Life after Loss Support Group........All Welcome :)

Good luck jojo will be thinking and praying for u !! :hugs: I remember so well the first scans ..:( so so hard... keep calm... i used the bachs remedy spray to help with anxiaty... that and deep breathing and trying to distract myself.... thinking of you :HUGS:
hey girls i have my first scan today just popped over to ask you all to say a little prayer for me!!! im so nervous but know you ladies would understand...hope you are all well xxxxxxxx

good luck, let us know how it went when you get home.

how far along are you?

Ericacaca, sorry I've only had the late loss so I don't know about that MC Q but I would say, I know it's next to impossible but try to think positively. I know exactly what you mean about only getting the bad bits, that thought came to me when I lost the boys as man, was I ill carrying them, then I felt really guilty and selfish for thinking that. it's true though, the thought of going through all that horrid bit again fills me with a wee bit of dread. Ah, it'll be worth it in the end. Keep your mind on the end result and celebrate the yukkyness!

The thing I think is, I felt bad the last time for not celebrating them enough, then I lost them - I was too focussed on the birth and I also didn't know for sure I was carrying twins till they were in trouble as I declined the nuchal U/S, so never got to say "OMG it's twins!" even though I had a gut feeling, so if I ever get pregnant again I'm going to try to force myself to take a moment each day to celebrate the life inside me and think positive, happy thoughts, so that even if it does go wrong again I know I've given my love over to the new life for the time I was pregnant. Now I know that sounds wierd and will very much be a forced thing at the start, as I know I'll be terrified as well (if i ever get that far) so will feel really fake but I'm hoping that over time it will help me relax and enjoy at least one wee bit every day. The rest of the day I'll no doubt be a worrying mess! It's very easy for me sitting my non-pregnant butt in this chair to say that of course but I'm going to try. I hope you can find a little peace and a little voice that says "it's going to be OK". Congrats on your pregnancy, I'm very excited for you! xxx

Thanks Nikki. I do try to be positive, its just that with previous experience I'm very very very apprehensive about getting too confident that all will be ok. We heard Baby's heartbeat only 2 days before she died and at almost 18 weeks we kinda thought that was a good sign and started really getting excited.... but then boom it kinda all went splat in our faces! I was really ill/tired/food aversions right up until 16 weeks with our little girl... and although every pregnancy is different I know I'm going to be worried if they stop before that. Don't get me wrong - we are excited. And we are praying like crazy that we'll meet this little one in June.

We went to the doctors yesterday to be signed on for a booking appointment with the midwife - seeing her next Friday to fill in all the forms etc. I was given my Maternity notes folder yesterday too - which has really made it real. Doctor has also referred me to get a scan. So all is moving along quite well. My booking appointment is later than last time - I'll be 8 weeks (last time I was only 6 weeks)... so the wait for the scan might seem a little less time to wait God willing. The next hurdle is to try and come up with excuses to go to these appointments without telling work just yet... I'm a teacher and only just started this job in September and I really don't want to let them know if things don't work out again..... :sigh:

Just like you... I feel more ickky in the evenings, but do feel eeky in the morning too, especially after I brush my teeth! And I see you're Scottish but living in New Zealand... how is that for you? Is the hospital care different?

JoJo - really praying that you have a positive time at the scan and all is well.

Good luck jojo will be thinking and praying for u !! :hugs: I remember so well the first scans ..:( so so hard... keep calm... i used the bachs remedy spray to help with anxiaty... that and deep breathing and trying to distract myself.... thinking of you :HUGS:

Oooh Bach's Remedy Spray - theres an idea! Only trouble is it makes me feel drunk! Haha, not a good mixture with the sicky feeling! Than again, maybe the drunk feeling might make it all a bit more fun xxx
lol, perhaps that s why i liked it..blush...
i used to get so worked up about scans....

for the same reason.. i'd heard his hb at 17 weeks all fine then bam i went for a scan and he was gone....stays with u doesn't it....

i did find the scans got easier as baby started nmoving though!! xxx
for the same reason.. i'd heard his hb at 17 weeks all fine then bam i went for a scan and he was gone....stays with u doesn't it....

