Life after Loss Support Group........All Welcome :)

Must Report ........ :winkwink:

Having LOTS more CM tonight now accompanied with cramping.... I am SOOO not sure what this means, AF or Baby... Soooo, guess we'll see....:thumbup:

Good Night Friends!!!:hugs:

Fingers crossed for a BFP xx
ok ... FX u won't need any ....
how long did it take to concieve your twins?
love the names btW!!:cloud9:
what age is your DD?

We were NTNP for about 2.5 years, but I didn't have a clue about timing and all that (until I found this site) and it was post-Mirena and we were renovating so not a lot of action, TBH! It only took 3 cycles once I started tracking my cycles and trying properly, which was a bit of a miracle in itself as DH had done his back in and fallen through some rotten flooring in this house, that we had just moved into that month and we only DTD ONCE! It seemed so "meant to be", we were back in NZ, where we had wanted to be for years and had been working away at getting the other house done all that time to sell and get here, we were finally in our own place (we bought a piece of land and transported an old house onto it, it's mental how they can do that here) and Bingo! I was pregnant within 3 weeks. It still seems so hard to believe it wasn't meant to be.

Anyway, no point in dwelling on it, what is, is what is. My DD is 8, will be 9 in March, so massive age-gap and getting bigger every day (we wanted to be back here before we really tried for more, I regret that now, time really got away from us). She still desperately wants to be a sister though and is on my case every day to try again.

Did any of your kids go kind of younger in their behavior when you lost Charlie? She's acting a bit daft, nothing too drastic but a bit controlling too, digging her hells in over EVERYTHING, it's quite hard not to end up argueing. Sorry, that's a bit OT!

:hugs: it is hard to think that our loved babies were not meant to be.. i have 2 children born in june and 1 in feb, charlie should of been with me in feb too wheich seemed meant to be but wasn't ..hayden was born in july... but i couldn't love him more...such a mixture of emotions when thinking of what u should have and then what you'll have ....:hugs:

My kids were pretty young when i lost charlie evie was 4 dylan 3 and tiily 1, so not really noticed much behavioural difference... and i got pregnant straight away so i think to them i was just pregnant a really long time... i think me crying a lot started to effect them in the early days... i got snapped out of it when evie said to me one day she wished she had a happy mummy.. really shocked me and upset me, and i make every effort not to cry in front of them now....... they talk about charlie in heaven , but have just accepted it now..... it does de sensitise u when they talk about him a lot... my 2 year old repeating charlie dead over and over till you reply yes tilly charlie dead, does kinda desensitise the subject :dohh: blimey rambled there :blush:
There is a common practice where many couples believe they have to save the man’s ejaculate until the exact moment of ovulation. You don’t really have to do that. In fact, having sex often ensures that the sperm in a man’s ejaculate is as healthy as it can be. Storing it up can decrease its motility, so don’t be tempted to put off intercourse until you ovulate, and don’t abstain for more than seven days in a row. Read our article on whether abstinence from sex can help to improve the sperm count for related information on this topic.

Ignore all the myths that the man will ‘run out’ of sperm if you have sex too often. On the contrary, some men have a drop in their sperm count if they don’t ejaculate regularly. It is true that the density of sperm in each ejaculate diminishes with frequent orgasms. But remember that it takes only one healthy sperm to make it to the woman’s Fallopian tubes during the time of ovulation. So density is less important than quality and motility here.

From everything I have read, medical studies included, there is no reason why DTD every day should have a detrimental effect on TTC. As long as the male is healthy and has a normal sperm count. The problem with every day is when there are sperm problems in the male.

So you shouldnt need to have that headache afterall

In that case I'm getting straight back on it tonight!
LOL Andy I know what you mean hun.

Kelly- We're really hoping baby.

So girls what I thought was positves on the OPK yesterday weren't. I looked at pics on fertilityfriend so I could judge properly. The OPK today though is alot stronger. Does that mean that I will ovulate today or in the next couple of days? Lots and lots of :dust: for you all.

yeah with opks the second line needs to be as strong or stronger than the control to be positive.... so if it is u will ovulate in the next 24hrs i think.... good luck!! :dust:
Thanks babesx3. I'm really glad i have the OPKs. I was giving out about them a few days ago coz I wasn't getting positives but thank god I have them as I wold have thought O had passed by now. It took us 9 months to conceive Jakob and I now think that is why because after CD 14 or 15 we took it easy with BDing as we were exhausted lol.
yeah thats what happened with me... with concieving hayden i used opk and got i think 4-5 positives in a row.. i read stress can make ovulation delay , it was over when i had charlkie cremated , obviously a stress time ,but i kept dtd as they kept on being positive... and low and behold bfp!!! FX u will get yours too!! :)
Well Good Morning Ladies!!! :coffee:

