hear about your little setbacks. Hope you are both keeping well and eveything is ok now :hugs:
thanks hun im perfectly fine thank god. baby moving loads and loads today!

glad your having your early scan, i had an early scan at 6 weeks and wasnt really expecting much but they could show me the yolk sac and egg and the flutter of a heartbeat although it was very faint at that stage!!sending you lots of hugs and prayers xxxxxxxxxxxx
Hi girls, how r u all doing? I'm so sorry that I haven't been around much. Taking some time out has been good for me I think. When I cane here every day and read new stories I would dream that it was me that was experiencing someone else's story but I've had no nightmares like that since taking a little break so it has definitely done me some good. I really don't have the time anymore to come here as much as I did also. By the time I get home from work, get dinner etc it's pretty late. I think about you all alot and I how you are all doing ok. My laptop is away getting fixed but when I get it back I will read further back on the posts and see what's going on with you all. I'm still ttc but if it doesnt happen this month we are going to take a break for a few months so fingers crossed this is our month. Xxx
Tanya hun im so happy to hear from you!! i guessed you were taking some time away.... im glad your feeling a little better and we all totally understand that sometimes we need a break!!

ill say a little prayer for you hun i really hope this is your month xxxxxxx love to you xxxxxxx
Does anyone know why they call it a "rainbow" baby? Is it cause it normally comes out after the rain or something?

"Rainbow Babies" is the understanding that the beauty of a rainbow does not negate the ravages of the storm. When a rainbow appears, it doesn't mean the storm never happened or that the family is not still dealing with its aftermath. What it means is that something beautiful and full of light has appeared in the midst of the darkness and clouds. Storm clouds may still hover but the rainbow provides a counterbalance of color, energy and hope."

Thats so well said. I copied it to use when the time comes and i get my rainbow baby. I want one so bad.

Now question time, I'm still cramping. My bleeding stopped about a week ago, all I've had is some beige or tan cm actually lots of it. But the cramping lingers. For the most part it's not bad just feels menstrual, is this normal? I would have thought the cramping would be gone by now especially since I'm not bleeding anymore. I also have been having a really sore lower back, I had it before I delivered Hannah but also thought this would be gone by now since it didn't start till I was pg. I don't remember ever cramping or having back pain this long after my son.... suggestions?
It took me a good 4 weeks to get back to normal, i kept having random periods and crampy cramps

it obviously wasnt an issue because i got pregnant again 2 weeks later!

I would just try and remember that its a lot for our bodies to go through so give yourself time and rest xx
So just opened my post to find a letter from a children's centre about support for parents for 0-5 year olds...... I don't have a child, I don't need to be contacted by people from children's centres where new mums go and drink coffee & talk babies! Should there not be some way of stopping my information for being passed on to these places,it's obviously come via registration with the midwife. Why is it when you start to feel like you have passed these reminders does another come and slap you right across the face? Blahhhhhh! This has made me feel shitty!!

I met my cousins 5 month old baby for the first time yesterday, I was really brave and held him,usually I would shy away,even before all this I would never have volunteered myself to hold a baby. But I really hoped someone would ask me, and it felt so so right! It felt so natural. I have never felt like this before. I have always felt awkward around babies,but I felt so confident, I felt I knew what to do because I'm a mum (even though my baby is in heaven). I don't know if that makes any sense?
I though I'd share with you as I felt proud of myself & I know that this is what I want,more than anything else. Xx
Sorry your getting letters, I think you need to call your health visitor at your GP and give them some grief. They will be the ones sending your the letters.

It took me over 3hrs to stop pampers from sending me bloody emails about what stage of development my baby was after it died :(. They are just such muppets it should be EASY

Congrats on holding the baby, I haven't held a baby since I had my loss, but I don't think I would mind... It's a bit different though because I still have jasper and really he is still a baby

Well done x your right to feel proud of yourself x
So just opened my post to find a letter from a children's centre about support for parents for 0-5 year olds...... I don't have a child, I don't need to be contacted by people from children's centres where new mums go and drink coffee & talk babies! Should there not be some way of stopping my information for being passed on to these places,it's obviously come via registration with the midwife. Why is it when you start to feel like you have passed these reminders does another come and slap you right across the face? Blahhhhhh! This has made me feel shitty!!