It really does stay with you. We went into the maternity ward though pretty much every other day before she went and because her heart was beating they saw no need to do a scan. It was horrific to see a membrame at home before I was zoomed into hospital again.... and then they did a scan when they couldnt find a heart beat, just 2 days later.... I can't fault the doctors though - they did all they can from what they could see at the time - must be really hard not being able to know exactly whats going on if an infection isnt seen in time.

hugs xxxx i struggled big time going past 18 weeks, thankfully hayden kicked lots from then on till he went quiet at the end sending me ceazy again....

u know i just opened my post to a mothercare booklet on my 9 month old...jeez i wish they wouldn;t send these constant reminders.....
i will prob get a 4 month old booklet next week.. ..
hugs xxxx i struggled big time going past 18 weeks, thankfully hayden kicked lots from then on till he went quiet at the end sending me ceazy again....

u know i just opened my post to a mothercare booklet on my 9 month old...jeez i wish they wouldn;t send these constant reminders.....
i will prob get a 4 month old booklet next week.. ..

Mothercare are sending them to us too... too bad I forgot to give them our new address! :winkwink:
lol...good plan!!!! i did stop the email ones...
we have our house up for sale may just forget to tell them too!!!
I know how you feel, I am so scared of getting pregnant. I heard Ava's heartbeat at 7 weeks, it was 192 :cry::cry::cry: The doc said it was rare to hear it that early but a good sign. All her sonograms were good, her heartbeat was 170 so strong. My Nuchal measurements were good, then I went for Amnio and she was gone :cry::cry::cry: I am just so scared and if it happens again to me I don't know what i will do. It is a chance we all are taking, but the odds are in our favor I feel and for me not to try would be worse.
I wish you all the best, you all mean SOooo very much to me..
XOOXOXXO :hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs:
I mean, I'm 7 weeks today... its still early days. But I'm now more aware that miscarriages do happen, although my first time was a late one at 18 weeks (so all I got was 4 months of nausea, sickness, tiredness, illness and nothing else). I'm really sorry for asking this though ladies but if you had an early miscarriage (up to 12 weeks) then did you still have full on symptoms until the bad day happened? It just all seems so unfair.

Sorry ladies, I'm not normally this negative. Just having a moment! xxx

My first pregnancy ended in an early miscarriage. I thought I was 8 weeks when it happened but on an early scan I was only measuring about 5 weeks. But I didn't have any pregnancy symptoms apart from sore boobs so although the symptoms aren't fun I think they're a good sign.

Got my fingers crossed that you have a h&h 9 months xx
Good afternoon girls :wave: How are well today?

Kelly those all sound like great symptoms! I have everything crossed for you! Are you testing from tomorrow or holding off?

Andrea getting close to O day :happydance: Hopfeully the OPKs will make all the difference this time and you will have a preggo eggo soon! :headspin:

Jojo good luck at the scan :hugs: Let us know how it went!

Katie have fun with the BDing :winkwink:

Well I am 6dpo today and still no real symptoms :shrug: So nothing to symptom spot! LOL! I did test again this morning, and I swear there was a shadow of a line. I know I'm insane and I should just wait but I couldnt help it :rofl: I guess we shall see in a few days time!
Well I am 6dpo today and still no real symptoms :shrug: So nothing to symptom spot! LOL! I did test again this morning, and I swear there was a shadow of a line. I know I'm insane and I should just wait but I couldnt help it :rofl: I guess we shall see in a few days time!

Collie... I thought the same thing about the shadow of a line on our POAS. I left for work and hubby called me up to say that the line had gotten darker and darker. But I do remember over thinking and convincing myself that it was just an evapouration line.... all the best.... it sounds positive.

Good afternoon girls :wave: How are well today?

Kelly those all sound like great symptoms! I have everything crossed for you! Are you testing from tomorrow or holding off?

Andrea getting close to O day :happydance: Hopfeully the OPKs will make all the difference this time and you will have a preggo eggo soon! :headspin:

Jojo good luck at the scan :hugs: Let us know how it went!

Katie have fun with the BDing :winkwink:

Well I am 6dpo today and still no real symptoms :shrug: So nothing to symptom spot! LOL! I did test again this morning, and I swear there was a shadow of a line. I know I'm insane and I should just wait but I couldnt help it :rofl: I guess we shall see in a few days time!
Preggo Eggo...LOL :rofl::rofl: That saying is so cute.. Thanks so much for your encouragement XOXOXOX :hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs:
I heard our girls heartbeat the morning I went into labour and also saw them on the scan that day to :cry: and then I had them the next morning. Your right it does stay with you.
:winkwink: Helloooooo Friends!!! :hugs:

How is everyone today?? Happy Humping?? :winkwink:

Collie~ Your hilarious girl!! :rofl: No, I haven't tested YET.... and yes, I am going COO COO ..:wacko: I am still having CM (same amount) , cramping and sooo tired BUT I have been super busy :laundry: :dishes: :book: so that is helping keeping my mind from racing, trust me, it's still racing a bit but not obsessing AT THE MOMENT... :winkwink: You know that will change LOL!!:haha:

Andy~ One more day til the big "O"!!!! :happydance: "get it girl!!" :happydance: I have a feeling your gonna have to be teaching me how to use a opk :winkwink: LOL ..