First off, Warm welcome to Katie!! Your avatar pic is breath~taking beautiful!!! Wow .... :flower:

You will meet and get to know some of the most treasured women in the world here, I absolutely love them all and don't know what I'd do without them :hugs:

OK..... Welcome to the crazy train!!! All Aboard!!! :happydance:

Had some mild cramping last night, didn't feel well again last night... I'm beggining to see a pattern with this junk... It's always in the evenings! :wacko: So weird! BUT something I will researching once I finish this post is .... My poor OH wanted to :sex: last night so that's where we ended up BUT it hurt horrible bad, I wanted to stop ... felt like he was thrusting a knife in me! UGH!! It was terrible.... We didn't do anything differently so I am baffled .. I checked for any bleeding, cuz I just KNEW there would be some, but none..... I never told him that it hurt but afterwards I asked him if it felt different, he said yes.. Like I was very swollen ... ???? TMI TMI TMI TMI ... :blush: I still feel crampy but better this morning .. :shrug: Have you all heard of this??? :shrug:

Ok,,, Sooooo online research full steam ahead...:thumbup:

Collie- hahahaha .... I'll be testing probably as soon as Fri on.. I really wanna wait as long as possible, heck I'd even be happy waiting til SUnday... We'll see!!! :winkwink:

Good Luck ladies!!!!! :happydance:


And keep me posted with how everyone is feeling!!!!! :winkwink:
Well, crap... My "welcome" Katie wasn't suppose to be in this one LOL!!! Yep I am SOOOO losing my mind!!!! : )))))
Well Good Morning Ladies!!! :coffee:

First off, Warm welcome to Katie!! Your avatar pic is breath~taking beautiful!!! Wow .... :flower:

You will meet and get to know some of the most treasured women in the world here, I absolutely love them all and don't know what I'd do without them :hugs:

OK..... Welcome to the crazy train!!! All Aboard!!! :happydance:

Had some mild cramping last night, didn't feel well again last night... I'm beggining to see a pattern with this junk... It's always in the evenings! :wacko: So weird! BUT something I will researching once I finish this post is .... My poor OH wanted to :sex: last night so that's where we ended up BUT it hurt horrible bad, I wanted to stop ... felt like he was thrusting a knife in me! UGH!! It was terrible.... We didn't do anything differently so I am baffled .. I checked for any bleeding, cuz I just KNEW there would be some, but none..... I never told him that it hurt but afterwards I asked him if it felt different, he said yes.. Like I was very swollen ... ???? TMI TMI TMI TMI ... :blush: I still feel crampy but better this morning .. :shrug: Have you all heard of this??? :shrug:

Ok,,, Sooooo online research full steam ahead...:thumbup:

Collie- hahahaha .... I'll be testing probably as soon as Fri on.. I really wanna wait as long as possible, heck I'd even be happy waiting til SUnday... We'll see!!! :winkwink:

Good Luck ladies!!!!! :happydance:


And keep me posted with how everyone is feeling!!!!! :winkwink:
All good sings, but sorry you felt hurt :happydance::happydance::happydance: But it is a good sign. Kelly, I am just so nervous and I can't wait no more :brat::brat::brat::brat::brat: Friday please come soon.... I am starting to use my OPK on Friday so we will see, if I do ovulate on count day 15 then I got to get to it on Sunday Monday and Tuesday :dohh::dohh: I told my husband maybe we should go out for dinner and drink a little and then go you know what :blush::blush:
So excited for everyone I can't wait ...
Thanks Andy! :hugs: I am gonna REALLY try to settle down, and quit sypmton spotting... LOL!!! Good Grief, I am driving myself mad! Haha:haha:

The pain during sex thru me for a loop tho... Never expected or heard of that... Good sign you think?? I don't know ......](*,)](*,) My cervical position is super high tho (very hard for me to touch) so I wouldn't think it would be from my OH "member" touching, hittting or irritating it... :shrug: ... :blush: Super icky and soft as well ... :shrug:

I'm just wishin' this week would hurry and pass .... :toothpick::toothpick:

Andy, you will have to keep me posted with all your opk's stuff... I'm totally clueless with them, find it fascinating :winkwink:

Tell me everythinggggggg :happydance:
Thanks Andy! :hugs: I am gonna REALLY try to settle down, and quit sypmton spotting... LOL!!! Good Grief, I am driving myself mad! Haha:haha:

The pain during sex thru me for a loop tho... Never expected or heard of that... Good sign you think?? I don't know ......](*,)](*,) My cervical position is super high tho (very hard for me to touch) so I wouldn't think it would be from my OH "member" touching, hittting or irritating it... :shrug: ... :blush: Super icky and soft as well ... :shrug:

I'm just wishin' this week would hurry and pass .... :toothpick::toothpick:

Andy, you will have to keep me posted with all your opk's stuff... I'm totally clueless with them, find it fascinating :winkwink:

Tell me everythinggggggg :happydance:

LOL, And I was going to ask you a question about OPK"S,,, I better start a new thread..
XOXOOXOX :haha::haha::haha::haha::haha:
Gosh ladies... all these symptoms sound very exciting. It must be so hard not to get your hopes up... praying for you. When I had a bit of spotting I was kinda half thinking that it was implantation and half really trying not to get my hopes up. I have no idea when I ovulated so didnt really know when to test so took a test when I felt sick after brushing my teeth (another symptom I spotted as well as huge boobs) I took it around 5 days before I thought my AF was going to appear. Hahaha, the whole "are we, arent we" was driving me crazy!

I do have this really strong emotion though that I REALLY want this baby to survive the whole 40 weeks. Its also really sad that I have the naseau and all the food aversions starting now and the tiredness and the icky symptoms and I just think that I'm going to get all the bad bits of pregnancy and not ever see a baby because of last time. I'm really scared that I'm not going to enjoy this pregnancy until its over... and to me thats really sad.

I mean, I'm 7 weeks today... its still early days. But I'm now more aware that miscarriages do happen, although my first time was a late one at 18 weeks (so all I got was 4 months of nausea, sickness, tiredness, illness and nothing else). I'm really sorry for asking this though ladies but if you had an early miscarriage (up to 12 weeks) then did you still have full on symptoms until the bad day happened? It just all seems so unfair.

Sorry ladies, I'm not normally this negative. Just having a moment! xxx
ok ... FX u won't need any ....
how long did it take to concieve your twins?
love the names btW!!:cloud9:
what age is your DD?

We were NTNP for about 2.5 years, but I didn't have a clue about timing and all that (until I found this site) and it was post-Mirena and we were renovating so not a lot of action, TBH! It only took 3 cycles once I started tracking my cycles and trying properly, which was a bit of a miracle in itself as DH had done his back in and fallen through some rotten flooring in this house, that we had just moved into that month and we only DTD ONCE! It seemed so "meant to be", we were back in NZ, where we had wanted to be for years and had been working away at getting the other house done all that time to sell and get here, we were finally in our own place (we bought a piece of land and transported an old house onto it, it's mental how they can do that here) and Bingo! I was pregnant within 3 weeks. It still seems so hard to believe it wasn't meant to be.

Anyway, no point in dwelling on it, what is, is what is. My DD is 8, will be 9 in March, so massive age-gap and getting bigger every day (we wanted to be back here before we really tried for more, I regret that now, time really got away from us). She still desperately wants to be a sister though and is on my case every day to try again.

Did any of your kids go kind of younger in their behavior when you lost Charlie? She's acting a bit daft, nothing too drastic but a bit controlling too, digging her hells in over EVERYTHING, it's quite hard not to end up argueing. Sorry, that's a bit OT!

:hugs: it is hard to think that our loved babies were not meant to be.. i have 2 children born in june and 1 in feb, charlie should of been with me in feb too wheich seemed meant to be but wasn't ..hayden was born in july... but i couldn't love him more...such a mixture of emotions when thinking of what u should have and then what you'll have ....:hugs:

My kids were pretty young when i lost charlie evie was 4 dylan 3 and tiily 1, so not really noticed much behavioural difference... and i got pregnant straight away so i think to them i was just pregnant a really long time... i think me crying a lot started to effect them in the early days... i got snapped out of it when evie said to me one day she wished she had a happy mummy.. really shocked me and upset me, and i make every effort not to cry in front of them now....... they talk about charlie in heaven , but have just accepted it now..... it does de sensitise u when they talk about him a lot... my 2 year old repeating charlie dead over and over till you reply yes tilly charlie dead, does kinda desensitise the subject :dohh: blimey rambled there :blush:

Aww, that must've been so hard to hear. Thanks for replying. I do try not to cry too much in front of her but a lot as she always wanted to try to make me better when it happened, like she was my Mum, not the other way round. That made me really uncomfortable so I just try to hold it together now. I think it's her own grief affecting her and I worry that she doesn't understand some of what she's feeling. She'll work her way through it her own way though I suppose and I probably read too much into it. xxx
Ericacaca, sorry I've only had the late loss so I don't know about that MC Q but I would say, I know it's next to impossible but try to think positively. I know exactly what you mean about only getting the bad bits, that thought came to me when I lost the boys as man, was I ill carrying them, then I felt really guilty and selfish for thinking that. it's true though, the thought of going through all that horrid bit again fills me with a wee bit of dread. Ah, it'll be worth it in the end. Keep your mind on the end result and celebrate the yukkyness!