I met my cousins 5 month old baby for the first time yesterday, I was really brave and held him,usually I would shy away,even before all this I would never have volunteered myself to hold a baby. But I really hoped someone would ask me, and it felt so so right! It felt so natural. I have never felt like this before. I have always felt awkward around babies,but I felt so confident, I felt I knew what to do because I'm a mum (even though my baby is in heaven). I don't know if that makes any sense?
I though I'd share with you as I felt proud of myself & I know that this is what I want,more than anything else. Xx

Hey hun awe i know those stupid emails and letters annoyed me so much i actually changed my email address in the end lol... its such a setback!
im so happy you held a baby hun its the most natural thing in the world even though its so difficult for anyone that has had a loss. im very proud of you xxxxxxx:hugs:
So much to catch up on!

I actually got a package of formula in the mail recently and it was so frustrating because somehow they knew to update my mailing address when I moved but my baby doesn't need formula, jackasses. Ugh...those emails and things in the mail are the worst.

I had a great weekend...OH and I drove 7 hours to surprise my family with a visit! My mom and sisters had driven 10 and a half hours south to be with my great grandmother on her 90th birthday so we made the drive north to meet in the middle and surprise everyone and it was great!

I feel like I've been slacking on my TTC a little this month, but it feels good. I haven't really been tracking BBT. I'm doing OPK and SMEP and CM but it's just less than before. I'm trying to think about it less and not symptom spot as much, but in a good way! I still hope this is the month though!

Hope you all are doing well :hugs:
I feel like I've been slacking on my TTC a little this month, but it feels good. I haven't really been tracking BBT. I'm doing OPK and SMEP and CM but it's just less than before. I'm trying to think about it less and not symptom spot as much, but in a good way! I still hope this is the month though!

Hope you all are doing well :hugs:

Hey if you've been following SMEP I wouldnt call it slacking! Thats a heck of a slog!!! Maybe its good you've ditched temping, sometimes all these things and the worry prevent us from getting out BFP. Your 6 days ahead of me, what day do you usually ov?x
Usually a little later like CD 18 or so...we will see what happens soon enough. I would just be elated if we both got out BFPs this month!

Like an idiot ive locked myself out of the house....waiting to someone to rescue me!
I'll be seeing a friend with a 2 month old on wednesday, not sure if i want to hold her baby girl yet. We'll see how I feel.

I'm 31 days post partum now and no sign of ov with the opks, having lots of cm though and have been for the last 5 or so days. No idea what my body is doing but I hope so badly that AF shows by the end of this month whether I Ovulate or not.
Usually a little later like CD 18 or so...we will see what happens soon enough. I would just be elated if we both got out BFPs this month!

Like an idiot ive locked myself out of the house....waiting to someone to rescue me!

Oh no! I hope its not cold where you live! I would be thrilled if we both got our BFP this month!!!!!! That would be amazing! So you still have about 6 days to go until OV.....so these next few BD's are super important :happydance:

I booked a smear test today the next appointment they have is like 29th (possible in my fertile zone?? who knows) I tell you what I will not be going if it is in my fertile time as theres no chance I'm not going to BD for a smear!! Will have to reschedule! I have to have them yearly due to shitty cells. I need one soon just incase I get pg, I dont want anything interfering with being pg.

Having a shitty day today, I just keep trying to do some deep breathing like my reflexologist showed me...I'm so trying to keep 'in the zone' so not to undo any of the reflexology!
Usually a little later like CD 18 or so...we will see what happens soon enough. I would just be elated if we both got out BFPs this month!

Like an idiot ive locked myself out of the house....waiting to someone to rescue me!

Oh no! I hope its not cold where you live! I would be thrilled if we both got our BFP this month!!!!!! That would be amazing! So you still have about 6 days to go until OV.....so these next few BD's are super important :happydance:

I booked a smear test today the next appointment they have is like 29th (possible in my fertile zone?? who knows) I tell you what I will not be going if it is in my fertile time as theres no chance I'm not going to BD for a smear!! Will have to reschedule! I have to have them yearly due to shitty cells. I need one soon just incase I get pg, I dont want anything interfering with being pg.

Having a shitty day today, I just keep trying to do some deep breathing like my reflexologist showed me...I'm so trying to keep 'in the zone' so not to undo any of the reflexology!

Its not too cold thankfully. Just sitting in my car texting my mom and watching YouTube videos. Never thought I'd be so glad I upgraded to the iPhone last week lol!!

OH and I BD this morning and tried to make it count! Only a couple more top O!!

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