Mhazzab~ How in the heck have you been?? I have been thinking about ya.. Momma and baby doing and feeling OK?? :hugs:

Miss hearing from SarahJane... Has anyone heard from her?? Haven't seen her post anything in a bit, hope she's just busy :flower:

JoJo is having a scan done today??? Oooo! can't wait to hear!!!! :happydance: She gets to hear her baby's heartbeat and take a peek, sooo exciting!

Katie~ Good Luck Baby Makin' ~ :happydance: ..... I also had the previledge in seeing my Emma before she was delivered, just 6 hours before she was born.. she was alive, healthy...beautiful... As I looked at her, knowing she would be born soon and knew she wouldn't make it... Yes, those images and moments stay with you..... Treasures.... Big Hugs Sweets :hugs:

Erica~ Congrats on your lil blessing!!!:happydance: Please keep us posted how you and baby is doing!!! Love updates!!! :winkwink: :happydance:

Well.... I'm great!! Just hanging out til next week seeing what we get this time... AF or Baby ....

Nope, and I haven't tested yet... The obsessing has slowed down a bit, sooo we'll see how long... I definately don't wanna test before Sunday, I think it would be a waste, too early?? :shrug:

Anywho.... Love y'all and prayers for gentle, kind days ahead.... Keep me posted and oh yea, if ya need me outside of here you can send me a private message and I'll send ya my email or facebook info or something :winkwink:
Well I am 6dpo today and still no real symptoms :shrug: So nothing to symptom spot! LOL! I did test again this morning, and I swear there was a shadow of a line. I know I'm insane and I should just wait but I couldnt help it :rofl: I guess we shall see in a few days time!

If I remember rightly, you got an early BFP with Emily. If it helps, my initial symptoms showed up later this time than last, and I didn't get my BFP till later. Last time by 7dpo I was almost 100% certain I was pregnant as I already had the sore boobs and increased CM for days, this time at 10dpo I was very surprised to see a BFP, boobs had only been a little bit tender for a couple of days. I suppose it depends how quickly implantation happens? Surprisingly, I saw a teeny tiny shadow of a line on an IC which I really doubted was there, but the less sensitive CB digi showed pregnant.

Although the initial symptoms started later this time, the tiredness / nausea has started much earlier.

can't wait to see tomorrow's update from you!

Mhazzab~ How in the heck have you been?? I have been thinking about ya.. Momma and baby doing and feeling OK?? :hugs:

as far as I know, the little 'un is doing boobs are growing, areolas are HUGE, :haha: , TMI lol, I wanna puke all the time and if it's not that, then I wanna sleep. Oh, and my belly is big, but at 5 weeks, I think its more a combination of previous baby belly plus bloat, rather than growing baby, but I like it! So I'm taking all that as good signs! Time is going waaaaaay to slow though, but I know its the same in the 2WW. Maybe we could get together and invent a time-speeding-up device??

Hi girlies

I'm sick in bed today, spent the morning throwing up which promted the question "are you pregnant" from DH! Seeing as I'm only on cd15 and not had any signs of ovulation yet (always get very obvious change in cm) I highly doubt it and unless my mum and sis are also expecting my money is on a bug from my nephew seeing as he has been off colour all week and I've felt rotten since spending Tuesday with him.

Gonna have to lay of :sex: today so hoping I'm feeling better tomorrow and we don't miss the big O!

Keeping all my fingers crossed for all of you currently in the 2ww. :dust:
Hi girlies

I'm sick in bed today, spent the morning throwing up which promted the question "are you pregnant" from DH! Seeing as I'm only on cd15 and not had any signs of ovulation yet (always get very obvious change in cm) I highly doubt it and unless my mum and sis are also expecting my money is on a bug from my nephew seeing as he has been off colour all week and I've felt rotten since spending Tuesday with him.

Gonna have to lay of :sex: today so hoping I'm feeling better tomorrow and we don't miss the big O!

Keeping all my fingers crossed for all of you currently in the 2ww. :dust:

oh no! poor you, take it easy and look after yourself today, keep your strength to get back on it tomorrow :haha:. I'm sure you will be fine just missing out one day, if you are sick, it might delay O anyway
hope you feel better soon xxx

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