The thing I think is, I felt bad the last time for not celebrating them enough, then I lost them - I was too focussed on the birth and I also didn't know for sure I was carrying twins till they were in trouble as I declined the nuchal U/S, so never got to say "OMG it's twins!" even though I had a gut feeling, so if I ever get pregnant again I'm going to try to force myself to take a moment each day to celebrate the life inside me and think positive, happy thoughts, so that even if it does go wrong again I know I've given my love over to the new life for the time I was pregnant. Now I know that sounds wierd and will very much be a forced thing at the start, as I know I'll be terrified as well (if i ever get that far) so will feel really fake but I'm hoping that over time it will help me relax and enjoy at least one wee bit every day. The rest of the day I'll no doubt be a worrying mess! It's very easy for me sitting my non-pregnant butt in this chair to say that of course but I'm going to try. I hope you can find a little peace and a little voice that says "it's going to be OK". Congrats on your pregnancy, I'm very excited for you! xxx
Katie, good to see you in here, I love your avatar pic as well.

Kam, hope you're good today and having loads more symptoms!

Andy, not long now till the BD can commence again, yipee!

Love to all xxx
Well Good Morning Ladies!!! :coffee:

First off, Warm welcome to Katie!! Your avatar pic is breath~taking beautiful!!! Wow .... :flower:

You will meet and get to know some of the most treasured women in the world here, I absolutely love them all and don't know what I'd do without them :hugs:

OK..... Welcome to the crazy train!!! All Aboard!!! :happydance:

Had some mild cramping last night, didn't feel well again last night... I'm beggining to see a pattern with this junk... It's always in the evenings! :wacko: So weird! BUT something I will researching once I finish this post is .... My poor OH wanted to :sex: last night so that's where we ended up BUT it hurt horrible bad, I wanted to stop ... felt like he was thrusting a knife in me! UGH!! It was terrible.... We didn't do anything differently so I am baffled .. I checked for any bleeding, cuz I just KNEW there would be some, but none..... I never told him that it hurt but afterwards I asked him if it felt different, he said yes.. Like I was very swollen ... ???? TMI TMI TMI TMI ... :blush: I still feel crampy but better this morning .. :shrug: Have you all heard of this??? :shrug:

Ok,,, Sooooo online research full steam ahead...:thumbup:

Collie- hahahaha .... I'll be testing probably as soon as Fri on.. I really wanna wait as long as possible, heck I'd even be happy waiting til SUnday... We'll see!!! :winkwink:

Good Luck ladies!!!!! :happydance:


And keep me posted with how everyone is feeling!!!!! :winkwink:

Hi Kam, Sorry missed this bit - could it be you were tensing up? That can make it hurt. But... when pregnant the blood flow to the vagina increases and can give it a purplish tinge and swell it a little. I know I always felt a bit swollen down there when I was carrying the twins, though I can't remember how early it started. Hoping it's a positive sign. This symptom spotting makes you nuts, doesn't it?! :wacko:

AFM, I still feel hungover! Dry-as mouth and sore all over. Woke up in the middle of the night for no reason last night and couldn't sleep (but that sometimes happens since the loss anyway), went back to sleep and had a really vivid dream, nothing baby related though, quite a creepy one. Feel soooo tired but I was awake half the night so no surprise there. I noticed the smell of the pine trees alot yesterday when we were cycling home from school but it had rained the night before and was windy so that can release the resin a bit more. heightened smell was a biggie last time, the lack of CM is still making me think no way hose though.
Thankyou everyone for all the warm welcomes :hugs:

It's great to hear everyone TTC and hopefing won't be long ad we'll all be able to talk about how well our rainbow babies are doing at home :happydance:

Today is the day we start BDing haha sorry TMI :winkwink:
Hi Nikki!!! Crap this time difference is a killer isn't it..... Gonna have to google that to see exactly how much we are dealing with :haha:

Thanks for the tid bits about my question .... I don't THINK I was tense, heck I don't know tho... I was pretty lubed up, with all this wonderful gunk I'm having ... LOL... I'm still achey, exhausted but feeling pretty good at the moment :thumbup:

Where are you at in your cycle?? Ovualting? 2WW? Whatcha doing lady? :winkwink: Oh wait, are you in that lovely 2ww also??? Hmm, trying to remember.... LOL... If so, when are you testing??

Heck, everyone that is in this dreadful 2WW, when are y'all testing????

Hope everyone is doing well!! Missed y'all today, I had classes....blah, would have much rather stayed attached to BnB :happydance:

hey girls i have my first scan today just popped over to ask you all to say a little prayer for me!!! im so nervous but know you ladies would understand...hope you are all well xxxxxxxx

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