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Life after Loss Support Group........All Welcome :)

Sally, so so happy to hear that hun!

Christine, glad your body is getting back to normal, I know it's sad too though, hope you're OK.

Helen, how are you going/feeling?

Thanks Gemma. Well I got a blatant positive opk today so positive that there is no doubting it. Loads of ewcm and sore nips still so look like I'll be ovulating today or tomorrow. When I saw it was positive I went out to my hubby with it and said "we're having sex tonight" just so he wouldn't get confused again. If that doesn't work then I'll have to slap him next time.

My son peed on the potty again today! Then figured out how to climb out/fall out of his crib so we've been out getting everything for hIs big boy bed.

Hi, i read something the other day about why rainbow babies are so called. I didn`t know that.I have also seen it on the bottom of your post.
I think that is so beautiful.
dancareoi - I LOVE that urn that is in the photo of your avatar!! I just bought it for my sons ashes...it is beautiful!! :)

How was valentines day?! Mine was pretty good!!

Here is a pic of DH and me on Valentines Day. It felt SO good to do something because since our loss we've just been kinda depressed.

Also, my 7 year old daughter did a "manners" book in her class.....take a look at what she did...I think it will give you ladies a giggle!!

LOL! :)
ha ha bless her! Its good to put a face to a name too xx
Just wanted to let everyone know I am thinking of you all and I miss you. Sorry I have not been here as much, I love this place a lot but it is hard to be here sometimes and I wont get into why.
Hope everyone is well and feeling ok, XOXOOX :hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs:
andrea hun i hope your ok! im always here if you need to chat hun xxxxxx

the big day is in 24 hours for me...20 week scan :) if you can spare a minute will you keep me in your thoughts/prayers that everything will be ok. i just know this time its different and Lily will be there to watch over me as its her special day too!

love you all xxxxxxxx
andrea hun i hope your ok! im always here if you need to chat hun xxxxxx

the big day is in 24 hours for me...20 week scan :) if you can spare a minute will you keep me in your thoughts/prayers that everything will be ok. i just know this time its different and Lily will be there to watch over me as its her special day too!

love you all xxxxxxxx

:hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs:Sending SOOOOOOoooooo many prayers and SOOOOOOOOOOooooooooo much love.. Everything will be great!!!!
Get back here and let us know as soon as you know.. love u :hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs:
andrea hun i hope your ok! im always here if you need to chat hun xxxxxx

the big day is in 24 hours for me...20 week scan :) if you can spare a minute will you keep me in your thoughts/prayers that everything will be ok. i just know this time its different and Lily will be there to watch over me as its her special day too!

love you all xxxxxxxx

Good luck!! :hugs::hugs::hugs:
Best of luck Jojo, you'll be in my thoughts - I'm sure all will be fine, looking forward to hearing an update from you hun.

SLCMommy, thanks for that, it's brilliant! That made me laugh so hard, especially when I got to the bottom - frt! Ha! I hope you put this on your fridge to make everyone smile, it's gold!

Hahaha SLC that is amazing and hilarious! Definitely have me a laugh!
Jojo best of luck Hun xxxxxx sending lots of love, thinking of you tomorrow,let us know how you get on xxxx
thanks girls! i cant even sleep lol plus i have this stupid cough but im excited for the first time in ages :) ill be saying a zillion prayers tonight lol xxxxxxxx
I hope tomorrow goes wonderfully for you Jojo. :hugs: Will you find out the gender?

I held a friends 2 month old girl today, I didn't cry and though I was sad at times it felt so nice to hold a newborn again.

Another blatant positive even stronger then yesterday but my temp was up this morning so O'd yesterday on valentines day or will tonight, will know for sure when I get a few more temps in there.

SLC funny of your little girl lol.

Danc...: One of the girls posted that quote on here, forget who it was now (sorry) but it was so beautiful I had to use it. I read it so many times a day.

Andrea, I hope you come back soon and things are resolved whatever they may be. I've noticed you haven't been around much.

Hi to everyone
thanks girls! yeah i think ill def find out if the baby co-operates lol my OH and i are the most laid back people ever so we'll need the next few months to pick names etc or poor little bubz will have no name :)

Kelly9 sending you so many positive thoughts hun... ov'ing on valentines day so romantic lol. so good that you can track your cycles xxxxx

thanks andrea 4 hours to go eeeeeeeeek xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
thanks andrea 4 hours to go eeeeeeeeek xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

LOL... You will be ok and everything will go great!!! You already know that cause I already know that so we both already know that :wacko::wacko::wacko: you know? :haha::haha::haha::haha::haha:
XOXOOXOXOXOOXOXOXOXO :hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs:
lol im on serious countdown now 1.5 hours. oh im so scared girls but excited scared you know!love u all xxxxx
Hi girls - just a quick update - had a scan today and everything looks good. Very wriggly little bean! Measuring slightly ahead of dates so 10+2 so have adjusted my ticker - I've gained 4 days! :happydance:

The real bittersweet part is that my due date is now 11th September, the day after I lost Thomas. I can't quite get my head around that. Felt quite tearful. Still, so far so good.

Jojo, can't wait to hear your update x

Hope everyone's ok. :hugs:

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